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Mahdollisuuksia on Veikkauksen tarjoama podcast kaverisuhteista. Onko ystävyys ikuista? Kannattaako parhaan kaverin kanssa muuttaa kimppakämppään? Kuinka kipeää ystävästä eroaminen tekee? Voiko kaverin kanssa harrastaa seksiä? Näihin, ja moniin muihin kysymyksiin etsitään vastauksia toimittaja Ronja Salmen, sekä vaihtuvien vieraiden kanssa. Podcastin on tuottanut Basso.
For at least a decade, allegations of cheating have swirled around elections in rural Bladen County, N.C. Some people in town point fingers at a Black advocacy group, the Bladen County Improvement Association, accusing it of bullying voters, tampering with ballots and stealing votes outright. These accusations have never been substantiated, but they persist.
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Reporter Zoe Chace went to Bladen County to investigate what’s really going on. From the makers of Serial and The New York Times, a five-part series about allegations of election fraud — and the powerful forces that fuel them. -
Mitään virkaa-podcast on matka valtionhallinnon kiemuroissa Petteri Kallion johdolla. Siinä tavataan toinen toistaan kiinnostavampia valtion viranhaltijoita. Keskustelut pyörivät oppimisen, uran ja tulevaisuuden työn ympärillä. Monesti jutellaan myös paljon muuta asiaankuulumatonta.
Daily Reports, specials, and podcasts by The Real News Network
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As the world is increasingly urbanized, military forces must be prepared for cities to become battlefields. The Urban Warfare Project Podcast, from the Modern War Institute at West Point, features insightful discussions with scholars and practitioners as it sets out to explore the unique characteristics of urban warfare.
Let us introduce you to some of the fascinating people we work with to help you make sense of the world’s most complex challenges. In this podcast we share our research, explore alternatives to the status quo and give a platform to scholars and activists who are at the forefront of the fight against the current neoliberal order. We believe there are alternatives to this world and hope you do too.
Rikosmyytit-podcastissa poliisin entinen rikostutkija Sami Sallinen ja rikostoimittaja Heidi Holmavuo syventyvät rikollisuuteen sekä sen synnyttämiin pelkoihin rehellisen realistisesti. Esiin saattaa nousta seikkoja, jotka eivät ole poliittisesti täysin korrekteja ja vaikeille asioille uskalletaan myös nauraa. Varoitus: Sisältää suoraa puhetta.
Kauden kaikki jaksot ovat kuunneltavissa Podplayssa. Lataa mobiilisovellus tai murra myytit osoitteessa -
The Spear is a podcast from the Modern War Institute at West Point. It sets out to explore the combat experience, with each episode featuring a guest who tells a detailed and personal story, describing the events and exploring topics like decision-making under stress and what it feels like to be in combat.
The Taxcast is a monthly podcast/radio show from the Tax Justice Network with the latest from the world of tax havens, financial secrecy and tax abuse. We explore these most challenging ethical and economic issues of our times with transformational economic analysis you won’t hear anywhere else.
Available on most podcast apps:
Subscribe by email: naomi [at] -
Lisää kaupunkia Suomeen on podcast, joka pohtii tulevaisuuden kaupunkikehitystä.
Onko tulevaisuuden kaupunki hiilineutraali suurkaupunki? Millaista päätöksentekoa viihtyisän ja vihreän kaupungin turvaamiseksi tarvitaan? Voiko tulevaisuudessa kävellä vartissa kaikkialle?
Aiheeseen syvennytään vaihtuvien asiantuntijoiden kanssa futuristi Elina Hiltusen johdolla.
Sarjan mahdollistaa Vantaan kaupunki. -
One million people were killed in a one hundred days by their neighbors, colleagues, and associates in Rwanda. In 1994 this misguided hate stripped an entire ethnic group, the Tutsi, of their humanity, equating them with cockroaches.
The weapons of mass destruction used in this massacre against the Tutsi and the moderate Hutu who helped them, weren’t bombs or guns. One million people were beaten and slashed to death by clubs and machetes. The survivors of the genocide are reminded of the torment they endured daily by the physical scars, deformities, and acquired diseases they’ve learned to live with.
The most difficult hurdle in their journey however, isn’t visible. It’s the scars etched into their hearts with the one true weapon of mass destruction… hate. -
World news, the "not boring" way: get the news at the source! People from around the world tell you what has been making the news in their country, both locally and internationally. Heated arguments and silly discussions ensue...
The Phileas Club is a show about different cultures and opinions coming together and talking it out.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The Modern War Institute Podcast, produced with the generous support of the West Point Class of 1974, is the flagship podcast of the Modern War Institute at West Point, featuring discussions with guests including senior military leaders, scholars, and others on the most important issues related to modern military conflict.