
  • This is Part 17 of the real sky fall series.

    Mellow Kat an activist and mother from California, got fired up about the operations that are taking place over our heads and actually took it to the next level. She tracked a spray plane on flight radar and confronted a couple pilots who were carrying this out.

    Chant it down covers real conspiracies not theories, and this is very provable .Kat made it more provable then ever by getting a pilot on recording.

    Follow her work on substack:

    You can now see Sacred Sight the theatrical version for free on Youtube:

    See the whole movie, the director's cut here:

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  • This is an on the road podcast recorded in September of '24 when I linked up with Triffon in Australia to visit sites that are recorded in Sacred Sight. This is behind the scenes bonus features.

    We start off talking about making sense of the human timeline, which morphs into topics like religion, spirituality and talks about the actual sites we visit down under. Great free flowing conversation.

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  • This is the release of the documentary Sacred sight. It is here. Triffon, Zach and Ceb join the livesteam to talk about the adventures in the documentary. We wander off on many great contestations about the ancient cover-up, what's to come in the sequel and a whole lot more.

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  • I got to guest on the William Ramsey show to showcase a common link in old government documents and writings of dark occultists about this year,2025. It seems to be a milestone year in their books.

    Ever since the rollout of Stargate, things seem to emerging if you connect the dots, that this was a plan the whole time.

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  • Today's episode is a double-header. The release date for Sacred Sight documentary will be revealed. Exciting news on that front. Sacred Sight is the next step for Chant It Down. We talk briefly about the documentary and what to expect.

    The second half is a talk related to the subject matter of the documentary, that has to do with the fact that humanity deserves to know our ancient past. We are lost because we don't have coordinates to the time when there was a worldwide culture building impossible feats the we can't replicate today. We don't even understand the history of this planet, but we all deserve to know. Academia has zero answers and there is a cover-up that spans worldwide.

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  • Brien Foerster needs no introduction, he's a modern day Indiana Jones exploring the ancient megalithic sites of the world. He's a high caliber speaker in researcher that is highly regarded. His findings point to a much different history then we are told by academics, which leads to an ancient past that was filled with technology and different looking beings who once walked on this Earth.

    The conversation goes into megaliths from Egypt, Peru, Bolivia, Easter island to a giant cataclysm that seemed to wipe most of this ancient past from societies memory. (except the elites who seem to know more) We also talk about ancient Hawaiian culture, the giants, and Mu Lemuria.

    We go in depth about the elongated Paracas skulls which seem to be a species that lived amongst this Earth with humans and regarded as some type of royalty.

    You can find a Brien Forester at: Where you can explore mankind's ancient history. Also his YouTube channel with hours of video to explore these topics:

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  • 10 subtle things in the slow boiling pot of global direction. These are 10 things that are relentlessly working their way in the world that many are not paying attention to because of the slow gradual movement of things behind the scenes.

    The 10 things are: cashless society, the green movement, the fully automated world, the spraying of our skies, LGBTQ madness, social crediting system, inflation and banking crisis, global entity treaties and acts, covid shot fallout and anti-west sentiment.


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  • In this double header, we discuss the some current events for January 2025. The fires in LA, the chemical fog, owning the weather by 2025, and Trump signing in the AI infrastructure (Stargate )that has red flags all over it.

    In the second half of this talk, it's about truly chanting down the system. What's more important then understanding the new world order is, breaking off from the system itself, which Luemas did a long time ago. This is about the crucial understandings that come with it. Back to the core ethics of this show.

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  • Are these drones a psyop to a slow drip fake disclosure, or is it more layered and beyond what we fully know?

    We discuss the idea that there may reasons for the push for a real disclosure beyond even the elites control. We also discuss ufology as a whole and where to get a strong foothold, who to trust, what to trust, and why not believing in ET life is a problem in the alternative media.

    While there may not be answers, to many of these questions, there is truth to grasp at, and there is answers and points that can't be ignored.

    We also discuss 2024, what Chant it down was like in 2024, how the year went, a review of this years episodes and what to expect in the future.

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  • The trailer for the upcoming documentary Sacred Sight is here. Please see it on Youtube, Rumble, instagram, telegram.

    We talk in depth about the documentary and go on many off-the-cuff rants on various topics of ancient sites, and also the drone situation that is currently emerging.

    Sacred Sight Trailer:

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  • This mysterious drone sighting epidemic seems to fit the slow drip narrative of this "UAP rollout" agenda. In 2023 we got objects shot down and a Chinese spy balloon. We've had a couple UAP congress hearings. It all seems to suggest that an agenda is coming for the "Big event". A faked UFO invasion, or is it more layered than that? We discuss this on the first part of the drive-around- off-the-cuff show.

    In the second half, it's all about the stale minded people who run society on the lower level. These people are the most culpable order followers and the make the world an awful place. No imagination, no spark, never tasted real life people.

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  • OG truth speaker and activist Bob Tuskin returns to Chant it down with a discussion about a variety of topics, but the overall theme boils down to, enjoying the nuance of life and shedding the perspective of being a die-hard truther.

