Deep Cut, A groundbreaking interview series that dives into the multifaceted lives of Creatives, showcasing their depth, vulnerability, and intricate philosophies. This unique series unfolds in two distinct parts. It offers an intimate exploration of the creators and how they navigate life on both micro and macro scales, extending beyond their creative outputs. The first segment adopts a captivating reality TV/documentary style, capturing the essence of the Creative's daily life. With a lens focused on their routines, passions, and interactions, we spend 4-6 immersive hours daily alongside these individuals, offering viewers an unfiltered glimpse into their world. The second part WHICH IS THIS PODCAST presents an engaging and heartfelt sit-down conversation, affectionately termed 'Deep Cut couch'. Here, the dialogue encompasses the full spectrum of human experiences - from vulnerability and personal philosophies to fears, love, and moments of joy. This intimate exchange illuminates how these remarkable individuals confront life's various challenges. Prepare to journey through the intricacies of the human experience as Deep Cut transcends traditional interviews, painting a vivid portrait of the creators and their profound ways of engaging with the world.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.