
  • Terrica Lynn Smith, founder of Terrica Lynn Smith Enterprises, a company that specializes in developing communities, investing in apartment complexes, single family residents and mid-rise investments, is a vibrant, strong, and prestigious real estate developer from New Orleans, La. She doesn’t have your typical rags to riches story. Everyone has their own struggles, doubts, and pitfalls in life, but what you choose to do with them determines your level of success. Being a ward of the state at an early age and having to overcome the lies, physical abuse, verbal abuse, sexual abuse, abandonment, and pain endured as a child is only the beginning of Terrica Lynn Smith’s story. You are not going to want to miss this interview!

  • Paula White-Cain is the president of Paula White Ministries, the Senior Pastor of City of Destiny Church and hosts the Christian television program Paula Today. Paula is a renowned life coach, bestselling author, and highly sought-after motivational speaker. Her commitment to humanity is felt worldwide as she reaches out through numerous charities and compassion ministries, fulfilling her mission and call to transform lives, heal hearts, and win souls. Her new book is "The Power Of Your Thoughts" and today she dives into why it is imperative to think about what we’re thinking about.

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  • In this episode, Hannah Keeley and Phil Cooke discuss the importance of taking action, showing up, and serving with excellence in whatever capacity you're in. Hannah introduces Phil Cooke as someone with a passion for using media to share the gospel message and making a difference in the world.

    Discovering Passion and Calling

    Phil shares how he discovered his passion for media production and storytelling from a young age, leading him to pursue it as a career. Hannah emphasizes the importance of recognizing one's calling and taking steps to fulfill it, even if it means starting small.

    Taking Action and Showing Up

    Phil talks about the value of taking action and not waiting for opportunities to come but creating them by showing up and doing the work. Hannah shares personal experiences of starting small and gradually building momentum by consistently showing up and serving with excellence.

    Humility and Excellence

    Both speakers emphasize the role of humility in serving others and the importance of maintaining a high standard of excellence in whatever tasks or roles one undertakes. They discuss how humility and excellence go hand in hand, reflecting God's character and bringing positive impact to those around them.

    Trusting God's Timing and Guidance

    Phil and Hannah share stories of how God's timing and guidance have played a crucial role in their journeys, from unexpected opportunities to divine connections. They encourage listeners to trust in God's plan, take action with faith, and not be discouraged by setbacks or challenges along the way.

    Key Takeaways:

    Don't wait for perfect conditions or big opportunities; start small, take action, and show up with excellence. Humility is key in serving others and reflecting God's character in everything you do. Trust God's timing and guidance, knowing that every step taken in faith leads to growth and impact.


    Hannah and Phil conclude by encouraging listeners to stop waiting and start showing up in their respective callings, trusting that God will open doors and guide them along the way.

    More from Phil Cooke:

    Instagram: @PhilCooke

    Website and blog:

  • In this episode, Hannah Keeley and Wendy Pett dive deep into the importance of achieving holistic health, focusing on not just the body, but also the mind and spirit. They discuss the pitfalls of the fitness industry's obsession with physical appearance and offer practical insights on how to cultivate a healthy relationship with oneself.

    Introduction to the Fitness Industry's Obsession with Physical Appearance

    Hannah Keeley introduces the episode, highlighting the pervasive fitness craze focused on attaining the perfect body. Emphasizes the importance of addressing not only physical health but also mental and spiritual well-being.

    Introduction of Guest, Wendy Pett

    Hannah introduces Wendy Pett, host of the Visibly Fit podcast and creator of the Visibly Fit program, as an expert in holistic health. Wendy shares her journey from teaching aerobics to embracing a holistic approach to health after a snowmobile accident.

    The Importance of Holistic Health

    Wendy discusses her journey towards holistic health after her accident, emphasizing the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. Highlights the significance of releasing emotional baggage attached to unhealthy habits for true transformation.

    Challenging Cultural Norms and Self-Perception

    Hannah and Wendy discuss societal pressures and the objectification of bodies, leading to distorted self-perception. Emphasizes the need for self-love and forgiveness as foundational elements of holistic health.

    The Healing Power of Nature and Movement

    Hannah shares personal experiences of finding solace and healing through outdoor activities. Wendy stresses the importance of movement in regulating hormones and promoting mental well-being.

    Making Health a Priority

    Hannah and Wendy discuss the importance of prioritizing self-care and incorporating movement into daily routines. Wendy introduces the concept of using the body as a gym, emphasizing the accessibility of exercise.

    Overcoming Excuses and Cultivating Discipline

    Wendy encourages listeners to challenge excuses and embrace discipline in pursuing health goals. Hannah emphasizes the need for consistent effort and self-reward to reinforce positive habits.

