
  • On this episode of the Character Outs podcast we talk about the haunting of our toxic family members that we have gone no contact with.

    Ok, ok..I'm not talking about Ghostbusters shit. I'm talking about when we see, smell or hear something that reminds us of our toxic family.

    Let's face it, we went no contact, but they are still a part of our past and our memories.

    So...what should we do when they haunt. We will talk all about it.

    Join the fun over on Instagram:

    Check out the website for the blog and other resources:

    In case no one has told you, it's not you, never has been, you don't have to fix it and you are not alone.

  • On this episode of the Character Outs podcast I have the honor of chatting with this beautiful light in the world, Founder & CEO of Beautiful Disaster Clothing, Christina DuVarney.

    Christina DuVarney is the visionary force behind Beautiful Disaster Clothing, a brand that transcends mere fashion to become a symbol of resilience and empowerment. Drawing from her own journey of overcoming personal trials and traumas, Christina has transformed her experiences into the very essence of her brand. Beautiful Disaster Clothing is not just about stylish apparel; it's about wearing strength and confidence as a statement of empowerment.
    As the founder and owner, Christina's mission goes beyond designing clothes; it's about encouraging women to move away from pain and towards happiness, to embrace their inner strength, and to find solace in the journey of self-discovery. With each garment she creates, Christina imbues a message of resilience, reminding women that they are capable of rising above any adversity they may face.
    In Christina's vision, Beautiful Disaster Clothing isn't just something you wear; it's a wearable reminder of the strength that lies within every woman. It's about having a piece of confidence hanging in your closet, ready to be worn whenever you need a reminder of your own power and resilience. Through her brand, Christina continues to inspire women to embrace their flaws, celebrate their uniqueness, and move confidently towards a brighter, happier future.


    Shop the Beautiful Disaster clothing line here:

    Christina's Resources:

    *Think & Grow Rich Book:

    *Think & Grow Rich Workbook:

    *Three Feet From Gold:

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  • On this episode of the Character Outs Podcast we talk about the shrinking circle.

    Ya know, when you have the bittersweet superpower of seeing:


    ~passive aggressive behavior

    ~gas lighting

    ~crazy making want to run but you can't because:

    ~you would be a bitch

    ~you've been friends with that person forever

    ~you would be like your toxic family


    On this episode I am on a mission to change the societal perception that having ALLL the friends in the world defines you as a 'good person' and not allowing toxic friends to have access to you makes you a bitch.

    I like to consider myself an exclusive club and no, I do not allow a lot of people in. But I am tired of making apologies for my boundaries and standards and keeping toxic people in my life because it's the right and nice thing to do.

    We have let go of our toxic families and we are growing and evolving. Not everyone will be able to keep up and...that's OK!

    Join the fun over on the 'Gram:

  • On this episode of the Character Outs podcast we talk about that good ol' phrase I ask myself over and over...

    Am I the problem?


    That phrase used to haunt me.

    Yes, it USED to haunt me.

    Not that I feel I have achieved perfection (hell nah.)

    I have just refused to comply to the balls of toxicity thrown at me anymore.

    Things like...

    'Oh, your family doesn't talk to you? YOU must be the problem.'


    'Oh, your entire family has a problem with you? You must be the common denominator.'

    We talk about how to NOT allow these things to bother us anymore cus let's be honest, we are critical enough on ourselves for the entire population, am I right?

    Visit the website for the blog and resources:

    Join the fun over on Instagram:

    In case no one has told you, it's not you, never has been, you don't have to fix it and you are not alone.

  • On this episode of the Character Outs podcast, I chat with Cody who is not only intelligent and insightful, but also a really cool, down to earth dude.

    He brings a fascinating perspective to how trauma impacts our mind and our body and how we can get to a place of becoming a 'human doing' and not just a 'human being.'

    Cody is a seasoned entrepreneur at the forefront of AI and Mental Health. Armed with a degree in Cognitive Behavioral Neuroscience and trained in IFS Psychotherapy, he is the Founder & CEO of Mind, Brain, Body Lab. This groundbreaking Mental Health AI company specializes in treating Complex PTSD using AI/ML algorithms to analyze biometric and behavioral data.

    Committed to bridging the gap between AI and human experience, Cody also heads MyCompanion, a Public Benefit Corporation providing a free, 24/7 conversational AI companion for healing Complex PTSD.

    Cody disseminates daily Neuroscience and Psychology tools to improve mental and emotional health post-trauma. His mission is to help one billion people to find happiness and purpose in their lives.

