You ready for some more skincare talk? Well I am, and despite the absolute hellmarch that is the current affairs section of the news cycle, my skin shall remain gently exfoliated and well moisturized. Just remember to reapply your sunscreen after sobbing uncontrollably, girlies! Yay!
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Medication abortion is legal in all 50 states; go to or
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Buy spreadsheets from my Etsy shop!!!!! I need money for skincare!!!!
Thank you for listening love you bye
Joselyn and Lauren talk about skincare; everything they use, everything they love and before you ask, yes, there's a spreadsheet for that.
Check out our website
Or go straight to the Etsy shop -
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Long story short, do you have enough money saved to live out your last days aboard a Viking River Cruise? If not, this may be the episode for you.
Get a heavily discounted budget spreadsheet from my Etsy shop here
My fave finance people:
Tori Dunlap
Vivian Tu
Rose Han
Remit Sethi -
Today we are talking about money, about the cost of being sick with a cancer or other chronic illness, how it affects your entire life and your potential to make and save money. Join us as we laugh through the devastation, which we have to do to keep from crumbling under the crushing weight of it all. FUN!
Here's my Etsy shop where you can buy a budget spreadsheet (discount applied through this link)
Financial Feminist is a good pod listen
So is Your Rich BFF's pod Networth and Chill
Some stats on the financial burden of a cancer diagnosis
Detailed stats on the economic burden of a cancer diagnosis -
We're back! and better than *ever.
*Breast Cancer Is Boring is not liable for this claim as this episode contains fairly average conversation about New Years Resolutions that, let's face it, don't stand a chance of being fulfilled but you may actually enjoy listening so GET TO IT! -
Dr. Amy Morris joins us to discuss whether you can have cake and still limit your chances of a cancer recurrence...too. She's got the evidence-based answers, and they're not as bad as you think.
Follow @dramymorris on socials
Follow us @breastcancerisboring -
We're all for cancer research, but could we please focus more attention on developing a Dr. Who fourth dimensional phone booth situation into a carry-on suitcase?
Here we go a-fucking-gain, another Pinktober on the horizon. You could scream into the void, or you can listen to our Dos and Don'ts list. Or both. Go wild.
If you thought breast cancer was boring, wait 'til you hear about sarcoma. Join special guest and honorary co-host Brandi Thompson as we explore some of the fun ways in which our bodies are out here trying to un-alive us. Yay!
Reconstructed titties have been kept in the dark (or in very, very bad lighting) for too long! It's time to free the (no)nipples! Who's with us?
If you've ever been diagnosed with breast cancer (or any other kind of cancer), you are very familiar with the above phrase. In this episode, join Lauren and Joselyn as they talk through the lasting impact of a cancer diagnosis, from the soul crushing certainty of metastasis to the manic energy of the "fuck it, let's go to Europe" era. In either case, we're gonna have some fun.
Oooh it's that time of the pod year again! A time where we let The Lord loose and lose a view listeners (probs). It's the god, God and gods episode. Enjoy.
The League of Women Voters (but, like, everyone can join)
The Seven Tenets (but, like, don't click if you believe in an actual Satan because there's, like, skulls and dragons and stuff) -
In this long awaited B Side, Rebecca Handler (award winning author of Edie Richter Is Not Alone, podcast alum and general Person of Note) and Joselyn discuss the merits and myriad flaws of big ass churches erected in the name of that one guy who famously told everyone to sell all their shit.
Buy Edie Richter Is Not Alone on paperback!
Rebecca Handler's blog! -
Special guest Rebecca Handler, award winning author of Edie Richter Is Not Alone (novel), One Woman Party (blog) and one hell of a cool woman, is here to talk breast implants, update us on Cancer Jane and tease her next novel. There's laughter, singing and porn metaphors! What's not to love!?
Rebecca Handler iykyk
Perfume ("Ew da Toilet") Joselyn bought in Paris (ships to lots of countries, including US) -
Joselyn went to France that one time, so here she is to dole out indispensable advice on how to France.
First they came for your skinny jeans, now they're here to pry those Lulu leggings right out from under your errand-running ass. It's workout wear, Gen Z style.
In our first ever LIVE-ish show, someone needs a vacation and it's not not Lauren.
Vacation Planning Spreadsheet -
Ginny and Joselyn discuss the finer points of sexual dominance, the structures surrounding the human vagina, and why so many people don't know what (or where) they are.
#findom -
You are not prepared for the genius, the hilarity, the sheer enjoyment that is Ginny (@shudlucky), our very special guest on this week's episode. We're talking social media, working out (or not), why the only mastectomy titties you can find online are white and so, so much more.
Follow Ginny on IG!
Follow us on IG!
Email us (yes, really!) -
One day we will all race through space-time a la Star Trek Discovery, or the mushrooms will end us all. Either way, these magic mushrooms are cool as shit.
Understanding Star Trek Discovery's mycelial network
Paul Stamets' TED Talk on why mushrooms are so damn cool (also watch Fantastic Fungi on Netflix)
An academic article on the morphology of the mycelial network - Laat meer zien