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How Men Came to Be. (The natural and cultural forces that have shaped masculinity.)Following a timeline from pre-humans, to Stone Age, to beyond. -
An archaeologist is setting out to break down Graham Hancocks' new show on Netflix. This series will give you a deep dive into the series and explain what Hancock gets correct and what he gets wrong. We will understand the history of his theory and the esoteric material Hancock uses in the show. We explore the actual origin of Atlantis, get to know Ignatius Donnelly, and in the end, we will have a new understanding of these ideas. Experts will join in and offer new ideas and expertise that were edited out from the series.
This show is for you if you're interested in history and fringe ideas. -
The origins of colonialism in Africa and it’s effects on Modern day Africa, alongside the study of emblematic historical figures of African descent. Donate to support my research through PayPal or Mobile Money -
Alexander the Great, born in 356 BCE in Macedonia, was a legendary military leader and king who created one of the largest empires of the ancient world. Ascending the throne at age 20, he demonstrated exceptional strategic genius, conquering lands from Greece to Egypt and into northwest India. Educated by Aristotle, Alexander spread Greek culture and influence through his conquests, ushering in the Hellenistic period. Despite his untimely death at 32, his legacy endures as a visionary leader whose ambition and military prowess reshaped the ancient world.
BUUNDO waa madal kulmisa dadka ka lib keenay hammigoodu iyo dadka barbilawga taagan. Waxaanan bulshada kula wadaagaan xikmad, qisooyinka yididiilo leh, aqoon, wacyi iyo tabo u shaqeeyay dadka aan ku kula sheekaysanno madashan. Ujeedadu waa in aan abuurno horseed lagu dayan karo.
Asc kuso dhowow Simaneey somali podcast! Fursadaha iyo Faidoyinka Internet ayan kaga hadla. Internet wll dad badan aya ka shaqeysta, fikrado shaqo dhageyso hadi ad rabtid. Organization iyo Goals ayan kaga hadla, waraarka yaab leh ama iga yaabiyey... Aduunkan iyo Mars baa waan kaga hadla marka diyaar ahow oo kuso dhowow. Youtube👉SIMANEEY🌍 💌 [email protected]
In this podcast we will talk about topics that are important for you as a somali parent. The children are the most valuable we have! The pod is in somali.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Do you want to change and improve your life? Listen to this podcast every day.
Successful is dedicated to providing access to personal empowerment tools to create the beautiful life you desire!
We strongly dedicate ourselves to sharing the appreciation of life, acknowledging the abundance of love, prosperity and happiness.
✉️ [email protected] -
I am a life coach and professional motivators. I encourage youth and my target is young people. I encourage them to be self-sufficient self standing. If you visit this podcast regularly you will find many things that will make you happy.
I always speak about psychology ,self development and business development. Especially those who speak Somali Language. -
In today’s world, a Black Woman’s journey, despite many obstacles, often goes unnoticed. What we need most is a safe space to pour into and align with one another uncovering our true selves. We are all subject to our own individual stories that produce the nourishments to grow through anything!
If you’re a black woman looking for a space of empowerment and inspiration, join Shanell Lamere, as she initiates inspiring gems, stories, and discussions on becoming mindfully aware of our thoughts and emotions. There we can authentically evolve and Bloom on the journey to self-discovery. -
Kusoo dhowow Khayr-dayska Noolays.... Warqabad ma ahan ... wargays ma ahan ... idaacad ma ahan .... waa khayr la sii daynayo ... sidii geedkii iftiinka bixin jirey ee Noolays ...
Dhagaysoo ka dhereg .. wanaagana ka raac ... haddaad ka faaiididna .. aanu khayrka qaybsannee ee sii faafi... o
Jazaakumullaahu khayran -
Dhagaystayaal kusoo dhowaada MUQDISHO podcast oo ah wartabiye madaxbanaan, waxaanu halkan kuso bandhigi doonaa barnaamijyo kala duwan oo aanu uga hadli doono xaalada soomaaliya iyo Soomaalida, si gaara waxanu diiradada ku saari doonaa Mawduucyo kala duwan oo aan islenaahay bulshada ayay faa’iido u leedahay, Dhaqaalaha , Siyaasada, aqoonta iyo Caafimaadka, Barnaamij waxa intiisa badan idin la socod siin doona aniga oo ah kamal, waxana igala qayb qaadan doona dad badanoo kamida waxgaradka iyo aqoonyahanada bulshada soomaaliyeed. hadii aad Podcast isticmaasho rukumo Oo barnaamijyadeena lasoco. MAHDSANIDIIN….
The heart of this podcast is to share, speak, and encourage you with love and truth.
On this podcast, we will be talking about all things life. Relationships, purpose, identity, worth, faith, and navigating your twenties and beyond.
Our greatest hope and intention of this podcast is to lead you in love and truth. Whether you’re looking advice, a glimpse of hope, lifestyle chats, or a podcast to pass the time, we’re so thankful you’re here! We pray you listen and leave feeling more inspired, joyful, worthy and uplifted.