    Follow on Instagram:

    Check out the Mind, Brain, Body Lab website here:

    In case no one has told you, it's not you, never has been, you are not alone, and you don't have to fix it.

  • On this episode of the Character Outs podcast we talk about SOME of the fucked-up things that we normalized while we were still in the trenches with our toxic family. Cus let's be honest, I could commit HOURS if we discussed all of the every single thing that we normalized, am I right?

    But....those days are over, so now what?

    We are also going to talk about what we need to start normalizing now that we are no contact. And sometimes, that leaves us holding our ground (but also doubting ourselves) losing toxic people (but also blaming ourselves) feeling guilty for speaking our needs and truth (cus ya know, I would be a not nice girl if I did that)

    AHHHHHH!! I am VERY passionate about this topic you guys.

    Know your worth and don't take any shit, we talk about it on this episode.

    If no one has told you lately, it's not you, never has been, you don't have to fix it and you are not alone.

    Visit the Character Outs website for resources and merch:

    Join the fun on Instagram:

  • Join me as I chat with Danu Morrigan. She is the daughter of a narcissistic mother and the author of five books on the topic of daughters and narcissistic mothers.

    *'You're not crazy-it's Your Mother'

    *'Dear Daughter of a Narcissistic Mother'

    *'Notes From Your Inner Mother'

    *'How to go No Contact'

    *'Become a Boundaries Badass'

    She is also the founder of the wildly successful website:

    It is a wonderful hub of information no matter where you are on your journey. Be sure to check it out to learn more about Danu, order her books and even take a quiz to see if your mother is narcissistic.

    She strives to give understanding, information, and validation to other daughters of narcissistic mothers.

    In case no one has told you lately, it's not you, never has been, you don't have to fix it and you are not alone.

    Be sure to check out the website:

    Email me at [email protected]

    Join the fun and snark over on the 'Gram:

  • On this episode of the Character Outs Podcast, I dive into the muddy waters of...boundaries.

    Does that body of boundary water feel like the Dead Sea to you? Yea, same.

    How about as you are in the process of even THINKING about making a boundary you hear your narcissistic mother whisper: 'You are making this boundary because you are a spiteful bitch.'

    UGHHHH!!! NO!

    Do you struggle with setting boundaries?

    I got you.

    This week I had some epiphanies about boundaries that I am so excited to talk about.

    Email me:

    [email protected]

    Check out the website for useful info, the blog and how to reach me to schedule a chat.

    The 'Gram:Character Outs Podcast ~Terri | toxic family support (@characteroutspodcast) • Instagram photos and videos

    Also...are you loving this podcast? I would be SO very grateful if you would let me know by leaving me a review. If it's going to be a bad review, consider yourself seen and blocked. Who said that? Juusst kidding.

    In case no one has told you, it's not you, never has been, you don't have to fix it and you are not alone.

  • On this episode of the Character Outs podcast, I am honored to host Mei Ling.

    Mei Ling helps women who identify as the black sheep of their families move from feeling inadequate to becoming powerful cycle breakers by helping them reconnect with their unique soul’s agenda and divine support system, so that they can shine their light into the world, knowing they are deeply loved and valued for who they are.

    As a mixed-race woman who inherited intuitive and psychic abilities through her Chinese lineage, Mei Ling is a bridge between the East and West, and between the earthly and spiritual realms. Growing up, she constantly felt like the outsider, never quite fitting in anywhere. As a child of divorce, the feeling was only exacerbated when she became the inconvenient addition to her parents’ new families. The spiritual journey that eventually led Mei Ling to become a professional intuitive started with one question - “Why me?”

    Mei Ling shares her own personal stories of growing up as the black sheep and scapegoat and weaves in vulnerable, potent, and often funny insights from these experiences with the hopes that those listening feel less alone on their journeys.

    How to find Mei Ling;


    To book your Soul Story Session:

    To connect on Instagram:

    Email me: [email protected]

    Join the fun on the Gram:

    Check out the website:

    In case no one has told you lately, it's not you, never has been, you don't have to fix it and you are not alone.

  • Womp Womp...

    On this episode of the Character Outs Podcast we talk about the fuckery of your toxic family choosing your ex over you.

    But wait, did you normalize it like I did?

    We also talk about how it's ok to look at the people in our life with fresh eyes and become ok with knowing our worth and making sure the people in our life are matching our energy.

    You are worth it.

    Their behavior may have been shitty and acceptable yesterday, but it doesn't have to be acceptable today.