    Of course it's good to know what's going on in the world, but we're meant to enjoy life and not just constantly focus on the bad things happening. We also need to get our inspirations in life from an eclectic variety of sources instead of just become a choir of voices that just see in a different black and white, then the sheeple black and white.

    Bob Tuskin is a great example of a seasoned and matured mind who knows what's going on, and has known what's going on, but seeks to fulfill life in a variety of nuance.

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  • After the last 6 parts of this dark series into the fallout from the death shot, we finally get to talk to an expert doctor that is not afraid of speaking the truth into what needs be talked about across the world. The experimental vaccine that everyone got in hopes that the world would go back to "normal".

    Dr William Makis is an oncologist who noticed the phenomenon of "turbo cancer" for many who had gotten the shot. He has been documenting this from the beginning of the rollout and continues to see this rise in excess deaths directly correlating with those who got the shot.

    We discuss, a rough number of how many have perished as a result of this experiment, what the community of doctors are saying about the rise of deaths and turbo cancer, the longterm fallout, people's cognitive functions declining, if this will become mainstream topic and more.

    Even though this is a dark topic, it must not be ignored.

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  • Giants are all over antiquity, from the Bible, to Gilgamesh, to Malta and many indigenous lore. Did you know there were some in Aruba? Heather Arnold comes on, to explain the true story of Aruba. Heather started out as a tour guide trying to piece together the history of Aruba and came across the story of giants who once roamed this place, even into the 1400's when the explorer Amerigo Vespucci put it in his journal.

    This information is being suppressed as many anomalous accounts of our ancient history. We go on a rant about modern archaeologists and how they won't touch anything outside their narrative, even though the lost chapters of our history are staring us right in the face.

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  • There's always so much hype concerning every presidential election in the United States. We're here to show you a different picture. We're here to show the history of how this great divide came about in America. How much mind control, culture creation, and stages world events that have got us to this point in history. We're here to show the gradualism that brought humanity to low standards, and dumbed down enough to except our current reality.

    Sean McCann and William Ramsey have been in the game a long time and see through the smoke and mirrors of this illusion of choice.

    For many people at the moment, Trump seems like the obvious choice to battle what the lunatic left has brought the world through in the last 4 years, but it would be wise to second think everything you're being given. The dark occult runs the entire chess board, look at the sorcery and lies they work with. If they are to bring in the most chaos, they will allow Trump to be president and still advance their agenda.

    Please listen to this show in its entirety, to truly let it all sink in. This your pre-election - check yourself- show.

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  • I was a guest on Psyop Cinema with Thomas and Brett, and we deep analyzed the strange movie Donnie Darko.

    Thomas and Brett are experts at extracting the occult from films. Their expertise comes in here as we examine a movie that was not a box-office hit, but later a cult classic.

    The director Richard Kelly is basically well connected, and trying to show the elites that he knows their dark world and dished out this very dark and strange tale. On the surface, it may seem very complex, but after deep analysis, it's really a dark rebirth tale of time travel and twisted morals.

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  • On the 7th swapcast with Triffon from Unlocking The Code, Luemas goes down under for a work on the documentary and links up with Triffon for a livestream at his unfinished studio.

    In this swapcast we discuss a variety of topics. We start out with ancient megaliths and trying to further understand if we went through different epochs, we talk about he human timeline, human origins and then we switch to the many subjects that we're not allowed to discuss in todays society.

    This was an all around great conversation that celebrates the first physical meet-up of Chant It Down and Unlocking The Code.

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  • One of the biggest elephants in our living room is starting to really show its face in mass fallout from the shot. Nobody wants to talk about it, but people everywhere, know people who have either perished from it, or are directly maimed from it.

    It's becoming really noticeable now, as the long term effects of this experimental thwart on the human genome, are becoming more obvious.

    Let's bring this conversation to the forefront of everything. It can't be hidden much longer, and everyone needs to be aware that, the controllers of the world shut down society, held them ransom, until they got this experiment. That should not be overlooked in the slightest!

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  • Ceb Bland returns to Chant it down with another positive talk, this time into the exploration of the human soul. We are constantly in our lower self in the day-to-day world and often only the portion of us that keeps us spinning on the rat race treadmill.

    Our souls are so much higher than this plane of existence. This talk helps us remember that life is so much more then the 3D world, and that life after death is just a continuation of an extraordinary ride.

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  • Zach Royer is an author, publisher, paranormal tour guide and entrepreneur. He has deep interests in the exploration in the many mysteries that take place right here in Hawaii.
    We talk on a wide variety of topics, but start off with the discussion involving the deep mystery and energy Hawaii has. There are many vortex points, ufo sightings and hidden interesting spots in the islands.
    We also talk about the major change that is coming to this planet and to be prepared. A paradigm shift is coming. The truth will be revealed eventually to this planet, is this current paradigm can't stay like this much longer.
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