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Chad, Gian and Jim were were all sports coaches at all different levels and institutions . Now, they are joining forces to serve coaches through conversations so they can lead like Jesus. They will have conversations with influential Christian coaches who are making an impact in their teams and communities in the name of Christ.
Привіт друзі, мене звати Гоцуляк Андрій і я автор подкасту «Чому ти зміг?» Я ріс без тата. Зараз чогось досяг, щось отримав і до чогось дійшов, але деякі питання так і залишились питаннями. З часом я почав розуміти, що мені не вистачає відвертих чоловічих діалогів для розвитку і росту. «Чому ти зміг?» – це не просто програма про чоловіків. Це розмови про те, наскільки схожими є випробування у нашому житті, і наскільки по-різному ми реагуємо на них. Разом із гостями намагаємось розібратись, що хоче сказати нам Бог через певні ситуації, яких не уникнути, навіть якщо ти відомий музикант чи пастор великої церкви.
This podcast is for those who want to wholeheartedly pursue Christ.
You’re a woman who wants to follow where God leads, to live and love well, to extend grace to yourself and others, but there’s a part of you that’s like how?
You want your faith to intersect with your busy and full life, but you aren’t sure what that looks like in real-time.
Here at the Grace In Real Life podcast, we talk about how to practically apply grace in real life. Listen in! -
It's been said that people don't want to know: 1) how sausages are made, 2) how bibles are translated. In this podcast we bravely talk about the latter, go deep into biblical studies, and seek to treasure and understand the Bible together. It's for people who want to get nerdy about Scripture and for those who want to understand how their translations came to be. Everything from history to Hebrew, we're on a quest to learn more and make beautiful translations of God's Word. We believe the Bible is a unified, God-breathed, God-centered, hope-giving book, sweeter than honey, pointing to Jesus.
The NEW is a model church for ALL AGES led specifically by young adults who are committed to using the vibrancy of their youth to establish God's agenda and take new terrains.
We are a people of Love and Excellence who are Result-oriented, Spirit-led, Word-rooted, Prayer-driven, and Kingdom-conscious. We are on a divine assignment to equip and raise men; to release people from strongholds that have stifled them from taking their rightful places, and give young people an avenue for their God-given gifts to find expression. -
🔴 ARI - Ministry
КАЖДУЮ неделю:
⏰7:00 утра, по Киеву, new podcast episode
🎯ЦЕЛЬ проекта:
🍀Постоянство в чтении Библии
🍀Понимание Бога через Слово
🍀Назидание друг друга
🍀Важные мысли
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Церква НАДІЯ розповідає про Доступну Надію, даровану нам в Ісусі Христі. Завдячуємо Ісусу Христу за те, що Він її подарував світу. Хочеш дізнати про це більше? Тоді цей подкаст для тебе! Якщо хочеш познайомитись з нами ближче - завжди раді! Щонеділі о 10 та 12 годині | м. Рівне, вул. В. Стельмаха 1, (2 поверх автошколи).
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Welcome to the official page of Apostle Joseph Mintah. Apostle Joseph Mintah has been called with a mandate to reach, disciple, equip and release the younger generation in the End Time Harvest. Through his teaching of the word, healing, deliverance and declarations, the power of God has transformed many lives. Apostle Joseph Mintah is the Head Pastor of Torchworld Ministries and founder and leader of All For Christ Youth Mission and an encompassing network of ministries.