The year is 1923 and five strangers are about to find themselves thrust into the macabre and dangerous world of the Cthulhu Mythos...
Well, they would If they stopped giggling.
Welcome to 'THE CAST OF CTHULHU' a real-time Call of Cthulhu adventure that pits 5 new(ish) players against the worst the mythos has to offer.
Listen as GM and host Jimmy the Pint guides our fearless (and often witless) team through Chaosium's masterpiece 'HORROR ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS'. Often silly, occasionally disturbing, 'Cast of Cthulhu' promises to always be an entertaining ride!
Please note that house rules are in play.
Join us on facebook for news and updates - we'd love to hear your feedback :) https://www.facebook.com/groups/castofcthulhu/