    You are not the same.

    You are growing, evolving and don't get a medal for tolerating toxic treatment from anyone.

    Email me at: [email protected]

    Visit the website:

    Join the fun and snark over on Instagram:

    If no one has told you lately, it's not you, never has been, you don't have to fix it and you are not alone.

  • On this episode of the Character Outs Podcast meet my chosen sister....Raya.

    Who says you can't find family on social media??

    Raya is a survivor, advocate, mama, sister and no contact with her mother. Raya is truly one of the most inspirational people I have met on this journey.

    Her strength, beauty, intelligence and desire to help YOU hold your strength and power.

    You will be inspired by her authenticity, her sweet countenance and the fire in her soul that is absolutely contagious.

    Raya, I am honored to know you and blessed to be walking this journey alongside of you.

    Be sure to check out the Character Outs website:

    home1 - Character Outs PodcastJoin the fun over on Insta:

    Character Outs Podcast ~Terri | toxic family support (@characteroutspodcast) • Instagram photos and videosEmail me at [email protected]

    *Raya's Resources:

    RAIINE: They advocate and have many resources to help you get into contact with the right places in your area for sexual violence, abuse, and incest.

    National Domestic Hotline: They also help with resources. How to make a plan for safety, exit plans, and much more. I advise anyone to look into all of the local agencies you can. There are many out there, sometimes it just takes going through some hoops.

    Song: Dollhouse:

    Raya's Socials:

    Tik Tok:


    If no one has told you lately, it's not you, never has been, you don't have to fix it and you are not alone.

    Keep walking friend.

  • On this episode of the Character Outs Podcast we discuss the concept of acceptance.

    Accepting the fact that we won't ever have the family we wanted and certainly don't plan on welcoming back the toxic family we were given.

    Where does that leave us? Do we stay in a place of sadness, bitterness...I hope not!

    This episode takes a morbid turn as we discuss the worst-case scenario and about how we think we will feel when the family member we have been estranged from dies.


    The story: "Acceptance and Happiness"

    Information on reactive abuse:

    Connect with me via email here:

    mailto:[email protected]


    You got this friend, keep walking.

  • On this episode of The Character Outs Podcast we talk about all of the emotions that go with celebrating birthdays and holidays while being no contact with toxic family.

    The feels:





    I just celebrated my birthday and another holiday with radio silence from my toxic family. I should be happy that they are respecting my boundaries, right? Yay to more peace and freedom!!!

    Ok, so why was I a little shocked and sad that I literally just don't exist in their eyes anymore. Meep.

    Welcome to the ups and downs of no contact, right? We will get through this friend; we are not alone and refuse to look back and break this peace we got going!

    Be sure to follow along on Instagram:

    Check out The Character Outs Podcast:

  • On this episode of The Character Outs Podcast I read Tya's story.

    Tya is happily married and a stay-at-home mom of three.

    She was also a daughter who gave and gave to a mother whom she thought was her best friend.

    Join me as I read her story of awakening to the emotional abuse and manipulation of her narcissistic mother. The initial fear of going no contact and the lessons she has learned along the way.

    Thank you, Tya, for sharing your story, it healed my heart. Wishing you love on your no contact journey friend. Never forget your worth and never forget that you are not alone.

  • On this episode of the Character Outs Podcast we ring in season 2 in the new studio!

    I talk about what is new around here at the Character Outs Podcast. I also discuss, my vision for season 2 and this community.

    We also talk about the concept of pivoting, evolving, changing and growing and how if you were raised by a toxic family, especially a narcissistic mother, how this concept can feel odd.

    It is SO great to be back!!!!

    Be sure to hit follow on Spotify to stay connected!

    Come on over to the snark and fun over on Instagram as we navigate these no contact waters together!

    Would you like to be a guest on the podcast? Email me, looking forward to connecting!

    [email protected]

    Incase no one has told you: it's not you, never has been, you don't have to fix it and you are not alone.

  • On this episode of the Character Outs podcast I take a trip home.

    Do you live close to the toxic family you are no contact with?

    Well, I am not, and I must say....It is difficult to go back home! Well, I didn't go home...this is NOT that kind of podcast, haha.

    But I did go to my hometown and man did it bring up some emotions that I did not expect.

    Join me as I share some issues and emotions that came to the surface and how I walked through them.

    In case no one has told you lately: it's not you, never has been, you are not alone, and you don't have to fix it.

    Join the party over on Instagram:

    Have a question. or would you like to be a guest on the podcast, let's connect:

    [email protected]

    Remember to hit follow so you don't miss an episode!

