
  • Have you ever felt frustrated by clients who come for free trials but never commit? You’re definitely not alone.

    Many gym owners think free trials are the golden ticket to new memberships. But they’re wrong.

    Free trials attract low-quality leads and devalue the services your gym offers. You might get a bunch of potential clients, but they are often people who could never afford your services in other ways.

    Or even if they could, they won’t see the value of your offer. At the end of the day, why would they pay for something they got once for free?

    In this episode, Tim and Randy explain why free trials might be sabotaging your gym's success and offer an alternative that is healthier for your gym business.

    Curious to learn more?

    Tune in to this episode!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)Discussing echo chambers (01:34)Critique on free trials (03:11)CrossFit business model flaws (04:50)Alternatives to free trials (08:51)Value of diverse business practices (13:30)Importance of profitability (14:47)Iron Circle mastermind insights (15:10)Value of paid trials (21:09)Questioning traditional practices (28:38)

    Additional Resources:

    - Win an InBody 380 body composition scanner

    - Join the waitlist for tickets to the 2024 FitPro Growth Summit

    - ProFit Accelerator: Helping Training Gyms Grow to 30K/month and Beyond Facebook group

    - An app designed for semi private training - Semi Private Pro

    - Business Accelerator Program

    - Learn more about The Iron Circle

    - Jump on a call with Randy


    If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • More and more gym owners are realizing that Facebook marketing isn't what it used to be. Even though many still depend heavily on it, this shift can be a chance to explore more effective ways to reach new clients.

    This episode introduces a tool that offers gym owners much better results than they could ever expect from Facebook ads. Tim and Randy sit down with David Carroll, founder of DOPE Marketing, which specializes in direct mail and data-driven marketing strategies.

    Yes, direct mail probably makes you immediately think of the inefficiencies of traditional campaigns. But David's company has developed software that streamlines the process and enables this old-school method to make a huge comeback.

    Imagine being able to send personalized mail to your ideal clients without barely lifting a finger.

    This is exactly what David's software makes possible. Combining direct mail with modern digital tools, this software can help gym owners create comprehensive marketing strategies based on informed decisions.

    It allows gym owners to use data to better target marketing efforts and reach the most promising potential clients, saving gyms (and other similar businesses) tons of time and money.

    Curious to learn more about this powerful marketing software? Tune in for the full conversation and learn how it can breathe new life into your marketing strategy.

    Let's dive in!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)Who is David Carroll (00:42)Background on DOPE Marketing (02:18)Benefits of targeted direct mail (05:19)Using data to identify ideal customers (11:25)Strategies for re-engaging past clients (18:25)Neighborhood targeting for new clients (21:29)Special birthday campaign ideas (22:48)Importance of data-driven marketing decisions (26:39)Simplification of business through data (31:51)

    Additional Resources:

    - Check out DOPE Marketing website to learn more about their software

    - Win an InBody 380 body composition scanner

    - Join the waitlist for tickets to the 2024 FitPro Growth Summit

    - ProFit Accelerator: Helping Training Gyms Grow to 30K/month and Beyond Facebook group

    - An app designed for semi private training - Semi Private Pro

    - Business Accelerator Program

    - Learn more about The Iron Circle

    - Jump on a call with Randy


    If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

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  • Almost every gym owner has been there: a personal trainer leaves and takes clients with them. Some of them were in this situation more than once.

    It's a huge issue in the fitness industry, and a major headache. How do you stop trainers from walking away with your clients?

    Sure, contracts are one way to handle it, but if your gym doesn’t have a solid system to keep clients loyal, no contract can save you from the loss of clients or the costs of endless legal battles.

    This episode, Tim and Randy are sharing four strategies they've successfully used in their gym to tackle this problem. They’ll discuss how to create a loyalty to your gym that keeps clients around even if their go-to trainer leaves.

    Tune in to find out how to keep your gym's client base solid and your business stable, no matter who comes and goes.

