Hannah pops in with a little life update and a "thank you!" for listening to Season 2 <3
Want to keep up with what Sarah is up to? Follow her on IG at @BlondeBrewer
While you're at it, go ahead and follow @2ndshiftbrewing so you can hit them up when you're in STL!
Groovy music by Megan Bagala, and art by Sabrina Rain at The Hoppiest Shop
Don't forget to follow @BrewswithBroads on Instagram and TikTok
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Keep up with Caiti and all things Coven Brewing on their website and their instagram ...that's where you'll find info on the Halloween party Caiti mentioned :)
Mark those calendars for Pittsburgh Beer Week, October 2-9, find more info here at the Pittsburgh Brewers Guild Website
As I mentioned, Caiti and I were brought together by DuClaw Brewing's Hopportunity Awaits project. The beer (which is a Hazy IPA btw :) is being released this MONDAY 8/22, and I'll link details on how to get it here!
Groovy music by Megan Bagala, and art by Sabrina Rain at The Hoppiest Shop
Don't forget to follow @BrewswithBroads on Instagram and TikTok
Follow Molly and Tripping Animals on Instagram to stay up to date on everything, but especially to get more details on the event that Molly is organizing on September 14th at 7pm at Tripping Animals. Don't worrryyyyy- I'll link more info here when the time comes.
You can find more info about CASA, a domestic violence shelter that is close to Molly's heart here
And you can learn about the National Alliance of Mental Health- Miami, where Molly is donating proceeds from her recent paintings, here
Groovy music by Megan Bagala, and art by Sabrina Rain at The Hoppiest Shop
Don't forget to follow @BrewswithBroads on Instagram and TikTok
Thanks for bearing with me while I work through some technical struggles! The audio on this episode isn't perfect, but Maria herself certainly is.
Groovy music by Megan Bagala, and art by Sabrina Rain at The Hoppiest Shop
Don't forget to follow @BrewswithBroads on Instagram and TikTok
Since Alex and I spoke, the Supreme Court officially overturned Roe v. Wade, which stripped away the right to have a legal abortion. I believe that abortion is healthcare and that any person who can become pregnant has the right to make their own decisions about their body. For more information on how to get help or how to get involved, visit
Groovy music by Megan Bagala, and art by Sabrina Rain at The Hoppiest Shop
Don't forget to follow @BrewswithBroads on Instagram and TikTok
What are you waiting for!? Follow Beers A' Go Go on Instagram babes!
And while you're at it, follow the beer collective that Caitlin and Britne helped start, Craft Women Connect on Instagram and visit their website to find out more.
As for all of the fabulous women of Craft Women Connect who inspire Britne and Caitlin, you can follow them here: Michele Turner (@excitedtofeast), Jen Price (@atlbeerboutique ),and Chris Hughes (@theecraftbeerconnoisseur). They also shouted out Beny Ashburn of Crowns & Hops, follow her here.
Curious to see the can art for the Black is Beautiful collab that we talked about? You can find it here!
If you happen to be in LA and want to support the local craft beer shop that Britne and Caitlin mentioned, it's called Blackbeard's and their website is here
Groovy music by Megan Bagala, and art by Sabrina Rain at The Hoppiest Shop
Don't forget to follow @BrewswithBroads on Instagram and TikTok
Be sure to follow Michelle's beer Insta, @QueerBeerLove, to soak up all of the positivity and beer love.
Click here to learn more about the Sloop Open Waters Internship- the next round is happening in July!
There is not yet information as to whether Untappd will offer a scholarship similar to the one Michelle received last year, but here is the info on this year's Appalachian State Summer Brewing Short Course.
Learn more about Lady Brewsters of the North Fork on their website!
Oh you thought I was joking about linking Sweet Pea's Hostel? THINK AGAIN!
Groovy music by Megan Bagala, and art by Sabrina Rain at The Hoppiest Shop
Don't forget to follow @BrewswithBroads on Instagram and TikTok
Learn more about Resident Culture, the events they have coming up, and their brand new coffee shop at their website and their IG!
Happen to be in the Asheville area for Asheville Beer Week? Head to the Burial Off Topic Conversation featuring Amanda, friend of the pod Sarah Perez, Ashlie Randolph, Dairelyn Glunt, Jess Reiser, and Tranice Watts. Find out more and get your tix here!
Groovy music by Megan Bagala, and art by Sabrina Rain at The Hoppiest Shop
Keep up with Sarah (and live vicariously through her life on gorgeous Maui) on instagram @TheBeerNerdess
Learn more about Lifting Lucy, the organization that Sarah Co-Founded that supports Black, Indigenous, and other Women of Color in beer industry events and educational opportunities, here on their website or on their Instagram !
The collaboration between Lifting Lucy, Resident Culture, Burial and Salud is premiering at Asheville Beer Week May 27th-June 5th. I'll keep y'all posted on my instagram when I learn more details, but check out the Asheville Beer Week Website in the meantime.
