Many of my coaching clients come to me wanting to be more productive because they aren't meeting some goal or expectation they've set for themselves.
You can do a Google search and find hundreds of productivity hacks.
But is doing more really the answer?
Not always!So, how can you determine the productivity issues you're really trying to solve?
On this episode of Career Confessions, I'll walk you through some reasons we seek the answers to more success in all the wrong places. Then I guide you through some insight into how to dig deeper to determine what productivity really means to and for you.
Listen in as I share how saying NO can help you find the time you dream of for your most critical non-negotiables. Plus, I share a fun exercise you can do to pull back from some of the forces pulling you in all different directions and find the center of YOUR vision for success.
Did you know that when you and I work together on your coaching plan, we not only create a performance routine that works for you while we work together, but we also create a 6-month go-forward plan for when our time together ends?
If you are interested in taking the next step on your success journey, fill out the form of my bio, and let's chat!Key Takeaways
Why we can't outrun our belief system by changing our daily routine
Why productivity isn’t the be all end all for success
The #1 question you need to ask yourself to determine your own success metrics
How to determine if you are saying NO often enough
Why saying yes too often can keep you living someone else's version of success
How a stick figure drawing can help you determining if you are being pulled in too many directions
Why a 30-day check-in plan is vital to your long-term success
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What projects do you want to be known for?
Do you want to be known as a leader or the go-to name for your dream project?
Are you sure about what you’re projecting when it comes to your personal brand?
It can be challenging to stay focused on who we are, so we project the right things in our personal brand while working on projects, paying bills, and raising our families.
But if you don't take charge of evaluating and solidifying your brand, who will?
And if you're not taking the time to check in on your personal brand, it can lead to a significant gap in how others perceive you and how you see yourself as a professional.
So how can you evolve your brand to ensure it aligns with where you want to go next?
On this episode of Career Confessions, I'm sharing two topics that have recently been a recurring theme in my coaching practice. I'm also sharing some personal insight into how something I visualized for over a year came to be and how I intentionally released my emotions about the end of one big project before beginning a new one.
I'll walk you through some insider information I shared with my group coaching clients and some advice I gave a private client about why you must advocate for yourself in your career and how you can do so in a way that feels organic to you.
Listen in as I share the 3 things you must continually evaluate and reevaluate for limiting factors in your brand. Plus, I offer some homework for my listeners to help you make sure your brand aligns with where you want to go next.
I have one private coaching spot open, and I'd love to take you to the finish line! But the only way to work with me is to apply—so fill out the form NOW!
Key Takeaways
Why it’s vital to release emotional baggage to keep it from coming along on your career journey2 reasons why it’s so hard to advocate for yourself at work
How to share your wins so it doesn’t feel like bragging
Why flexing your problem-solving nature is not just your win, but a victory for the whole team
What things to look at when auditing your brand to be sure it aligns with your goals
How taking the time to get honest about where you are gives you the clarity to toward the right opportunities
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Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Do you have the millionaire mindset?
I am not talking about what you have in your bank account, although I believe that money will be a side-effect.
I'm talking about developing the focus to chase the version of yourself you see in your mind's eye.
It's hard to step into the unknown and make the changes required to get you where you want to be—but it's always worth it.
So how can you get to what is waiting out there for you?
On this episode of Career Confessions, I'm sharing what having a millionaire mindset really means. I share an update about where I was last year, where I am now in my entrepreneurial journey, and what it took to build a second business in just a year.
Listen in as I share insight into how to audit your life, so you can begin stepping away from the habits and relationships that are getting in the way of the things you truly want.
I'll walk you through how I re-prioritize my life based on impact and how you can do the same with the things on your own to-do list.
There's a version of yourself out there that I know you can visually see, to get there you need to adopt a millionaire mindset.
Key Takeaways
Why you must let go of the things that no longer serve you to move the needle
How to surround yourself with the people that will inspire your greatness
How re-prioritizing based on impact keeps me in a healthy, millionaire mindset
Why it's important to build a brand within your personal boundaries
How setting unrealistic goals can help you move past your fear of failure
Why opening yourself up to more no’s increases your odds of success.
Why ditching the rule book and forging your own path is the key to more success
Why you have to say no to the life you have to achieve the life you want
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I'm a big proponent of doing what it takes so all areas of your life flourish because we're not just here to chase paychecks and promotions.
