In today’s episode, Youth Turkey Season is about to be in FULL SWING, and Malcom is PUMPED (00:10)! Mark and Jody went out to test his new turkey gun, and SON is it a whopper (04:11). Here’s our TOP TIPS for taking a kid out for turkey hunting (13:58)! When it comes to youth hunting, is it better to use a blind or just the natural browse (18:28)? These are the BEST optics to use for turkey hunting (20:27)! This past weekend, we finally got to burning on the farm, and it got HOT (25:48)! If you’re looking to burn on your property, make sure you go through all the proper channels to get your burn plan in place (32:07). When you’re doing a prescribed burn, these are the BIGGEST dangers that you should be aware of (37:41). Burning takes a village, here’s how much help we had on the farm (41:16). Those different terrains on land take a different style of burning: here’s the difference (44:18). Burning may seem bad for the environment, but it actually promotes MORE growth for the ecosystem on your farm (54:51)!
In today’s episode, we’ve been traveling a LOT here recently (00:14)... If you’ve ever thought about poaching a record buck, let this be a lesson to you (02:19). The Beast and Brews event got rescheduled if y’all were looking to head on down (07:04). There ain’t much on the ground here lately other than a ton of coyotes (08:05). Mikey snapped a pic of an UNBELIEVABLE elk while hunting out in Texas (11:46). We always want to go out and hunt that trophy buck, but man sometimes you just can’t beat shed hunting (15:48). We’ve been prepping to burn for the past few weeks, but this weekend is FINALLY the time to do it (17:55)! Mark and Jamie did a little patrolling around the farm yesterday and managed to pick up a few good lookin’ sheds (25:09). We covered a bit of it last week, but we’re taking a DEEP DIVE into our trip to the NWTF (27:27). Rolling Thunder hooked Mark up with a brand new mouth call (41:54)! Back in the day hunting products weren’t ANYTHING like they are now (44:26). If you’re looking to go to the NWTF, here’s the BEST days to go (47:44). Mark got himself a new turkey gun, and it is READY TO GO (49:31). Are you an over-packer or a minimalist when it comes to your turkey vest (56:15)?
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
In today’s episode, Mark & Jamie are back from the NWTF, and BOY it was a blast (00:20). We’ve seen all kinds of gadgets for hunting, but hearing aids might just be a first (04:31). If you’re down in the Mid-South with us, check out these upcoming events (07:51)! Mikey and Will got down and dirty taking care of trees on the farm this past weekend (09:20). If you’re growing trees for catalpa worms, these are the TOP tips to grow em’ up (16:01). With Malcom out this week, we’ve brought on a special guest to talk ALL about fishing the Mississippi River (19:39)! If you’ve never fished on the Mississippi, David’s here to give you a CRASH COURSE on reading the river (24:38). When you go on a trip with David, it’s not always about catching the biggest fish but rather the best experience (31:24)! After years and years of taking folks on trips, these are David’s FAVORITE fishing trips he’s guided (33:59). Everyone thinks the best time to go fishing is after deer season, but that might not be the case (41:55). Fishing has gotten really popular over the past few years, but that means that we HAVE to focus on conservation (45:22)... David’s been tagging fish in Mississippi for a LONG time, but he’s NEVER seen anything quite like this (47:08)! We’ve all seen those HUGE catfish, but how long does it actually take for those fish to get that big (54:27)? Those paylakes might sound like a good idea on paper, but they are a BIG detriment to trophy catfishermen (58:52). This is the BEST BAIT to catch a monster catfish (1:04:05)!
In today’s episode, we’ve had a flood down here at the farm (00:17) – stay tuned for tips on how weather can affect your farm’s soil and crops. Also, keep an eye out for Mark and Jamie at the NWTF (02:22), and they’ll be attending some upcoming banquets near us that you won’t want to miss (10:12). Michael had an unforgettable experience on his final youth duck hunt, where he bagged a double-banded duck (13:17)! It’s time to talk about soil health—why should you be testing your soil regularly to ensure optimal farm productivity (19:10)? We share our journey of bringing bison home and give you a behind-the-scenes look into how we got our bison meat safely back to the farm (27:12). If you're about to board a flight soon, be sure to learn from Mark’s travel mishap to avoid any headaches (30:55). While Mark and Malcom were delayed, the trailer full of bison meat was on its way down to Mississippi (33:40). When it comes to processing wild game, bison meat requires a whole different set of skills compared to deer—learn how we navigated the process with the help of experts (37:50). Once Mark had the chance to dive deep into the art of bison butchery, he shared everything he learned (40:47). Finally, we've been cooking up some incredible meals with our bison meat—and let us tell you, it’s absolutely delicious! (47:23) We also explore what kind of fat to add to your wild game meat mix to enhance flavor and texture (49:12).
