
  • Happy 2025! Let's talk about Hope!

    Pope Francis has declared 2025 a jubilee year - a year of reconciliation, healing, and mercy. The theme for this jubilee year is "Pilgrims of Hope." So what does it mean to have Hope? How can we grow in Hope, even when bad things are happening? How can we be signs of Hope to others?

    We'll also wrap up this episode with a quick update on the next few months for the podcast.

    References and further reading/listening/viewing:

    Romans 5Pope Francis, Spes non confunditThe Catechism of the Catholic Church, pts. 1817-21; 2447.

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  • What does the "Immaculate Conception" mean? Where do we see evidence of Mary's sinlessness in the Bible? What did the early church fathers have to say about Mary? Why is Mary so important?

    In this episode, we look at the Catholic church's dogma of the Immaculate Conception.

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    References and further reading/listening/viewing:

    Genesis 3Luke 1Revelation 11 and 12Pope Pius IX, Ineffabilis Deus: The Immaculate ConceptionTim Staples, Behold Your MotherScott Hahn, Hail Holy QueenCatholic Answers:What the Early Church Believed: Mary’s Immaculate NatureWhere Is the Immaculate Conception in the Bible?Mary, the Ark of the New CovenantImmaculate Conception and AssumptionThe Catholic Encyclopedia, Immaculate ConceptionFr. Mike Schmitz, Answering Your Questions About Mary and Her Immaculate ConceptionUnderstanding the Theology of the Immaculate ConceptionThe Immaculate Conception ExplainedTim Gray, Mary: God's MasterworkSt. Paul Center, Scripture and The Mystery of The Mother of GodBrant Pitre, Jesus and the Jewish Roots of Mary

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  • What is a declaration of nullity, and how is it different from divorce? Can the Catholic church ever dissolve a marriage? What factors would render a marriage null? What does the process of annulment involve?

    In this episode, we look at the often-misunderstood process of annulment.

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    References and further reading/listening/viewing:

    Matthew 19The Code of Canon Law, 1055 - 1165 Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, "Norms on the preparation of the process for the dissolution of the marriage bond in favour of the faith"Canon Law Made Easy:"What is the Pauline Privilege?""When is a 'Natural Marriage' a Valid Marriage?""Marriage and Annulment""Can a Catholic Ever Get Married in a Non-Catholic Church?""If a Catholic Marries a Non-Christian, How is it a Sacrament?""Catholics in Non-Sacramental Marriages"Ascension Presents, "The Truth About Annulments"Catholic Answers:"The Difference Between Sacramental and Natural Marriage""Why Does the Church Not See Adultery as Grounds for an Annulment?""Can Marriages Between Unbaptized People Be Dissolved By Divorce?""If I Married a Non-Baptized Person in a Civil Wedding, do I Need an Annulment to Remarry?""Why Can Valid Marriages Between Unbaptized People Be Dissolved?""Marriage and Consummation""Why The Church Cannot Marry the Impotent""What are Grounds for Annulment?"

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  • What's the difference between doctrine and dogma? What's an ecumenical council and how is it different from a synod? What's an encyclical, or an apostolic exhortation, or a papal bull?

    In this episode, we cover terminology that often comes up in Catholic teaching:

    DoctrineDogmaEcumenical councilSynodApostolic ConstitutionEncyclicalApostolic ExhortationApostolic LetterMoto ProprioPapal BullVatican Holy See

    References and further reading/listening/viewing:

    Pope Francis, Dilexit Nos
    Fr Mike Schmitz, Dogma, Doctrine, and Meat on Fridays
    Catholic Encyclopedia

    DogmaChristian DoctrineSynodGeneral CouncilsThe Vatican

    Catholic Answers

    Catholic Doctrine vs DogmaThe 21 Ecumenical CouncilsHaving Trouble Accepting a Church Teaching?What is Dogma?What is a Synod?Why Isn't Everything Infallible?The Limits of InfallibilityHaving Trouble Accepting a Church Teaching?

    Aleteia, What is the difference between a synod and a council?

    Vatican vs Holy See: What's the difference?Papal Documents

    Jimmy Akin

    Non-Infallible TeachingsRatzinger on the Catechism

    The CDF. Instruction on the Ecclesial Vocation of the Theologian.
    Benedict XVI on ordinatio sacerdotalis
    Matthew Plese, The Types of Papal Documents and Weight of Each

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  • Why does the Catholic church have a pope? What does the pope do? Is he always infallible? Who chooses the pope? What should we do about bad popes?

