Max Shethar is a twenty-one year old phenom, but only the second strongest bencher in his household. He's squatted 766.1, benched 462.9, and deadlifted 804.7 in competition; since then he's pulled 820 and benched 500 in the gym. Listen to HIS podcast, Large Lads, follow @ShetharTraining , and find him on Instagram @the_one_rep_maxTIMESTAMPS00:20 Introducing Montana’s strongest little brother01:00 Max’s mustache is multi-ply01:30 Max’s 500 pound bench is not poverty02:40 His Max is using headphones won from Dave & Buster’s03:30 Intuitive drinking04:15 Age records are killing your gains05:00 That celebration looked pretty enhanced to me05:50 Max’s patient progression06:00 His empty calendar07:00 The design of his training blocks08:35 Max’s low bar technique10:30 Pre-squat mobility and self-talk 11:20 The Dave Tate soundboard12:00 Leg extension withdrawal13:00 Other less important leg accessories14:00 Variation between belt squats15:30 Why you should never use three fingers16:00 Chase stimulus over external load on developmental movements17:30 Walking the line on RDLs19:00 SLDLs after deadlifts cultivate legitimate meat20:30 Max’s current split, and how that split has evolved24:00 The ego check of transitioning from a strength phase to a hypertrophy phase27:00 Your ten-rep max probably isn’t relevant to your 1-rep max28:00 Max corrects some misconceptions about Large Lads canon29:00 Young Max had to put pillows under the blankets to defend his shins from Sam’s baseball bat31:00 Early training strategies31:30 Max decided to be gifted32:00 The accountability of progress; eleven-year old vanity32:50 “a really depressed loser who had a massive ego”33:45 *water cameo*34:00 Max also gets nothing out of straps (see Freakie D)36:30 Training grip38:30 The myth of “skin toughness” (it’s just your grip)39:00 Monk-mode Max refuses to announce his intentions40:00 Max’s long-term ambitions43:30 Max’s advices for athletic longevity 46:45 Low bar squatting like one of the French girls48:00 Recovery maxing51:45 If you are checking your phone after belt squats, you dun goofed55:00 Adopting the angst lord mindset 56:30 Doom OST for pushdowns only57:30 Lifting music is the heart of this podcast1:00:00 Being fourteen and living out an Animal Pak ad on the bus to the YMCA1:01:00 We reminisce on our first 500 pound squats (I was thirty; Max was fifteen)1:05:00 Brotherhood1:06:45 Even the lone wolf needs its belly scratch1:07:00 Max makes a STRONG pod-ending statement1:08:00 Large Lads shout-out
Freakie D is a Youtuber, powerlifter, coach, mentor, father, and diversely strong dude. TIMESTAMPS:00:00 Pretty hype intro00:40 I attempt a pec pop in Dennis’s honor01:00 Dennis Arnold is in fact the second01:15 His best lifts01:30 Freakie D doesn’t get anything out of straps02:00 It’s mainly an issue of engaging the lats02:30 BIG FITNESS is lying to you about bicep tears from mixed grip 03:55 Dennis’s Kinobody summer4:30 The origins of Dennis’s long-time lower back pain08:15 How to mend up from a back tweak11:15 I whine about my back tweak from last fall12:45 I erroneously assume that Dennis has been Larsen pressing despite viewing and liking his incline press video from literally that morning14:20 Dennis is the dean of Larson pressing15:45 Leg drive is overrated16:00 We return to Dennis’s youth, when even he was a Johnny one-plate18:00 The OG Freakie D bench and basketball program19:15 Pro tips for recovery: no squatting or benching, a few free throws, and many grams of MSG20:00 Takeaways from Dennis’s early training22:50 Dennis ‘s first Youtube upload was him benching 405 in gloves, Tims, and jeans23:55 Dennis started powerlifting at Shake ‘N Bake Fitness and Tanning24:30 Dennis’s first meet25:50 Dennis’s first 500 lb bench26:45 Benching 500 without much upper back work27:45 If you become a turbo bulk boy, you’ll probably surprise yourself with your strength gains28:30 My bench has plummeted since entering a deficit29:30 Dennis’s bloat maxing recommendations (tl;dr: stick with slow and steady)32:00 Dennis basically lost 100 lbs32:30 Why he did it34:30 Sometimes the flu takes you on a vision quest38:00 Discipline is discipline39:45 Dennis’s appetite is simultaneously fascinating and disgusting40:15 Volume eating hacks: 11 pounds of food for 2600 calories41:45 Fast and feast42:30 Fasting to remove the reliance on food for dopamine44:30 Exercise selection: sick vs. optimal45:45 How Dennis’s training changed during his epic diet48:30 The origins of Crossfat (a trademark of Freakie D enterprises)50:00 Dennis would be in the NFL if he hadn’t found pot and pussy in middle school52:20 The first time Dennis touched a log55:00 Powerlifting is basically a JRPG56:00 Dennis’s shocking suggestion to bring up your log press58:00 Split jerking the log58:45 Standing incline log press 59:45 I passed out the first time I tried log press1:00:00 I also passed out on a paused front squat1:00:30 Derek Wilcox made Dennis exhale and re-brace at the bottom of front squats1:03:00 Dennis’s current lifting