In today’s episode, we’re back here at the office after Malcom had a technical difficulty of his own this past Tuesday (00:08). Mississippi has finally put out legislation on tags down here, and we are NOT on board (02:20). With turkey season on the horizon, Mississippi is ALSO forcing us to get a turkey stamp in the upcoming season (07:54). Malcom went with Michael on his final youth duck hunt over in Arkabutla, and BOY was it a BLAST (15:08)! Now that deer season is over, it’s time to get ready to do some burning (19:05). Mark and Malcom went off to hunt some bison before we left for the break, and boy was it an experience (34:46). We know how tough deer can be, but they ain’t got NOTHING on American Bison (41:42)! Sometimes accidents happen while hunting, but we’ve NEVER seen anything this bad before (47:18). Malcom’s turn to get a bison went a LITTLE different than he had expected (51:34)
In today’s episode, deer season has FLOWN by this year (00:14). We all know about hunting at home, but how should you act when you’re on someone else’s property? (00:55) If a club has a no-shoot list, here’s what you should be taking down (04:22). Mikey managed to score a killer buck during a recent trip (10:01)! Nobody knows those deer and where they go better than the landowners (16:46). Mark and Jodie took a trip down to Alabama (21:54), and boy, do you learn a lot from visiting someone else’s camp (25:14)! What’s the difference between Mississippi and Alabama’s terrain? (28:47) We think we know what deer like to eat, but it turns out they like to eat everything (31:02). We’ve gotten spoiled by hunting cams and fancy technology, but it wasn’t always like this (33:52). There’s a big difference between a good hunting camp and a bad one—here’s what makes a great hunting camp (35:45). This has got to be the most luxurious hunting club we’ve ever walked into (40:31)! Malcom’s early days of hunting led him to what might have been the biggest disaster at a camp to this day (45:23). The deer on other people’s property might be better than ours, but nobody eats better than we do (47:38). These are the top camps we’ve visited this hunting season (53:20)! Finally, if you had to pick one terrain to hunt on forever, what would it be? (58:11)
In today’s episode, deer season is winding down fast, so listen up for essential tips before it's over (00:16). If you're out hunting, find out why you NEVER want Malcom as your cameraman (01:15). Mark’s not typically a Ruger guy, but his brand-new rifle might just change his opinion (07:33). When it comes to accessories on your rifle, make sure everything is secure before hitting the field (09:11). If you're shopping for new rounds, the Winchester Deer Season XP is a surefire choice for a successful hunt (13:24). After a serious cold streak, Jamie finally bags a deer—find out how he turned his luck around (16:54). Ever had a wounded deer you couldn’t quite track down? We’ll walk you through the best methods to recover your shot (18:11). Jamie wasn’t the only one scoring this week—Mikey’s officially on the board too (26:36)! One of our off-camera Buck Junkies just landed a monster buck we've been chasing for years (37:33). Mark and Jamie teamed up with Hope Outdoors to bring down an incredible trophy buck (43:57). We’ve noticed early breeding among the does this year—find out what that means for your hunting strategy (55:55). Finally, we wrap up by talking farm work and testing out new deer recipes for 2025 (58:21)!
