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Hosted by Sibel Mufti, Marc Hervieux & Owen MacIntosh, this inspiring MedTech podcast brings you a biweekly run-through of intriguing and impactful developments in the rehabilitation world, especially prosthetics and orthotics. Whether you are a doctor in the field or a casual listener, you'll always learn something exciting.
Türkiye'de gündemi takip etmek zor iş. Trend Topic işte tam da bunun için var. Ozan Gündoğdu Trend Topic'te haftanın en trend haberlerini, Trend Ekonomi'de de ekonomi gündemini ele alıyor. Gündeme dair daha derinlikli bir bakış yakalamaya hazırsanız başlayalım.
Mesele Ekonomi, 2018 yılından beri yayın hayatına devam eden bir dijital medya platformu. Amacımız, ekonomik ve güncel gelişmelere ilişkin arka plan bilgilerini, bilgi odaklı analizleri ve uzman yorumlarını ilgi duyan herkese en basit anlatımıyla ulaştırmak. Mesele Ekonomi tarafından hazırlanan tüm söyleşilere ve görüntülü içeriklere şu adreslerden ulaşabilirsiniz: Youtube: Twitter: İletişim: [email protected]
The Art of Emergency Medicine podcast is an effort to help and inspire trainees of the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine (ACEM) to put their best foot forward and progress through the program. We achieve this by covering various training issues and exam topics focussed on SAQ and OSCE questions. Abrar and Kishan – FACEM and Advanced Trainee respectively, form the core of our creative team, based in Melbourne, Australia. We hope you enjoy it!
Clinical research and clinical trial management form the backbone of drug and device approvals worldwide. Learn from the leading industry experts to build and advance your clinical research career.
You'll hear from sponsors, clinical research organizations, and clinical trial sites around the globe. This show is for all current and aspiring clinical research professionals including clinical research associates (CRA), clinical operations managers, study managers, biostatisticians, medical doctors, safety monitors, clinical scientists and other healthcare professionals.
To learn more, visit -
Kids Healthcast is a pediatric podcast for parents. It is recorded by Indiana University Pediatric residents at Riley Hospital for Children. It covers health topics parents may be interested in a monthly half hour mp3-format podcast. Each month includes Health News, Medical Trivia, Parenting tips, and two segments on children's health ranging from constipation to normal newborn development and lots of information in between.
Welcome to WOCTalk, a podcast courtesy of the Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nurses Society. WOCTalk is your opportunity to learn more about advocacy, education, and research that support the practice and delivery of expert healthcare to individuals with wound, ostomy, and continence care needs.
An Estimated 20 million people have a thyroid condition and 14 million have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. Learn how to manage your Hashimoto's diagnosis and get hope for living with autoimmune disease. It doesn't have to be a life sentence. Here you can get help and hope for Hashimoto's. Get The Definitive Guide to Hashimoto's at
A show full of amazing information that can be used by anyone, right now, to improve their health, fitness and nutrition knowledge. Learn how to control your body and mind to make you better in the areas you want to improve or just get confirmation that you are heading in the right direction. Come on our journey, have a few laughs and pick up real world, useful information to make your life amazing!
Hosted by Clinical nutritionist, Paul Burgess who has the goal of living a healthy life to a ripe old age. Bio hacking the body by eating right and using any other info he can find to make the body and mind work optimally is his passion (along with lifting heavy stuff every now and then) . -
PodcastDX is an interview based weekly series. Guests share experience based medical insight for our global audience.
We have found that many people are looking for a platform, a way to share their voice and the story that their health journey has created. Each one is unique since even with the same diagnosis, symptoms and the way each person will react to a diagnosis, is different. Sharing what they have experienced and overcome is a powerful way our guests can teach others with similar ailments.
Many of our guests are engaging in self-advocacy while navigating a health condition, many are complex and without a road-map to guide them along their journey they have developed their own. Sharing stories may help others avoid delays in diagnosis or treatment or just give hope to others that are listening. Sharing is empowering and has a healing quality of its own. Our podcast provides tips, hints, and support for common healthcare conditions. Our guests and our listeners are just like you- navigating the complex medical world. We hope to ease some tension we all face when confronted with a new diagnosis.
We encourage anyone wanting to share their story with our listeners to email us at [email protected]
Verizekalılar Podcast; Kimola ekibinin hazırladığı ve Utku Gençer Gediz'in sunduğu, tüketici içgörüleri odaklı bir podcast yayınıdır. Pazarlama ve araştırma profesyonelleri için hazırlanan yayın, iki haftada bir yayınlanır ve ortalama 5 dakika sürer. Spotify’ınızdan -ya da diğer tüm dijital yayın platformlarınızdan- ısrarla isteyiniz!
Insightful. Balanced. Provocative.Brave enough to leverage the market? Bold enough to challenge the status quo? Join Alex Chizhik @MrEbitda and @ShimonLazarov as they bring their 15+ years business experience to a data-driven debate. From Bitcoin to the NASDAQ, Government Regulations to Real Estate Trusts, Facebook to Moderna. If you care about the economy, finance, or investing this podcast is for you.
Unter 4 Augen - der Ophtha-Podcast ist das neue Audioformat der Augenheilkunde.
Medical Retina, Glaukom, moderne Kataraktchirurgie, Genetik oder Onkologie -
die Ophthalmologie ist ein weites Feld.
Unter 4 Augen - der Ophtha-Podcast präsentiert jeden Monat ein neues Thema in vier Ausgaben. Zu jedem Thema laden wir renommierte Experten ein, die spannende und aktuelle wissenschaftliche Arbeiten vorstellen. Gemeinsam mit unserem jungen Moderatorenteam, das als Assistenzärzte oder Medizinstudierende bereits erste Erfahrungen in der Ophthalmologie gesammelt hat, analysieren unsere Experten im Gespräch verschiedene Studien und gehen deren Thesen auf den Grund.
Der Wissenstransfer steht bei diesem Format im Fokus.
Ab dem 04. September 2021 erscheinen wöchentlich vier Folgen zu einem Themenmonat. Jede Folge hat eine Länge von etwa 15 Minuten.
Unter 4 Augen - der Ophtha-Podcast bringt die Ergebnisse wissenschaftlicher
Arbeiten auf eine praxisnahe und klinisch relevante Ebene.
Unsere Zielgruppe besteht aus Medizinstudierenden, Assistenzärztinnen und Assistenzärzten, junge Fachärztinnen und Fachärzten, aber natürlich auch bereits etablierten und erfahrenen Ophthalmologen, die Interesse an wissenschaftlicher Augenheilkunde haben.
Unter 4 Augen - der Ophtha-Podcast wird produziert von Tobias Kesting, Geschäftsführer der Agentur Carekom in Köln.
Die wissenschaftliche Leitung übernimmt Prof. Dr. Alireza Mirshahi, Direktor der Augenklinik Dardenne.
Moderation: Annika Licht -
آدمیزاد در مورد پزشکی و علوم انسانی و رابطه ی این دو باهمهما توی آدمیزاد در مورد موضوعاتی مختلفی که محوریتش پزشکیه به گفت و گو میشینیمو در مورد پزشکی ازجنبه های تاریخی، فلسفی، سیاسی، اجتماعی و حتی هنری و فرهنگی صحبت میکنیم
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Wer mit der Diagnose Diabetes Typ 2 lebt, dem stellen sich im Alltag viele große und kleine Fragen. Gesundheitsjournalistin Sabine Pusch macht sich auf Spurensuche - und nimmt euch mit. Seid dabei, wenn sie Menschen trifft, die selbst an Diabetes Typ 2 erkrankt sind, wenn sie die Einschätzung von Fachleuten einholt oder die aktuelle Studienlage nach Hinweisen durchkämmt. Denn - auch, wenn Diabetes oft rätselhaft ist, gibt es meist eine Lösung.
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