You can learn more about Maui Brewing Co.'s International Women's Day Beer, FIERCE, here.
Groovy music by Megan Bagala, and art by Sabrina Rain at The Hoppiest Shop
Head to Grimm's website to find out how you can get their beers by mail, or just pay them a visit to sample the delicious brews that Andreina's hard work helps to facilitate!
The name of the lovely London beer store we mentioned up top is Caps and Taps-Phil, if you're listening, thanks for the gorgeous Cantillon!
Groovy music by Megan Bagala, and art by Sabrina Rain at The Hoppiest Shop
Check out Back Home Beer's Website and Instagram for updates on where to find Zahra's delicious beers!
Read some of the profiles on Zahra that she and I spoke about from Brooklyn Magazine and Wine Enthusiast
Groovy music by Megan Bagala, and art by Sabrina Rain at The Hoppiest Shop
UPDATE: I've removed a section of our interview where the murder of George Floyd is brought up out context, in a manner that minimizes and mischaracterizes the event. I deeply apologize to anyone who was hurt by this comment and have removed it so as not to cause any further pain. I am here to learn and grow and my DMs and email (Brewswithbroads[at]gmail[dot] com) are always open.
The Women's International Beer Summit is HAPPENING Y'ALL- April 23-24. Learn more about the summit and get your tickets at ...and listen all the way to the end of the episode to find out how to win a free ticket for yourself- available to TWO lucky listeners!
Interested in hosting a watch part party? Sign up here!
Did you miss last year's summit? You can watch all of last year's panels on The Women's Craft Fermentation Alliance YouTube channel.
And of course, follow the Women's International Beer Summit on Instagram to get updates and to get in on some of those SWEET SWEET giveaways
Check out Michele's website and blog, and learn more about the SheBrew Home Competition here!
Michele shouted out The Beer Ladies Podcast, so we gotta hit you with that link!
Melissa mentioned The Bountiful Bag.. and I mean come ON! Can you believe how cool their stuff is?!
Groovy music by Megan Bagala, and art by Sabrina Rain at The Hoppiest Shop
Learn more about Gooding Farms on their website , including the video that Diane and I spoke about!
Interested in being an intern at Gooding Farms!? Reach out to info[at] OR hit up Diane directly at Diane[at]
You can still find the Rose Gold Wit in 4-packs at TALEA and Coppertail's Farmers (2022) on draft at Coppertail Brewing.
Groovy music by Megan Bagala, and art by Sabrina Rain at The Hoppiest Shop
Keep up with Breeze on Instagram @Craft_Breezy
Learn more about the Michael James Jackson Foundation- Breeze is a member of their board!
Groovy music by Megan Bagala, and art by Sabrina Rain at The Hoppiest Shop
Brews with Broads is BACK for Season 2 baybeeeee! Hannah will be back behind the mic, diving into the journeys of trailblazing, change-making Women and Non-Binary individuals in Craft Beer, every other Thursday starting Thursday March 3rd.
Come visit us at TALEA Beer in Williamsburg, Brooklyn and go ahead and give 'em a follow on Instagram and Tik Tok!
If you're interested in volunteering as a Safety Advocate at Blocktoberfest this Saturday 10/2, email Ann Reilly at
Special shoutout to Digital Island Studios for their sound engineering help!
Keep up with me on the gram @BrewswithBroads
Groovy music by Megan Bagala, and art by Sabrina Rain at The Hoppiest Shop
See ya in the spring!
Get your tickets here! Fifteen buckaroos gets you admission to the show and a free draft pour of a tasty TALEA beer. Proof of vaccination is required for entry.
Hop Culture x Yeti Presets: Beers With(out) Beards is happening THIS SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 18th! You can find the full programming lineup here on Hop Culture's Website and tune in to the YouTube livestream right here on Saturday
And if you're like me and totally missed the boat on buying a beer box, here is a list of everything featured in the box, so you can do your own shopping spree and feel included wherever you are.
Check out Grace's article that explains what exactly an Italian Pilsner is here!
AND don't forget to join me for Brews with Broads: Live! On Tuesday September 28th at the TALEA Beer taproom in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Doors are at 6:00 for a 6:30 showtime. And since you're an amazing listener who scrolled allllll the way down to these show notes- I've already got a lil ticket link for you
Head over to Women of the Bevolution's website for all of the incredible resources Ash mentioned, and be sure to give them a follow on Instagram. While you're over there, give Ash a follow on her personal instagram!
Learn more about the Brave Noise Collab, how to get involved, which of your favorite breweries are participating, and how to get your hands on it at and of course, follow along on the project's instagram page
Check out the Brewing After Hours podcast that Ash produces as well as her collaborator, Sara Flora's Flora Brewing
You know it, you love it, but keep an eye on Courtney Iseman's newsletter, Hugging the Bar, for updates on the festival safety project they're working on.
Groovy music by Megan Bagala, and art by Sabrina Rain at The Hoppiest Shop
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