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PMConfidential, il podcast di chi vuole diventare un essere umano di professione.
Questo podcast nasce dall’esigenza di porre, ad alta voce, delle domande alle quali la società non dà risposte.
È il mio tentativo di disobbedienza pacifica per capire chi siamo veramente al di là di quello che questa cultura, basata solo sull’apparenza, la produttività e la performance, vuole farci credere. -
Oversharing from Betches Media is all about the challenges we face in all kinds of relationships; from friendships to family, long term partnerships or even dealing with the customer service rep that makes you want to scream into a pillow. Betches co-founder and relationship enthusiast Jordana Abraham has teamed up with her big sister, licensed clinical therapist Dr. Naomi Bernstein, to answer your questions and try to get to the bottom of the things that bother us most. Think of Jordana and Dr. Naomi as your BFF and your therapist, sitting side-by-side at the brunch table trying to help you get through your problems. Each week they’re responding to listener emails, tackling difficult ethical questions, playing games, and so much more. Because sometimes we really need advice from people with no skin in the game. And let’s face it, your friends can’t stand to hear that story one more time.
Беспокоитесь о том, что не идеальны? Мы здесь, чтобы снять с вас стыд и напряжение. Лень, ненависть, количество половых партнёров и другие контроверсивные темы — рассказываем, как пользоваться смертными грехами безопасно для себя и своих отношений с людьми.
Мы — это психотерапевт Катя Кузина и креативный директор Владимир Никандров.
Отпускаем грехи ваши во имя психики и соматики.
The Save Your Sanity podcast offers episodes filled with the expert insights, validation, strategies, and support you need to recognize, manage, and recover from relationships with the relentlessly difficult, toxic--and often disturbing--people that host Dr. Rhoberta Shaler calls Hijackals®.
She offers invaluable help to stop the second-guessing, undermining, and crazy-making traits, patterns, and cycles you have encountered in relationships with folks like those. Understand the ways, whys, and hows that verbal abuse, emotional abuse, and spiritual abuse affect you over time. Whether the Hijackal is a partner, parent, ex, or colleague, what you will learn here will strengthen and empower you to step up, speak up, and stand up for yourself in healthy, assertive ways.
Many Hijackals have behaviors that are considered the same as those who are diagnosed as narcissists, borderlines, psychopaths, sociopaths, and histrionic personality disorder. These insights will help you to make the changes--and good decisions--to move from pain to power, and that's exactly what you want to do! Listen now.
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Willkommen bei Couple-Classics. Dein Podcast für alle Facetten zwischenmenschlicher Beziehungen. Von Paartherapie und Eltern-Kind-Dynamiken und den damit verbundenen Herausforderungen bis zu mentaler Gesundheit. Wir beantworten die wichtigsten Fragen: Soll ich Kinder bekommen oder wann ist der richtige Zeitpunkt für eine Paartherapie. Experteninterviews und persönliche Geschichten machen diesen Podcast zu einer Bereicherung für deinen Alltag.
پادکست فارسی ترانزیت
دریچهای برای عبور از سوگ
مسیری برای رد شدن از کنار سوگ وجود نداره، تنها راه رد شدن از سوگ عبور از درونشهو اما درون سوگ بودن هرچند که سراسر درده هیچوقت شما رو شایستهی عذاب کشیدن نمیکنهتا زمانی که داستان تلخمون گفته نشه، قلبمون درون سینه میسوزهراه ارتباطی ما در اینستاگرام
تهیه کننده ومیزبان:
بهراد رضازاده
کارگردان و سرپرست نویسندگان:
عباس نیکنفس
با حضور :
غزاله صدر
تدوین :
عباس نیکنفس
تیم پژوهش و نویسندگان:
مائده راستی اصل
نسیم نورمحمدزاده
نوشین محجوب
برنامه ریز و دستیار کارگردان:
نعیمه عامری
با سپاس از سیاوش صفاریانپور که حضور و پیشنهاداتش برای ساخت این پادکست راهنمای ما بودHosted on Acast. See for more information.
We’re two moms with eight kids between us, and both survivors of domestic abuse and domestic violence. But here’s the thing: we’re not alone. In the U.S.,10 million people face domestic abuse every year, and this podcast? It’s for you. For anyone who’s ever been trapped in a toxic, abusive, or downright awful relationship.