Recently I've had some questions come in on my Instagram stories, so I thought it would be a great idea to do a little Q&A on the podcast to go deeper and share some of the things that I'm learning that will help you as you grow in your career and in your personal life.
On this Q&A episode of Career Confessions, I'm answering some of my listener questions and dropping powerful, insightful nuggets to help you find the work-life balance that works for you.
I share a personal example of a change I made to my routine that helped me stop living 10 minutes behind schedule and brought more joy to my daily mornings.Listen in as I share solutions to help you change your routine, set your personal boundaries, transition into a new field, and find your groove in ALL areas of your life so you can carve out the time for what truly matters.
If you have a question you would like me to answer on a future podcast episode please send it to me via Instagram DMs. You can find me on Instagram here.
Key Takeaways
Why changing your morning routine can be the catalyst for a better day every day
How to balance being a mom with your career for the most significant impact on your child's life
Why it's vital to discover the WHY behind your personal boundaries
How outsourcing your least favorite tasks helps you be more effective in all areas of your life
Tips for slowly carving into a new career space so you don’t unravel yourself financially
Why stepping out of the norm is the key to creating a life plan that works for YOU
Why creating a happy, well-rounded life is all about change
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June brings us a new season and an invitation to reevaluate our goals as we step into the second half of the year and the 3rd quarter in July.
Is it time to accelerate your plans for reaching your goals? Or maybe you have a niggling feeling that you need to reroute or even completely throw your plan out and start from scratch with new goals.
NOW is the perfect time to decide what you really want in your career and your life so you can set the right targets to set yourself up for success for the rest of 2022.
On this episode of Career Confessions, I'm dropping a powerful tool I've used with much success to help my coaching clients make the right plans to accomplish their true personal and professional goals.Listen in to discover my 4-step process to get crystal clear on what you really want. This quick exercise I’m sharing will help you get honest with yourself about whose goals you are chasing. I share tips on how to audit your approach if you find what you are currently doing just isn't working for YOU.
In this episode, I also share two ways you can use my 4-step process even if (like me) you find that journaling doesn't work for you.
If you listen to my show, I know you are serious about doing the work that accomplishing your goals requires. After you are finished using my 4-step process, I'd love to have you send me your answers via Instagram DMs.
You can find me on Instagram here.
I look forward to hearing what you discover.
Key Takeaways
4 key questions to ask yourself to figure out what you REALLY want
How to discover whose goals you are chasing
Why you need to map out precisely what your targets look like
2 ways, you can be crystal clear on what it is you want—no journaling required
How to get honest with yourself about the true cost of your current approach
How frequently do you need to audit your goals
How make your plan bulletproof by dropping the bar that’s holding you back
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Do you feel like you are being pushed to decide what's next in your career?
Is time to change directions from the career path you thought you were set on?
If you answered yes to either of those questions, you might be at a career crossroads.
So, what do you do when what you've been doing is no longer working for you, and you need to make a new plan?
Often, when we reach a certain level in our career trajectory, we find ourselves with more career choices and options than we dreamed possible. As the steps and paths, you could take increase, so do feelings of overwhelm and analysis paralysis.
When we aren't sure what the next step looks like, it can bring forth a lot of insecurity. But there are some things you can do to help alleviate that.
On this episode of Career Confessions, I explain why at times of career uncertainty it's important to take a step back before taking your next step. I'll share some tips on how to turn your focus inward to find the common denominator in the options out in front of you so you can move further into your lane of brilliance.
Listen in to discover the 1 key question you need to ask yourself when you are at a career crossroads. I offer insight into how to stop playing in the false stretch zone and get comfortable with the unknown so you can step out of Zombie mode, reignite your passion for what you do, and start challenging yourself again.
Are you ready to discover your personal brand in a whole new way so you can share it so it sticks with the right stakeholders? If so, fill out my questionnaire for private coaching, and let's talk about how I can help you raise the bar and reach your next level faster.
Key Takeaways
How to use your career history to discover the common denominator within the options in front of you
The biggest drawback of the 'false stretch zone'
How to tap into the small insights that make up your career foundation
Why it's okay to discard your long-term plan and adopt your perfect plan for right now
Why turning down the noise and focusing inward is the secret to identifying your key drivers
Where to look to discover the critical clues that will help you determine your next steps
The number 1 question to ask yourself when you are at a career crossroads
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The idea that you must have a linear plan for your career path is a disservice to your potential and a way to overwhelm yourself very quickly.