    Let’s dive in!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)Early bird tickets for the Chicago Growth Summit (00:54)Client theft - the biggest issue in the fitness industry (03:03)Understanding perspectives: coach vs. client vs. gym owner (08:26)W-2 employees vs. 1099 contractors (12:34)Ensure clients know results come from the gym, not the coach (15:16)Use your own software (Semi-Private Pro) (16:50)Switching trainer schedules & maintaining consistent client experiences (18:26)Open communication and support for coaches (22:55)Recap (26:17)

    Additional Resources:

    - Win an InBody 380 body composition scanner

    - Join the waitlist for tickets to the 2024 FitPro Growth Summit

    - ProFit Accelerator: Helping Training Gyms Grow to 30K/month and Beyond Facebook group

    - An app designed for semi private training - Semi Private Pro

    - Business Accelerator Program

    - Learn more about The Iron Circle

    - Jump on a call with Randy


    If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • Many gym owners are chained to their gym. Maybe not literally, but no matter how hard they work, they can't step away without everything falling apart.

    In addition to lacking systems, doing everything on their own, and micromanaging, one of the main reasons for this is because they are constantly stepping in to cover for missing staff. These gym owners are always the go-to person for every little thing — from fixing toilets to making sales calls.

    Are you recognizing yourself in this picture? Then this episode is the one you don’t want to miss because Tim and Randy discuss how to break this cycle.

    One of the crucial things is to train coaches to take on higher responsibilities - to step up, handle sales, manage clients, and generally keep operations running smoothly.

    This way, not only will you avoid having to jump back into operations, but you also empower your staff and show them a clear path for their career growth.

    And that’s a win-win situation: Your coaches get to develop new skills and advance in their careers, and you get the freedom to focus on the bigger picture and business development.

    Tim and Randy refer to this concept as "coaching up," whereas "backfilling down" refers to the owner stepping in to cover operational gaps.

    If you tune in, you’ll learn more about these two concepts. You’ll also find out why it’s not enough just to coach up if you haven’t built comprehensive systems and SOPs and why it’s crucial that your operations can run smoothly, even if a key team member is unavailable.

    Tim and Randy have made this episode short, but packed with pure gems - join them and see for yourself!

    Tune in now!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)Coaching up concept (01:38)Empowering coaches with additional skills (06:23)Creating career growth paths for staff (08:45)The reality of owner dependence (11:23)Practical steps to implement coaching up (12:37)Recap (13:30)

    Additional Resources:

    - Win an InBody 380 body composition scanner

    - Join the waitlist for tickets to the 2024 FitPro Growth Summit

    - ProFit Accelerator: Helping Training Gyms Grow to 30K/month and Beyond Facebook group

    - An app designed for semi private training - Semi Private Pro

    - Business Accelerator Program

    - Learn more about The Iron Circle

    - Jump on a call with Randy


    If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • Starbucks coffee tastes the same no matter where you go. Ever wondered why?

    Because of their systems.

    And did you know that you can (and should) apply the same principles to your gym?

    Systems are not just a buzzword. They're structured processes designed to ensure your business runs smoothly and efficiently. Having efficient systems in place can benefit not just your clients but also your coaches and, most importantly, you as the owner.

    There are four systems your gym's operations can benefit from: delivery, ascension, conversion, and attraction. In this episode, Randy and Zach break down these concepts into understandable parts.

    They'll explain how to effectively implement systems in areas like client service, sales processes, and marketing strategies. They'll also show you how automation can take over mundane tasks, allowing you to focus on what truly matters.

    Join Randy and Zach to find out how each system works to escalate clients to higher tiers of service and how automating these processes can free up your time to focus on growth.

    Tune in now!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)Defining systems and their importance in business (00:52)Delivery systems - example of Starbucks (02:38)Systems form the core of brand identity (08:23)Creating systems to benefit clients, coaches, and owners (14:47)Conversion systems (24:01)Role of automation (28:36)Importance of having intentional systems in place (31:59)Owner should be system creators (33:56)Recap (39:33)

    Additional Resources:

    - Win an InBody 380 body composition scanner

    - Join the waitlist for tickets to the 2024 FitPro Growth Summit

    - ProFit Accelerator: Helping Training Gyms Grow to 30K/month and Beyond Facebook group

    - An app designed for semi private training - Semi Private Pro

    - Business Accelerator Program

    - Learn more about The Iron Circle

    - Jump on a call with Randy


    If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • For many gym owners, running a gym often means being caught up in day-to-day tasks – constantly putting out fires and hardly finding any time to focus on growing their business.

