
  • The extraterrestrial comedy podcast where we head back to 1980, travelling from Oklahoma to New Mexico as we probe whether Myrna Hansen and her boy were abducted by a UFO, after observing a cow being abducted prior. Did the aliens accidentally take the family or did they want to leave no witnesses behind? Because her description was so accurate, the military believed that Myrna went to a weapon storage facility where alien greys and humans may have worked side by side. Did this one happen as explained, or was this a case of hypnotic regression gone crazy. Alongside that
 Do you know any Pokemon jokes? Let Mr Moonwalker know, he loves them! All that and more on this episode.



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    Music created via Garageband. Additional music via: and via Purple Planet at - thank you most kindly good people.

  • The extraterrestrial comedy podcast where we probe whether famous historical figure and Patron Saint of France Joan of Arc was visited by angels, demons, aliens or something else entirely. Joan, more likely Jeanne or Jehanette and who wasn’t from Arc, was born in 1412 and may have been the foretold one - a prophecy had foretold that an armed virgin would save France. That prophecy may have come from Merlin. Joan insisted on a meeting with the Dauphin, the uncrowned Charles the 7th and indeed, was eventually granted an audience with Charles whereby Joan was able to identify the man she had never met (the man who was at that time wearing somebody else’s clothing). This all somehow led to Joan accompanying military forces before beginning to command those forces in their continued success driving the English back. Eventually, Joan’s mission was successful - Charles was crowned king and France was pretty much saved. Joan’s desire to attack those who opposed Charles continued however and Joan was eventually captured before being handed over to the English for execution following a farce of a trial. The whole time, Joan conducted herself well. Joan was indeed executed before eventually becoming Patron Saint. But where did Joan’s messages come from? Those messages did indeed do as Joan herself claimed they would do. Some alternatives explanations are covered
 All that and more on this week’s file.



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    Music created via Garageband. Additional music via: - thank you most kindly good people. You may have clocked early on that we used the Nintendo 64’s Legend of Hyrule theme from 1998’s The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, composed by Hero of Sound Kƍji Kondƍ. We closed out the episode with the ’Staff Roll’ aka credits theme from Nintendo’s 1990-1992 Super Mario World from the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, also composed by Mr Kondƍ.

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  • The extraterrestrial comedy podcast where we probe the events of the 11/11/1979 at 11 PM involving a TAE Super Caravelle airliner leaving Salzburg airport. A UFO appeared and didn’t identify itself because it was a UFO resulting in this plane landing unplanned at Manises, Valencia. A key was scrambled and when about to fire at the UFO, the jet lost control. The agencies involved claimed that the pilots were mistaken and that this was simply a case of sightings of planets and stars but we’ve heard that before on this podcast. Was this a case of aliens, a military cover up, or an airline/tech company cover up? All that and more on this friendly episode.



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    Music created via Garageband. Additional music via: and via Purple Planet at - thank you most kindly good people.

  • The paranormal comedy podcast where we probe events of 1591 Breslau, Poland whereby a deceased gentleman just wouldn’t stay deceased. The man passed in what at the time was considered an unholy manner yet was given a holy burial and this, allegedly, resulted in this man becoming stuck between life and the afterlife. Truthfully. The town struggled to understand how to deal with this matter until the man’s wife came clean
 It wasn’t even just the man for when the man’s wife passed, assaults on the living continued. Then the man’s previous servant passed on. Assaults continued. How could this one be explained? All that and more on this week’s file.



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    Music created via Garageband. Additional music via: - thank you most kindly good people. We closed out the episode with the ’Staff Roll’ aka credits theme from Nintendo’s 1990-1992 Super Mario World from the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, composed by Hero of Sound Kƍji Kondƍ.


    Occult World:

    Paranormal World summary:

  • The extraterrestrial comedy podcast where we probe Jan Wolski’s alleged abduction. Jan was a farmer in his 70’s during the 70’s. A career around farm chemicals and hard work had left Jan pretty much prepared for anything. Anything but this. For Jan would be accompanied on his cart by two green people who would end up taking Jan to their slab-lab. This one went on to become one of Poland’s most famous extraterrestrial encounters. But were Jan’s balls scanned? Alongside that we ponder whether one would recall time-travelling if one time-travelled? All that and more on this week’s file.



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    Music created via Garageband. Additional music via: - thank you most kindly good people. We closed out the episode with the ’Staff Roll’ aka credits theme from Nintendo’s 1990-1992 Super Mario World from the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, composed by Hero of Sound Kƍji Kondƍ.


