
  • Julie Noonan is an Executive Coach and Strategic Change Consultant, helping corporate executives lead transformational change. Julie believes in the power of curiosity, empathy and diplomacy. Join Aviv Shahar as he and Julie engage in a rich discussion on key characteristics of the different generations in the workforce today, the importance of putting in energy work, and fundamental components to successful leadership.

    00:32 – Aviv introduces today’s guest, Julie Noonan, who joins the show to share what makes her feelmost alive and major corporate trends she is noticing in the workplace 04:03 – The Great Bandaid Rip-Off 10:14 – The ‘Three Jobs Mindset’ 17:26 – Energy Work, Leadership, and Transparency 25:50 – Framing the four to five generations in the workforce currently 31:13 – Curiosity, Empathy, and Diplomacy 34:44 – Julie shares final key insights from her work 36:44 – One piece of advice Julie would give to her twenty-five year old self, two key learnings Julie values above all others, and final words of wisdom from Julie


  • Sophie Wade is an international speaker, the author of Empathy Works , and is an authority on the future of work. Sophie believes that we are living in a seminal moment - a tipping point in time - where we have the technology and tools to make our lives a lot better. Join Aviv Shahar as he and Sophie expound on empathy as a leadership and workplace practice, the importance of leading with inquiry, and how work is evolving to better fit our lives.

    00:32 – Aviv introduces today’s guest, Sophie Wade, who joins the show to share what she loves most about her work and the passion she has for changing work and the workplace for the better 04:07 – What ‘empathy’ means to Sophie 06:43 – The central theme of Sophie’s book, Empathy Works 10:17 – Framing empathy as a value, a mindset, and a practice 13:32 – Key challenges facing top executives today 15:48 – Leading with inquiry 21:21 – The various Generations at work 24:02 – Information is power 29:24 – Key formative experiences that shaped Sophie’s passion and critical choices she made to find her authentic voice 38:24 – One piece of advice Sophie would give to her twenty-five year old self and two key learnings Sophie values above all others 40:33 – Final thoughts from Sophie


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  • Oscar Trimboli is the author of How to Listen: Discover the Hidden Key to Better Communication . He is the speaker and host of the podcast, Deep Listening, a podcast that is centered on creating practical tips and techniques to improve your daily listening. The world is a noisy place where you fight to be heard every day. Oscar understands this and joins the show to engage in a rich discussion on deep listening, facilitating conversations to get to the ‘essence,’ and the importance of having a listening ritual. Join Aviv Shahar as he and Oscar break down best practices to help you overcome barriers in How to Listen.

    00:32 – Aviv introduces today’s guest, Oscar Trimboli, who joins the show to share what brings him joy, and the central idea behind his book, How to Listen 03:39 – Four consistent barriers to listening and the cost of not listening well 10:41 – Three microskills that can help progress your listening 15:34 – Making presence as practical as possible\ 18:11 – Facilitating conversations to get to the ‘essence’ 22:36 – Different levels of listening and the job of a listener 29:05 – The importance of having a ‘listening ritual’ 34:35 – What could be possible if everyone practiced deep listening 39:49 – One piece of advice he would give to his twenty-five year old self and two key learnings Oscar values above all others 41:09 – Final thoughts from Oscar


  • Dr. Eric J. Holsapple is a successful developer, author and entrepreneur who has used mindfulness to transform both his life and his business. He’s got a PhD in Economics and has been involved in the real estate industry for forty years. He guides clients on how to operate mindfully while improving business results. Eric is the Founder of Living in the Gap and today, he joins the show to discuss how mindfulness can transform business culture. His new book, Profit with Presence: The Twelve Pillars of Mindful Leadership , helps readers learn that bringing mindfulness to the workplace is an investment that pays out real dividends. Join Aviv and Eric as they engage in a meaningful discussion on Mindful Leading.