    To break this cycle, you need two things:

    create systems that guide your business find the right fitness director and train them properly

    Because the systems run the business, and the people run the systems.

    So, the formula is simple: set up the system and then put someone capable in charge of it. This allows you to step back and focus on the bigger picture.

    In this episode, Randy and Zach talk about the importance of a fitness director to a gym. They explain that by setting up strong systems and teaching your fitness director to manage them well, you turn them into a crucial part of keeping your gym running smoothly.

    They show how properly trained fitness directors can take over the training floor and even handle sales and administrative duties, allowing owners to shift from working in their business to working on their business.

    Tune into this week’s episode to discover how setting up the right systems and empowering someone to run them can liberate you from the gym floor and open up new avenues for your business’s growth.

    Let’s dive in!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)Importance of delegation (02:18)Role of fitness directors (04:14)Quadrants of the director role (08:53)Client relationship management (15:45)Simplifying systems (21:43)Recap (25:44)

    Additional Resources:

    - Win an InBody 380 body composition scanner

    - Join the waitlist for tickets to the 2024 FitPro Growth Summit

    - ProFit Accelerator: Helping Training Gyms Grow to 30K/month and Beyond Facebook group

    - An app designed for semi private training - Semi Private Pro

    - Business Accelerator Program

    - Learn more about The Iron Circle

    - Jump on a call with Randy


    If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • This podcast often highlights $30k per month as the magic number gym owners need to break through. But why exactly $30k?

    Well, hitting this revenue mark is like crossing a threshold where the usual struggles start to ease up. Your gym's recurring revenue begins to cover all your base operating expenses for the month, without the desperate urge to sign up a new member or sell another program.

    When you know your bills are paid, you can focus on your gym's growth and start making more money. Once you achieve a consistent $30k income month after month, it becomes much easier to reach $40k, $50k, or $60k a lot faster.

    So the biggest question is, how do you break through that ceiling?

    In this episode, Tim and Randy share the three essential pillars you need to break through that ceiling:

    Systems that help streamline your operationsLead flow that keeps new clients comingAutomation that acts like another employee who never forgets, works 24/7, and never has a bad day

    They also present a comprehensive coaching program they developed that integrates these essential elements and truly delivers results!

    Join them and learn what you need to achieve a stable income, reduce stress, and finally gain more financial flexibility to enjoy owning your business instead of just surviving in the arena.

    Tune in now!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)Importance of $30K monthly revenue (00:51)Need for comprehensive systems (03:41)Diversified lead sources (10:33)The importance of automation (13:06)Our coaching program and its benefits (21:52)Program costs and payment plans (25:47)

    Additional Resources:

    - Win an InBody 380 body composition scanner

    - Join the waitlist for tickets to the 2024 FitPro Growth Summit

    - ProFit Accelerator: Helping Training Gyms Grow to 30K/month and Beyond Facebook group

    - An app designed for semi private training - Semi Private Pro

    - Business Accelerator Program

    - Learn more about The Iron Circle

    - Jump on a call with Randy


    If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • Ever felt like finding the right staff for your gym is like searching for a needle in a haystack? You're not alone.

    As gym owners, we understand the agony of endless interviews, the pain of desperate hires, and the heartbreak when a valued coach leaves, taking clients with them.

    But you can break free from this cycle and build a team that not only stays but also grows and helps your gym business thrive!

    And we all know it’s not about hiring highly educated staff. They may know everything in theory, but if they are disconnected from your clients, they won't succeed – and neither will your business.

    It’s about finding people who inspire loyalty and really click with your clients, making them keep coming back to your gym.

    So, in this episode, Tim and Randy share 7 tips for finding and keeping such rockstar staff.

    If you feel it’s time to change your hiring strategy, tune in and find out what you need to focus on to build a dream team that really connects with your clients.