aspirations1:05:45 Dennis’s coaching (conditioning block guaranteed)1:10:00 The mindset dangers of surprise PRs1:11:30 Athletes need to give coaches the chance to learn how they respond to training1:15:00 Dennis goes above and beyond for his athletes1:15:45 Tobias has horrible taste in snacks1:16:45 The importance of building rapport with your athletes1:17:25 Mentorship1:21:00 Dennis has become a role model in the lifting community1:23:30 Therapy helps1:25:00 The perspectives Dennis inherited from his childhood, and how he outgrew them1:26:00 Divorce, growth, and what you carry with you1:27:30 Dennis’s marriage was like Game of Thrones 1:30:00 Why Dennis goes to bed at 7:561:31:30 Fatherhood1:33:00 Dennis’s parenting style1:35:50 my two cents as the child of two fucking incredible parents1:37:00 The rewards of parenthoodIntro and outro music: Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
@bucktowtruck4993 is a guitar virtuoso, YouTube legend in the making, and almost certainly the world's strongest landscaper. That's his music in the intro and outro. He's also really fucking funny. I edited out about twenty minutes of laughter in this one. TIMESTAMPS:1:00 Jeff Nippard-approved BCAAs. Also, my balls are out1:45: Buck is 7 feet tall and 500 lbs2:15 Buck’s early videos2:45 The YT algorithm wants you to clean your garage3:35 Buck squatted 495 for 20 in that unclean garage4:00 Buck’s best sets5:45 Buck’s barebones, Starting Strength-like approach6:40 The goofy-ass shit that Buck did before he went barebones7:30 You aren’t a Bulgarian.10:30 Most of us fade into obscurity11:00 I have a momentary existential crisis11:30 Buck counsels me13:00 How Buck got into lifting14:30 The long shadow of the Ripple Toad15:00 “20-rep squats CURE ITB pain” -direct quote from Buck15:30 “20-rep squats don’t do much to get you stronger” -direct quote from everyone who’s ever tried 20-rep squats17:00 Buck doesn’t do enough volume, allegedly18:00 BIG FITNESS is LYING to you about CNS fatigue19:30 “CNS fatigue”=you turn into a noodle20:30 Gym injury fetishes21:30 Sam Hyde is a lot 23:15 People who get accidentally strong25:00 The toxic influence of anime25:40 BIG FITNESS is STILL lying to you27:15 One weird reason why Ben Shapiro isn’t in the NBA27:30 Dieting to make weight for a strongman competition28:45 One time Buck called me a pirate on Instagram29:00 How to pirate-max29:30 Pirate rape culture (also toxic)30:00 This podcast has consistently neglected pirate history, and for that I sincerely apologize30:10 Why Buck hasn’t competed31:00 Buck has Frankenstein wrists and 17.5-inch forearms31:20 Hook grip sucks32:00 Deadlift is not a grip exercise32:45 Buck deadlifted 570 for 15 with mixed grip33:15 If you do chin-ups weighing 500 pounds, you’ll have big forearms34:25 Jeff Nippard’s optimal bicep training recommendations36:00 Buck’s unwashed multi-ply coveralls 37:05 Buck’s going to give his unwashed multi-ply coveralls to his next Tinder match37:50 Dadbod is a psy-op38:30 Buck plays impeccable guitar39:00 Buck’s camera accentuates his strong features40:00 Buck’s YouTube ambitions41:30 Wrestling43:00 Buck stunted his LITTLE brother’s growth with a piledriver44:00 We speculate on Jeff Nippard’s true height44:45 “Evidence based” fitness45:00 I fondly recollect stumbling upon Buck’s YouTube channel46:00 The modern dating market is bleak; Buck’s advice on it46:30 We delve into Buck’s origins47:30 Learning guitar48:30 Evolving musical tastes49:40 The goldfish diet51:30 Upright rows to Bawitdaba52:45 I make a completely inaccurate assumption 53:15 Buck actually doesn’t like lifting54:15 In the scheme of sports, lifting really isn’t that dangerous56:45 ITB pain58:00 What my fiancée likes to do to me59:00 Buck’s significant acne1:00:30 Buck wants to know how natty I am, and I tell him exactly in ng/dl1:03:00 Environmental toxins are killing your gains1:04:30 We address the carousel horse in the room1:04:40 We address the Steve Austin poster in the room1:05:15 Straightedge Steve Austin1:06:00 Buck’s top three metal bands, with justifications1:08:20 We hate* black metal1:11:00 Don’t worry, we’re still shitting on black metal1:11:30 Devin Townsend1:12:30 Buck’s biggest influences1:13:00 Mark Rippetoe was actually pretty strong1:14:00 Louie Simmons is Yosemite Sam, and Jim Wendler is the Five Finger Death Punch of powerlifting1:14:30 I briefly shit on Five Finger Death Punch1:15:00 Buck’s homebrewed take on Westside1:18:00 The key to Buck’s guttural efforts1:19:30 Not looking like a pussy in front of your younger brother1:20:00 Injurious feats of strength1:21:00 Knoblet squats1:22:00 Tearful goodbye
