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Dive into the shadowed intersection of faith and deception with "Malevolent Mormon Mommys." This riveting podcast unravels the startling allegations against Ruby Franke and Jodi Hildebrandt, once celebrated figures in mommy blogging and the Mormon community. Beyond their picture-perfect online personas lay dark secrets waiting to be exposed. Through in-depth reporting, exclusive interviews with investigators, police, and psychologists, we confront the unsettling truths hidden behind their devout façades. Explore the intricacies of the digital age, the complexities of religious influence, and the psychology of deception. In a world where faith meets facade, "Malevolent Mormon Mommys" challenges perceptions and unveils a tale of betrayal, prompting the ultimate question: How well do we truly know the faces we trust? Subscribe and uncover a story that redefines the lines between belief and betrayal.
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Politics, technology and the pursuit of happiness. Twice a week, Bradley Tusk, New York-based political strategist and venture investor, covers the collision between new ideas and the real world. His operating thesis is that you can't understand tech today without understanding politics, too. Recorded at P&T Knitwear, his bookstore / podcast studio, 180 Orchard Street, New York City.
In uncertain times what’s needed is not just clarity about today’s pandemic, but insight into the challenges that lie ahead as America recovers and returns to normal. GoodFellows, a weekly Hoover Institution broadcast, features senior fellows John Cochrane, Niall Ferguson, and H.R. McMaster discussing the social, economic, and geostrategic ramifications of this changed world.
If you're looking for someone who actually knows how presidential and national politics works to explain what's going on in 30 minutes or less, this is the show for you. Joe Trippi is a longtime Democratic campaign manager who ran the progressive Howard Dean presidential campaign in 2004 and the historic Doug Jones Senate campaign to defeat Roy Moore in 2017. He's seen it all and isn't bogged down by the viral tweets or hot takes du jour. He's looking past the headlines to answer the questions that matter: How do Democrats win key races moving forward? How do we convince voters to make Republicans pay for January 6th and its aftermath? What are we headed for in November? Don't just listen to the talking heads. Learn from an expert. Subscribe now to That Trippi Show. New episodes every Friday (at least!).
Everything is broken. Adaam James Levin-Areddy and Vanessa M. Quirk, two jaded journos, interview people far wiser than themselves and ask: "now what?" -
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Welcome to the Positive Impact Podcast, where we discuss topics at the intersection of business, sustainability and social justice. With so many negative things out there in the world today, politically and with a pandemic, this podcast explores how we can break barriers and create positive impactful change with industry leaders and pioneers.
I’m Kevin Wilhelm, CEO of Sustainable Business Consulting, a firm that works with organizations to have a positive impact on the planet and social justice through the lens of business. -
Sustain What? is a series of conversations, seeking solutions where complexity and consequence collide on the sustainability frontier. This program contains audio highlights from hundreds of video webcasts hosted by Andy Revkin, founder of the Columbia Climate Schoolโs Initiative for Communication and Sustainability. Dale Willman is the associate director of the initiative. Revkin and Willman believe sustainability has no meaning on its own. The first step toward success is to ask: Sustain what? How? And for whom? -
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The official podcast of the nationally syndicated Joe Pags Show heard weekday afternoons from 5-8. The Joe Pags Show, live from NewsRadio 1200 WOAI studios in San Antonio, The Joe Pags Show can be heard on multiple stations across the country and worldwide on the iHeartRadio app.