    Let’s dive in!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)Don’t hire out of desperation (01:42)Shift from high education to caring coaches (02:37)Onboarding process to integrate new staff (08:26)Keeping clients when their favorite coaches leave (12:17)Where to find coaches (16:27)Have a backup plan (19:06)Celebrate staff departures to maintain client trust (21:51)

    Additional Resources:

    - Win an InBody 380 body composition scanner

    - Join the waitlist for tickets to the 2024 FitPro Growth Summit

    - ProFit Accelerator: Helping Training Gyms Grow to 30K/month and Beyond Facebook group

    - An app designed for semi private training - Semi Private Pro

    - Business Accelerator Program

    - Learn more about The Iron Circle

    - Jump on a call with Randy


    If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • Are you a gym owner who feels guilty about checking work on vacation? If your answer is no, you're probably a rare lucky person because this is something most people in the fitness business struggle with.

    It’s tough to completely disconnect when your business feels like your baby. And it’s even tougher when society expects you to achieve the perfect work-life balance no matter what.

    But what if work-life balance isn't the goal we should be chasing? What if there’s a way to integrate your work into your daily life and achieve synergy between your business and personal life instead of trying to balance them?

    This approach could significantly reduce the stress and guilt of checking emails or taking work calls during personal time.

    But to truly achieve work-life synergy, and not just sit next to your family working while they're having fun, it's essential to do a few things:

    build effective systemsempower your team to make decisionsmaintain momentum to ensure your business runs smoothly without your constant oversight

    In this week’s episode, Tim and Randy will show you how to stop feeling guilty, achieve freedom, and start enjoying life as a business owner.

    Join them!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)Discussing guilt when trying to disconnect (01:36)Work-life synergy concept (03:34)Effective systems and delegation (08:04)Importance of business momentum (10:27)Empowering teams and decision-making (13:08)Feeling of freedom when systems work (18:13)

    Additional Resources:

    - Win an InBody 380 body composition scanner

    - Join the waitlist for tickets to the 2024 FitPro Growth Summit

    - ProFit Accelerator: Helping Training Gyms Grow to 30K/month and Beyond Facebook group

    - An app designed for semi private training - Semi Private Pro

    - Business Accelerator Program

    - Learn more about The Iron Circle

    - Jump on a call with Randy


    If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • In any well-established neighborhood, you’ll probably find gyms on nearly every corner. Yet, while some gyms lose clients, others not only keep their members but also attract new ones from other places.

    So, what makes people leave one gym and stick with another?

    Considering today's inflation and rising living costs, it’s easy to guess that people cut their gym memberships to save money. But it’s not always about the budget. The real issue often lies in the experience and the perceived value for the money spent.

    Often, gym-goers start out motivated and ready to hit their fitness goals, but if they feel like just another face in the crowd, they’ll probably leave soon. Generic group classes might satisfy casual exercisers, but those looking for real results might find them lacking because there’s not much personal attention.

    On the other hand, gyms that offer more tailored services, like semi-private training, really make members feel valued and understood, helping them stick around longer. Also, offering a combination of personalized training, accountability, and nutrition can be a good reason to stay, even when times are tough.

    This is just a sneak peek at what Tim and Randy will be discussing in this week’s episode. Join them and find out more about why many clients leave gyms and how you can boost retention.

    Tune in now!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)Client retention and reasons for leaving (01:36)Importance of perceived value (08:06) The power of customized workouts (11:52) Transition from large group to semi-private training (13:07) Technology in training - Semi Private Pro software (17:41)Gradual reduction of equipment (22:22) Recap (24:18)

    Additional Resources:

    - Win an InBody 380 body composition scanner

    - Join the waitlist for tickets to the 2024 FitPro Growth Summit

    - ProFit Accelerator: Helping Training Gyms Grow to 30K/month and Beyond Facebook group

    - An app designed for semi private training - Semi Private Pro

    - Business Accelerator Program

    - Learn more about The Iron Circle

    - Jump on a call with Randy


    If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • Words matter. It may not seem like a big deal, but the way you label your service can really shape how clients see its value – and, of course, what they're willing to pay for it.

    This is why it’s important not to confuse "semi private training" with something that many others might refer to as "small group training."

    Small group training sounds like a lesser version of large group classes. It brings to mind an image of a few people doing the same routine, which usually fits more with budget fitness options.