    Shifting Perspectives and Establishing New Norms

    Wendy shares insights into creating new habits and neural pathways through consistent effort. Hannah discusses her journey towards eliminating sugar from her diet and redefining what is considered normal.

    How to Get Started on the Journey to Holistic Health

    Wendy invites listeners to explore her website,, for resources and support in their health journey. Highlights the seven-week accelerator program as a comprehensive approach to achieving holistic health.

    This episode provides valuable insights into the holistic approach to health, emphasizing the importance of self-love, forgiveness, and consistent effort in achieving well-being. Hannah Keeley and Wendy Pett offer practical strategies for listeners to cultivate a healthy relationship with themselves and embark on a journey towards holistic health.

  • In this episode, Hannah Keeley welcomes special guest Marc Mero, whose journey from adversity to redemption is both inspiring and deeply transformative. Hannah sets the stage by highlighting the common experience of facing moments of despair and the critical importance of making the right decisions during those times. Marc Mero's story exemplifies how radical choices can lead to transformative outcomes, grounded in the belief that redemption and restoration are always possible.

    Conversation Highlights:

    Childhood Dreams and Struggles:

    Marc shares his childhood dreams of a better life despite growing up in challenging circumstances. His early aspirations included materialistic goals fueled by a desire for happiness and success. Despite setbacks and a serious accident before his professional boxing debut, Marc remained determined to pursue his dreams.

    Wrestling with Adversity:

    Marc's entry into professional wrestling after a setback in boxing marked a turning point in his life. Achieving fame, success, and material wealth, Marc found himself spiraling into destructive habits and poor choices. The loss of relationships, including his marriage and friends, highlighted the consequences of his lifestyle.

    A Moment of Desperation and Redemption:

    On Christmas Day in 2003, Marc reached a breaking point, contemplating suicide under a pier. A vision of hell and a plea for forgiveness led Marc to surrender to God, marking the beginning of his journey to recovery. Overcoming addiction and finding purpose, Marc transitioned to inspiring others through his personal story.

    Impacting Lives Through Faith and Compassion:

    Marc's transformation led him to become a beacon of hope for countless individuals, especially youth facing similar struggles. Despite challenges, Marc emphasizes the importance of love, compassion, and understanding in reaching out to young people. Through speaking engagements and community outreach, Marc advocates for parental involvement, setting boundaries, and nurturing relationships with children.


    Marc's journey from despair to redemption underscores the power of faith, resilience, and the transformative impact of positive choices. His message resonates with parents and individuals alike, encouraging them to embrace love, faith, and purpose in overcoming life's challenges.
  • Show Description: In this episode of the Crazy Blessed podcast, Hannah Keeley welcomes special guest Dr. Sam Adeyemi, executive director of the Daystar Leadership Academy and a renowned source of leadership mentorship. Dr. Sam shares his inspiring journey from being introverted and shy to becoming a transformative leader, guided by the principles of faith and empowerment. Together, they explore the essence of true leadership, debunking misconceptions, and emphasizing the importance of self-concept in fulfilling one's leadership potential.

    Key Highlights:

    From Shyness to Leadership: Dr. Sam recounts his personal journey, revealing how he overcame shyness and self-doubt to embrace his calling as a leader, inspired by the belief that everyone has the capacity to influence others.

    Divine Guidance: Through experiences of hardship and self-discovery, Dr. Sam found divine guidance in his pursuit of leadership, including pivotal moments of revelation and spiritual insight.

    Transformative Leadership: The discussion delves into the transformative power of leadership, highlighting Dr. Sam's mission to empower individuals through education, mentorship, and the integration of biblical principles.

    The Role of Mothers as Leaders: Hannah and Dr. Sam emphasize the critical role of mothers as leaders in shaping future generations, stressing the importance of self-awareness and spiritual identity in fulfilling this role effectively.

    Rest in Faith: Drawing parallels from biblical narratives, they explore the concept of rest in faith, emphasizing the need to trust in divine guidance and resist the pressures of self-reliance and validation-seeking.

    Value of Books and Education: Dr. Sam underscores the value of books and education in personal and leadership development, highlighting their role in shaping perspectives, fostering growth, and uncovering hidden potentials.

    Takeaway Message: Leadership begins with embracing one's true identity and recognizing the inherent potential to influence and impact others positively. By aligning with divine guidance, nurturing self-awareness, and continuously seeking growth through education and mentorship, individuals can unleash their leadership potential and thrive in all aspects of life.

