Rising and lowering prices isn't a shortcut to producing more profit. There are multiple factors that affect profit.
This is part seven of an eight-part series on business myths. In this series, we will be discussing and dispelling myths in business that limit people's thinking and success. These myths are ideas that people often say to each other as if they are true. The result is that they hold people back. The Business Mindset by RSC podcast is brought to you by:
Robert Chun atâ â rscbusinessgroup.comâ â
Aurelia Jusyte atâ â rscsales.caâ â
Brandon Ling atâ â rscbga.comâ â
Music by Davey Harris
Spotify â Davey Harris Spotifyâ
YouTube ââ
Websiteâ â
We know that there are changes, fluctuations, and cycles in life yet part of us feels that it should business should be stable and consistent. This can lead to feeling upset, frustrated, confused, or stressed when there are changes to our productivity, our revenue, the economic environment, and more. Seasonal businesses such as ski resorts are quick to accept these cycles because it was obvious from the start but it can take longer for the rest of us. This episode looks at the seasons or cyclical changes and how we can work with them instead of fighting them.
This is part six of an eight-part series on business myths. In this series, we will be discussing and dispelling myths in business that limit people's thinking and success. These myths are ideas that people often say to each other as if they are true. The result is that they hold people back. The Business Mindset by RSC podcast is brought to you by:
Robert Chun atâ rscbusinessgroup.comâ
Aurelia Jusyte atâ rscsales.caâ
Brandon Ling atâ rscbga.comâ
Music by Davey Harris
Spotify Davey Harris Spotify
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Small and medium businesses try to save money by having one person do multiple jobs that require different skill sets without adequate training for each role. The result is lower performance. The person won't be effective at everything without training.
This is part five of an eight-part series on business myths. In this series, we will be discussing and dispelling myths in business that limit people's thinking and success. These myths are ideas that people often say to each other as if they are true. The result is that they hold people back.
The Business Mindset by RSC podcast is brought to you by:
Robert Chun atâ rscbusinessgroup.comâ
Aurelia Jusyte atâ rscsales.caâ
Brandon Ling atâ rscbga.comâ
Music by Davey Harris
Spotify â Davey Harris Spotifyâ
Hiring more, adding more people = much easier. People often think that hiring more employees, contractors, and outsourced suppliers will make things easier automatically. The part that is often overlooked is the preparation, communication, and organization required to effectively manage and lead those people. Just dumping work on people is rarely effective.
This is part four of an eight-part series on business myths. In this series, we will be discussing and dispelling myths in business that limit people's thinking and success. These myths are ideas that people often say to each other as if they are true. The result is that they hold people back.
The Business Mindset by RSC podcast is brought to you by:
Robert Chun atâ rscbusinessgroup.comâ
Aurelia Jusyte atâ rscsales.caâ
Brandon Ling atâ rscbga.comâ
Music by Davey Harris atâ
We discuss and debunk some common social constructs that hinder business success. Social constructs are all around us and we often aren't aware of them. When we believe that they are true, they become the reality that we live inside of and are limited by. Being aware of them and choosing a different reality makes more possible.
This is part three of an eight-part series on business myths. In this series, we will be discussing and dispelling myths in business that limit people's thinking and success. These myths are ideas that people often say to each other as if they are true. The outcome is that they hold people back.
The Business Mindset by RSC podcast is brought to you by:
Robert Chun atâ rscbusinessgroup.comâ
Aurelia Jusyte atâ rscsales.caâ
Brandon Ling atâ rscbga.comâ
Music by Davey Harris atâ
There is a myth that having a business means that you must focus on the business, have no social life, and you must cut everything else out. Instead you can have any lifestyle that you want to.
This is part two of an eight-part series on business myths. In this series, we will be discussing and dispelling myths in business that limit people's thinking and success. These myths are ideas that people often say to each other as if they are true. The outcome is that they hold people back.
The Business Mindset by RSC podcast is brought to you by:
Robert Chun atâ rscbusinessgroup.comâ
Aurelia Jusyte atâ rscsales.caâ
Brandon Ling atâ rscbga.comâ
Music by Davey Harris atâ
We discuss the misconception that you need money in order to start a business. Not all businesses require a significant capital investment upfront. With creativity, many do not.
This is the first of an eight-part series on business myths. In this series, we will be discussing and dispelling myths in business that limit people's thinking and success. These myths are ideas that people often say to each other as if they are true. The outcome is that they hold people back.
The Business Mindset by RSC podcast is brought to you by:
Robert Chun at
Aurelia Jusyte at
Brandon Ling at
Music by Davey Harris at