    On the other hand, semi private training offers customized workouts that are tailored to each client's needs, giving it a more exclusive and private feel.

    That’s why removing the “group” vibe from a service allows gyms to charge a premium price. It shifts the perception from a cost-saving option to a premium product that stands out in a sea of generic fitness offerings.

    This approach not only builds our gym's reputation but also significantly increases revenue by attracting clients who see the value in paying more for a customized service.

    If you want to find out more about the benefits of individualized workouts, tune in for this week’s episode. Tim and Randy are explaining how to transform your training models and adopt a more premium approach.

    Let’s dive in!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)How to win an InBody 380 (01:03)Terminology impact on pricing (01:47)Customized vs. standardized workouts (04:30)Pricing differences between training types (10:47)Selling a gym with proper systems in place (15:52)

    Additional Resources:

    - Win an InBody 380 body composition scanner

    - Join the waitlist for tickets to the 2024 FitPro Growth Summit

    - ProFit Accelerator: Helping Training Gyms Grow to 30K/month and Beyond Facebook group

    - An app designed for semi-private training - Semi Private Pro

    - Business Accelerator Program

    - Learn more about The Iron Circle

    - Jump on a call with Randy


    If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • Paid-in-full gym memberships seem like an easy win. Many gym owners usually jump at the opportunity to get that quick money. And it’s understandable – it looks like a low-hanging fruit.

    But this strategy can backfire because it usually attracts clients who act on impulse. So, relying on PIF is actually gambling on the chance that these clients won’t leave you for months (or years).

    Sure, that immediate influx of cash feels good. But what about next month? Or the month after? You have to constantly chase the next sale and it feels like trying to fill a bucket with a hole in the bottom.

    This is why Tim and Randy are recommending focusing on building monthly recurring revenue.

    It offers a solid foundation and stability for your gym business, and also shows that you believe in the value your gym provides. And the people who appreciate good value are more likely to become your loyal clients, which means a more predictable cash flow.

    So, would you rather get immediate cash from a bunch of new clients or have a gym full of members who have been part of your gym's family for years? Seems like a no brainer.

    Want to learn more about long-term benefits of recurring revenue over the quick gains from paid-in-full sales?

    Tune in for this week's episode!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)Announcement of partnership with InBody (00:51)Recurring revenue vs. paid-in-full payments (03:08)Focusing on client retention (06:58)The benefits of semi-private training (12:29)Consistency in service delivery (18:25)Success stories from coaching (19:15)

    Additional Resources:

    - Win an InBody 380 body composition scanner!

    - Join the waitlist for tickets to the 2024 FitPro Growth Summit

    - ProFit Accelerator: Helping Training Gyms Grow to 30K/month and Beyond Facebook group

    - An app designed for semi-private training - Semi Private Pro

    - Reserve your spot for our 2-day experience in Scottsdale, AZ, May 30-31. Click to join.

    - Business Accelerator Program

    - Learn more about The Iron Circle

    - Jump on a call with Randy


    If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • What if I told you that your gym membership could be worth $40k a year? You’re likely wondering what it takes to create such a plan and make it work.

    Well, probably something like what Equinox is doing with their new high-end membership that costs exactly $40,000 a year. Equinox’s holistic wellness package includes offerings like blood work, sleep coaching, and personalized health services.

    Their holistic approach is setting a new standard and shows there's a huge demand for high-end programs on the market. By following their lead and adopting similar strategies, gym owners can create premium services for their own clients.

    For example, gyms can use biometric data to show the full benefits of their programs - not just weight loss, but also things like heart rate and sleep quality. They can also start cooperating with medical professionals and offer services like hormone replacement therapy and blood panels.

    Having in mind that more and more people, especially younger ones, don’t trust traditional medicine, gyms have a great chance to fill in the gap and become more involved in their clients' overall health. We just need to think creatively about adding value and offering comprehensive health solutions to justify higher membership fees.

    So, if you want to improve your gym's offerings and meet the growing demand on the market, tune in to this episode. Tim and Randy will show you how to transform your fitness business with premium programs.