On today’s episode of the Buck Junkie Podcast, we are BACK from the winter break, and we have brought in a VERY special guest: Chef Michael Hunter (00:05)! How did Chef Michael get started hunting, (02:06) and here’s how he’s bringing wild game back to the restaurant industry in a HUGE way (05:08)! In the Michelin world, how do people view cooking with wild game (09:58)? Canada is a LOT different than Mississippi, so where does Michael like to hunt back home (14:26)? We’ve eaten some exotic animals before, but BEAR and COUGAR have NOT been on the menu (15:18). Michael takes a moment to debunk exactly WHY people think wild game has a “gamey” taste to it (18:40). What regulations does Canada have on hunting up north (20:55)? Michael has traveled to Mississippi a LOT for hunting, and here’s his thoughts (25:05). We had some KILLER eats this weekend, but here’s our favorites (29:43)! The ice made things go a little off schedule, but we had a BLAST hunting deer in the cold (31:34). Michael brought down some dishes to cook up from his own cookbook this weekend and we had a FEAST (50:29)! Finally, we close out with sending Michael off and heading back out to the stands to catch a few more does (59:34)!
On today’s episode of the Buck Junkie Podcast, we’ve been gone the past couple weeks but we’ve been getting down on some SERIOUS hunting here lately (00:12)! Malcom and Jamie went out to the stands this past week, and Jamie got the short end of the stick (04:30)... Mikey and Will went out looking for a couple does but came back with some KILLER bucks (08:05)! It may be our first year using it, but BOY has that standing corn made a HUGE difference (16:10). Is the corn easier to manage than our previous plots (19:50)? Malcom went out to Texas to hunt some Axis deer, and he came back with a HAUL (22:31). Mark and Malcom took a trip out to North Dakota, and you wouldn’t BELIEVE the wildlife out there (27:56)! We are SMACK DAB in the middle of deer season, so if you ain’t out there, go hop in a stand (36:11)! Jamie’s had a full schedule here lately with both the Arkabulta Physically Challenged Hunt and Hope Outdoors (38:14). We’ve all had our fair share of mounts made, but these might just be the COOLEST mounts we’ve ever seen (42:55)! Finally, we’re closing out with heading back to the stands to hopeful tag and bag a few more bucks (45:26)!
On today’s episode of the Buck Junkie Podcast, we are FRESH out of the stand and… empty handed (00:04). Malcom’s got a new secret weapon to help him find those big bucks this year (01:30).. It’s the first year we’ve put it out but BOY does that standing corn really make a difference (05:30)! We’ve seen all kinds of deer on scrapes before, but who knew TURKEYS use them too (09:01)! Our annual Como Steakhouse dinner was a SMASH HIT this year (11:07)! If that field is FULL of deer and you’ve gotta get down, how do you do it (16:54)? Our Opening Day weekend was a BLAST (22:02)! Jamie was throwin’ down some Jambalaya with the Hope Outdoors handicapped hunt this past weekend (32:01). We’ve all gotten them before, but these are the TOP WAYS hunters manage to find themselves with a ticket (38:39).. Should you ALWAYS keep your rifle in a case while traveling with it (53:40)? Finally, we close out with some last minute work on the farm before heading off for a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving (1:02:40)!
On today’s episode of the Buck Junkie Podcast, Jamie’s out this week so we’re bringin’ on a behind the scenes Buck Junkie (00:07)! Thanks for everyone entering our giveaway this past month, here’s your winner (00:52). Should you be going after those piebald deer on your property (02:22)? Those bucks are UP AND MOVING right now (06:30). Rifle Safety really is so important, here’s why (09:20)... People have been ON THE BOARD with some HUGE bucks here in early season Mississippi (25:45). Should you be off the property BEFORE opening season (31:02)? If you’re hunting the same stand day in and day out, maybe give somewhere else a shot (37:00)... Where are the Buck Junkies posting up on Opening Day (40:12)? Those bucks are strutting around, but man we can’t STOP seeing does (46:22). We like to think we’re great hunters, but even the Buck Junkies fall out of a stand or 2 (49:32)... Finally, we close out with some DELICIOUS recipes we’ve got cookin’ up here at camp (59:22)!
On today’s episode of the Buck Junkie Podcast, we are FINALLY getting some much needed rain down on the farm (00:04)! We’ve all heard of cloning before, but in Montana a man has been cloning TROPHY rams and got BUSTED (03:18). Opening day is right on the horizon, but some of the Buck Junkies have already got themselves on the board (12:07)! Here’s how YOU should be preparing for Deer Season 2024 (24:01). These are the gadgets we want to add to our arsenal in 2024 for hunting season (33:02). This is our favorite hunting gear we’ve ever owned (36:58). What is your scariest hunting story (42:41)? If you’re taking down does this year, should you be going after the OLDER or YOUNGER ones (55:11)? Finally, the guys are heading off to do some cooking and fine tuning on our plots (59:39).