    00:33 – Aviv introduces today’s guest, Dr. Eric Holsapple, who joins the show to share his passion for helping others and the importance of mindfulness and focus 04:33 – Three modes of being 06:53 – How Dr. Eric coaches the practices of focus and mindfulness 09:47 – Happiness and ‘Living in the Gap’ 13:34 – Mindful Leadership 19:53 – The central idea behind Dr. Eric’s book Profit with Presence 22:15 – The role of purpose in the map of meaning 23:00 – Service, gratitude, and the precision effect 26:23 – How Dr. Eric organizes his priorities 29:04 – One thing Dr. Eric would change about his past experiences and advice he would give to his twenty-five year old self 30:18 – Two key learnings Dr. Eric values above all others 30:49 – Final thoughts from Dr. Eric


  • Ashley Reichheld & Amelia Dunlop are both passionate leaders within Deloitte Digital. Ashley works as a Principal and Customer & Marketing practice leader, while Amelia is the Chief Experience Officer. Their research is codified in the new book, The Four Factors of Trust : How Organizations Can Earn Lifelong Loyalty , where they offer practical guidance to measure and build trust in the relationships that matter most by cultivating humanity, capability, transparency and reliability. Join Aviv Shahar as he engages in a meaningful discussion with Ashley Reichheld & Amelia Dunlop centered on trust, humanity, purpose, and meaning.

    00:30 – Aviv introduces today’s guests, Ashley Reichheld & Amelia Dunlop, who reflect on today’s topic: The Four Factors of Trust 02:56 – Key learnings Ashley & Amelia would pass along to the younger generation as they begin to shape their careers 04:49 – What younger workers think about trust and empathy 06:26 – Defining and measuring ‘humanity’ and how it relates to trust 09:42 – What it occurring with Generation Z 13:27 – How leaders can cultivate an environment of trust 16:29 – Why trust is critical across multiple institutions 17:34 – Reclaiming our humanity 19:54 – Ashley & Amelia share early influences on their careers 21:18 – The gender imbalance & sustainability 24:38 – Advice Ashley & Amelia give to young women entering the workforce 30:58 – Ashley & Amelia speculate on the future and necessary systemic changes 33:31 – Purpose, Meaning, and Trust 37:07 – Final thoughts from Ashley & Amelia


  • Today, we’re exploring how the future reveals itself through creative and innovative business leaders. This is a fantastically disruptive and transformative time. Global institutions and many large businesses have lost credibility and are no longer trusted. So, how can difficult social, environmental, and ecological challenges be solved? Join Aviv Shahar as he engages in a meaningful discussion with Court Lorenzini (Founder of Docusign), Grant Canary (CEO of DroneSeed) and Bryce Bennet (CEO & Co-Founder of Solo), three entrepreneurs who have worked on the cutting edge of solving difficult problems.

    00:30 – Aviv introduces today’s guests, Court Lorenzini, Grant Canary, & Bryce Bennett, who join the show to expound on today’s topic: Solving Tough Problems 05:45 – The origin story of DroneSeed and Grant’s entrepreneurial journey 14:28 – Bryce shares the inspiration behind Solo and the work they are doing to help people in the Gig Economy 22:06 – A particularly gratifying moment for Bryce and the Solo team 25:01 – Entrepreneurialism, Authoritarianism, and Coalescence 35:19 – Grant reflects back on the moment he realized how important it was to combat climate change 37:18 – Bryce reflects on his passion for making an impact 39:53 – Court’s extraordinary upbringing and his introduction to entrepreneurship and leadership 45:41 – Bryce, Grant & Court share key learnings from their varied experiences 53:17 – Advice Bryce, Grant & Court would give to aspiring entrepreneurs looking to make their mark on this world and solve some of our most difficult problems


  • Peter Docker is a keynote speaker, facilitator, and author of the book Leading from the Jumpseat . Through his work, Peter enables leaders to unlock their natural talents. He’s focused on leadership that engenders commitment and human connection, an approach that liberates the collective wisdom of teams to generate extraordinary outcomes. Peter served for twenty-five years as a Royal Air Force senior officer and was a Force Commander during combat flying operations across the globe. Today, Aviv and Peter engage in a rich conversation on commitment, humble confidence and leading from a place of intentionality.