We’re done being victims. Through laughs, tears, and the lens of hindsight, we’ll help you find your way out and back into the light. And we’re here as your new besties, walking right alongside you every step of the way.
Join us each week as we share real steps to freedom with guests like top-notch lawyers, therapists, and some names you might just recognize. Together, we’re building a roadmap out of abuse and into a better life.
If you or someone you know needs immediate help, please reach out to the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233
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B!tch is a Bad Word is a Caliber Studio production.
Find us on the web at
Email us at [email protected]
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Il sesso non è uguale per tutti, specie per chi inizia a farlo molto più in là rispetto alla media. Sono i Late Bloomers, "coloro che sbocciano tardi". Voglio raccontarti, attraverso le loro storie, com'è l'intimità quando la scopri da grande. O quando ancora non l'hai scoperta. E offrirti una prospettiva tutta nuova su ciò che probabilmente dai per scontato.
Raccontami la tua storia: [email protected]
Unisciti alla community:
Seguimi su Instagram: @podcast.late.bloomers
Segui il canale Telegram: -
Aligned Attraction is the go-to podcast on intimacy for powerful women.
On the podcast, we teach you how to take a stance of 'fierce love' with yourself (and in your relationships) -- the kind of love that cuts through the illusion of unworthiness, and allows you to feel deeply safe to be yourself in dating and love.
Each week, you'll hear from us: Lee Noto & Ani Manian, Master Intimacy Coaches and Founders of Aligned Attraction (A modern relationship school for self-aware women who are ready to revolutionize their relationship with themselves and create sexy secure love.)
If you're ready to play FULL OUT and have the heart-throbbing love you’ve been craving, this is the podcast for you!
Ready for thriving love? Visit us:
🧲 FREE Training: Learn how to attract your committed masculine man in 90 days or less:
❣️Want Our Support? Apply to join Aligned Attraction: A modern relationship school for successful single women who are ready to attract and keep their committed masculine man. (Enrollment is now open)
Apply Here (spots are limited): -
This podcast and community create a safe space for women to find support, inspiration, and tools to uncover more joy and fulfillment in sex. Everyday women share stories, successes, and struggles, and experts give insights, address relationship/sexual challenges, and teach practical tools to help you embrace your sexuality. Join Ariel Finlinson as we talk about influences such as connection, culture, body image, religion, and anatomy. Together, let’s create a world where women’s sexuality is celebrated and understood, beginning with our own.
Join the conversation @ladies.talkinglove on Instagram or visit
This podcast does not replace professional or medical advice. We will be talking about sex, so some content may not be suitable for children and could be triggering to some individuals. Everything discussed is for general information only and is not to be used to diagnose or treat any medical or psychological conditions. -
hey besties! welcome to the warm hugs podcast. here it’s a safe place for us all to share our experiences, dish out advice and support one another. grab a coffee and cake and join in on the fun! #warmhugsforall
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Join Andrea as she unravels social norms, issues, and expectations that bother girls across the globe.
Grab your cup of chai and settle down for honest and insightful chats regarding mental health, body shaming, freedom, bitchy aunties, friendships, beauty standards, double standards, relationships, and more! -
Ricominciare, perdere qualcuno, convivere con una malattia,
diventare grandi ed essere chi siamo.
La vita è piena di cose scomode.
Cosa fare allora? Sederci e affrontarle insieme, anche se spesso sarà una scelta
tutt’altro che comoda.
In ogni puntata Teo taglia i ponti con gli argomenti più scomodi e gli ospiti che proprio da questi sono diventate le persone che sono oggi.
Ci sarà da ridere, ci sarà da piangere. E ci sarà tutto ciò che sta nel mezzo.
"Sedetevi Scomodi" è un format con tante sfumature. Ogni Lunedì una nuova puntata. Perché sì, anche il Lunedì è scomodo.
Podcast ideato, scritto e condotto da Matteo Consonni -
Тебе говорили комментарий, после которого ты по-другому посмотрела на себя? Стала замечать что-то, о чём даже и не думала?
Многие девушки сталкивались с неприятными комментариями о своей внешности, которые повлияли на их уверенность и отношение к себе. Но сегодня они решили поделиться своими историями, чтобы помочь другим пережить последствия тех самых слов, перевернувших всю жизнь.