Many of us traveled through higher education believing that there was one dream job out there for us and that our career trajectory would follow a predictable path—but often, that's not the case.
One of the questions I get quite often is which career path someone should pursue. It can be challenging to know what you want for the rest of your life in your early 20s. As life shapes us, our priorities change—rerouting and rewriting are a part of life.
My own career trajectory has changed—more than once. The same might be true for you, too. You can reinvent yourself as many times as you want because as we grow, we dream bigger.
So, if you're currently thinking I'm not sure if I'm on the right career path, I think I need to reinvent my career, or I can't even think about any of it right now—that's okay.
On this episode of Career Confessions, I explain why it's okay to throw your 10-year career plan out based on your current life goals and start over. I'll share how spending time trying different roles is the secret sauce to helping you determine which direction you want to go all in.
I offer advice for those times when you need to put your career on cruise control for a while and give yourself some breathing room while you focus on your needs for the current moment.
Listen in to discover how to step out of the overwhelm around which is the right path so you can focus on asking yourself the right questions to determine your next career move.
Coming in June, I will be starting a new once-a-month coaching style Q&A on the podcast where I will answer my listeners questions. So, if you have a burning question, DM me. I'd love to help you with the feedback you need to move forward and take the next steps.
Key Takeaways
The most important questions to ask yourself when you are trying to determine your career path
Why a 10-year plan isn't realistic when you are just starting out
What experiences can influence changes in your career trajectory
What to focus on when making a list of career options to explore
How to determine which career will bring YOU the most satisfaction
How to let go of the anxiety around coasting in your career when your life calls for it
Why trying out different career options can be beneficial in determining what really works for you
Why our career options often grow down the same path as we do
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You just received the email to schedule an interview for your dream position. Now what?
Do you schedule the time and then rest on your credentials until the big day?
No way! Not if you listen to this podcast!
I have seen incredible candidates come across my desk looking to be part of my team that were utterly amazing on paper but lacked presence during the interview. I've also had someone I noted was lacking a few of the qualifications blow me away with their presence when we met, making me want to have them as a part of my team long-term.
So, how can you get hiring managers to say WOW after your zoom or coffee chat meeting?
On this episode of Career Confessions, I'll walk you through some tips and tricks for using your body language and voice to command the interview room.
Listen in to learn how to master your executive presence so hiring managers will lean in to hear what you have to say. Plus, I offer you a 20-minute challenge that will help you show up two levels higher—which might make all the difference in getting the job or not in this competitive market.
You have one shot to stand out, so listen in to learn how to prepare for your next big interview. Because everything you want in life is there for you to grab, but you must prepare yourself to exude and radiate the confidence that says YOU are the one the hiring manager is looking for.
Key Takeaways
Why being good on paper is only 20% of the battle
How to demonstrate your true level of interest in the position and the company
Why is body language so important during an interview
How making minor tweaks in your presence will help you skyrocket to your next position
How this 20-minute challenge can help you show up two levels higher
How to project confidence even if you are shy
How to avoid looking like an amateur on ZOOM
Why your executive presence is just as important as your qualifications
How to stand out and stay top of mind after the interview is over
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Position Yourself as a Leader with Andrea Martin on the Flipping the Barrel podcast
What does your personal brand on LinkedIn say about you? Does it quickly express who you are in a way that positions you to make the right connections?
Recently, I've been in hiring mode, and I've received an influx of applications.
When I looked at all those resumes, there were some whom I wanted to reach out to immediately to set up an interview. So, of course, the next thing I did was check out their LinkedIn profile.
What I found there surprised me. Some had a bit of a profile, some had nothing, and some impressed me. And I thought this would be a great thing for us to talk about on the show today.
Sometimes I think we get stuck in thinking LinkedIn isn't worth it. Or we think, well, I have a presence there, that's enough. But neither one of those things is true.
Your LinkedIn profile is a great way to position yourself and your personal brand to get to the top of a recruiter's search results and network with the movers and shakers in your industry.
So, how do you create a profile on LinkedIn that will serve you and your personal brand?
It all starts with your unique value proposition.
On this episode of Career Confessions, I offer my 5 top ways to optimize your career profile on LinkedIn to give viewers a genuine understanding of who you are and what you do.
Listen in to this episode to understand how to draw attention, filter out distractions, and key in on the most critical piece of your personal brand, your resume, and your LinkedIn profile.