Brett Fain is a pro strongman who has competed in the U80 and U90 class, placing 7th at OSG in 2017. He's also the founder and owner of Iron Vault gym in Tallahassee. We talk about his penchant for building unusual equipment, water cutting, and the strongman community. TIMESTAMPS:00:20 I signed up for my first strongman competition without doing any research00:35 The Iron Vault Classic01:30 Brett teaches physics by day02:10 Brett’s advice on becoming an educator02:50 Brett replaced his high school physics teacher03:20 My anticipatory synopsis of this episode03:45 Brett started out as a wrestler04:10 There is a trove of old equipment in the basement of the Pep Boys across the street from my apartment04:45 Brett’s best numbers as a powerlifter05:00 The legend of Dave Covan05:15 If you look under enough tarps, you just might find yourself an Atlas stone05:45 Brett’s resume as a strongman06:25 The sweat shed08:00 What drew Brett to strongman08:15 Brett’s homebrewed strongman equipment09:00 The events for this year’s Iron Vault Classic11:10 Brett became handy out of necessity13:00 Bud Jeffries and the odd lifts13:45 Strongman is a spectator sport14:30 Brett says I deadlift a lot, and I can’t wait to disappoint him15:15 Daughter cameo15:45 What to order at Chick-Fil-A16:00 Brett’s kids are all lifting17:00 Iron Vault Classic will be an evening event to minimize instance of heatstroke17:30 Jamie Lewis’s X-rated blog19:00 The diet of the Saxon Trio would get a 2/3 from Stan Efferding19:45 I pick Brett’s brain about strongman training21:15 You’d better be doing your cardio21:40 Brett usually water cuts from 210 to 19822:00 Andrew Clayton’s 38-lb water cut and other horror stories23:20 Going keto on comp week to drop water weight24:00 Hot baths and sauna suits24:25 But do I have to stop taking creatine?24:45 Brett tells me which events will suck the most27:00 We program our own reward systems as teenagers28:00 Even gen pop should pick performance goals28:40 Brett has helped me become slightly less unprepared29:00 Strongman has a WHOLESOME community31:20 It’s harder to get competitive when you’re woefully unprepared 32:00 Event lottery at Will Development’s Psycho Circus32:15 Florida strongman community
At this point, the broad boy from Albuquerque needs no introduction. Give him a follow @JSStrength TIMESTAMPS:00:30 THE PAINTING HAS EYES1:00 Jakob’s program to squat 300(+)x201:30 Cat cameo2:45 Pete Rubish gave Jakob 20-rep squats3:30 How Jakob eliminated elbow pain from low bar squats4:00 Starting Strength’s hidden agenda is to turn you into a pterodactyl5:00 We parrot wisdom from @Shethar_Training on getting your upper back TIIIIGHT5:45 Jakob’s squat stance is approaching Westside territory6:55 Hyper-specific anatomical cues are killing your gains7:25 Jakob’s half-decent Jeff Nippard impersonation9:00 The purpose behind Jakob’s 300x20 squat10:00 LIFE DOESN’T GIVE YOU A RE-RACK, BROTHER10:45 Jakob is looking about as broad as Beorn, but only his forearms are sore12:00 Grip training15:00 Farmers carries16:30 Strongman gyms17:00 Jacks and trades18:30 Jakob might hop into a strongman show20:00 Jakob’s robust rate of progress26:20 Jakob’s beef lord cousin28:30 Jakob only trains DOGS30:00 When to be present and when to just get in the work32:00 Dan Green doesn’t get that aroused33:00 My “adaptive metabolism” 36:00 Jakob’s life goal37:30 The Ukrainian invasion38:30 Strongman politics39:30 Sigmarsson and Kaz40:00 Eddie Hall controversy41:00 Who screenshots the screenshot?43:00 Fortissimus and the Shaw Classic44:30 Iron Biby is underrated 45:30 we need more bicep tears 47:00 standardized circus tricks 47:30 Venmo us funds for BULK BOYS LIVE at The Shaw Classic 49:00 Jakob wants Tom Stoltman to just get over his autism (jk) 51:20 Jakob is the sorcerer of strongman 52:30 MARTIIIIIINSSSS 55:30 Jakob is concerned about Thor’s legacy 58:00 I begin a streak of unfounded claims 59:30 Jakob’s Pete Rubish impersonation 1:00:30 Jakob’s grandpa thinks that if you lift you also do g4p 1:04:00 Even powerlifters want to look like they lift 1:05:00 What ego lifting really means 1:07:00 How lifting changed my dating prospects 1:08:00 There are no white lights at Anytime Fitness 1:09:30 Jakob delivers yet another wholesome message 1:09:45 Now we are going to spend several minutes embarrassing Ethan Montoya, who is skipping his glute accessories1:14:00 My achilles elbow; Jakob’s achilles feet1:16:00 Rock climbing, jiu jitsu, arm wrestling1:17:00 If Jakob doesn’t have a physical outlet, he resorts to constructing Ponzi scheme1:18:50 Jakob’s secret sauce (not what you think)1:20:45 My programming as of early May1:22:00 Jakob hates hyper-specificity1:25:00 20-rep squats are chemically castrating Jakob1:27:30 Expensive intra-workout1:28:00 I do a terrible job of explaining DoggCrapp training to Jakob. Guaranteed cringe of a listen1:30:00 Accessories are you chance to go Blood and Guts1:31:00 Another successful rant about effective reps1:32:00 We hate dogmatic deloads1:34:30 RPE 7-8 on comp lifts is the money range1:36:00 Wait until your accessories to pillage the muscle