    YouTube video interviewing Jan:

    How and Whys write up:

  • The extraterrestrial comedy podcast where we probe an allegedly haunted house in Maple Avenue, Hanover, Pennsylvania. There is a lot out there on this one and a lot of it doesn’t follow much of a timeline so we try to put things in to some sort of chronological order and bring you the true facts. Allegedly. Deanna Simpson wasn’t a Medium or anything of that nature. I mean sure you could say that Deanna was sensitive to otherworldly energies but we’re not saying that she was sensitive. We’re not saying that she did or did not become a Medium either. Those sensitivities could attract dark entities sorry entitties. Especially in a house full of bad juju. Which of course this house was, having seen so much tragedy before the Simpson’s even arrived. Could this be a case of residual hauntings, poltergeist, simply a hoax, or was a demon to blame? For the believers out there, at about 36:43 on this episode, a voice was picked up by our microphones. It wasn’t Kev or Granville and nobody else was around. We didn’t hear this until listening back
 Spookies! All that and more on this week’s file.



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    Music created via Garageband. Additional music via: - thank you most kindly good people. We closed out the episode with the ’Staff Roll’ aka credits theme from Nintendo’s 1990-1992 Super Mario World from the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, composed by Hero of Sound Kƍji Kondƍ.


    Daily Mail:

    Occult Blogger:

    YouTube video of Fox 43 summary:

    Another YouTube news channel summary of the haunting:

    Civil War Ghosts article:

  • The paranormal comedy podcast where we probe what went down at Lake Backsjon on the 27th of July 1999. Or should that be what went IN to Lake Backsjon? Something happened. A giant cigar-shaped object with wings was rumoured to have crashed in to this lake. What could that object be? Something happened. Was this object of military or of extraterrestrial origin? Did we say that something happened? All that and more on this weeks episode.



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    Music created via Garageband. Additional music via: and via Purple Planet at - thank you most kindly good people.

  • The extraterrestrial comedy podcast where we probe multiple events in the skies above Warminster whereby there have been sonic booms, windows blown through, strange lights in the sky and people thrown to the floor by unseen forces. That all sounds a little alien doesn't it? But is it? Or is the coincidently nearby military base involved? This one has been witnessed by hundreds, possibly thousands. All that and more on this week’s file.



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    Music created via Garageband. Additional music via: - thank you most kindly good people. We closed out the episode with the ’Staff Roll’ aka credits theme from Nintendo’s 1990-1992 Super Mario World from the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, composed by Hero of Sound Kƍji Kondƍ.


    Mental Floss write up of Christmas 1964 experiences:

    Express newspaper article:

    Weird Wiltshire article:

    Wiltshire Live report:

    UFO Warminster unsecure summary of Arthur Shuttlewood’s reports:

    Thank you, Dave and Ellis aka Elvis. Your dad will keep you safe from those aliens, little buddy.

  • The extraterrestrial comedy podcast where we probe Rene Gilham’s 1957 UFO sighting. Rene’s neighbours kid alerted Rene to the presence of something in the sky so Rene went to take a look. Rene would regret this action for Rene’s eye would swell to disgusting but not very disgusting proportions. Rene saw a doctor before the military got wind of this and told Rene to keep quiet. They didn’t know that Rene had already seen a doctor though so the word still got out. Details of this case then mysteriously went up in a blaze. A cover up? Let’s find out. Woooaaaah.



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    Music created via Garageband. Additional music via: and via Purple Planet at - thank you most kindly good people.

  • The extraterrestrial comedy podcast where we probe a gosh damned UFO crash landing. A burning object was seen in the sky across much of North America and Canada in December 1965 before hitting the ground in Pennsylvania’s Kecksburg. The military quickly arrived, suspiciously quickly in fact, but before they did a local managed to investigate the crash. The local fire service too were called in but were stood down by armed military. Since this time, an Air Force Security Officer who was tasked with guarding the object has come forward to confirm that this event took place. Yes, there are several witnesses to these events. Something came down. Something our governments don’t want us to know about. The only question that remains is what that object was. Was it a drone? Well and the small matter of whether this case links to the Nazi Alien or technologically advanced Die Glocke? Does Kev owe Granville ÂŁ500 ÂŁ750 ÂŁ1000 ÂŁ3000 and is the amount on record? All that and more on this week’s file.



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    Music created via Garageband. Additional music via: - thank you most kindly good people. We closed out the episode with the ’Staff Roll’ aka credits theme from Nintendo’s 1990-1992 Super Mario World from the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, composed by Hero of Sound Kƍji Kondƍ.