    In this episode, we look at how the papacy works.

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    References and further reading/listening/viewing:

    Matthew 16John 21Isaiah 22The Catechism of the Catholic Church, pts. 880-887.Pope Benedict XVI, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, The Primacy of the Successor of Peter in the Mystery of the Church.The Catholic Encyclopedia: The PopePapal ElectionsConclaveAntipopeFelix IIEWTN, What is a ConclaveThe Augustine Institute,What do Catholics Believe about the Pope? | A Catholic Professor AnswersWhy Do Catholics Have a Pope?Catholic Answers,Does God Pick the Pope?When is the Pope Infallible?Why Doesn’t the Pope Do Something about 'Bad" Bishops?Where Does the Bible Say Anything about the Papacy?It’s Not Just the Pope Who’s InfalliblePapal InfallibilityBirth ControlIs Humanae Vitae Infallible Teaching?Suan Sonna, Where is the Papacy in the Old Testament?Jewish Encyclopedia, Binding and LoosingThe Catechism in a Year, Day 123: The PopePope Leo X Exurge Domine: Condeming the Errors of Martin LutherMatt Fradd, Biblical PROOF of the Papacy w/ Dr. Scott Hahn and Cameron BertuzziSt Irena

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  • What does the Catholic church teach about angels? How many angels are there? Can they read our minds or see the future? Can I give my guardian angel a name?

    In this episode we cover the church's teaching on the angels, and tell some stories of the relationship of the saints to their guardian angels.

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    References and further reading/listening/viewing:

    Vatican I, Dogmatic Constitution Dei Filius on the Catholic FaithFr Mike Schmitz, "How Guardian Angels Actually Work"Ascension, "All About Guardian Angels"Catholic Answers, "What Do Catholics Believe About Angels?""The Science of Angels""Proving that the Saints in Heaven Hear Our Prayers""Childish Guardian Angels""Can the Saints Hear Us?"The Catholic Encyclopedia, "Angels""Fourth Lateran Council""Demoniacal Possession"The Catholic Leader, "Do Angels Know What We're Thinking?"Busted Halo, "How Do the Saints Hear Our Prayers?"The Thomistic Institute, "Angels and Demons"Godsplaining, "What Can Angels Do?"EWTN, "Padre Pio and the Guardian Angels"National Catholic Register, "Postulators Reflect on Humanity of John Paul II, John XXIII"The Catholic Weekly, "Fr John Flader Q&A: The hierarchy of the angels"St. Josemaria Institute, "St. Josemaria and the Guardian Angels"

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  • Paul and Mary Magdalene were not part of the twelve apostles, but they WERE two incredibly important figures in the early Christian church. They were also both just completely awesome.

    In this episode, we wrap up our discussion of the apostles with the stories of Saints Paul and Mary Magdalene.

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    References and further reading/listening/viewing:

    The Acts of the Apostles, Chapters 9, 22, 26Pope Benedict XVI: Addresses on the ApostlesThe ApostlesPaul of TarsusSt Paul's New OutlookSt Paul and the SpiritSt Paul and the ChurchThe Catholic Encyclopedia:St PaulSt. BarnabasPhariseesMary MagdaleneCatholic AnswersWhy did God Change Saul's Name to Paul?Who is Mary Magdalene?Encyclopedia Britannica, How did St Paul the Apostle Die?St. Paul Centre, Was Mary Magdalene a Former Prostitute?

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  • Who were the apostles? What were their lives like? What do we know about them? In these episodes, we unpack the lives of the apostles (plus a couple of bonus extras). Today, we continue with Matthew and John.

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    References and further reading/listening/viewing:

    John 1The letter of JudePope Benedict XVI: Addresses on the ApostlesThe ApostlesThomas the TwinBartholomew Simon and JudeJudas Iscariot and MatthiasCatholic Answers: The Gospel of ThomasHow Doubting Thomas Proved Christ's DivinityWhy isn’t the Gospel of Thomas in the Bible?The Catholic Encyclopedia, St. Thomas the ApostleSt. Simon the ApostleNathanael

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  • Who were the apostles? What were their lives like? What do we know about them? In these episodes, we unpack the lives of the apostles (plus a couple of bonus extras). Today, we continue with Matthew and John.