  • Podcast Show Notes:


    Host Hannah Keeley introduces the episode, highlighting the guest, Sarah Molitor, known for her Instagram account @ModernFarmhouseFamily. Sarah Molitor shares insights and strategies for building family unity and creating a harmonious home environment.

    Key Points:

    Organic Growth of a Large Family: Sarah shares her journey of marrying her husband and gradually growing their family. They never intended to have a big family but found themselves embracing the joys and challenges that come with it. Both Sarah and her husband come from larger families, which influenced their perspective on family size. Navigating Parenthood: The conversation delves into the transition from a smaller to a larger family and the adjustments required. Sarah emphasizes the importance of establishing systems and routines early on to manage the dynamics of a growing family. Both hosts reflect on the need for flexibility and adaptation as children grow and family dynamics evolve. Embracing Change and Humility: Hannah and Sarah discuss the significance of being teachable and open to change, both in parenting and personal growth. Sarah shares her experience of incorporating new approaches to homeschooling and encouraging her children to embrace learning beyond grades. The conversation highlights the value of humility in parenting and seeking God's guidance in nurturing children's hearts and minds. Reading Scripture with Fresh Eyes: Sarah shares her recent practice of reading the Bible with a focus on understanding God's character in each passage. Both hosts emphasize the transformative power of Scripture and the importance of staying open to new insights and perspectives. Treasuring Moments with Family: Hannah shares a personal anecdote about her decision to prioritize time with her children despite financial challenges. The discussion centers on the significance of cherishing moments with family and avoiding regrets in prioritizing relationships over material pursuits. Navigating Tough Moments: Hannah shares a personal experience of reaching out to her husband during a challenging parenting moment, highlighting the need for support and teamwork in marriage. Sarah reflects on a similar experience where she called her mother during a difficult day, emphasizing the importance of seeking encouragement during tough times. Perspective Shift: Sarah discusses how a shift in perspective helped her overcome marital struggles and cultivate a more positive family atmosphere. She shares candidly about her past behavior of negativity towards her husband and how she realized the need for change. Choosing Words Wisely: Sarah talks about the power of words and how she consciously shifted towards speaking words of encouragement and honor, both to her husband and her children. Hannah adds her insights about the significance of choosing how we show up in difficult situations and the impact it has on family dynamics. Finding Grace in Parenthood: Both Sarah and Hannah discuss the grace of God in parenting and the importance of tapping into that grace during challenging moments. Sarah shares her journey of realizing that how she shows up as a mother is more important than simply checking off tasks on a to-do list. Transformative Faith Journey: Sarah shares her faith journey and how scripture, particularly a verse from Jeremiah 29, helped her gain perspective and make positive changes in her marriage and family life. She emphasizes the importance of prayer and seeking God's guidance in transforming family dynamics. Conclusion: • Host Hannah expresses gratitude to Sarah for her openness and insights shared during the episode. • Listeners are encouraged to reflect on their own marriage and family dynamics, seeking inspiration from Sarah's journey towards positive change and transformation. • Get your copy of Sarah Molitor's book: Well Said here: • Visit Sarah Molitor's Instagram account: @ModernFarmHouseFamily
  • Description: In this episode, Hannah Keeley sits down with financial literacy expert and bestselling author Sharon Lechter to discuss the ins and outs of managing money, overcoming financial fears, and building wealth. Sharon shares her journey to becoming a financial expert, highlighting the importance of education, mindset shifts, and taking action. From debunking money myths to empowering women to take control of their finances, this conversation is packed with valuable insights and practical advice for anyone looking to improve their financial situation.

    Transcript Highlights:

    Hannah and Sharon discuss the common misconceptions surrounding money and the importance of financial education from an early age. Sharon emphasizes the need for women to take control of their finances, break free from fear and self-doubt, and build wealth through smart investing and asset management. The conversation delves into the power of association and the role of mentors in accelerating success, as well as the significance of mindset shifts and faith in achieving financial goals. Sharon shares personal anecdotes and practical tips for overcoming financial setbacks, learning from adversity, and taking charge of one's financial future. Hannah and Sharon explore the impact of societal norms and cultural attitudes towards money, and the importance of challenging these narratives to create a more empowered financial mindset. The discussion concludes with a message of hope and empowerment, encouraging listeners to take proactive steps towards financial literacy, regardless of their age or circumstances.

    Key Takeaways:

    Financial education is crucial for empowering individuals to make informed decisions and build wealth. Overcoming fear and self-doubt is essential for women to take control of their finances and achieve financial independence. The power of association and mentorship can play a significant role in accelerating success and overcoming obstacles. Mindset shifts, learning from adversity, and faith are essential components of achieving financial goals and creating lasting wealth. It's never too late to start learning about money and taking proactive steps towards financial literacy and empowerment.

    Sharon Lechter's Book:

  • Hannah chatches up with Paul and Jennifer Osteen to hear how they step out in faith and heard God's call to leade global medical missions!



    Hannah Keeley introduces the episode with excitement and a brief overview of the guests, Paul Osteen and Jennifer Osteen, a surgeon-nurse duo involved in global medical missions.

    Segment 1: Introduction to Paul and Jennifer Osteen (00:00:00 - 00:01:45)

    Hannah introduces Paul Osteen and Jennifer Osteen, highlighting their unique roles as a surgeon and nurse. Paul shares his journey of leaving his surgical practice to follow a divine calling, leading them to engage in medical missions for the past 17 years.

    Segment 2: The Role of Obedience in Answering the Call (00:01:45 - 00:03:51)

    Discussion on the role of obedience in their journey. Paul emphasizes the importance of listening to God's voice and taking steps in faith, even when it doesn't make sense logically. Reference to the idea that the Christian life is about listening for the voice of Jesus and being obedient.

    Segment 3: The Thrilling Journey of Faith (00:03:51 - 00:06:41)

    The excitement and challenges of stepping out in faith and answering God's call. Jennifer shares her perspective on the obedience and supernatural peace that accompanies it. Discussion on the thrill and excitement of being in faith, trusting God to work things out.

    Segment 4: Marrying Medical Professions with Mission Work (00:06:41 - 00:10:16)

    Paul discusses the formation of their mission work and the realization of combining medical expertise with mission work. Insight into their role in relieving missionary surgeons in remote areas to provide essential medical care.

    Segment 5: Insights from Medical Missions (00:10:16 - 00:13:39)

    Anecdote about a medical mission in Zambia where a child's life was transformed through surgery. Emphasis on the impact of using available resources for God's work, no matter how limited they may seem.

    Segment 6: Serving Locally and Globally (00:13:39 - 00:17:58)

    Jennifer shares their experience of serving globally and the importance of serving locally as well. Discussion on how everyone, regardless of their profession, can serve in their community and be the hands and feet of Jesus.

    Segment 7: Mobilizing Medical Missions Conference (00:17:58 - 00:23:34)

    Announcement of the Mobilizing Medical Missions Conference on February 16th and 17th at Lakewood in Houston, Texas. Website is Encouragement for individuals from various professions to attend and explore ways to contribute to global health and mission work.
  • What is keeping you from your breakthrough? If all of God's promises are "yes" and "amen," then why do you sometimes feel like you're in a holding tank? Tune in and learn how to TAKE YOUR TERRITORY! God has already set aside everything you need, and everything you want. You just have to discover the 3 things that are stopping you from taking possession of it. It's your time to take it and run.

  • Dr. Cindy Trimm, author of "Unstoppable: Compete with Your Best Self and Win”, has long been a voice of faith and hope for our world, from pulpits to boardrooms to government entities, she provides wise counsel for the multitudes and evokes change. She is the founder of Cindy Trimm Ministries and is a well-known C-Suite business consultant who is on a mission to help women maximize their leadership and entrepreneurial potential by empowering them to expand their minds, elevate their voices, and build their capacity to push humanity forward during these challenging times.

    Show Notes:

    Introduction (00:00:00 - 00:00:54)

    Hannah introduces Dr. Cindy Trimm, highlighting her global impact and diverse achievements. Hannah teases the discussion about Dr. Trimm's latest book, "Unstoppable."

    Unstoppable Purpose (00:00:54 - 00:02:37)

    Dr. Trimm explains the inspiration behind "Unstoppable" and her desire to mentor the next generation of women leaders. Shares personal experiences of overcoming challenges, emphasizing the universality of purpose.

    Power of Intention (00:02:37 - 00:06:59)

    Discusses the concept of intention and the significance of planning for success. Highlights the role of biblical principles in overcoming worldly propaganda and media influences.

    Confidence and Transformation (00:06:59 - 00:11:01)

    Hannah and Dr. Trimm discuss the transformative power of confidence, faith, and renewing the mind. Explores biblical examples of unstoppable women and the diverse expressions of strength.

    Finding Opportunity in Adversity (00:11:01 - 00:15:36)

    Dr. Trimm shares insights on recognizing opportunities within challenges. Predicts a rise of women in 2024, emphasizing the unique contributions they can bring to the table.

    The Power of Self and Adversity (00:15:36 - 00:18:53)

    Dr. Trimm delves into the significance of adversity in discovering one's true self. Encourages women to view challenges as opportunities for growth and self-discovery.