Once you have your personal brand and LinkedIn profile optimized, you won't be looking for opportunities, opportunities will come to you. Who knows, your dream position just might find you through your LinkedIn profile.Key Takeaways
The real reason job seekers have difficulty expressing what their essential career skills are
How to use your resume like a Facebook ad
How to optimize your use of keywords to create the right connections
How to maximize the contents of the first quarter of your resume so your skills and experience stand out
How to include your education credentials without giving up valuable resume real estate
How to give recruiters and hiring managers a quick and effective overview of your personal brand
How to identify and communicate your value proposition
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What happens on your bad days?
You know the ones, maybe a huge project you were going to lead was taken away, or you get three rejections in a row, or perhaps you feel like you haven't had any time to spend with your kids because you've been working all the time.
What happens on those days?
Truth be told, what happens after those bad days is the most critical in our lives. What you do next, and where you go from there is what matters the most.
I'll be honest, having a career and a family is hard. Running a business is hard. Running a successful business is even more challenging. Sometimes we look out on social media, and we think, 'wow, she makes that look so easy.'
It's not.
And the hard days can make you feel like you are heading in the wrong direction.
So how do you tune out all the noise and return your focus to what's important, the non-negotiables, as I like to call them?
We're cutting through the fluff on this coffee chat episode of Career Confessions and getting real. I'm sharing my aftermath story and the restructuring I had to do in order to be the person I wanted to be for my family while growing a second business.
Listen in as I share my top strategies for getting clear with your plan, so you can focus on YOUR non-negotiables and set goals for the long-term.
Key Takeaways
How to determine your non-negotiables
What I did to restructure my business to be able to better show up for my family
How to say no even when it's scary
My top strategies for shutting out the noise so you can focus on what's important
How starting with your personal priorities keeps you from overbooking
Why you don't need a ten-year plan, you just need the first step
How surrounding yourself with people who are doing what you want to do helps you rise higher
How to find the right support for all of the different parts of your journey
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Career Confessions Episodes and Archives
Developing the Confidence to Get Paid What You Deserve—with Eliana Goldstein - EP027Claim Your Crown as a Leader—with Kat Parker - EP036
How to Communicate Your Value at Work—with Brenda Denbesten - EP039
Fast-Track Your Career Growth with the Help of a Coach—with Dezarai Shepherd - EP041
Helping Immigrants Build a Fulfilling Career—with Aneri Desai - EP042
Do the Thing That Scares You—with Jeyra Arocho - EP051
Pivot to Win—with Jordan Babineaux - EP055Why You Make Good Money but Still Feel Broke—with Katie Gibbons - Ep056
The Connection Between Income & Influence—with Jessica Yarbrough - EP0583 Tips to Successfully Manage a High-Powered Career and a Family—with Richard Burke - EP076
Managing a high-powered career while raising a family and maintaining a happy, healthy marriage can be difficult. Usually, the end of the workday doesn’t leave much of you left for your family.
So, how can you successfully leave work at work, and switch gears so you can be present for your family?
Richard Burke is a Certified Professional Coach, Experienced business consultant, Educator/Professor, and Digital Marketing Expert. He’s spent his career in leadership roles, including 10 years as President of a $25 million eCommerce company and five years as Vice President of eCommerce at a Fortune 500 Company. He’s also been married for almost 40 years and successfully raised three children.
So how did he do it all, and do it all well?
On this episode of Career Confessions, Richard sits down with me to explain how he successfully put his wife and family first while navigating a highly influential career. He shares the 2 keywords you need to focus on to be successful in any relationship and 3 tips for successfully managing a high-powered career while being sure your real world doesn’t crumble around you.Richard discusses his family first, work second philosophy and how having only one schedule can help you give everything that’s important to you the proper priority. We discuss how he managed his decision-making process for taking the next step and grabbing the next opportunity.
Now, Richard is coaching people with transition journeys, whether that be Veterans transitioning out of military service, recent college graduates, or executives focused on growing their careers and their businesses the right way while maintaining a successful personal life.
Listen in for insight on ways you can look at things through a different lens by following Richard’s advice for a successful work-life journey so you can feel reach your full career potential while living life on the terms you want.