    Pennsylvania Center for the Book summary:

    NBC News coverage:

    Montel Williams Show Youtube video of James Romansky’s account:

    Unsolved Mysteries Youtube episode on Kecksburg Incident:

  • The extraterrestrial comedy podcast where we probe Pauline Delcour-Min’s lifetime of extraterrestrial activity. Several lifetimes in fact. Several million lifetimes. This one involves it all - greys, cat people, angels and an ultimate creator. Oh and spirit bodies. How does it all connect? Kevin and Granville aren’t even sure
 All that and more on this episode.



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    Music created via Garageband. Additional music via: and via Purple Planet at - thank you most kindly good people.

  • The extraterrestrial comedy podcast where we probe the solving of the February 1977 murder of Teresita Basa. This one is unusual because it was solved by Teresita herself. Yep. Teresita is alleged to have communicated through former co-worker Remi Chia, pointing the finger at hospital colleague Allan Showery. Yes, Teresita fingered the culprit to her own murder. Teresita, even identified evidence to prove her claims, through Remy. Was this one as it seems - a case of a spirit solving their own murder from beyond the grave? Or did Remi and husband Joe Chua know a little more than they let on and come up with a creative way to get this information to the police? Alongside that, information suggests that the MiB’s may be targeting Mr Moonwalker at work under assumed identities
 All that and more on this week’s probe.



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    Music created via Garageband. Additional music via: - thank you most kindly good people.


    Paranormal Catalog:

    Unsolved Mysteries Fandom:

  • The extraterrestrial comedy podcast where we probe an alleged extraterrestrial amphibian-looking creature who appeared to several teenagers over two different evenings. April 21st - 22nd 1977, Dover Massachusetts. William Bartlett, John Baxter and Abby Brabham all saw a similar looking cross between Slenderman and a sloth
 Or a frog with disturbing digits. But did they really? Were these witnesses really unrelated? Alongside that, we discover that Mr Moonwalker loves potato salad. All that and more on this weeks probe.



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    Music created via Garageband. Additional music via: and via Purple Planet at - thank you most kindly good people.

  • The extraterrestrial comedy podcast where we probe whether a body preserved from the late neolithic period known today as Ötzi is tracking down and killing those who disturbed Ötzi’s several thousand year resting place. Discovered in September 1991, many who were involved in this frozen discovery have since passed away. Is this one truly a curse, or is nature just taking its natural course? Remember that calling BS on a curse is a BAD MOVE. Alongside all that we ponder
 Would Kev and G survive in the Copper Age? All that and more on this week’s probe.



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    Music created via Garageband. Additional music via: - thank you most kindly good people. We closed out the episode with the ’Staff Roll’ aka credits theme from Nintendo’s 1990-1992 Super Mario World from the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, composed by Hero of Sound Kƍji Kondƍ.


    Sabrina’s summary in the Lethbridge News:

    TreeHugger facts about Ötzi:

    Ötzi‘s genetic history:

    Tsemrinpoche detailed write up:

    Link for what Ötzi sounded like:

    Also see:

  • The extraterrestrial comedy podcast where we probe two sisters at Trout Lake, Canada in 2005. What these people saw was oh so much more than fish. Dolphins, perhaps? Pokemon? Or was it god damn aliens? Alongside that we ponder what keeps Greybeard running during these sleepy times? All that and more on this episode.



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    Music created via Garageband. Additional music via: and via Purple Planet at - thank you most kindly good people.

  • The extraterrestrial comedy podcast where we probe several simian sightings from 1878, 1879, the late 1800’s and as recently as the 1980’s in England within the United Kingdom. Is there a ghostly gorilla roaming the lands of the Shropshire Union Canal? Does this creature stalk those who pass Bridge 39? Is this creature cold? Or is the creature responsible for these several shocks actually the lingering spirit of a deceased workman from the area, as the police of the day seemed to believe? Or perhaps a gorilla on horseback roams the British countryside to this day? Was this thing a Pokemon? Alongside that it is pondered as to what gorilla’s like to do with bananas
 HERE HE COMES BANANA SLAMMA KONGO BONGO’s HERO. All that and more on this week’s file.



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    Music created via Garageband. Additional music via: - thank you most kindly good people. When Kev sang the Donkey Kong Country theme, the theme of the actual Nelvena and Medialab-produced cartoon composed via Pure West was underlaid because IT HAD TO BE DONE. There was a tiny tiny snippet of the Indiana Jones theme song aka The Raiders March as Kev hummed the tune, which was composed and conducted via John Williams courtesy of Polygram, Sony Music and Colombia Records. We closed out the episode with the ’Staff Roll’ aka credits theme from Nintendo’s 1990-1992 Super Mario World from the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, composed by Hero of Sound Kƍji Kondƍ.