    Changing the Narrative (00:18:53 - 00:21:28)

    Emphasizes the importance of changing one's narrative and seeing challenges as stepping stones. Discusses the role of discipline and habits in achieving success.

    Treasures in Adversity (00:21:28 - 00:22:56)

    Hannah shares a personal story about finding treasures in adversity. Dr. Trimm adds a recent example of supernaturally receiving a discounted item through decreeing and declaring.

    Know Your Kingdom Rights (00:22:56 - 00:25:30)

    Urges listeners to know and exercise their Kingdom rights for abundance and victory. Hannah encourages embracing an unstoppable mindset and challenging anything hindering progress.

    Closing and Where to Connect (00:25:30 - 00:26:12)

    [Host Name] expresses gratitude for Dr. Trim's insights and blessings. Dr. Trimm shares where listeners can connect with her online.
  • Eric L. Johnson, PhD, is Professor of Christian Psychology at Houston Christian University. He taught psychology and worldview studies for 10 years at University of Northwestern and counseling for 17 years at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Today, Dr. Johnson discusses with Hannah how various psychological approaches find their origins in biblical principles, including meditation.

    SHOW NOTES: Introduction: Hannah introduces the topic of stress and the challenges faced by believers, emphasizing the need for effective tools. Excitement about having Dr. Eric Johnson, a professor of psychology at Houston Christian University, as a special guest due to his expertise. Dr. Johnson's background in psychology and his unique approach to Christian psychology.

    Segment 1: The Intersection of Christianity and Psychology

    Dr. Johnson shares his journey into Christian psychology and the transformative impact of faith on his perspective. The historical roots of Christian psychology and its connection to the Bible. Discussion on how various psychological approaches find their origins in biblical principles.

    Segment 2: Addressing the Epidemic of Stress Among Believers

    Acknowledgment that believers may still experience stress, anxiety, and depression despite their faith. Exploration of the tools available to believers for dealing with stress and the potential underutilization of these resources. Introduction of the idea that suffering is a part of life, and becoming a mature Christian involves learning to navigate difficulties.

    Segment 3: Tapping into the Power of the Holy Spirit

    Highlighting the access believers have to the Holy Spirit as a source of power and transformation. Emphasis on reframing challenges through the lens of faith and relying on the Holy Spirit to overcome difficulties. Reference to biblical passages that encourage believers to take joy despite troubles, knowing that Christ has overcome the world.

    Segment 4: The Role of Christian Meditation in Renewing the Mind

    Dr. Johnson explains the concept of Christian meditation and dispels misconceptions around it. The importance of taking time to relax the body before engaging in meditation. Practical steps for incorporating Christian meditation into daily life, emphasizing quality over quantity. The transformational impact of consistently practicing Christian meditation over a period.

    Segment 5: Overcoming Challenges in Meditation

    Addressing common challenges people face in meditation, such as a wandering mind. Encouragement for individuals to persevere in the practice of meditation, recognizing it as a skill that improves with time. Dr. Johnson's three-step process for effective meditation: relax the body, engage with the Word of God slowly, and spend time reflecting with closed eyes.


    Expressing gratitude to Dr. Johnson for sharing insights and practical advice on Christian psychology and meditation. Encouraging listeners to explore resources on Christian meditation available at Christian Psychology Institute. Reiteration of the transformative potential of Christian meditation in navigating stress and renewing the mind.
  • Michelle Prince is the best-selling author of her latest book, "Shine Through Your Story", and is a highly sought after Zig Ziglar Motivational Speaker. She has gone on to author dozens of additional books and products in the areas of achievement, motivation, productivity and success.

  • Dr. Gary Chapman–author, speaker, counselor–has a passion for people and for helping them form lasting relationships. He is the #1 bestselling author of The 5 Love Languages series, as well as most recently, Love Is A Choice, and director of Marriage and Family Life Consultants, Inc. Gary is a globe-traveling presenter, and his radio programs air on more than 400 stations.

  • In her recent book "Safe All Along", this week's guest, Katie Davis Majors, offers us practical ways to stay connected to God and His peace in the midst of tumultuous times. As you learn to surrender the illusion of control and lean more fully into God’s love, you’ll find comfort in knowing that He sees every bend and twist in your life’s journey and He will never let you go.

  • Amanda Jenkins is an author, speaker, and has four children with husband, Dallas Jenkins. She has written several books, including Confessions of a Raging Perfectionist, a memoir that has inspired women’s Bible studies and conferences all over the country. She specializes in writing and teaching raw authenticity in our faith, which was the intent behind The Chosen devotionals.