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    References and further reading/listening/viewing:

    The Gospel of JohnMatthew Chapter 9Mark Chapter 3Luke Chapter 5Pope Benedict XVI: Addresses on the ApostlesThe ApostlesJohn, son of ZebedeeJohn, the theologianMatthew, the tax collectorCatholic Answers:Who Wrote John’s Gospel?Who Wrote the Gospels?The Heresiarch Cerinthus: the Odd Man Behind St. John’s GospelThe Catholic Encyclopedia:St. John the EvangelistSt. MatthewCredit song: "My Heart With You" by The Rescues

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  • Who were the apostles? What were their lives like? What do we know about them? In these episodes, we unpack the lives of the apostles (plus a couple of bonus extras). Today, we continue with four apostles: Andrew, Philip, and the two Jameses.

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    References and further reading/listening/viewing:

    John Chapter 1John Chapter 6John Chapter 12Acts Chapter 12Luke Chapter 9Acts Chapter 15Pope Benedict XVI: Addresses on the ApostlesThe Apostles"Andrew, the Protoclete""Philip the Apostle""James the Greater""James, the Lesser"The Catholic Encyclopedia:"St. James the Greater""St. Philip the Apostle""St. Andrew""St. James the Less"Aleteia, "Why was St. James called a 'son of thunder'?"Catholic Answers, "Who was James the 'brother' of Jesus?""Was Mary the Aunt of James and John?""Who Are the Twelve Apostles, and What Happened to Them?"

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  • Who were the apostles? What were their lives like? What do we know about them? In the next few episodes, we're going to unpack the lives of the apostles (plus a couple of bonus extras), beginning with this episode on Simon Peter.

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    References and further reading/listening/viewing:

    Pope Benedict XVI's Addresses on the ApostlesPope Benedict XVI. The ApostlesCatholic Answers, "What Was Up With Peter's Wife?"The Catholic Encyclopedia, "Peter, Apostle, Saint"Scott Butler, Norman Dahlgren, David R. Hess. Jesus, Peter & the Keys: A Scriptural Handbook on the PapacyRod Bennet. These Twelve: The Gospel Through the Apostles' EyesMike Aquilina. The Apostles and Their TimesDom Mauro-Giuseppe Lepori, Simon Called Peter

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  • In this life, are we supposed to suffer or to be happy? Why does God allow us to suffer? Is suffering compatible with joy?

    In this episode, we explore the mystery of suffering.

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    References and further reading/listening/viewing:

    Colossians 1:24John Chapter 16Galatians Chapter 22 Corinthians Chapter 4Psalms 3, 22, 77, and 88.Pope St. John Paul II, Salvifici DolorisSt. Edith Stein, The Science of the CrossC. S. Lewis, A Grief Observed. C. S. Lewis on the Problem of Pain.Catholic Answers, "Hope Through Suffering"Raniero Cantalamessa, The Power of the CrossMiguel Monge, Blessed Be Pain!G. K. Chesterton, The Ball and the Cross"Why Haven't You Healed Me?" The ChosenFr Mike Schmitz, "Why Doesn't God Heal Everybody?""Believing in a God Who Allows Evil""If I’m Suffering, Is It Better to Never Have Been Born?""The Meaning of Suffering"Lisa Cotter, "How to Suffer Well"Scott Hahn on the Value and Meaning of SufferingBishop Barron, "Why Is Life So Full of Suffering?""Should Suffering Shake Our Faith?""Why Does God Allow Suffering?""Why Did Jesus Have to Die the Way He Did?""Bishop Barron Comments on Stephen Fry, Job, and Suffering"Credit song: "It'll Be Alright" by Cody Francis

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  • Did Jesus always know that he was God, or did he acquire that knowledge at some point during his childhood or adolescence? Were there things that Jesus didn't know when he was on earth? Did he know what was going to happen in the future? Was Jesus ever tempted to sin, or to despair?

    In this episode, we discuss the incredible mystery of the hypostatic union: Jesus as fully God and fully human.