On today’s episode of the Buck Junkie Podcast, we are RAPIDLY approaching the end of October (00:07), and the rain is FINALLY making its way towards Mississippi (00:32)! Those bucks sure have been tusslin’ this week and we’re FIRED UP to get after them (07:53). This year our limit has gone up in Mississippi for deer, but will we actually GET that many deer (09:24)? We all know about CWD and its horrible effects, but is it REALLY as rampant as they claim it is (11:55)? A few of us are already ON THE BOARD with the season right up on the horizon (17:36). Mikey & Malcom took a trip back down to Mossy Oak this past week and had a BLAST (30:23)! They’re over there spear hunting in Arkansas this year and we’re a bit… skeptical (40:47).. If you get invited to go hunt on someone else’s property. Should you be shooting that trophy buck or letting him go (42:01)? What exactly is the PURPOSE of taggin’ your deer (51:30)? All of the accommodations down at Mossy Oak were OUT OF THIS WORLD (56:58)! Hunting properties have come a long way and it seems like there’s more and more CAMPERS made just for huntin’ (59:43). We’ve got some work to get down to here on the farm (1:02:13), but before we leave we’ve got a question of the week for everyone back at home (1:03:37)...
On today’s episode of the Buck Junkie Podcast, Jamie’s out of town, so we’re holding down the fort (00:05)! These army worms are something fierce this season, here’s what you can do to fight them off (03:01), and the BEST sprays to do get rid of them (03:01)! Should you be pretreating for army worms or just pray they stay away (13:44)? The first North MS frost is just around the corner (18:42)! Mark gave a new gadget a try and it went better than expected (27:19). We deal with CWD down here all the time, but boy is that Blue Tongue BAD up north (38:21)... Should we be managing our deer more strictly now that there’s more deer (43:00)? If we don’t preserve deer hunting for our kids, it won’t be there in the future (45:17). How much time is REALLY invested in hunting down a deer (47:44)? Finally, Malcom’s drafting up a plan on how he’s gonna get a WHOLE BUFFALO back down here to the farm for us to harvest (50:04)!
On today’s episode of the Buck Junkie Podcast, Malcom’s out of town, so we’ve brought on special guest Chism Craig to come learn us (00:10)! It’s almost time for the annual Arkabutla Handicap Hunt (01:40). What does Chism do, and how does it relate to food plots (03:09)? Hunting and management has come a LONG way (07:33)! These are Chism’s TOP TIPS for maintaining your plots and practices to use this winter season (15:22), and if you’re like us and waiting for that rain to come, here’s what you can do to those plots (21:19)... How should you be dealing with army worms in your food plots (26:01)? If it’s your first time buying seed, how do you know what to buy (29:45), and what are all the filler seeds in there(37:19)? Is planting up north REALLY that much different than it is down here (40:08)? What are ‘standing crops’, and should you be planting them out in your fields (48:03)? These are Chism’s TOP crops to plant for plots in North MS (55:45). What kinds of clover should you NOT be planting in your plots (55:45)? This is Chism’s FAVORITE wild game to eat, and we’re gearing up for a BRAND NEW giveaway (55:45)!
On today’s episode of the Buck Junkie Podcast, we are getting down and dirty here on the farm (00:05) to get our fall plots ready for the QUICKLY approaching deer season (02:13)! This year, we tried planting corn for the first time (06:09). Mossy Oak’s white clover might cost a high dollar, but BOY is it a good crop (11:19)! If you can only plant ONE crop for this fall season, try these (13:14). If you’re thinking about making a small food plot, here’s why you should do it at home (24:45). If that deer you’re hunting manages to fall over in your neighbor’s yard, what should you do (32:30)? Bow hunting purists are something FIERCE (35:22)! Mark bought a scent blender for us to review (41:20). Finally, our Buck Junkie Outdoors Club contest has come to a close… these are the winners (47:20)!