@JSStrength is back and jacked. We recorded this a little over a month ago, prior to Jakob's epic 20-rep squat set. Check out the story behind that side quest on his channel: Jakob forgives me for interrupting his training00:45 Jakob’s home gym01:15 I stopped summoning Paimon01:30 We become art historians 02:00 THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM03:00 We address our 8 billion fans 03:15 Jakob remains a true bulk boy04:00 20-rep squats05:00 Conditioning vs. capacity06:00 Breathing is for cheaters. Also: SAVE YOUR BRACE.07:30 Jakob’s adductors were not prepared for this08:40 Extremely in-depth update on Jakob’s love life WITH NAMES10:30 Jakob sheds weight like I shed my soon-to-be-gone golden locks11:30 You are basically one Taco Bell Supreme away from shitting yourself down an entire weight class 12:00 You have to shit on your squat opener if you want three white lights 13:00 Being a busy bee13:45 Albuquerque never changes 15:00 How to water cut in New Mexico16:00 Jakob is afraid of getting mogged by his clients17:00 Jakob’s email is out there for the freaks17:30 Jakob says more nice things about my dumb channel18:40 Laughter gets me off19:00 Jakob asks me about my “process” as a “creator”***Youtubers gonna Youtube***21:00 We want to get so huge we viscerally disgust onlookers22:00 A xenomorph is growing inside Jakob’s ribcage23:00 Jakob got thrown out of a car when he was eight24:30 Jakob’s problems with NMAA Powerlifting26:30 Accessibility of PEDs29:00 Cerebral SARMS goblins 31:00 Subpar testing parameters32:45 Training update33:30 Sure cure for elbow pain34:00 Jakob just pause benched 325 for 0.999 reps35:00 Jakob evangelizes about banded bench38:00 Rep ranges on compound movements40:00 Beltless work and percentage-based training42:00 Efficiency can preserve your gumption42:30 I’ve abandoned neck work43:30 Jakob is concerned about sleep apnea (humble brag)43:45 We both fuck heavy with high pulls44:30 Yoke pumps 45:15 Getting comfortable with letting adaptations decay46:30 If you’re benching 200, you probably don’t need a peaking phase48:30 Injuries outside the gym50:30 Train happy51:30 Lifting music52:30 Using music to achieve a flow state53:45 My unsolicited recommendations55:30 Your hype song is like your Patronus, but also like what your uncle did to you when you were twelve56:30 The arousal snowball 57:00 They used to sell Superdrol at GNC in the good old days58:40 You’ve got to take at least 200 milligrams of melatonin a night (srs)01:00 Our supplement recommendations 1:01:00 Things get vivid and viscous 1:02:15 Healing peptides1:03:00 I’ve been using TB-500…NOT NATTY1:04:00 We get existential about competing1:04:30 We love gym maxes1:05:00 Fake weights at Anytime Fitness1:07:00 I know a heavy 45 when I see one1:08:00 How fake plates sabotaged Ed Coan1:08:30 Training on calibrated plates satisfied my autism1:08:50 A message to our adoring listeners1:09:15 Don’t get your squat briefs in a wad about switching equipment1:10:30 If you grab something stiff, you might strain your erector1:12:00 The OPTIMAL bicep workout1:13:00 Honorable mention1:14:30 We love painful forearm pumps1:15:30 How I partially tore my bicep1:17:00 Getting reacquainted with hook grip1:18:00 Hook grip tips from a 600 lb deadlifter1:21:00 Even more side quests1:23:00 Grip hack to develop ROBUST fingers
Rob Austin is a Tallahassee-based powerlifter, USAPL ref, and front squat enthusiast.
0:10 How Rob found his way into the weight room
01:30 How Rob found his way out of the weight room
01:40 How Rob found his way into the weight room yet again
02:00 Man walks into a commercial gym, gets Shane Hunt as his trainer
03:00 Joining Capital City Barbell
04:50 The infamous Coach Curling
06:00 Success is motivating
06:50 The (recently) legendary Coach Curling’s patented 8/5/3
07:45 You can get pretty far winging it
08:20 Filming your lifts keeps you honest
09:15 I get Molly’s name wrong
09:45 How to get your wife to lift
10:15 Rob convinces me to do the local deadlift only meet
11:15 Specificity; Rob’s training approach
12:30 Sometimes it feels longer than it looks
13:00 The woes of paused benching
15:00 You’d better not sling that into the rack
15:45 The ultimate goal, from a ref’s perspective
16:45 Improvised touch-and-go
17:15 How Rob got into refereeing for USAPL
19:00 Crash course on the certification test
20:00 The most obscure rule in the USAPL
23:00 Front squats will get red lights
24:00 Rob’s thoughts on anaconda-tight knee sleeves
26:20 Rob’s quads
27:00 You should be doing RDLs
27:45 Rows for the seals
28:30 Pull ups for some other endangered species
29:00 Rob makes the mistake of mentioning dips
30:30 What Rob used to lift back in college
31:00 What Rob can lift now
31:30 Resetting your goal posts
32:30 The Georgia state meet pulls out all the stops
33:00 Rob’s next meet
33:30 Rob’s approach to meet prep
34:20 Simulating meet pacing on SBD days
37:00 I make more excuses about why I don’t compete
37:30 Adjusting your expectations for meet day
38:45 Attempt selection
40:30 Deadlifts are always hard (and I envy them for that)
42:30 Rob’s standards are impeccable
43:30 Sumo and its nuances
49:30 The many blessings of belt squats
50:30 Rob’s ambitions for his upcoming meet
52:30 The advantage of competing infrequently
54:30 Alternative competition formats