    01:18 – Aviv introduces today’s guest, Peter Docker, who speaks to what he enjoys most about the work he does in leadership and expounds on the concept of ‘Jumpseat Leadership’ 09:55 – Three practices of Jumpseat Leadership 13:23 – Commitment, fear, and love 18:58 – Humble confidence 23:38 – Belonging 26:45 – Why context setting is critical to leadership 31:25 – Top challenges facing leaders in this time of disruptive change 35:55 – What inspired Peter to join the Royal Air Force and lessons he’s brought from the military into the business world :55 – How Jumpseat Leadership can help our ability to handle crises 47:04 – Peter speaks to how he connected and collaborated with Simon Sinek 48:31 – Advice Peter would give his twenty-five year old self and two learnings he values above all else 51:11 – Final words of wisdom from Peter


  • Faiza Hughell is a go-to market leader, board member, and mentor. She was RingCentral’s Chief Customer Officer and just recently retired from RingCentral after eleven years of an extraordinary ride where her strategic oversight of sales and execution has been a critical driver for RingCentral’s growth from $23M to over $1.5B in annual recurring revenue. Today, Aviv and Faiza engage in a conversation on the power of reframing, operating in an environment of explosive growth, courageous leadership, and self-empowerment.

    01:15 – Aviv introduces today’s guest, Faiza Hughell 04:44 – Faiza reflects on her career journey and expounds on her proudest accomplishment 07:30 – Faiza’s most difficult challenge to overcome and the most rewarding moment of her career 10:18 – The power of reframing 13:01 – Faiza’s evolution as a leader and what she has learned from other leaders 19:47 – Building world-class teams 23:02 – Operating in an environment of explosive growth 27:05 – What Faiza learned about courageous leadership 30:20 – Mentoring advice Faiza would give to young leaders 33:12 – What the future holds for Faiza 34:46 – Final words of wisdom from Faiza


  • Shaunak Roy is the Founder and CEO of Yellowdig, a community-driven active learning platform with a mission to transform every classroom into an active, social, and experiential learning community. Prior to founding Yellowdig, Shaunak spent a decade advising global companies on technology, strategy, and growth. Today, Aviv and Shaunak share a rich discussion on the state of institutional learning, how Yellowdig is rethinking education, and the critical role that agency, mastery and connectedness play in the learning process.

    01:17 – Aviv introduces today’s guest, Shaunak Roy who speaks to what brings him joy from the work he does, his passion for learning and the problem that Yellowdig solves 09:04 – Shaunak expounds on the broken educational system and possible solutions to fix it 18:42 – How Yellowdig differentiates itself 26:32 – Agency, Mastery and Connectedness 33:48 – What it looks like when a group of learners and educators truly embrace the full capability of Yellowdig’s platform 39:01 – Yellowdig’s business model, their expected growth, and Shaunak’s five-year vision 42:54 – Shaunak reflects on key insights and learnings from building an organization 45:39 – Advice Shaunak would give his twenty-five-year-old self and two learnings that Shaunak values above all else 47:06 – Final words of wisdom from Shaunak


  • Eddy Badrina is the CEO of Eden Green, a vertical farming company that helps people around the world sustainably grow large amounts of food using less land, water, and energy. Eddy is a purpose-driven leader, focusing on employees, inspirational organizational culture, and the communities he serves. Today, Aviv and Eddy share in an exploration of empathetic leadership, what it means to build a ‘redemptive organization,’ and key learnings and formative moments from Eddy’s journey.

    01:40 – Aviv introduces today’s guest, Eddy Badrina who shares what he loves about the work he’s currently doing and the problems Eden Green is solving 06:22 – Vertical farming, explained and what Eden Green does 12:07 – Food Insecurity around the globe 17:42 – Other key players in the vertical farming value chain 21:14 – The demand for ‘organic’ 22:37 – Eddy’s vertical farming origin story 24:08 – Building a ‘Redemptive Organization’ 27:09 – Eddy reflects on key learnings from working at The U.S. Department of State and The White House 31:17 – The formative moment that awakened this sense of empathetic leadership in Eddy 34:21 – Advice Eddy would give his twenty-five year old self and two learnings that Eddy values above all else 35:26 – Final words of wisdom from Eddy


  • John Church is a visionary leader who has had an extraordinary career at General Mills, one of the most admired companies in the world. John is an incredibly insightful Executive because he brings this rare capacity to integrate the four zones of executive leadership: the strategy, the operation, the people, and the numbers. He’s able to go deep and integrate those dimensions to play the holistic game of leadership. Today, Aviv and John explore leading through crisis, vulnerability, accountability, and the shifting paradigm of the global workplace.

    01:05 – Aviv introduces today’s guest, John Church who speaks to the joys of retirement and his uncanny ability to remain calm in stressful situations 04:57 – John shares how General Mills successfully navigated the world-changing event of the pandemic 16:50 – Best practices and protocols that enabled John and his team to succeed 19:40 – Managing the human side of leadership during a crisis 23:36 – A shifting paradigm 30:47 – The concept of ‘Possibilities Thinking’ 37:12 – John’s career origin story 48:13 – Vulnerability in leadership 54:33 – The key principles that guide John’s mentoring practices 56:58 – Three final inquiries from Aviv 1:00:54 – Final words of wisdom from John


  • Mark Carpenter is a speaker, consultant, serial storyteller and the author of Master Storytelling: How to Turn Your Experiences into Stories that Teach, Lead, and Inspire. Mark’s passion is in helping others achieve more of their potential through perspective and guidance. Today, Aviv and Mark engage in a rich discussion on the power of storytelling and break down the three key elements of any great story. Mark provides advice and best practices for honing your storytelling skills and expounds on the stories we, as a society, must develop to highlight the human condition.

    00:57 – Aviv introduces today’s guest, Mark Carpenter who shares what he enjoys most about storytelling and the power of connecting through stories 06:05 – Where Mark’s passion for storytelling arose 07:23 – What we don’t understand about stories and the three biggest mistakes people make when telling stories 12:23 – Aviv and Mark engage in an exercise to provide the three major components of a story 17:35 – What an effective story and storyteller looks like 24:39 – Why adults and children listen to stories similarly 27:28 – Why Conflict is key 30:08 – Three steps of crafting and delivering a great story 35:48 – Aviv and Mark speak to the critical stories about the human condition that we must be developing 39:16 – Final words of wisdom from Mark


  • Russell Hudson is a strategist, economist and consultant who is passionate about learning and teaching others with the goal of simplifying the complex. Today, Aviv and Russell reflect on a series of provocative articles Russell recently published on LinkedIn. The articles touch on a variety of topics ranging from work-life balance and identity to The Great Resignation. Russell explores the journey from chasing to embracing by rethinking success and significance and the importance of reclaiming your power.

    00:52 – Aviv introduces today’s guest, Russell Hudson who shares what brings him energy and joy these days and reflects on what he calls ‘the noise in the silence and the silence in the noise’ 07:18 – Key insights from Russell’s research into work-life identity and the current state of The Great Resignation 15:04 – The Great Exhaustion, explained 20:01 – Reclaiming your power to choose and ‘Elizabeth’s story’ 27:20 – Russell reflects on his own journey through The Great Exhaustion 35:09 – Russell expounds on the phrase, ‘Here I stand, I can do no other’ 38:12 – Transitioning from chasing to embracing 44:21 – Rethinking success and significance 54:48 – Final words of wisdom from Russell and what he hopes to be writing about in the future


  • Ralf Specht is a visionary business leader and creator of the Soul System, a framework that aligns value-creating employee action with broader corporate strategy through shared understanding and shared purpose. He is the author of Building Corporate Soul: Powering Culture & Success with the Soul System and Beyond the Startup: Sparking Operational Innovations for Global Growth. Today, Aviv and Ralf expound on the key question that has been at the forefront of Ralf’s mind for years: How do we build and sustain a human-centric performance culture? Ralf speaks to his driving vision to make soulless companies a thing of the past. Aviv and Ralf explore the value in organizations cultivating a shared purpose and fostering a great corporate culture. If you can walk the talk and make that tangible, incredible results can be unlocked.

    00:51 – Aviv introduces today’s guest, Ralf Specht who shares his vision 07:37 – Core agreements that shaped the trajectory of Ralf’s company 09:59 – Formative lessons Ralf learned as CEO 12:13 – Building and cultivating a shared purpose 18:43 – The Soul System, explained 25:14 – Fostering a sense of belonging through open conversations and connecting purpose, mission, and vision to the work you do every day 31:54 – How Ralf transitioned from a corporate to a consulting frame of mind 33:48 – Daring to be human again 38:12 – Advice Ralf would give to his younger self and two learnings Ralf values above all others 39:10 – Final words of wisdom from Ralf FULL SHOW NOTES:
  • Tim Coats is a former Executive at General Mills. After he retired, Tim started publishing a blog entitled, ‘Towards a Life Well Lived,’ where he reflects on the art of increasing joy, meaning and belonging in daily living. Today, Aviv and Tim explore his thoughts and reflections on work, purpose and life’s journey. Tim reflects on what it means to live a life well lived and touches on The Four Principles: Balance, Awareness, Practice and Wisdom. Tim provides his thoughts on authenticity, balancing spirituality and the power of ‘We.’ Finally, Aviv and Tim share their beliefs on the journey of self-discovery. 01:02 – Aviv introduces today’s guest, Tim Coats who shares his background and what brings him energy and joy these days 03:02 – A closet philosopher and mystic flying under the cover of a corporate executive 06:08 – Bringing philosophical tendencies to corporate America 09:14 – The power of ‘We’ 11:08 – The inquiry that Tim initially set out to answer when he launched his blog 13:54 – Defining ‘A Life Well Lived’ and the two broad categories of people 16:27 – The journey of finding meaning 20:23 – Three of Tim’s contemplative practices 24:42 – The Four Principles: Balance, Awareness, Practice and Wisdom 30:26 – Tim speaks to the idea of belonging and the Five Energies of Life 37:04 – Being accepted for your own authentic self 41:09 – Be the best, look both ways, help others succeed 52:05 – The peace that proceeds challenge 56:16 – The critical phase in every development journey 1:07:03 – The God Test FULL SHOW NOTES:

  • Yair Assulin is an award-winning author and thinker who writes a weekly analytical column for one of Israel's leading newspapers, Haaretz, and hosts a radio show at the Israeli Broadcasting Corporation covering the fields of culture, business, politics, and society. In recent years, much of his public writing has focused on the development of a new political and business philosophy based on his ideas about "The Century of How," and "The End of the Age of Politics," in order to create a vivid ethos to societies and companies in this broken time of the technological revolution.

    Today, Aviv and Yair engage in a meaningful dialogue centered on a major shift that is underway in humanity and consciousness, which Yair describes as living in the subjective story we tell ourselves about our reality and the world around us. Yair suggests that the story we’re telling ourselves is no longer the right story and doesn’t reflect reality. Aviv and Yair touch on this idea and how seminal events such as the Industrial Revolution, the discovery of America and the latest technological advances in our society have impacted our world and, most importantly, our story.

    01:05 – Aviv introduces today’s guest, Yair Assulin who shares the fundamental shift in mind and heart that he believes needs to occur in our world 08:38 – The impact the Industrial Revolution had on the rise of the ‘Nation State’ 12:28 – The Century of the ‘How’ and the Century of the ‘What’ 17:41 – The need to create new language and a new story in order to evolve and move forward 23:15 – Characteristics of people who are able to lead by changing consciousness 26:28 – The discovery of America metaphor 31:13 – Yair speculates on the future of the ‘State’ and trends he’s observed over the past few years 36:49 – The fundamental changes to consciousness, space, and time 41:08 – Yair reflects on his own personal journey and shares what he’s learned 47:58 – The fight for freedom and individualism 50:37 – Yair provides his thoughts on totalitarian China 56:40 – The distinction between technological and conceptual enterprise 57:14 – What the spiritual realm means to Yair 1:03:07 – What Yair hopes to be writing about five to ten years into the future 1:06:57 – Are we currently in a Revolutionary Age or a Transformation Age


  • During a recent workshop with an executive team, Aviv brought to focus the premise that the currency of leadership is conversation. This is an unlocking idea that Aviv addresses regularly with his clients. What made this occasion different, however, was the new context that emerged. That idea was that a transformational leader must be a conversation artist. Why is framing the conversation the highest leverage for a leader? Aviv analyzes this inquiry and provides four reasons as well as seven characteristics that make up a true conversation artist.

    00:54 – Aviv shares learnings and insights he gleaned about the currency of leadership 02:18 – Aviv analyzes four reasons that the highest leverage for a leader is to frame the conversation 05:29 – The heavy price leaders pay when failing to embrace the mindset of conversation as the currency of leadership 07:09 – Key elements and capabilities that characterize a conversation artist 07:54 – Now it’s your turn, embark on a lifelong journey of becoming a conversation artist


  • Mark Horoszowski is the co-founder and CEO of MovingWorlds, an award-winning social enterprise that helps businesses scale their social impact programs by engaging employees in all sorts of profound opportunities. Mark is an RSA Fellow and is a lecturer on corporate social responsibility at The University of Washington Center for Leadership and Social Responsibility. Today, Aviv and Mark engage in a meaningful conversation on social responsibility, helping others and building a sustainable and equitable future. Mark shares some of the insights he has gleaned about human nature throughout the course of his journey at MovingWorlds. Finally, Mark provides three pieces of sage advice for young people looking to make a difference in the world today.

    00:57 – Aviv introduces today’s guest, Mark Horoszowski who shares his background in corporate social responsibility and what he enjoys most about his work 04:10 – Mark reflects on the type of learner he is 06:12 – What catalyzed Mark’s journey to MovingWorlds 14:18 – The most important lessons Mark learned during his year of travel 16:55 – The mission of MovingWorlds 22:19 – Building a sustainable and equitable economy and the role of social businesses 36:05 – Mark provides some examples of the work he and his team do at MovingWorlds 40:06 – Challenges that Mark had to overcome and what he learned from them 47:22 – The importance of the belief systems of people who get involved in systems change 53:44 – Deep insights Mark has gleaned about human nature 57:59 – What it means to Mark to be an RSA Fellow 1:01:31 – Advice Mark would give to younger people looking to make a difference in this ever-changing world


  • Steven Morris is a Brand and Culture Advisor and Speaker and the author of The Beautiful Business. He partners with business leaders to mine, articulate and activate the unique belief systems to create organizational integrity, connected cultures and evolved brands. Today, Aviv and Steven embark on a rich exploration on purpose, and the creativity of people. Steven speaks to the inspiration that guided and continues to guide his work. They dissect Steven’s long held mantra, ‘There is nothing more powerful than a united group of souls ignited in a common cause with love at the core.’ Finally, Aviv and Steven expound on the examination of life and reflect on Mary Oliver’s query, ‘What is it you intend to do with this one wild and precious life?’

    00:59 – Aviv introduces today’s guest, Steven Morris who shares the inspiration behind his signature mantra, ‘There is nothing more powerful than a united group of souls ignited in a common cause with love at the core’ 08:43 – Steven defines the business he is currently in 11:23 – Reframing ‘businesspeople’ as creatives 15:28 – Steven talks about his book, The Beautiful Business 18:26 – A sense of agency and Steven’s purpose journey 27:57 – Discovering purpose and how Steven’s purpose exploration impacted how he approaches business 34:52 – A critical lesson in entrepreneurship 43:16 – An identity unravelling 47:43 – Steven opens up about insights from his own personal discovery process 52:41 – The continual examination of life 58:51 – The Great Resignation 1:04:15 – The globalization of our society 1:07:07 – Questions Steven hopes business leaders start to ask after reading his book 1:15:41 – Parting words of wisdom from Steven


  • Colin Hunter is the Chief Executive Officer of Potential Squared, an organization whose purpose is to create a global playground that disrupts the way people collaborate and lead. They teach organizations how to build a workplace culture that is less like a classroom and is more like a playground, a place filled with opportunities to take risks and test boundaries. Colin is the author of Be More Wrong: How Failure Makes You an Outstanding Leader, which uncovers the habits and practices of the Hero’s Journey together with design thinking and the blended skills of coaching and mentoring.

    In this episode, Colin and Aviv engage in a rich discussion of finding your purpose, stretching for growth, and having fun along the way. Colin breaks down the Three ‘C’s from his book and explains the Hero’s Journey. Aviv and Colin also touch on the concept of building deep layers of self-insight and the personal journey that can follow. Finally, Colin speaks to the importance of discovering the playground that surrounds your purpose and allows you to have fun in your life.

    01:00 – Aviv introduces today’s guest, Colin Hunter who shares his background, speaks to what he enjoys most about his work and explains why he considers himself a ‘work-in-progress’ 08:39 – Colin talks about the phenomenon of ‘Squirrelling’ 09:46 – The Hero’s Journey 12:59 – The Three ‘C’s: Core practices from Colin’s book 15:54 – Building deeper layers of self-insight 20:06 – The Heathrow Airport example 22:02 – Colin opens up about a breakdown he experienced when he was thirty 29:20 – The important role mentors have played in Colin’s personal and professional development 31:42 – Why we must create a playground atmosphere at work 38:06 – Colin recalls a situation where he was compelled to exercise courage 41:07 – How Colin defines a tough conversation 44:12 – Advice Colin would give to his twenty-five-year-old self 45:26 – The two insights Colin values above all else 46:30 – Final words of wisdom from Colin