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Learn about the future of money and how Bitcoin proposes a solution to the problems in our monetary system. Why is wealth concentration growing? Will the U.S. dollar always be the world reserve currency? Is Bitcoin the "internet of money?" Journalist and educator Natalie Brunell shares one-on-one interviews with thought leaders. Whether you're eager to start learning about Bitcoin, or already follow the world of cryptocurrency and its pioneers, this show has something for you to HODL. Join us every week and connect with us at [email protected].
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We each live according to our own personal code of ethics but what moral principles guide our work? The 19 feature theme articles in this issue debate many of the ethical questions that confront us in programming, research, safeguarding and volunteering, and in our use of data, new technologies, messaging and images. Prepare to be enlightened, unsettled and challenged. This issue is being published in tribute to Barbara Harrell-Bond, founder of the Refugee Studies Centre and FMR, who died in July 2018:
The new issue of FMR explores the ideas and practices that are being tried out in order to engage both development and humanitarian work in support of ‘transitions’ and ‘solutions’ for displaced people. What we need, says one author, is “full global recognition that the challenge of forced displacement is an integral part of the development agenda too”. FMR issue 52 includes 32 articles on ‘Thinking ahead: displacement, transition, solutions’, plus ten ‘general’ articles on other aspects of forced migration. See more at
The mission of COMPAS is to conduct high quality research in order to develop theory and knowledge, inform policy-making and public debate, and engage users of research within the field of migration.
The mobility of people is now firmly recognised as a key dimension shaping society today, but the relationship between migration and societal change is only partly understood. Research at the Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS), core funded by the Economic and Social Research Council is geared to deepen the understanding of this relationship. -
Rozpustilý*í je podcast Káti a Ely, co byly*i tak hladový*í po intersekcionální a antikapitalistické feministické platformě v českém prostředí, že si ji samy*i vytvořily*i. Pokud taky patříš mezi otravné feminist*ky, vítej! Tenhle podcast je pro tebe.
> plz, přispějte nám na lepší mikrofony přes paypal:
> čekuj náš insta pro další zdroje a lásku @rozpustily.i
hlavní fotografka: @mar_sl
na flétničku zahrála: @mar_sl -
The Voice of Tea Lands
The Tea Biz Portal is a global resource for sharing commercial data and science-based insights. The portal combines weekly news that most impacts the tea industry from the Tea Biz Podcast and Blog with Tea Journey, a magazine for tea enthusiasts filled with nuanced articles about the places and people who passionately live a life of tea.
Tea is a fascinating and intricate topic… far more complex than one person can master. Our expertise resides in professionals who know the tea lands from birth and speak the native tongue. We believe that transparency is grounded in authentic storytelling, which is why the Tea Biz Portal enlists 40 voices skilled in 12 languages to tell the story of tea.
As small niche publications, Tea Journey and the Tea Biz Podcast and Blog rely on reader contributions for most of our income. Please consider donating to help pay the writers and staff that help bring our unique tea content from around the globe. We really appreciate it.
The CLAS Latin American Briefing Series brings academic and policy experts to the University of Chicago campus to address important events and issues in contemporary Latin America. The series is supported, in part, by a Department of Education National Resource Center grant to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign/University of Chicago Consortium for Latin American Studies and is co-sponsored by the International House Global Voices Program.
Germany Now is a podcast run from the DAAD-University of Cambridge Research Hub for German Studies. Join us as we talk with people in politics, journalism, academia and the arts about Germany's past, present and future. Presented by Professor Chris Clark.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Tento podcast věnujeme všem ŽENÁM a všemu, co nás zajímá - od duchovna až po business. Jsme nejlepší kamarádky, v mnohém stejné a zároveň úplně odlišné a takové jsou i naše pohledy na svět, které tady s vámi budeme sdílet. A+M | [email protected]
Jsem Christie, certifikovaná koučka psychologie jídla, nadšená podcasterka, vášnivá podnikatelka, autorka bestselleru, mistryně v nakupování knih, srdcem cestovatelka a #1 v pojídání lusků!
Založila jsem podcast Follow Your Magic pro všechny zaneprázdněné ženy, které věří ve své sny, a věří v svou Magic. Pokud i Ty na sobě chceš pracovat, chceš si splnit sny, jsi připravena otevřít svou mysl a jít za hlasem svého srdce, posaď se u nás a nalaď si ty nejinspirativnější hlasy z oblasti podnikání, spirituality, sebelásky a osobního rozvoje.
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Odebírejte celé podcasty DVTV ★ Poslouchejte rozhovory v plné délce přímo na Spotify ★ Spotify podcasty nejsou součástí členství DVTV Extra - více informací ★ Jsme první nezávislá internetová televize. Rozhovory, analýzy, komentáře, reportáže.