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The goal of our “Ask the Expert” podcast series is to share the latest research and information on rare neuroimmune disorders and provide an avenue for individuals diagnosed with these disorders and their family members to ask questions to experts who specialize in these disorders. The podcasts are moderated based on questions submitted by our community. We would like to hear from you. If there are topics that you would like us to address in our podcasts, you can share your thoughts by sending an email to [email protected] and please use SRNA Podcast in the subject.
In India, girls make up 43% of enrolment in STEM courses - one of the highest in the world. Yet, only 27% of them are likely to enter the workforce and often exit these careers earlier than their male peers. Why is that so and what can be done to bridge this gap? These are the questions we set out to tackle in our brand new podcast, Avanti: Yes She Can.
From leaders at the helm of multi-billion dollar companies to film directors, comedians and social entrepreneurs, we sit down with some exceptional women as we understand their road to success, the bumps along the way and to take us back in time to their childhood to get to know the girl before the woman. Join Vandana Goyal, co-CEO of Avanti Fellows, and our guests, who prove every day that “yes, she can,” and so can you!
Each episode explores the world of dog care and companionship. Dog Words is presented by Rosie Fund, a charitable foundation with the mission to provide humans with the resources and education they need to give senior and harder-to-adopt dogs a better life. “We save each other.” is the motto of Rosie Fund which simply means, “The more we do for dogs, the more they do for us, and they already do a lot.”
The Nonprofit Architect Podcast is the premier 'how-to' podcast designed to build, launch, and improve your nonprofit! We interview nonprofit leaders, business leaders, consultants, and those with special skills to give you the actionable steps needed to build stronger nonprofits. Our guests dive into their expertise, pull back the curtain, and give you the actionable steps you've been looking for!We go in-depth into these great topics:Board of DirectorsHow to Build your BoardWorld-Class EventsEvent PlanningHoliday EventsFundraisersHow to Start a NonprofitHow to Close a NonprofitLeadershipSix-Figure FundraisingGoogle Ad GrantNetworkingLinkedInFacebook GroupsMonthly Recurring DonationsGrantsGrant ProgramsHow to make your Nonprofit Grant ReadyPodcastingPodcasting for a CauseCommunicationPartnershipsSponsorshipsAbundance MindsetVirtual StaffingVAVirtual AssistantMission CreepCompassion FatigueSelf SabotageMarketingBrandingEmail CampaignsPoliciesProceduresLegislative AdvocacyMerchant ServicesCredit Card ProcessingEbooksMembership ModelSignature ProgramsGovernanceDelegationChange ManagementContacting CelebritiesPTSDCombatting SuicideVeteranVeteransVolunteersHow to find VolunteersBusiness planningMail ChimpNetworkingMedia KitMedia AppearancesCollaboration over CompetitionDonor RetentionHow to start your foundationNon Profit Architect Non-Profit Architect
Art Outreach And Art WKS
The Art Outreach is a movement used to reach out to all visual arts students in different locations and science students who are inclined to learn visual arts in Junior and Senior Secondary School in Lagos State, Nigeria.
Art WKS (Workshop) was born out of Art Outreach to reinforce the movement of learning visual arts through different backgrounds in Federal Government Schools, Private Schools, and any others school interested to participate in the Still life drawings, Imaginative Drawings or Composition, Water Colour and Pastel.
* Art Outreach #1
* Art WKS, Art Workshop #2
What is Art Outreach And Art WKS?
The Art Outreach and Art WKS are movement and the best way “To gives educational resource by reinforcing learning in visual arts and any other students who are inclined to learn visual arts as we give them the opportunity to share their creative talents in still life drawings, Imaginative Composition,
Water Colour, Pastel, Choreography, Drama,
Expressions, passion and expertise curate by the artist”. In Lagos State Government Schools, Federal Government Schools, Privateʼs School through the Creative Arts Solution Foundation
You can check out the Art Outreach And Art WKS on YouTube Podcast
Feeling at all freaked out by the state of the world at the moment? Wondering what you can do about it? Join Kumi Naidoo, the veteran social and environmental justice campaigner, to tackle some of the biggest issues of our time. In each episode Kumi is joined by activists, artists and community leaders who are dismantling our broken system - and building something better in its place. Hear their stories. Learn what has kept them fighting. Find out how we all can make a difference. Learn more about the podcast by visiting:
Transcript message from Audio.
My name is Eniola Daniel and l’m here to tell you how passionate l am in drawings.
It’s all started when l was in a training. Our class teacher always gives us test saying that we should draw a first Aid box. So l took my pencil and l draw a square and l just put a cross on it. Then l submitted my note.