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    References and further reading/listening/viewing:

    Psalm 22Luke Chapter 2The Catechism of the Catholic Church, 456-483Pope Pius XII, Mystici Corporis ChristiPope Benedict, Jesus of NazarethSt. JPII, Redemptor HominisMichael Gorman, Aquinas on the Metaphysics of the Hypostatic UnionCatholic Answers: "Did Jesus Know He Was God as a Child?""Christ's Beatific Vision at His Conception""Why Have You Forsaken Me?""Is it true that Jesus didn’t know what would happen to him?""How Much did Jesus Know?""Did Jesus Lose His Temper?""Could Jesus Have Sinned? Absolutely Not!"The Catholic Encyclopedia: "Knowledge of Jesus Christ""Temptation of Christ"St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, Third Part.John O'Connell, "The Human Knowledge of Christ"Fr. William Most, The Consciousness of ChristSt. John of Damascus, An Exposition of the Orthodox Faith (Book III)Pope St. Leo the Great "Sermon 21"Msgr. Charles Pope, "

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  • Every. Single. Mass. Is a miracle. Eucharistic miracles remind us of that fact.

    In this episode, we discuss four amazing incidents, three of which occurred in the last thirty years. In each of these miracles, a communion host transformed into human tissue: specifically, into tissue taken from a living human heart that was in agony. Each of these miraculous hosts has been rigorously scientifically tested, often by scientists who had no idea where the samples they were testing had come from. These stories remind us of the loving and true presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.

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    References and further reading/listening/viewing:
    Carlo Acutis' website: The Eucharistic Miracles of the World
    The Miracle of Lanciano
    The Miracle of Buenos Aires
    The Miracle of Tixla, Mexico
    The Miracle of Sokolka, Poland
    Pints with Aquinas: "Scientific EVIDENCE for Eucharistic Miracles? w/ Fr. Terry Donahue"
    Ron Tesoriero, The Eucharistic Miracle of Buenos Aires.
    EWTN: The Lanciano Miracle: Unveiling the Eucharistic Mystery
    Aleteia, The stunning Eucharistic miracle of Sokolka
    Joan Carroll Cruz, Eucharistic Miracles: And Eucharistic Phenomena in the Lives of the Saints

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  • Pope Francis has just announced that Blessed Carlo Acutis is going to be the first millenial saint. Carlo Acutis was an ordinary teenager who died suddenly at the age of 15. He was known for his love of God, and in particular for his love for Jesus Christ, truly present in the Eucharist. Carlo loved soccer, animals, nutella, gaming, and coding. His exhibition on Eucharistic miracles is still touring the world, and his website is still available today.

    In this episode, we discuss the life of Carlo Acutis, as part of our two-part series on Eucharistic miracles.

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    References and further reading/listening/viewing:
    Carlo's website on Eucharistic Miracles
    Official website for Carlo Acutis
    Will Conquer, A Millenial in Paradise: Carlo Acutis
    Aleteia, Interview with Antonia Salzano - Blessed Carlo Acutis's Mother
    Antonia Salzano Acutis , My Son Carlo: Carlo Acutis Through the Eyes of His Mother
    EWTN Documentary on Carlo Acutis

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  • If the point of my faith is to set me free, why are there so many things I *have* to do as a Catholic? What should I do when I feel like I'm doing things because I have to and not because I want to? What's the difference between being free and doing whatever I want?

    In this episode, we discuss interior freedom.

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    References and further reading/listening/viewing:

    Galatians 5:1
    The Catechism of the Catholic Church pt.1731-42
    Pope John Paul II, USA Homily, 1995
    Pope Leo XIII, Libertas
    The Catholic Encyclopedia, Free Will
    The Catechism in a Year, Eps. 234 and 235
    Ascenscion, "What True Freedom Looks Like"
    The Thomistic Institute, "Freedom (Aquinas 101)"
    St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae: II.i Q.13
    Fr Mike Schmitz, "Freedom and its Consequences"
    Bishop Robert Barron "What is the True Nature of Freedom?"
    Fulton Sheen, "Freedom"
    Jacques Philippe, Interior Freedom
    Julio Dieguez, He Knows Not How

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  • Does everyone have a vocation? How do I know what my vocation is? Can I say no to God's call? What if I make the wrong choice?

    In this episode, we discuss what it means to live out our call to holiness and apostolate in a unique, personal way.