Key Takeaways
Richard shares his family first, work second philosophy
How to be present and listen for a successful relationship
How you can be effective at work by being effective at home
Richard shares the date night tradition that led to a happy marriage, and a high-powered career
How combining your professional and personal schedule helps you give everything the proper priority
How successful leaders raise their team up by getting out of the way
The key to taking in as much knowledge as you can through observing the leaders you work for
How Richard’s love for sharing knowledge led him to his coaching journey
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Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter by Liz Wiseman -
How do you deal with misunderstandings?
Do you find yourself wishing you would have said something or worse, wishing you had said something else?
Do you shut down, zone out, and reach for the ice cream instead of moving through it and forward?
Sometimes a conversation makes us feel like our judgment is being questioned. Or maybe we’re having a discussion where we feel like we’re not being listened to, heard, or (my biggest pet peeve), feeling like we’re being dismissed.
We all have those triggers when we’re communicating with others that just seem to get under our skin and hang on long after we’ve said goodbye.
Sometimes, we try and brush the situation under the rug, thinking it’s best to just move on. But that technique for dealing with conflict can leave you feeling exhausted, reaching for the remote to watch something or mindlessly scrolling to zone out and put off work.
Conflict is a natural part of human relationships, but unresolved conflict can damage our relationships, leave us feeling powerless, and can even stunt our growth.
So, what can you do to deal with conflict in a healthy, empowered way?
Today on Career Confessions, I’ll walk you through the process I use for addressing conflict that allows me to understand both myself and the other person better, leaving us both feeling more empowered.
Listen to this episode to learn how to deal with conflict in a way that will help you show up better, and maybe even move you closer to becoming the person you want to be, in business and in life.
After you listen, don't forget to tag me to share your takeaways.
Key TakeawaysThe first thing you should do when you find yourself in conflict
How to keep from jumping to conclusions that will only make the situation worse
Why putting our ego aside is the hardest thing to do
How gaining clarity can help you lead from a place of power and move forward
How being transparent in conflict can lead to stronger relationships
How determining your personal pet peeves can prepare you for handling future conflictsThe number one way to navigate conflict in a way that will leave you better not bitter
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Where does empowerment begin?
It begins with taking ownership of our thoughts, decisions, and actions.
Are you happy with the ownership you are taking in your personal and professional life?
If not, when was the last time you did an ownership checkup?
Maybe you’ve had the feeling for a while that something is impeding your progress. Perhaps you’ve been indulging in more ice cream than usual, skipping workouts for marathon Netflix sessions, or arguing with your partner more than you would like. We all have those times when we realize we’ve stopped putting our best foot forward.
But have you taken the time to figure out what is driving your unnecessary stress and causing you to present yourself in a way that isn’t making you proud?
There’s a difference between just making yourself feel better for the moment and doing the things that are going to help you do better.
Zoning out to your favorite episode of NCIS makes you feel good, but the good feeling of that kind of stress release is fleeting. And inside we know that.
We are the owners of everything that happens in our lives, but we cannot fix what we don’t know exists. Maybe it’s time to have an honest conversation with the CEO of your life by taking a hard look in the mirror.
Today on Career Confessions, I’m sharing the 2 questions I ask myself to make sure I’m leaning into the things that will assure I do better and not just feel better.
Listen in to hear how you can take ownership of your thoughts and actions by seeking out the support systems that will put you on a solid path to better long-term outcomes and a brighter future.
Key TakeawaysWho has the authority to change your life
Why there are no shortcut solutions to being better
The one word you need to speak out loud to help you hear what is going on inside
The secret to determining your own ‘work in progress’ areas
How to use challenges to help you visualize your true growth
How to invest in yourself to create a sustainable growth plan
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Career Confessions EP73
The Great Resignation—with Evan Sohn
From remote to hybrid, part-time to freelance, life balance and skills-based, the way the world works is changing, and how we look for the next opportunity and discover top talent is changing with it.It’s more than the great resignation, it’s the great revolution.
So, where do you turn when you need to hire? How can you connect with your next great position?
Evan Sohn has 25+ years of experience in eCommerce at Fortune 500 and successful start-up environments. He joined in 2019 as the CEO. is a destination site for all things talent acquisition and recruiting. At, their mission is to empower businesses to recruit specialized talent faster with a virtual team of recruiters.
Evan says, “At we're helping companies large and small with what is really their most precious asset.”
On this episode of Career Confessions, Evan joins me to explain why he isn’t calling the current economic trend of employee resignations the great resignation, he has a different name for it and what it means in terms of leveraging the plethora of opportunities available for those who are ready to make a move.