Only for me to turn back and sees someone else drawings looking so fantastic and well done. I got angry and l knew l couldn’t go back again to take my book and write the test again. So l went home and asked my Dad? Dad. How do you think l can be able to draw. So my dad told me that all you need to do is just to observe the drawings very well and follow the lines. So there on l continue drawing and drawing. I draw to the extent that even anything else does not seems important to me in my spare time.
Whenever l’m not doing anything l draw. So then my mummy told me that since you’re very good at drawing. Would you like to be an artist? I said Yes!, she said ...decided to look for an art studio where about.
So l went to art school for about three months. I was only free there in the morning because was also around to see her.
So l went to art school for about three months for journey. It was just quite journey. You know staying outside to drawing in the streets for 9am to 6pm is not something you say waiting under the sun. Drawing, going from streets to streets drawing and saying inside. Even waking up in the midnight by 12 midnight, 2. Only for you to stand and be watching and be watching your teacher, teaching you how to draw. And one of the most passionate drawings am very interested in, is pen drawings and l am going to be a pen artist when I grow up.
Thank you.
The ICC Pulse Podcast is a monthly podcast that offers listeners the inside scoop on the International Code Council and the building safety industry. Episodes of the ICC Pulse Podcast will feature interviews with leading industry experts where we will discuss a wide range of topics including current events and new technologies.
Sadhguru, fundador de la Fundación Isha, es un yogui, místico y maestro espiritual con una diferencia. Su vida y su obra, una fascinante mezcla de profundidad y pragmatismo, nos recuerdan que las ciencias internas no son filosofías esotéricas de un pasado obsoleto, sino una ciencia contemporánea de vital importancia para nuestros tiempos.
The SRCAC Exchange is a podcast by and for professionals in the field of child abuse prevention and intervention. Created by the Southern Regional Children's Advocacy Center, this show covers a wide variety of topics around the CAC model, child advocacy, multidisciplinary teams, and emerging trends in the field.
FREEDOM CHALLENGE ONLINE aims to connect with people who want to join our mission of bringing freedom to oppressed women and children across the globe. Episodes include updates of the ministries we support, testimonies of those who participate in Freedom Challenges, and professionals expanding on important Freedom Challenge topics. The Freedom Challenge USA is a movement of passionate women who participate in physical challenges that test limits, while raising funds and awareness to set women and children around the world on the pathway to freedom. A ministry of non-profit organization, Operation Mobilization USA. Subscribe today and join host Tracy Daugherty on this journey towards FREEDOM!
The Cycle Ends With ME! The Stronger Than My Father Podcast talks about all things fatherhood and how the lack of accountable fathers in the world affects the generations coming up.
The primary goal of Stronger Than My Father’s youth organization is to prepare students we serve to succeed in life by providing academic assistance, character development and spiritual enrichment through the students’ formative years.
Our Core Values Are:
To invest in and enrich each life we touchTo prepare for educational achievement.To build dignity and a sense of responsibility.To ensure that the safety of the youth we serve is of the utmost importance.Your financial support helps us continue our mission to educate, transform and inspire today’s youth and family to live out their God given purpose. Your tax-deductible donation is greatly appreciated!
Questions/Comments: Email [email protected] and/or support Cure Sanfilippo FoundationWebsite: www.CureSanfilippoFoundation.orgFacebook:
The pandemic was a major disruptor in the events industry. Join us as we explore how events have taken on new forms, expanded our audiences, enabled us to get creative, and helped us discover unlimited potential for impact. IEEE Forums of the Future reimagines the shape of events and how they are shaping our future. This will be a monthly podcast designed by passionate pros, where you can hear from unique voices from the industry, stay updated on trends and hot topics, new approaches and experiments, case studies, and more!
This podcast features the diverse voices, experiences, and perspectives of our global movement of Waterkeeper groups, impacted community members, and leading experts. Join us for meaningful conversations about critical issues threatening our waters and the actions, policies, and solutions we need to promote environmental equity, advance environmental justice, and protect everyone's right to clean water. Whether you're a seasoned advocate or new to the cause of clean water, join us to listen, learn, and amplify the demand for equity in every drop.
From the crystal-clear waters of The Bahamas to the vibrant landscapes of Sénégal and the environmental battlegrounds throughout the United States, this six-episode series will explore the critical climate-related threats to our water quality, quantity, and security and reveal the realities facing vulnerable communities already bearing the brunt of climate change.
The series is hosted by Tom Hynes with Waterkeeper Alliance.
To learn about our global movement and to get involved, visit