57:00 Rob says nice things about my channel
Patrick Maguire is still a professional powerlifter, voice actor, Ghost Clash broadcaster, polyphasic sleep researcher, coach, and aspirational foot model. He has totaled 2342 raw with wraps, sporting competition bests of a 1014 squat, a 635 bench, and a 771 deadlift. His training ebook is dropping this week; he’s also writing a really epic progression fantasy that involves familiars, bone runes, fighting pits, and possibly a pro-garlic vampiric conspiracy. You can find him at Full_Primal_Power on Youtube, Instagram, and Only Fans. TIMESTAMPS00:00 PREVIOUSLY00:46 Patrick’s inciting incident is the same as A Series of Unfortunate Events01:40 When the basement of Maslow’s Hierarchy collapses, you’ve got to start keeping a mattress in your car03:30 Patrick hallucinated a cat04:00 Institutionalized05:15 Getting evicted mid-pandemic06:30 Why Patrick left his government job07:00 Making the uncomfortable decision 08:00 Patrick forced his way into professional broadcasting08:45 The orgy at Dave and Buster’s09:00 Moving toward what you want10:00 Bulk Boys becomes Book Boys10:55 Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos Theory 10112:30 Vampires as spaceship pilots13:20 A hard five is worth plenty13:45 You’ve got to have stakes15:15 Vegeta: jock mode. Goku: dork mode.16:30 We love it when nobody’s safe16:45 Audiobooks in the gym18:00 Approaches to progression fantasy20:00 Speedrunning Sonic Adventure 2 and Pokemon Yellow20:30 Patrick is knitting a Magicarp beanie for Shane Haller22:20 Don’t bring a party with all Eevee evolutions to a Pokémon battle with Shane Haller23:00 Patrick’s Pokémaster hacks24:20 There’s something defiant about facing the Elite Four with Rattata as your starter25:00 The Shuckle challenge; life is more fun when you cheat25:20 DAD, I CAN’T GO KAYAKING RIGHT NOW. I JUST BEAT POKÉMON SILVER.26:30 Patrick’s 300 episodes into One Piece27:00 Usopp is cringe27:30 I do a pretty good job of pretending I’ve seen 300 episodes of One Piece28:30 My problem with exposition dumps30:00 How to escalate scale in a story30:40 Tarantino’s villains31:00 Patrick is writing a torture scene33:00 Fuck The New Yorker33:30 Patrick’s fantasy novel37:20 Trans porn-based magic systems38:15 “Necromancers are just healers that are a little too slow”40:00 The vampiric garlic conspiracy41:30 You might not cum, but you still have to pay42:30 How to end the first installment of a trilogy44:00 Your character always needs something to lose44:30 I am so hard for Patrick’s book45:20 How Brownian motion applies to good fiction47:00 How to accommodate uncertainty as a writer 48:30 It doesn’t have to be allegorical; it can just be personal 50:00 Why and how Patrick started writing 52:00 We are addicted to progression54:30 Patrick is getting his start as a voice actor reading cringey poetry54:40 My haiku joke doesn’t get enough credit55:40 You should be reading Chuck Tingle 59:00 You’ll always wonder if you don’t go all the way59:45 The best gift you can give a child is a good bedtime story1:01:00 WE’VE GOT TO TALK ABOUT DUNE1:01:30 Patrick impersonates Lady Jessica 1:04:15 “REMEMBER THE TOOTH”1:05:20 It wasn’t cliche when Shakespeare wrote it1:06:45 From fable to complex and conflicted characters1:08:30 We get the Latin in thereIntro and outro music: Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio
*PLS CONSULT TIMESTAMPS*Patrick Maguire is a professional powerlifter, voice actor, Ghost Clash broadcaster, polyphasic sleep researcher, and aspirational foot model. He has totaled 2342 raw with wraps, sporting competition bests of a 1014 squat, a 635 bench, and a 771 deadlift. His training ebook will be available on Kindle this week; he’s also writing a really epic progression fantasy that involves familiars, bone runes, fighting pits, and possibly a pro-garlic vampiric conspiracy. You can find him at @FullPrimalPower on Youtube and Instagram. Stay tuned for the back half of our interview next week. Timestamps:0:00 My important apology00:45 Hype-adjacent intro01:30 We establish Patrick’s ethos02:00 Patrick announces his ebook release02:20 Kindle publishing03:15 Patrick’s sweet, sweet voice03:50 Patrick’s athletic background05:45 I crash test a Goonies joke06:40 Arnold in the morning, Ronnie Coleman at night07:45 "Injuries are for pussies" (not our words)08:05 Training is like the top from Inception08:30 As in gym, so with life10:40 John Haack is victim weight; Patrick calls Shane Hunt a little guy11:30 You’ve got to train like the little guys12:00 Training under “Lil” Joe Sullivan12:30 Asynchronous deloads14:00 We’re going to rebuild him, less fat and stronger15:30 Phasic nutrition with Brianny Terry16:00 Sleeves are gay, and we fully support them 16:30 Splenda mommies17:00 Lil Joe Sullivan does bodybuilding18:00 See that boat, sailor? You missed it.19:30 GPP facilitates a quicker turnaround time between meets20:30 The danger of water cuts21:00 Patrick competed at 328 in April; he’ll compete at 350 in