Подкаст «Банка неуверенности» — это истории девушек, как один комментарий о внешности изменил их отношение к себе. Наш проект является безопасным местом для всех, кто испытал подобное на себе.
Оставить послание героиням выпуска, поддержать других девушек или рассказать свою историю можно в нашем Telegram-канале:
Insonni è un viaggio ad occhi aperti, dal tramonto all'alba, nella mente di chi non sa trovare riposo. E spesso nemmeno conforto. Per me è andata così. Fin da piccola, alle notti passate senza dormire, associo la sensazione di essere diversa, mal funzionante. In questo podcast, io, Carlotta Sisti, insonne da che ne ho memoria, racconto la mia storia e tutti i tentativi compiuti per cercare di fare pace con il dormire. Insieme a me, un gruppo di miei simili, dalla scrittrice Veronica Raimo al dj Populous, tutti accomunati dal tentativo di convivere con questa condizione, e con la speranza di chiudere gli occhi e addormentarsi, notte dopo notte.
INSONNI è una serie di Carlotta Sisti prodotta da Chora Media per la Chora Academy
È stata scritta con la collaborazione di Francesca Abruzzese
La cura editoriale è di Marco Villa
Supervisione suono e musica a cura di Luca Micheli
Post produzione e montaggio: Cosma Castellucci
Producer: Matteo Scelsa
Vocal coach: Eleonora Moro
Editing Audio: Michele Laserra
Fonico di studio Luca Possi -
GIANNI - Caroline Baglioni e Michelangelo Bellani per BABY HURRICANE
Serie completa di 8 puntate.
All’interno di un vecchio scatolone abbandonato, Caroline ritrova, per caso, tre audio cassette registrate negli anni ’80 da Gianni, suo zio, un uomo psicologicamente fragile, scomparso anni prima. Dal momento esatto in cui Caroline decide di schiacciare il tasto play del suo mangianastri tutto cambia per lei. Accede al mondo interiore, intimo e visionario dell’uomo, le cui parole restituiscono i passaggi più tortuosi della sua esistenza. Da lì i destini di Caroline e Gianni si intrecciano per sempre
Gianni è un podcast originale prodotto da BABY HURRICANE.
Ideato e scritto da Caroline Baglioni e Michelangelo Bellani.
Realizzato con la supervisione editoriale di Patrizia Dall’Argine e Rossella Pivanti.
Fonici di presa diretta: Paula Ferri Carazo e Rossella Pivanti.
Fonico di studio: Stefano Castagnetti.
Montaggio e sonorizzazione: Rossella Pivanti.
Post produzione: Stefano Castagnetti.
Musiche su Licenza Universal Music.
Gli estratti della voce di Gianni sono materiale originale di proprietà di Caroline Baglioni.
Valerio di Loreto ha lavorato alla digitalizzazione e alla pulizia delle cassette.
Ricerche d’archivio e collaborazione al progetto, Ludovica Savio.
Gli estratti dello spettacolo teatrale sono tratti da “Gianni” di Caroline Baglioni con la regia di Michelangelo Bellani.
Foto di Copertina: Leonardo Baglioni.
Artwork di Copertina: Marta Razzetti.
Si ringraziano per la preziosa collaborazione:
Rose Mansilla Hidalgo Soha
Luca Torresi
Nicola Mariuccini
Alfredo Savio
Carlo Cestellini
Leonardo Baglioni
Angelo Rella
Grazia Tulli
Dalila Battistini
Ludovica Savio
Nicola Bigi
Michele Novellino
Piergiorgio Giacché -
The trials of women throughout history have been marked by enduring challenges related to gender inequality, societal expectations, and limited opportunities. Women have often had to navigate systems of oppression, from fighting for basic rights such as the ability to vote and receive education to battling against cultural norms that confine them to traditional roles. Despite making significant strides toward equality, many women still face issues like discrimination in the workplace, gender-based violence, and unequal access to healthcare. These struggles are compounded by the weight of balancing professional aspirations with family responsibilities, as well as the continuous pressure to conform to unrealistic standards of beauty and behavior. Nonetheless, women continue to demonstrate resilience, courage, and leadership in overcoming these adversities and advocating for a more just and equal society.