    Let's dive in!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)Equinox's $40,000 membership (00:54)Holistic health approach (01:57)Importance of biometric data (03:09)Potential gym partnerships (06:06)Market skepticism towards doctors (08:20)Comprehensive health programs (12:12)Integrating medical services (13:36)Premium membership strategies (17:58)

    Additional Resources:

    - ProFit Accelerator: Helping Training Gyms Grow to 30K/month and Beyond Facebook group

    - Join the waitlist for tickets to the 2024 FitPro Growth Summit

    - An app designed for semi-private training - Semi Private Pro

    - Reserve your spot for our 2-day experience in Scottsdale, AZ, May 30-31. Click to join.

    - Business Accelerator Program

    - Learn more about The Iron Circle

    - Jump on a call with Randy


    If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • In this episode, Tim and Randy are sharing the details of the upcoming Growth Summit in Chicago. It is a must-attend event for gym owners who want to build a million-dollar gym business or those who already have one but would like to take it to the next level.

    If you join them, you’ll learn about the Growth Summit, its history, and how it evolved from a small meeting in 2019 to a major event in the fitness industry, offering workshops, keynote speeches, and networking opportunities.

    The Growth Summit is scheduled for September 5-7 at the Swissotel in Chicago. It is designed to provide gym owners with strategic, actionable insights from successful peers and industry leaders.

    Those who decide to join will gain practical knowledge that can be immediately implemented in their businesses because it will cover various topics, including gym profitability, staff training, future industry trends, investment strategies, and many more.

    This is truly a chance to transform your gym business because you’ll learn what the best gyms in the world are doing and how to replicate their success. Register now to secure your spot at the Growth Summit Chicago and take advantage of the early bird pricing.

    For additional info, lineup, keynote speakers, and more, tune in to this week's episode, as Tim and Randy explain all the event details and the benefits of attending.

    Get your tickets today!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)Background of the Growth Summit (00:52)Event details: September 5-7 at the Swissotel, Chicago (03:19)Pre-conference workshop details and schedule (04:51)Speakers overview (09:09)Panel discussion with successful gym owners (23:06)Keynote speakers (29:31)Sharing successful gym strategies in small groups (34:19)Summary and registration details (36:30)

    Additional Resources:

    - Join the waitlist for tickets to the 2024 FitPro Growth Summit

    - ProFit Accelerator: Helping Training Gyms Grow to 30K/month and Beyond Facebook group

    - An app designed for semi-private training - Semi Private Pro

    - Reserve your spot for our 2-day experience in Scottsdale, AZ, May 30-31. Click to join.

    - Business Accelerator Program

    - Learn more about The Iron Circle

    - Jump on a call with Randy


    If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • Clients don't like change, even if it's for the better. Whether it's a change in gym policies, equipment, class schedules, or coaching – any adjustment can cause unrest. Even when changes bring more sessions or lower charges, someone might still quit.

    Simply put, change naturally brings unrest because clients love routine just as much as you do.

    So when it is time to introduce changes in your gym, make them all at once instead of doing it every couple of months. Yes, you will certainly lose some clients, but that fear is often exaggerated.

    Take price increases, for example – data shows that only about 7% of clients leave, even when prices go up by 30-50%. When backed by careful data analysis, the decision to make such a change is a huge win.

    But price increase is not the only change that can improve your gym business. In this week's episode, Tim and Randy discuss three small but powerful shifts that led to significant improvements in their gym's operations and finances.

    Join them to learn more about these strategic adjustments and how you can implement them to boost revenue without causing client confusion and quitting.

    Tune in now!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)Clients don’t like changes (00:56)Membership simplification (03:44)Freezing membership options (06:04)Communicating benefits of new policies to clients (10:30)Flexible booking and cancellation policy (12:44)Perfect timing for implementing changes (16:36)Recap (19:57)

    Additional Resources:

    - ProFit Accelerator: Helping Training Gyms Grow to 30K/month and Beyond Facebook group

    - Join the waitlist for tickets to the 2024 FitPro Growth Summit

    - An app designed for semi-private training - Semi Private Pro

    - Reserve your spot for our 2-day experience in Scottsdale, AZ, May 30-31. Click to join.

    - Business Accelerator Program

    - Learn more about The Iron Circle

    - Jump on a call with Randy


    If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • Desperation is one of the worst places to make decisions from.

    But that's often where gym owners find themselves when money is getting tight and they’re struggling to make payroll or rent. In those moments, quick-fix solutions that promise big returns suddenly start looking really tempting.

    For example, you might think about swapping your quality training programs for high-intensity, short-term challenges just to get some quick cash. Familiar?

    However, what seems like a good idea in desperate moments, probably goes against your gym’s values or long-term vision. Plus, what about the loyal clients who joined for your original values? This kind of shift can push them away and that will definitely hurt your gym’s culture and image.

    To help you avoid such risky moves, in this episode Tim and Randy are exploring sustainable ways to manage cash flow without sacrificing your gym's values. They are talking about how maintaining your beliefs and avoiding desperation can be key to long-term success.

    Join them and learn why you need to stick to your guns, even when it’s tempting to take a shortcut.

    Let’s dive in!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)Growth Summit Chicago (00:54)Gym owner struggles (03:23)The risks of desperation-driven decisions (06:13)Strategies for sustainable financial management (11:05)People buy what sounds like the best product (13:34)Recap (17:29)

    Additional Resources:

    - Join the waitlist for tickets to the 2024 FitPro Growth Summit

    - ProFit Accelerator: Helping Training Gyms Grow to 30K/month and Beyond Facebook group

    - An app designed for semi-private training - Semi Private Pro

    - Reserve your spot for our 2-day experience in Scottsdale, AZ, May 30-31. Click to join.

    - Business Accelerator Program

    - Learn more about The Iron Circle

    - Jump on a call with Randy


    If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • Ever found yourself frozen, waiting for the perfect moment to make a business move? Or stuck pondering over minor member complaints, only to end up putting off major beneficial changes?

    Of course, you have.

    But what actually matters is adapting quickly to changes, not waiting for everything to line up perfectly. After all, quick, decisive actions often lead to greater success than detailed plans that never get off the ground.

    That’s exactly what Tim and Randy dive into in this episode as they discuss "perfection paralysis" — a common trap for many gym owners. They break down the psychology of decision-making and the high costs of indecision.

    They also share how simple, daily decisions reflect our ability to tackle bigger challenges. Plus, they share tips on how to stop hesitating and how making fast decisions has driven their business growth.

    Got something you've been putting off, waiting for the perfect conditions? Tune in to learn how to break free from perfectionism and why making a move — any move — is better than standing still.

    Let’s dive in!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)Importance of taking imperfect action (00:35)Real-world business adaptations and outcomes (04:58)Decision-making speed as a success indicator (05:09)Detailed discussion on decision-making in business settings (09:01)Price adjustment decisions (13:57)Recap (16:27)

    Additional Resources:

    - ProFit Accelerator: Helping Training Gyms Grow to 30K/month and Beyond Facebook group

    - Join the waitlist for tickets to the 2024 FitPro Growth Summit

    - Reserve your spot for our 2-day experience in Scottsdale, AZ, May 30-31. Click to join.

    - An app designed for semi-private training - Semi Private Pro

    - Business Accelerator Program

    - Learn more about The Iron Circle

    - Jump on a call with Randy


    If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • Wouldn't it be great to have your gym business operate without your constant involvement? But somehow, you know you can’t step away without everything falling apart.

    That’s often because you're still in the self-employed phase, dreaming of truly becoming a business owner.

    If you're eager to make this dream a reality and experience the joy of financial freedom — where you're not just trading time for money — then this episode is a must-listen.

    Tim was once where you are now, and one of the things that helped him shift his approach to business management was the book ‘Cashflow Quadrant’ by Robert Kiyosaki. This book literally rewired his brain, and it might just do the same for yours.

    In this week's conversation with Randy, they dive into insights from 'Cashflow Quadrant,' focusing particularly on the importance of understanding the different income quadrants and how to transition from being self-employed to becoming a business owner.

    They'll discuss developing effective systems and strategies for gym owners, aimed at optimizing operations and enhancing profitability. Plus, they share practical tools and strategies to help you shift from day-to-day operations to overseeing a self-managing business.

    Tune in and let them show you how to scale your business and achieve true independence.

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)Growth Summit Chicago (00:56)Significance of ‘Cashflow Quadrant’ (03:36)Explanation of business quadrants (10:47)Strategies for transitioning to business owner (11:50)Benefits of systematic business operations (19:38)Recap (26:03)

    Additional Resources:

    - Join the waitlist for tickets to the 2024 FitPro Growth Summit

    - ProFit Accelerator: Helping Training Gyms Grow to 30K/month and Beyond Facebook group

    - Reserve your spot for our 2-day experience in Scottsdale, AZ, May 30-31. Click to join.

    - An app designed for semi-private training - Semi Private Pro

    - Business Accelerator Program

    - Learn more about The Iron Circle

    - Jump on a call with Randy


    If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • Do you feel like we’re bombarded by flashy gym marketing ads promising the moon but delivering only dust?

    They guarantee something like a thousand leads or clients in a ridiculously short time and even promise a money-back guarantee if they fail. But, guess what: they will fail, and they definitely won’t return your money.

    And this is just one example of the hundreds of insanely tempting claims we hear every day. But remember, if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

    In this week’s episode, Tim and Randy pull back the curtain on fitness marketing tactics that are exactly that – too good to be true. They expose the common traps that many gym owners fall into, chasing after quick fixes.

    They'll share insights from their experiences, debunk outrageous claims you should never fall for, and reveal what truly works and genuinely matters in building a successful gym business.

    If you join them, you'll learn about the stages of market sophistication and how understanding them can save your gym from becoming another casualty of over-hyped marketing strategies.

    Ready to start building a marketing approach that truly reflects the value you offer?

    Tune in for the full episode and uncover the secrets to ethical and effective fitness marketing.

    Let’s dive in!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)We guarantee 1,000 leads or 1,000 clients (01:03)It's too easy to win, but it's way easier to lose (05:55)Ethical marketing (07:37)Advantages of authentic business practices (11:27)Recap (16:42)

    Additional Resources:

    - ProFit Accelerator: Helping Training Gyms Grow to 30K/month and Beyond Facebook group

    - Reserve your spot for our 2-day experience in Scottsdale, AZ, May 30-31. Click to join.

    - An app designed for semi-private training - Semi Private Pro

    - Join the waitlist for tickets to the 2024 FitPro Growth Summit

    - Business Accelerator Program

    - Learn more about The Iron Circle

    - Jump on a call with Randy


    If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • The better you are as a coach, the more likely clients are to quit. Quite a paradox, isn’t it?

    Many gym owners notice that clients who achieve their goals often stop coming. If you're new to this, you might be wondering what went wrong. But those of us who've been around know this is pretty common.

    People usually hit the gym with specific goals in mind, not necessarily to make it a lifestyle. So, don’t take it personally if they left your gym after losing 30 pounds – you could have provided the best service in the world, and they would have quit anyway.

    Calm down, you’ve done your job well.

    But, to keep your clients coming back and to grow your gym, it's crucial to shift your focus. Start building relationships with clients who view fitness as a lifestyle, and aim for consistent, sustainable revenue.

    Let’s target a steady $30k a month to start. (That's actually tougher than scaling from $30k to $50k.) Want to know how to reach that first milestone?

    Tune into this week’s episode with Tim and Randy. They’ve got tons of great advice and will introduce you to a free resource where you can find answers to any questions you might have – their ProFit Accelerator Facebook group.

    So, check out this episode, join their Facebook group, and learn how you can consistently earn $30k+ month after month.

    Let’s dive in!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)The Profit Accelerator Facebook group (01:03)Everybody needs lifestyle clients (03:43)Creating sustainable businesses and recurring revenue (11:36)Recap (14:40)

    Additional Resources:

    - ProFit Accelerator: Helping Training Gyms Grow to 30K/month and Beyond Facebook group

    - Reserve your spot for our 2-day experience in Scottsdale, AZ, May 30-31. Click to join.

    - An app designed for semi-private training - Semi Private Pro

    - Join the waitlist for tickets to the 2024 FitPro Growth Summit

    - Business Accelerator Program

    - Learn more about The Iron Circle

    - Jump on a call with Randy


    If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!