I denne episode skal du lære, hvad man siger, når man skal ud at købe tøj.
Du skal lære, hvordan man spørger om størrelser, udtrykker præferencer og foretager køb.
In this episode, you will learn what to say when you're going clothes shopping.
You will learn phrases for asking about sizes, as well as how to express preferences and make purchases.If you would like to learn or practise Danish with me, please visit my website
I denne episode skal du lære at tale om at booke hotel og fly. Du skal også lære, hvordan man taler om seværdigheder og rejsedestinationer.
In this episode, you will learn how to talk about booking hotels and flights. You will also learn how to talk about sights and travel destinations.If you would like to learn or practise Danish with me, please visit my website
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
I denne episode skal du lære, hvordan man køber en billet og rejser med offentlig transport.
In this episode, you will learn how to buy a ticket and travel by public transport.If you would like to learn or practise Danish with me, please visit my website
I denne episode skal du lære, hvordan man beskriver sit hjem, de forskellige rum og møbler samt det område, man bor i.
In this episode, you will learn how to describe your home, the different rooms and furniture, as well as the area you live in.
Vi skal høre to personer, Lars og Emilie, fortælle om deres hjem.
We will hear two people, Lars and Emilie, talk about their homes.If you would like to learn or practise Danish with me, please visit my website
I denne episode skal du lære at tale om dine fritidsinteresser.
In this episode, you will learn how to talk about your hobbies.
Vi gennemgår en dialog mellem Emma og Nikolaj.
We will go through a dialogue between Emma and Nikolaj.If you would like to learn or practise Danish with me, please visit my website
I denne episode skal du lære, hvad man siger, når man er på restaurant.
In this episode, you will learn what to say when you are at a restaurant.If you would like to learn or practise Danish with me, please visit my website
I denne episode skal du lære at tale om arbejde.
In this episode, you will learn how to talk about work.If you would like to learn or practise Danish with me, please visit my website
I denne episode skal du lære at tale om vejret og årstiderne.
In this episode, you will learn how to talk about the weather and the seasons.If you would like to learn or practise Danish with me, please visit my website
I denne episode skal du lære at lægge planer, aflyse og ændre planer.
In this episode, you will learn how to make plans, cancel, and change plans.
If you would like to learn or practise Danish with me, please visit my website you would like to learn or practise Danish with me, please visit my website
I denne episode skal du lære, hvad man siger, når man skal ud at købe ind. Du vil lære, hvordan man beder om hjælp, og hvad man siger, når man skal betale for sine varer.
In this episode, you will learn what to say when you go grocery shopping. You will learn how to ask for assistance and what to say when it's time to pay for your items.If you would like to learn or practise Danish with me, please visit my website
I denne episode lærer du de grundlæggende sætninger og udtryk, der er nødvendige for at introducere dig selv på dansk. Du vil få indsigt i, hvordan man siger hej, præsenterer sig selv, og starter en samtale om, hvor man kommer fra.
In this episode, you learn the basic phrases and expressions needed to introduce yourself in Danish. You will gain insights into how to say hello, introduce yourself, and initiate a conversation about where you come from.If you would like to learn or practise Danish with me, please visit my website