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Epistola lui Pavel către biserica din Roma este una dintre cele mai des citite și citate cărți din Biblie. În mare, ea acoperă toate învățăturile importante ale creștinismului. Epistola către Romani se adresează necreștinilor, încât descrie în mod detaliat starea lor față de Dumnezeu dar și calea împăcării cu El. Pavel evidențiază foarte clar justificarea numai prin credință dar apoi merge un pas și mai departe și subliniază importanța sfințeniei, esența vieții creștine. Prin câteva versete din această epistolă, Martin Luther a fost strămutat către o credință vie, prin care s-a produs scânteia ce a contribuit la declanșarea reformei protestante. Tot epistola către Romani a avut un rol important în convertirea Sfântului Augustin precum și a lui John Wesley și pentru mulți alți creștini de-a lungul secolelor. Dorința noastră este să studiem întreaga carte și să prezentăm mesajul lor printr-o predicare expozitivă. Ne rugăm să înțelegem mesajul ei cu speranța că acesta va contribui la o cunoaștere mai bună a lui Dumnezeu și o transformare a vieții noastre după chipul și asemănarea lui Isus Hristos.
Pauline Theology's Daily Devotional is a short devotional Paul does everyday where you can listen in on what God is speaking to him daily. He briefly goes through a book of the bible verse by verse and discusses in those verses what it literally says, what it says about God, what it says about people, how does that apply to him, and how he should apply that in his life.
“Danke, liebes Universum” - Der 10-Minuten Podcast für deine Wunscherfüllung und Manifestation. Der neue Podcast von und mit Anjana Gill, Bestseller-Autorin und Glücks-Expertin.
Seit über 25 Jahren beschäftigt sich Anjana mit den Themen Glück, Wunscherfüllung, Manifestation und was alles so möglich ist zwischen Universum und Mensch. Und da ist jede Menge möglich. So viel sei schon mal verraten!
Hier bekommst du alltagstaugliche Tipps und Tricks, die die Tür zu deinem Glück wieder öffnen und die Erfüllung deines Wunsches schneller in dein Leben ziehen.
Abonniere jetzt den "Danke, liebes Universum" Podcast und verpasse keine Folge.
Der "Danke, liebes Universum" -Podcast - ist ab sofort auf allen gängigen Podcast-Plattformen verfügbar.
Kontakt: [email protected] -
Alles bleibt anders - auch noch in diesem Jahr... Und so führen wir die "Salzburger Hochschulwochen" zum Thema "Was hält uns (noch) zusammen? Über Verbindlichkeit und Fragmentierung" auch im Jahr 2021 noch einmal als überwiegend digitale Sommerbrise durch. Eine smarte (digitale) Sommerbrise, könnte man sagen, bestehend u.a. aus diesem Podcast. Hören Sie rein und lassen Sie sich eine leichte Salzburger Sommerbrise ins Gesicht wehen. Wir hören uns!
Der Podcast für biblische Endzeitperspektiven. Wir erleben herausfordernde Zeiten. Wie sollen wir als Christen inmitten der gegenwärtigen globalen Krisen leben, und was will Gott uns heute sagen? Dieser Podcast will dein prophetischer Begleiter sein und dich ermutigen, deinen Blick auf Gott und sein Wort zu richten, denn ER bringt uns sicher ans Ziel. -
Das 1×1 der österreichischen Politik mit Peter Filzmaier und Armin Wolf. Die beiden nehmen sich in der lockeren Atmosphäre der FM4 Studios mehr Zeit als sonst um ganz grundsätzlich über Politik zu reden und wie sie in Österreich funktioniert. Weit weg von tagesaktuellen Schlagzeilen erklären sie die Basis dessen, worauf unser Zusammenleben in Österreich basiert. Was ist das größte Missverständnis über den österreichischen Bundespräsidenten? Wer macht in der österreichischen Politik eigentlich wirklich die Gesetze? Was ist das hohe Haus?
"Deep sh*t" na jednostavan, otvoren i direktan način. Teme kojima se vrijedi baviti da se one ne bi bavile nama.
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Ukoliko želite da pratite informacije o edukacijama, radionicama, kao i korisnim sadržajima, pridružite se zajednici na mojoj newsletter listi: -
Tactical & effective meets grounded & honest in content creation, marketing, and content strategy. Real, practical, no B.S. advice, along with conversation about the lines between persuasion and manipulation in strategic content and marketing. I search out insights, strategies and tactics from the most accomplished thinkers and doers in the field.
My name is Marion Abrams. And for my entire 30 plus year career, I've been working behind the scenes telling stories, selling products, promoting people, and communicating ideas. I'm coming out from behind the mixer and getting on the mic to talk about something I'm really passionate about, and I truly believe in. The idea is that you can market, message, tell stories, sell brands, products, people, ideas, nonprofits and events, authentically.
That's what I mean by grounded content.
I've worked in production in video as a shooter, a writer, a producer, a director, and editor, as a social media manager and consultant. And as a behind the scenes Podcast Producer. I've worked on network shows, documentaries, commercials for clients like Blue Cross, the US Ski Team, the Vermont lottery, National Grid, and Land Rover and seen my work on all the major networks.
In 2014, I partnered with Joe De Sena. He's the founder and CEO of Spartan, which is now the world's largest endurance brand. He came to me and said let's do a podcast. Together we designed the concept, strategy, and format for the "Spartan Up podcast." We built it from an audience of zero to more than 40 million downloads and views and over 800 episodes. We've had lots of incredible guests you've heard of, and many you haven't heard of yet.
Today, I'm starting my own podcast "Grounded Content", holistic, authentic, grounded, effective content. I interview leaders in the content marketing, marketing, and messaging business, and share my own experiences to help you create content that's effective, grounded, authentic, and purposeful. Whether your goal is to sell a product or to express an idea. -