    Spooky Isles:

    Canal & River Hub:

    Cryptid Archives:

    Karl Shuker article:

  • The extraterrestrial comedy podcast where we probe four UFO sightings of a similar, possibly the same craft in the Wisconsin area. Suspiciously, all these crafts were witnessed by people with no, or 1 letter surnames. Were the witnesses MiB’s? Are we being MiBbed off? Are these photos legitimate, have they been Photoshopped or have these old timer camera’s just naturally f’d up? Alongside that we ponder whether Greybeard should get Nintendo Online or play Helldivers? All that and more on this weeks episode.



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    Music created via Garageband. Additional music via: and via Purple Planet at - thank you most kindly good people.

  • The extraterrestrial comedy podcast where we probe someone who is officially the most successful pirate in history, Black Sam Bellamy. Black Sam came from humble beginnings, a young British Navy sailor who turned treasure hunter in order to secure the marriage of Sam’s true love (Sam had to get rich or die trying). Things went a bit sideways however when Sam found that the 1715 Treasure Fleet had already been recovered (well, the easy bits at least) meaning that Sam had no quick and easy treasure to achieve his goal. What’s a skilled man of the sea to do when in need of money? That’s right, PIRATE. Black Sam Bellamy would come in to contact with famous pirates Henry Jennings, Benjamin Hornigold and Blackbeard and join the Flying Gang but Sam would become more successful than all of them, depending upon how you define success
 From storming ships naked to deceiving ships with fake flags, Sam earned well over one hundred million dollars in today’s currency. At the height of Sam’s success however, Sam longed for love. Allegedly. Truthfully. At this very same moment, it is alleged that Sam’s love, who had encountered misery whilst waiting for Sam, placed a curse on Sam. Sam, unaware of the misery of his love, would one day return but this day may just have been Sam’s last. Was witchcraft responsible? Alongside that, we ask whether a pirate can be truly good if they put everything to the vote
 All that and more on this week’s file.



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    Music created via Garageband. Additional music via: - thank you most kindly good people. As it’s a pirate episode, we had to easter egg and include our favourite music from Rare’s formerly exclusive Xbox title Sea Of Thieves, courtesy of Microsoft and composed via the magical Robin Beanland. Those tunes included Maiden Voyage, Summon the Megalodon, Shipwreaks and We Shall Sail Together. We closed out the episode with the usual ’Staff Roll’ aka credits theme from Nintendo’s 1990-1992 Super Mario World from the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, composed by Hero of Sound Kƍji Kondƍ.



    Historical Society of Old Yarmouth article on Mary ‘Goody’ Hallet:

    Wicked Yankee blog detailing Mary Hallet:

    Pirates Love Fandom stub on Mary Hallet:

    Real Pirates podcast - 4 episode series on Black Sam Bellamy.

  • The paranormal comedy podcast where we probe George Wheeler’s 1976 sighting of something in the sky. What? It’s not entirely clear on first analysis actually. On second analysis, it was a flying saucer. On third, a Jaffa Cake. On fourth, the moon. Nobody can be sure until we pop the lid off this one and see what’s going on with that dangly bit
 All that and more on this episode.



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  • The extraterrestrial comedy podcast where we probe the Voronezh UFO. 27/09/1989. This date is written in now Russian history for this was Independence Day. Well, not that type of Independence Day but a big-a** spaceship may have breached then-Soviet airspace. The smart folks (possibly the adults because those witnesses may have allegedly truthfully disappeared) ran. Those with their wits perhaps less about them, stood awestruck. Did the craft land? If a craft lands and an alien exits said craft, the first thing they teach you in MiB Academy is to not directly approach an alien. One child didn’t follow this teaching, f’d around and found out. Parallel to that, this one was witnessed by the police and with such an authentic sighting, this one quickly made it’s way to the media of the time. State media. Scientific analysis ensued. Alongside that it is pondered through the episode
 What kind of potential weapon found laying around the house would be best to combat an alien invader? What could you say to an alien that would result in the alien immediately opening fire on you? All that and more on this week’s file.



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    Music created via Garageband. Additional music via: - thank you most kindly good people. We closed out the episode with the ’Staff Roll’ aka credits theme from Nintendo’s 1990-1992 Super Mario World from the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, composed by Hero of Sound Kƍji Kondƍ.


    Oddity Hive:

    Washington Post:
