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Iloista ja huumorilla höystettyä kahden, terveys edellä elämäänsä elävän naisen elämästä ja vähän sen vierestä. Terveys Edellä -podcastia juontaa ja tuottaa Sanna Mämmi aisaparinaan psykologi Outi Pikkuoksa. Molemmat ovat elämänhallinnan mestareita sekä mindfulness- sekä joogaohjaajia. He tietävät mistä puhuvat, koska toimivat hektisessä työelämässä ja tasapainoilevat itsekin välillä elämänhallinnan kanssa. Molemmat ovat kirjoittaneet myös useita kirjoja.
Ohjelma katsoo naisen terveyttä kokonaisvaltaisesti, johon kuuluu fyysisen ja henkisen hyvinvoinnin lisäksi elämänhallinta. Vuorovaikutustaidot, tunteet, rakkaus, talouden hallinta ja mielekäs työ ovat kaikki osa kokonaisvaltaista hyvinvointia. (1.tuotantokauden jaksoissa (13) on vieraina eri alojen asiantuntijoita sekä erilaisia ihmisiä, jotka etsivät hyvinvointia omalla tavallaan.)
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Iron Culture was started by Eric Helms and Omar Isuf, now currently hosted by Eric Helms and Eric Trexler with Omar as a returning guest, as a means of exploring the world of physical culture and attempting to distill a unified philosophy of lifting and to help listeners find greater meaning from the iron. The lifting community has become fractured over the last ~70 years and this Podcast will attempt to explore the fundamental threads that unite these different tribes. The Podcast focuses on dispensing practical, useful information to the listener, bouncing from history, to philosophy, to contemporary lifting culture issues, to science. This can range from teaching the audience about lifting, programming, nutrition, supplements/PEDs and the history of lifting culture. The format includes casual conversations between the two hosts on a variety of topics, discussions with a panel of experts and interviews with authoritative figures in the lifting community.
Två pratglada längdskidåkare, Ebba Andersson och Lisa Vinsa, som under det senaste året funnit ett nöje i det här med att podda. I den här podden delar de med sig av både det ena och det andra som kan ske i deras liv som går mellan himmel å skidspår. Häng gärna med på den resan, som emellanåt kan vara en riktig berg-och dalbana!
Training and performance podcasts by Eric Hörst, the internationally renowned author, researcher, climbing coach, and climber of 40 years. Monthly podcasts detail the latest training techniques to improve strength, power, endurance, as well as mental and technical skills. With his unique combination of veteran experience and knowledge of the cutting-edge research, Eric presents practical, effective guidelines to climb harder, reduce injury risk, and maximize the experience of moving over stone.
Eric is one of the world’s most knowledge climbing coaches and his eight books (and many foreign translations) have sold more than 300,000 copies worldwide. His latest book release is the 3rd edition of Training For Climbing. Learn more at: -
Whether you're planning a weekend overnight or a months-long hike of the Appalachian Trail, Weekly Hiking Tip will save you time, money, agony, and facilitate a fun, successful journey into the outdoors. Join Dan Feldman, author of Long Distance Hiking and 2-time thru-hiker, each week as he shares backpacking tips from aches and pains to z-rests.
Welcome to the Human Performance Outliers Podcast. Your host Zach Bitter, will take you through a series of interesting topics around health, fitness, endurance, running, hybrid athlete training, ultramarathon, and nutrition. Join in for interviews with folks exploring their outer limits and research in a wide variety of sports, fitness, and nutrition.
Taped at the Everlast Studio in NYC. In Fighting Shape is the ultimate fitness podcast born in combat sports.
Hosted by Phoenix Carnevale, she has combined her diverse training & martial arts background and her creative vision to design unique fitness initiatives. She conducts seminars for universities and corporations throughout the country and is a regular instructor on DAILY BURN. “I got into fitness because my favorite part of an action movie was always the training montage”.
Phoenix has been featured on ESPN U, SPIKE TV, Fox News, CW11, MTV, CNN and more. Phoenix writes, produces and stars in the popular web-series EVERYTHING MARTIAL ARTS featured on SB NATION. She’s interviewed the who’s who of Martial Arts including Jon Jones, Dana White, Ronda Rousey and Anderson Silva to name a few. -
Bringing together one of the most accomplished trainers, analysts, and minds in boxing history with one of the most opinionated, young sports personalities to jump from JRSportBrief on YouTube to Radio and TV.
The Teddy Atlas and JR Podcast will feature boxing analysis of the hottest matchups, honest conversation, and interviews with the biggest names in boxing, sports, and entertainment. Twitter: @AtlasandJR IG:TeddyAtlasandJR -
The women of the trails share their stories about running, racing, and life. These badass ladies from around the globe get honest about everything from competing, motherhood, and trying to have it all. Get ready for training ideas, gear tips, and a healthy dose of inspiration.
Bikes or Death is a podcast centered around the growing sport of bikepacking, adventure cycling, and the outdoors. The show features the amazing people who participate in these activities and contribute so greatly to the cycling community. The Bikes or Death Podcast is dedicated to sharing the stories and experiences of these individuals with the hopes that it inspires others to get outside, get on their bikes, and experience what our natural world has waiting for them. At its heart Bikes or Death is more than just a podcast. Bikes or Death is a lifestyle. It’s the idea that a life without bikes is a life not worth living. Now go ride your damn bike!
Bikini Diaries was created to send a core message that anything you want in life is achievable as long as you never give up on your dreams. We dive deep with emphasis on health, fitness, and mindset, to motivate others to be authors and action takers in their lives. Our mission is to encourage and enlighten others with all talks bikini in our in depth discussions with other bikini professionals in the IFBB. (international Federation of Body Building)
We have a passion for helping develop better goalkeepers and better people. On this podcast we expand on topics and events that influence coaches, parents, and players alike. Tori Corsaro and Kaylan Marckese, technical goalkeeper coaches at The Keeper Institute, share their insight and talk with guest in the sports industry. If you have a passion to develop as an athlete, coach, parent, and person, we are here to help you in your process. We'll be discussing various topics including soccer, coaching, character development, and all things goalkeeping.
Idrottspodden är resultatet av alla uteblivna idrottsevenemang och substitutet för vår enorma tävlingsabstinens. I 10 stycken glödheta poddavsnitt kommer Henrika Backlund och WIlhelm Stenbacka tillsammans med inbjudna gäster diskutera allt som har med idrott att göra. Vi skall snacka elitsatsning, coachingkultur, uthållighetsidrott, soffpotatisar och organisationskulturer. Idrottspodden är din perfekta träningskompis. Under en timme varje vecka kommer vi leverera stenhård fakta och modiga tankeställare. Vi hoppas att du vill hänga med och svettas tillsammans med oss!
The leading podcast focused on helping triathletes like you, improve your physical performance, through strength and conditioning training. Each week, Coaches Dave and Craig use their personality, knowledge and 'unique banter' to share with you insights, tricks and tips on how to improve your triathlon performance and reduce risk of injury, via chats with the worlds greatest experts in performance coaching, training and science.
To learn more about us go to but in the meantime enjoy the podcast and one last thing...please like, share and comment to keep us inspired in continuing to deliver these superb episodes :). -
Sveriges största stjärnor inom skidor och skidskytte samtalar om livet både i och utanför spåren. Charlotte har lagt skidorna på hyllan och får tillsammans med lyssnarna inblick i vad som händer bakom kulisserna i vinter ute på både längdskidtouren och skidskyttetouren – från Hanna, Elvira och Jonna, varje vecka från en ny skidort ute i Europa.
Join world record-breaking runner, Paula Radcliffe and her co-host, double Olympic runner, Chris Thompson for an inspiring 16-week series designed to guide runners of all levels through their London Marathon training journey.
Whether you're taking your first steps toward marathon greatness or aiming to beat your personal best, this series is packed with practical advice, uplifting stories, and a chance to learn from world-class athletes.
This podcast proudly supports Children with Cancer UK, raising awareness about the fight against childhood cancer. Visit to donate and discover how you can run for this incredible cause in the future.
"Marathon running is an individual pursuit, but it’s the camaraderie and spirit that make it truly special. Together, we can achieve more." – Paula Radcliffe
Launches January 6th, with episodes dropping every Monday.