On today’s episode of the Buck Junkie Podcast, it’s ONE WEEK closer to deer season (00:09)! That Monarch Blind is awesome, but the solar battery that comes with it might be even cooler (01:24)... The World Squirrel Cook Off was a BLAST (09:40), and they served over a THOUSAND bowls of jambalaya there… it went FAST (12:30)! Mikey got to judge the squirrel dishes this year, and here’s how it went (19:40). The squirrel skinning competition was something else (23:41). If you’re out hunting squirrels, what should YOU be unaliving those critters with (25:55)? What is squirrel season in Mississippi like (36:40)? If you’re hunting squirrels, always be sure to check for those wolves & warbles (37:43). There was ALL KINDS of stuff to do at the World Champion Squirrel Cook-Off (42:11), but Mark is fired up to go back and cook in it next time (51:39)! One of the guys got the opportunity of a lifetime to cook his own steak at a well-known steakhouse in Arkansas (55:48)... Finally, this is what content you should be on the lookout for from the Buck Junkies (1:00:38).
On today’s episode of the Buck Junkie Podcast, we’ve got some HEAVY rain on the horizon, and here’s how we’re preparing for it (00:04)! We bring on Ethan from MEAT! Your Maker and Grilla Grills (01:57). We have been perfecting our summer sausage recipe, and it’s FINALLY down pat (06:28)! What does it mean to make ‘free form’ summer sausage (12:22)? What is the red skin on summer sausage made of (15:16)? What does hunting season up north look like for Ethan (16:25)? If you’re using fat for summer sausage, these are the BEST places to get it from (19:55), and this is the SAFEST temperature to smoke it at (22:04)! Is deer bacon as good as pork bacon (26:04)? Ethan processes a lot of wild game, but what all does he like to hunt back home (29:01)? Processing wild deer is something we’re all familiar with, but processing wild turkey is a whole ‘nother ball game (30:38). Do different feeds make for different tasting deer (37:01)? What is hunting season like in Missouri (42:42)? Hunting in those CWD areas can make for a FRUSTRATING experience during deer season (45:22). What is “The Rut” like up north (49:21)?
On today’s episode of the Buck Junkie Podcast, Opening Weekend of Dove Season did not go according to plan (00:05)... Mark got caught up in a monsoon while throwing down some delicious eats (01:40), but Mikey’s buddy managed to get struck by something a little more feathery (06:46). It goes against the southern boy code of conduct to NOT like gravy (10:22). Mikey’s fantasy football draft got a little wild last week (15:00). Malcom picks Mark’s brain about his new “Cheese Slaw” recipe (17:30). We got to test out some new rifles for Opening Day, and they were awesome (19:48)! Pizza Ovens can do a lot more than just making pizza (24:31). Even though we didn’t get many birds, it’s GREAT to finally have hunting season back on the menu (28:35)! With the way Mississippi is starting to pay out these bounties, we might be hunting some coyotes here soon (33:09). Mark got the chance to hunt some MONSTER gators down in Vicksburg (37:05). There’s a new bad-to-the-bone deer blind headed to camp (45:51), and opening up a new giveaway just in time for small game season (49:58)!
On today’s episode of the Buck Junkie Podcast, the heat has been miserable here in the Mid-South (00:04). Joe Wilson from the World Champion Squirrel Cook-Off is joining us today to talk… squirrel (02:01)! Y’all have heard us talk about it time and time again, but what is the World Champion Squirrel Cook-Off (03:25)? We’ve all hunted squirrels in Mississippi, but what does squirrel hunting season look like in Arkansas (08:34)? Last year, we came to the cookoff for the first time, but boy did we not know what we were in for (10:14)... Joe lays down the “rules” for the competition and EXACTLY why they’re in place (12:50). People come from all over the world to join in the World Champion Squirrel Cook-Off, but where do the squirrels come from (18:02)? If you’re looking to be the fastest squirrel cleaner in the world, this is the time to beat (23:33). At the Cook-Off, there is a ‘Hottest Squirrel’ Eating Contest (29:39), and even though the Cook-Off is about the squirrels, we’ve got some competitions for the kids (35:43)! Joe tries to convince Malcom to be in the squirrel calling contest (37:03). The World Champion Squirrel Cook-Off is being held in Springdale, AR, (41:21) and these are some of the GREAT dishes you can look forward to trying (46:42)!
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