Evan discusses the new definition of a great employee and why in today’s climate if you aren't moving, you aren't growing. Plus, he walks us through why everybody is more valuable now than they were two years ago.
Listen in for insight on what employers need to be doing if they want to retain their best and brightest people and how employees can leverage their skills to get what they really want from their work life.
Key Takeaways
What most people don’t know about the great resignation
Evan offers his insight into the new definition of a great employee
How we’re transforming the way we look at work and what the new “benefits” are
Why employers who aren’t paying attention are losing on 2 different fronts
What’s behind the rise of the 80% employee
How employees can best leverage their skills to land where they want
The key to hiring and retaining the best and the brightest people in this economy
The one question Evan is asking to move the needle at
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Do you find that your career growth trajectory sometimes feels overwhelming? What do you do when you are face to face with a problem you don't see a solution for?
Over the years, I have learned reaching for new heights in your business or professional life means facing new obstacles. As you continue to scale the summit, eventually, you will find yourself face to face with a bigger challenge than you have ever met before. And the bigger you've grown, the bigger that problem is going to be. Especially with rapid growth.
Recently, I had a problem that kept me up for several nights in a row. It felt insurmountable. I wondered how I would solve it. But I also wondered why this particular thing was causing such a monster disruption. It felt like I was in a perfect storm. I knew there was a solution, but I was having trouble finding it on my own.
On this episode of Career Confessions, I share the story of how looking outside of myself, and beyond those in my day-to-day life helped me overcome that struggle in my upward growth trajectory. Plus, I share the best investment I’ve ever made in myself and my business.
Listen in as I discuss what those big problems really mean and the importance of investing in yourself so you can continue chasing your BIG dreams.
Key TakeawaysWhat do you do when you’re facing a problem you don’t see a solution to
How growing pains are a sign you are on the right path
Why growing your career is like changing your workout regimeWhat it takes to keep pushing through when your career challenges keep getting bigger
Why your husband isn’t the best sounding board for your business challenges
How I invested in myself to grow in my career and businesses
The secret support system behind most successful professionals
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What is the most important skill of a good leader?
Think back to the great bosses you have worked with. What qualities did they have that you wanted to emulate? Were they great at the technical aspects of their job? Did they have a good head for business or a high IQ? Or was it something more?
Being equipped with the hard skills necessary to perform your position is important. But other skills, like communication, collaboration, empathy, and adaptability, are equally valuable and should not be overlooked.
Those are soft skills. They include the personal qualities you bring into every boardroom. They are the traits that help you elevate individuals, empower teams effectively, and make a lasting impact.
We can always learn technical skills, and hard skills are ever evolving. Yet, a leader with a highly defined talent for communication or collaboration will always affect positive change in the work environment.
On this episode of Career Confessions, we’re going to take a closer look at what it takes to deep dive into improving your soft skills, so you catapult your career growth.
Let me be honest with you, it can be hard for us to recognize our own innate soft skill superpowers. And it can be even more difficult to determine the areas where we need improvement. Working on elevating yourself is not something that comes naturally.
Listen to learn how having the right coach in your corner can help you improve your technical skills while growing your soft skills so you can make a bigger impact.
Key TakeawaysWhy technical skills will only take you so far in your career
How to become a leader that effectively solves problemsThe key type of growth that pays the most dividends
Why soft skills are vital to workplace cultureWhy it’s so hard to assess your personal soft skills
How to pave your own way by leaning into your unique interpersonal attributesMy strategy for unearthing your soft skill superpowers
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Are you ready to transition from individual contributor to direct supervisor? If you want to be responsible for other people’s performance, you need to do some intentional preparation to take on a leadership role. On this episode of Career Confessions, I explain why it’s crucial to understand the audience who will advocate for your promotion, exploring how to connect with key decision-makers who may not realize you’re ready for direct reports.
I challenge you to ask for feedback from the right people to understand how you impact others, describing how to identify your leadership blind spots and develop a plan to improve.
Listen in for insight on what questions to ask if you’re already responsible for a team and learn how to make the leap to direct supervisor, elevating everyone who reports to you!
Key Takeaways
How to transition from individual contributor to direct supervisor
How to equip your boss to advocate for you when challenged
What to do if key decision-makers don’t think you’re ready for a leadership role
Why it’s crucial to understand the audience you need to advocate for your promotion
How to leverage networking to minimize threats to your career growth
The value in learning the political dynamics of the next 2 levels of your organization
What it looks like to ask for feedback from the right people
Why diversity of thought is critical to building a high-performing team
How to identify your leadership blind spots and develop a plan to improve
What questions to ask if you’re already responsible for a team
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Do you want to grow your career, but feel stuck? Do you find yourself walking the line between being challenged and being overwhelmed?
Over the years, I’ve learned that if I want to be successful in business, I need to work to understand myself and grow as a person. If I am not in tune with my thoughts, feelings, and intentions, I cannot show up as my best self to serve others.
I have hit my fair share of bumps in the road, but I have never thought about quitting. Expanding myself out of my comfort zone keeps me performing at the highest level, but it’s never easy… and it shouldn’t be.
On this episode of Career Confessions, I share my thoughts on the growing pains I’ve experienced throughout my career and the obstacles I’ve faced as I’ve elevated myself.
Listen in as I discuss the importance of thinking ahead, investing in yourself, and staying true to your dreams.
Key Takeaways
How I decided I needed to invest in myself to grow more businesses
Why I started working with a coach to better understand myself and serve as many people as possible
The importance of thinking ahead in all aspects of business
Why I am a better person when I’m expanding outside of my comfort zone
The difference between overwhelming yourself and challenging yourself
Why I have never thought about quitting, but instead, always strive to improve
Why we should all invest in ourselves long before we see the return on investment
The importance of staying true to your dreams even as your life evolves
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Are you stuck and unsure of your next career move?
We all have those moments when our stomach is filled with anticipation because you are about to do something BIG! Or maybe you are walking around on cloud nine from landing a new client or closing a big deal for your company. Those are the moments we all want to keep replaying on our highlight reel.
Maybe it has been a while since you have had that feeling. It happens. Perhaps you are in a season where circumstances in your personal life are taking up all of your bandwidth. Or maybe you are just enjoying a little time in your comfort zone. It's great to revel in your success for a time, but if you want to grow in your career, it’s best not to settle there for too long.
But how do you find the time to plan out your 5-year plan with all the other things you have going on in life? Here’s a pro tip: You don’t have to plan that far ahead; you just need to plan your next step. That’s doable, right?
Today on Career Confessions, I’m sharing my 20-minute trick for analyzing what’s going on inside, so you can manage it, shift out of cruise control and reignite your career trajectory. Plus, I share a telltale sign from my own life that signals to me that something internal is keeping me stuck.Our jumbled thoughts can create a weight on our shoulders that can hold us back from all the good things in life. It doesn't have to be that way. You can reach the top and be happy with who you are when you get there. Listen in for my tips to help you make it happen.
Key TakeawaysThe key to knowing if you’ve gotten too comfortable in your current position
Why internal shame leads to stagnated growth
How to manage what’s going on internally to speed up external career growth
How to make room in your life for professional growth
The number one way to map out your next career move
How time in the trenches serves to make you unstoppable in your career
The secret echo effect of achieving your career goals
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How would your boss describe you? Do you ‘assume’ they know how hard you’re working? Or ‘hope’ they understand the value you bring?
You cannot wait for your supervisor to advocate for you. You’ve got to manage up and advocate for yourself.
Hope is not a strategy. You need a plan.
On this episode of Career Confessions, I discuss the importance of developing a healthy relationship with your boss, describing how common it is for top performers to be blindsided by a lack of support from direct supervisors.
I explain why it’s crucial to write your own brand narrative and pass it on to your boss, exploring how to get the recognition you deserve, especially in remote work.
Listen in to understand why women, in particular, need to strategize around the system to advance and find out why you should dedicate two hours a week to career strategy—so the other 38 don’t go unnoticed.
Key Takeaways
Why it’s critical to know where you stand with your boss
How common it is for top performers to be blindsided by a lack of support from direct supervisors
The value in writing your own narrative and passing it on to your boss
Why women need to advocate for themselves and strategize around the system to advance
How to position your brand internally to make an impact in your organization
How to develop a command of the political environment at your workplace
How to get the recognition you deserve for the sacrifices you’re making (especially in remote work)
Why it’s a mistake to think that working hard is enough
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Positioning Yourself to Achieve Massive Career Growth on Career Confessions EP063
How to Accelerate Your Career Trajectory on Career Confessions EP065
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