November21:30 Stop being so (insulin) sensitive22:40 Sloppy honey application23:00 Pulling 771 at Ghost Clash23:45 Patrick’s deadlift plateaued at 700 until he implemented grip work24:30 Feeding two birds with one scone, but the birds aren’t real25:15 Patrick has a threesome with squat and bench while the deadlift gets cucked26:45 You know you’ve hit squat depth when you cum27:40 I aspire to become Dáin Ironfoot28:20 Patrick broke the assault bike to avoid having to use it28:40 TOP SECRET barefoot nose-breathing perineum-sunning protocol 30:15 The cardiovascular system responds quickly to training31:20 Patrick’s actual warm up: Squat 3x10 with 52532:00 Joe’s incredible responsiveness as a coach34:00 Stress management 35:30 Compartmentalization might make you productive in the short term, but it ultimately stunts you38:00 Patrick’s split: 4 days training, 1 day crying38:50 Foot finder can definitely be platonic39:25 Dicks in the DMs39:40 I asked Patrick to rub my belly until a genie came out, but he was pooping40:00 Mental health40:45 Patrick’s childhood home burnt all the way down41:15 When the basement of Maslow’s Hierarchy collapses, you’ve got to start keeping a mattress in your car41:40 Drexler’s landscape is Kafka-esque43:15 Sometimes you just imagine a cat43:00 Behavioral Health units46:00 Why Patrick left his government job46:45 Making the uncomfortable decisionIntro and outro music: Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio
Josh Chamblin is the founder and owner of Capital City Barbell, the strongest gym in Tallahassee. ( can find Capital City on Facebook and Instagram at The Capital City Barbell. Email josh@thecapitalcitybarbell for membership inquiries. Intro and outro music: Karl Casey @ White Bat AudioTIMESTAMPS00:30 Basement weights1:20 The Youtube salad days02:00 Zoomers are built different03:30 There’s not enough room in this town for all these good coaches04:45 Josh was a 5/3/1 bro05:30 Don’t you ever wish you could go back?06:00 What Josh’s training looks like now07:30 “Look good, feel good, move good”09:00 Motion is lotion10:45 Some exercises are best done in private11:30 My side quest with the neck harness 12:30 Josh’s athletic background13:00 Dr. Zourdos hid a horcrux in Tallahasse13:30 The origins of Florida State’s weightlifting club16:00 DUP is conjugate; conjugate is linear; programming is a social construct18:00 What’s applicable to geared lifting vs. raw lifting19:00 The curious case of the vanishing EliteFTS article20:30 The AI coaching takeover22:00 Coaching your own damn self22:35 I was never coachable23:40 How Josh connected with Eric Altman (local powerlifting coach)24:30 The origin of Capital City Barbell26:20 Going all in30:00 How Josh started hosting USAPL meets32:45 Social media is changing the goal posts for lifting33:45 The legend of Shane Hunt36:40 Fake commercial gym weights38:50 Five actually goes a long way39:20 The MINDSET advantage of kilo plates43:40 “The more reds you get on there, the heavier it gets”40:50 Josh’s best competition lifts41:00 Josh got stronger after he stopped competing41:25 Adductor tear41:45 Other adductor tear42:00 Being healed vs. being able to train43:20 Josh’s current goals with his training45:00 600 pound deadlift incoming46:00 Josh is looking thick, solid, tight46:30 ILLUSIONS47:30 When you bench 405 twice a week, sometimes your shoulder gets angry50:00 The workout before the workout51:00 The cure for your injuries is…BLOOD53:00 One weird trick; take home message
Austin Ferrier was a nationally competitive collegiate lifter for Ohio University. These days he’s working a grownup job, but still snatching and jerking for the soul. He talks about self-coaching, the skill aspect of Olympic lifting, and how his relationship with the sport has changed after leaving the platform; we also reminisce about the Misc, 70’s Big, and old school TNation. We’re trying to be chill strong. Only 2010’s lifters will get this.Intro and outro music: Karl Casey @ White Bat AudioTimestamps:00:30 This is a cocaine-friendly podcast01:00 Austin started out in martial arts01:30 Austin was born as a computer02:00 How the computer learned to grind02:30 Becoming a bulk boy03:00 Misc reminiscence; are you aware?04:00 3DMJ emerged from the depravity 04:30 We don’t condone torrents05:00 Shouts out to the 70’s Big boys05:50 I whine about my elbows06:30 Austin meets a barbell07:00 Shouts out to Westside for Skinny Bastards08:00 Getting MOGGED by upperclassmen08:45 Even more shouts out09:15 The Ohio powerlifting community10:00 Austin goes to the Arnold Sports Festival 10:45 Meeting the Lilliebridges11:45 Six degrees of separation from Robert Oberst12:30 Five degrees is actually the national average13:00 The shouts out continue13:20 Phil Heath vs. Kai Greene14:00 You wouldn’t believe it, but bodybuilders are huge14:45 One time Austin told me I look like Justin Laseck15:30 Floridian high school lifting17:00 Austin’s starter pack for Olympic lifting18:45 Primal triple extension20:30 Lifting with football