  • Join me as I read Kim's story.

    Kim is a survivor of a toxic family, including the emotional abuse of her narcissistic mother.

    Abandonment, triangulation with her younger brother at the hands of her narcissistic mother, the loss of her father, the lifetime effort to try and make it work, along with periods of no contact. All leading to the moment she realized her worth and said no more.

    The moment of no contact is where her healing journey and search to make up for lost time began.

    Kim is single, child free and works a corporate job. In her spare time, she writes fiction books that are either historical or contemporary lead by a strong female character, most of which have a family of choice (don't you love that-normalizing this no contact journey through fiction literature-amazing.) The overriding theme of her books features people being raised in less-than-ideal situations and triumphing later in life (sounds a lot like you dear friend.)

    Kim's writing is like therapy, and she wouldn't be who she is without it. She also has a love for old cars and vintage aircraft. When she is not writing she enjoys photography and attending air and car shows.

    Kim, thank you for trusting me with your story. Keep on walking friend.

    You can find Kim's books here:

    Want to share your story on the podcast? Let's connect:

    [email protected]

    Join the party over on Instagram:

    In case no one has told you, it's not you, never has been, you are not alone, and you don't have to fix it.

  • On this episode of the Character Outs podcast we talk about trauma responses...ya know, we are all familiar with the four types of trauma responses right? Flight, fight, freeze or fawn.

    Ok, I have said it before, and I will say it again...I am a proud survivor of narcissistic abuse from my mother and the rest of my family is out of control toxic. I am not a therapist, nor do I have a degree in mental health. Unless elementary education counts, haha.

    But, recently I had a stressful and well, traumatic situation happen and my trauma response of fight was activated. Well, when the situation was over, I realized something that I don't hear many people talk about. The crash after the trauma response has been activated.

    These are the four stages I just recently walked through:

    *trauma response activated



    *badassery initiated

    Join me as we talk about embracing each stage, giving yourself grace and helping to normalize these emotions that continue to follow us on this no contact journey. You are not alone friend.


    Taylor Swift - The Archer (Lyric Video) - YouTubeJoin us over on Instagram:

    Character Outs Podcast ~Terri | toxic family support (@characteroutspodcast) • Instagram photos and videos

    Have a question? Want to share your story? Email me:

    [email protected]

    In case no one has told you lately, it's not you, never has been, you are not alone, and you don't have to fix it.

    Be sure to hit follow so you don't miss an episode!

  • On this episode of the Character Outs podcast, we talk about the chaos and confusion that our narcissistic mothers created.

    And honestly, it wasn't until I went no contact that I really saw how chaotic and confusing it was.

    We talk about the ways our narcissistic mothers created internal chaos and confusion as well as external confusion in just about every aspect and relationship in our lives.

    I talk about how my mother used urban legends as facts and elaborate stories riddled in fear in order to keep me in line.

    I also talk about triangulation and how that affected the relationship with my older brother. How the damage our mother did over the years was ultimately too much for either of us to get past and have a healthy relationship.

    Join the community on Instagram:

    Have a question? Want to share your story? Let's connect:

    [email protected]

    In case no one has told you, it's not you, never has been, you don't have to fix it and you are not alone.

  • On this episode of the Character Outs podcast, I chat with my friend Gina. She is a mother of two, and a women's health advocate and coach. She is also author of the blog: The Connected Parent-a blog dedicated to providing resources and tips for healing in mind, body and spirit while parenting.

    Gina comes from a large Italian family so as you can imagine, choosing to go no contact with her narcissistic mother 13 years ago has had its fallout among the family.

    Gina discusses how she navigates cutting off toxic family members and how to cope with then being cut off by family members who choose to side with the toxic, instead of the cycle breaker.

    Gina also shares invaluable advice on parenting and raising children as we ourselves are healing our own wounds from childhood.

    You will feel like you are chatting with your bestie and be reminded that this no contact journey is emotional, but so worth it.

    Protecting our peace and the peace of our children is paramount.

    Follow Gina on Instagram:

    Find her resources here:

    Mother Hunger: How Adult Daughters Can Understand and Heal from Lost Nurturance, Protection, and Guidance: McDaniel, Kelly: 9781401960858: Books

    Join the fun and snark with the Character Outs podcast over on Insta:

    Want to share your story? Let's connect!

    [email protected]

    In case no one has told you lately, it's not you, never has been, you don't have to fix it and you are not alone.