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    References and further reading/listening/viewing:

    1 Thessalonians 4:3Mark 16:15Pope Francis Gaudete et Exsultate. "Message of his Holiness Pope Francis for the 61st World Day of Prayer for Vocations"Opus Dei, "What is vocation? Does everyone have a vocation?"Ascenscion Presents"Discern Your Vocation with One Simple Hack""Discerning a Vocation to the Priesthood and Religious Life""I Will Follow—Two Catholic Priests' Vocation Stories""5 Common Discernment Traps and How to Avoid Them (feat. Fr. Gregory Pine, O.P.)""Reasons NOT to Discern Religious Life (feat. Stacey Sumereau)""How to Discern Pretty Much Anything"Fr. Columba Jordan CFR, "3 Steps to Discern Your Vocation"Fr. Mike Schmitz "What's My Vocation?""How Do I Know if I Made the Wrong Choice?""Discernment 101""The Key to Discernment""4 Helpful Rules for Discernment"Thomas Keating, Crisis of Faith, Crisis of LoveGeorge Boronat, Going on VocationUSCCB, "Forms of Consecrated Life"Catholic Answers, "

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  • St. Gianna Beretta Molla was born in 1922. As a young woman, she wanted to be a missionary but eventually saw that God was calling her to marriage and family life. She became a pediatrician, and she and her husband Pietro had three children. They lived a full and joyful life. When she was pregnant with her fourth child, she was diagnosed with a benign tumour in her uterus. After refusing any treatment that would take the life of her child, she gave birth to a healthy baby girl, before dying of complications from the birth eight days later, at the age of 39.

    St Gianna is the patron saint of mothers, doctors, and unborn children.

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    References and further reading/listening/viewing:

    St Gianna Beretta Molla's website
    Gianna Beretta and Pietro Molla, The journey of our love: the letters of Saint
    Pietro Molla, Saint Gianna Molla: wife, mother, doctor
    National Catholic Register, "5 Things St. Gianna and Her Husband Teach Us About Dating, Marriage and Love"
    Hallow, "St. Gianna Beretta Molla"
    Salt + Light Media, "Pierluigi Molla, on his mother, St. Gianna"
    Aleteia, "St. Gianna’s son: 'She is not only a saint because of her heroic deed'"

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  • What's an indulgence? How do I obtain one? Is it true that the Catholic church sold indulgences in the past?

    In this episode, we wrap up our discussion on penance and contrition in the lead-up to Holy Week.

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    References and further reading/listening/viewing:

    Catechism of the Catholic Church, pts. 1471-79.Pope Paul VI, Indulgentiarum DoctrinaUSCCB, "Indulgences and our Spiritual Life"Catholic Encyclopedia, "Indulgences"Catholic Answers, "Myths about Indulgences""Understanding Indulgences in the Catholic Faith""How to Explain the Doctrine of Indulgences""What is Attachment to Sin?""Primer on Indulgences""What is the sin of Simony?"Ascenscion Presents, "Did the Church Ever Sell Indulgences?""Do Catholics Still Do Indulgences? (feat. Fr. Gregory Pine, O.P.)""Absolution and Indulgences: Two Distinct Gifts from God""Giving the Gift of the Plenary Indulgence"The Catechism in a Year "Day 202: How Confession Heals""Day 203: The Purpose of Indulgences"The Catholic Weekly, "Q and A with Fr Flader: Conditions for indulgences"Catholic News Agency, "How to obtain a plenary indulgence during Holy Week 2024"

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  • What should I say in the confessional? What happens if I forget one of my sins, or forget to say my penance? Can non-Catholics go to confession?

    This episode is a practical guide for going to confession.

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    References and further reading/listening/viewing:

    The Catechism of the Catholic Church, pts. 1480-1484Rite of PenanceA Guide for ConfessionArchdiocese of Washington, "A Guide to Confession"St. Josemaria Institute, "A Short Guide for Confession"Hallow, How to Go to Confession: The Sacrament of Penance/ReconciliationCongregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, Rediscovering the Rite of PenanceUSCCB, "Act of Contrition"International Theological Commission, Penance and Reconciliation. Fr Gregory Pine, "How To Have A Great Confession"Fr Columba Jordan CFR, "How to Examine Your Conscience (& Know Your Main Fault)"Fr Mike Schmitz, "Making a Good Confession""Do I need to go to Confession?""Going to Confession for the First Time in a Long Time"Ascension, "Do this one thing before every Confession""A Guided Examination of Conscience"Catholic Answers, "What if I Forgot to Confess a Sin and Remembered it Later?""Confession for non-Catholics""Can non-Catholics go to Confession?"Aleteia, "I went to confession and forgot my penance. What should I do?""

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