freaks22:00 Rate limiters in Olympic lifting22:30 Throwers are built different23:45 Neuroplasticity24:15 Either throw your kid in the water or kick them in the head26:00 Natties vs. nurture27:20 Volleyball push presses28:00 How Austin started competing28:55 Hitting your vampiric macros30:00 Austin competed in the 69s…nice30:50 2013 University Nationals31:00 More shouts out32:30 Strength has to be replicable 33:00 THOSE DOGS33:50 How Austin has adapted his training around a more than full-time job34:20 CHILL STRONG35:45 Old guys should have RPE caps36:10 What it takes to self-coach38:00 There is no secret sauce (but buy mine)38:40 I hypocritically shame program-hoppers40:50 Christmas is for PRing41:15 Approach lifting as a skill42:30 I’ve witnessed Austin’s MINDSET45:00 Me bringing it back to self-awareness and self-honesty45:45 You are not your hobby48:00 Mental stability: the best ergogenic aid49:00 What gym means to us; we are nerds50:00 Wholesome take-home message from Austin50:40 10,000 kettlebell swing challenge54:00 Austin’s transformation55:00 We completely neglected talking about Lu and Karlos
Join Sam’s Patreon: @ShethartrainingFollow Sam on Youtube: @ShethartrainingFollow Sam’s Instagram: @ShetharFollow Max’s Instagram: @the_one_rep_MaxIntro and outro music: Karl Casey @ White Bat AudioTimestamps: 00:00 The best Bulk Boys intro yet00:50 Sam’s upcoming strongman competition1:30 Viper pressing the log ladder is jock mode2:15 One weird trick to bench 600; Sam actually isn’t the biggest guy in the world (yet)4:00 Sam’s secondary pressing day4:30 Sam’s pressing hasn’t even reached its final form4:40 I KNOW YOU LIKE DIPS4:45 Sam doesn’t like dips (at the moment)5:50 Sam’s pressing accessories 7:00 My plans for balding gracefully7:45 SSB and front squats as developmental movements for strongman8:20 Dealing with big loads in front of your body9:40 Sam’s advice on elbow pain in the squat12:00 You can get your back tight without taking a narrow grip14:00 Grip adjustments 16:00 Sika Strength fetishizes Max16:10 Sika Strength acknowledges Sam17:00 SHW powerlifting is won with the squat 19:45 Sam’s best squat (technically)21:15 We hate leverage copers22:30 You’re only weak because you haven’t gotten stronger25:00 Practice tech on your main movement, then go get diesel 26:30 Self-limiting variations 30:00 Execute your warmups with the same tempo as your heavy work31:30 Expectations transitioning from a hypertrophy phase into a strength block32:30 Should you incorporate singles year-round? 35:15 Sam’s thoughts on DUP37:00 Asynchronous descent speed on the squat38:00 Just accept that you are a tennis ball39:00 Low bar in heels or flats?40:00 Stair calves for ankle mobility 40:45 A dumb circle jerk42:00 History vs. PubMed; limitations of studies43:10 SAM WANTS PICS44:30 Sam’s two-year plan for strongman47:30 THE SEVEN CATEGORIES48:30 Sorry fellas, looks like you actually have to train your weaknesses 49:00 Understatement of the century49:45 Sam’s garage is turning into a sandbox51:00 The power of repetition52:00 What Sam’s touching, and how much he touches it52:45 Wisdom from Bromley 53:40 Long-term goals aren’t evidence-based55:30 Sam’s hidden hands56:30 Incremental goals are the way57:30 Sam unequivocally promises us that he WILL bench 700 (jk)59:00 The infinite five pounds fallacy1:01:00 How Sam will know it’s time to exit strength sports1:02:30 Why Sam is pretty anti-weight cut for strongman1:04:30 Sam steals fat person valor 1:06:00 Gatekeeping in strongman1:08:00 I drastically underestimate the length of Sam’s Youtube tenure1:09:00 We summon @AlexanderBromley to the podcast1:10:00 Obligatory content creator discussion1:12:00 I say “you know” way too much, you know?1:13:00 Guess I need a whiteboard1:14:30 Video production is like benching1:15:45 A bright new idea for Sam’s GoPro1:16:00 Where to find Sam1:17:00 Wholesome gratitude1:17:45 Stan Efferding is CONFIRMED for Large Lads 22
Join Sam’s Patreon: @ShetharTraining Follow Sam on Youtube: @ShetharTrainingFollow Max’s Instagram: @the_one_rep_MaxTimestamps:00:00 Hype-ish intro01:08 Moment of silence for our brother in bulking, Jakob S1:40 Sam’s annual sumo pull; how to be a natural spread-legged tugger4:10 Abusing rep PRs; testing vs. training8:10 A quality single is worth more than a shitty double11:40 Programming off of a clean max13:10 Do not implement without considering context16:30 Ed Coan is built different17:40 Work capacity is trainable19:10 Productive vs. feasible frequency21:10 Monocles as an ergogenic aid22:40 Vocab word of the week: interoception27:00 The broad applicability of an athletic background31:30 The power of an autistic mindset34:30 The Shane Hunt mentality37:15 Productive tunnel vision39:00 Familial tunnel vision40:00 Self-knowledge, self-honesty41:10 Sam’s origins as a boxer46:40 Revenge arc completed49:10 Chasing a sensation vs. chasing an outcome51:10 We delve into my self-imposed childhood trauma54:10 How to stunt your growth56:00 Lukas Verzbicas kicked my ass57:00 The talent pool in strength sports is deepening59:00 Sam’s first meet1:00:30 Taking Bull Stewart by the horns1:02:30 Sand squatting national champion1:03:30 Supertraining nostalgia 1:04:00 Taking yourself seriously is dork mode1:06:00 What raw really means1:08:00 Pool noodle deadlifts1:10:00 Obligatory Haack vs. Coan debate1:13:00 Handicapping your lifts on social media1:15:00 In spite of vs. because of1:16:00 I completely misinterpret Sam’s training approach1:18:00 Benching 600 allowed Sam to go all in on strongmanIntro and outro music: Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio
Part two of my interview with Jakob S of @JSStrength . We cover his implementation of conjugate, the strategies he employed to skyrocket his bench, his strongman aspirations, his origins as Charmander, and the fire that drives him. Timestamps:00:15: Jakob shows us what’s under his hoodie00:30 Jakob’s take on conjugate2:00 accessories to bring up weak points3:00 how Jakob implements max effort into his own training4:30 focusing on a single goal; you’ve got the upper and the lower5:15 not squatting to squat more; Jakob’s latest squat PR6:45 the allure of specializing7:40 Jakob’s spine is a forklift9:00 we shit on sumo10:00 sometimes you have to spread your legs to win11:10 Jakob can basically deadlift 70011:45 What’s in Jakob’s closet13:30 I become a crotchety old man14:30 How Jakob benched 315; one weird trick to cure sternum pain17:00 Jakob’s most meaningful P.R. (not what you think)20:20 We hate technique lords21:00 Strongman is the most holistic test of strength22:30 @peterubishfitness gave Jakob 20-rep squats23:10 The humor gets dark23:45 We act like w’re going to end the podcast24:30 Jakob’s plan for his meet25:10 THESE HANDS26:30 Jakob hears voices27:30 Jakob is Charmander28:15 how to train your demons29:15 We act like we’re going to end the pod again29:30 We delve into my history of disordered eating and endurance sports36:00 That one shredded friend37:30 We’re all built different38:20 We critique the pod before actually ending itIntro and outro music: Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio
On the first installment of the Bulk Boys podcast, I interview Jakob S of @JSStrength, a powerlifter and coach who's already putting up staunch numbers at the age of twenty. (Correction: I said he was twenty-one in my introduction, but his birthday isn't until April 1st.) Our conversation covers the impact of temperament on training, how to progressively overload your mindset, our mutual fanboying over @ShetharTraining and @peterubishfitness , and selfishness as the truest path to altruism. Stay tuned for part two of our discussion, which should be dropping on Easter. You can find Jakob at @JSStrength on Youtube and jsstrength_0 on Instagram, and email him at for coaching inquiries.TIMESTAMPS:1:50 moving back to New Mexico; gap year2:50 the challenge of accepting that you know yourself best6:10 How Jakob got into lifting 7:25 Why overhead and incline pressing have better carryover to contact sports9:10 Sloth and heartbreak: the perfect potion11:10 That one ex that we aren’t going to talk about12:30 pulling a hammy13:00 Fellas will bang the wall if they don’t have an outlet 13:45 Low bar is a finicky outlet, especially with a hamstring injury14:15 Jakob’s 500 pound squat15:00 Becoming the Shane Hunt of Anytime Fitness15:30 Our mutual admiration of hamstrings; Cailer Woolam’s rear glute spread16:00 Jakob’s experience coaching high school powerlifters16:45 Jakob’s experience mogging high school powerlifters18:00 Jakob’s early and diverse strength training influences 19:15 The benefits of knowing that you don’t know26:00 Jakob’s freak athlete Dom27:00 Laboring in obscurity29:15 Jakob trains every damn day31:15 Jakob wants you to throw out your pre-workout 31:50 A tornado tries to sweep him off to Oz33:45 Shouts out to @Shethartraining34:15 Getting caught in the hype; central fatigue; wave loading your adrenaline36:40 Tailoring training to disposition37:30 Jakob’s plans for competing39:00 Jakob is a true bulk boy39:15 Jakob is about to stop being a true bulk boy39:40 Getting veiny for the ladies40:30 Doing his own dental work40:55 My bleeding-heart snowflake encouragement42:45 Closet powerbuilders; why I’m not Dan Green (yet)43:30 How Jakob programs accessories44:15 One weird trick to explosive progress46:30 Bulk boys are carb boys46:50 Jakob goes exercise scientist about how carbs facilitate anabolic signaling 48:00 Shouts out to @MPMD48:40 Protein quality/amino acid profiles50:05 Bulk boys are also beef boys50:45 I am going to get evicted if I can’t monetize this channel52:00 Anal pencil-necks 54:15 GPs know broadly, but not deeply55:00 Just do this thing56:00 Jakob’s house getting robbed by Andrew Huberman fans56:40 A simple kind of bulk boy57:00 Poverty makes you seem enlightened59:30 You have to address yourself before you can address others; the value of honest selfishnessIntro and outro music: Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio