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If you are heading home after a long day of work, school or errands how about a pick me up? Five Minute Mojo transforms your ride home into a time of reflection. Thom Walters guides you through thinking about positive ways to evaluate and change your life for the better. He will ask you questions you have never heard before. Dragging yourself home at the end of the day is now a thing of the past. It's time to change our life. It's time for Five Minute Mojo.
Tap into your intuitive wisdom and unlock the potential for magic in everyday life. Reignite your personal power! With Katie Weatherup, a former engineer-turned-shamanic practitioner with more than 20 years of experience, you can achieve spiritual fulfillment and while upleveling your practical results in health, relationships, and money! Join me each month for a new episode that will help you to discover the most fulfilled version of yourself.
I Zen med Zennie er din vej til spirituel førstehjælp. I løbet af denne serie får du en spirituel værktøjskasse fyldt med brugbare råd, tips og værktøjer, som du kan bruge, når du finder dig selv i en krise eller når livet gør lidt ondt. Zennie Storm inviterer en masse inspirerende mennesker hjem i sin stue til en snak om alt mellem himmel og jord. Det kan være så simpelt som at sætte sig et mål og gå efter det til at skulle forholde sig til, om der findes mere end bare det vi kan se. Lyt/se med, når vi sammen bliver klogere og hjælper hinanden til at blive den bedste udgave af os selv.
Welcome to Modern Psychedelics, a space where we explore the profound transformations made possible through intentional engagement with psychedelics. This podcast is designed to help you integrate high-consciousness living into your everyday life, beyond the psychedelic experiences themselves.
Your guide is Lana Pribic, M.Sc., an ICF Professional Coach, co-founder of Kanna Wellness, and passionate advocate for the intentional use of psychedelics. With over 230 hours of professional training and four coaching certifications, Lana specializes in helping people integrate the powerful insights from their psychedelic journeys into lasting peace, fulfillment, and connection. Our time on Earth is precious, so let's ensure we fully experience and enjoy every moment.
Let’s journey. -
Raised By Giants presented and produced by Ryder Lee, provides a platform from which philosophers, researchers, authors, and UFO researchers can come together and communicate their studies, observations, thoughts, Ideas, reflections and research. Infusing them into common everyday knowledge with their understanding of life and the universe. Ryder Lee of Raised By Giants will be diving deep into these topics, interviewing and hosting this ever-growing number of people, searching for a deeper understanding and truth.
The Higher Genius Podcast invites you to move beyond your comfort zone and into your genius zone — and tap into the higher wisdom within you — your higher genius. Host Christie Turley believes that intuitive intelligence is the key to innovating sustainable solutions that will change the world. Her book, The Intuition-Led Business, and her signature course, “Intuition Upgrade,” provide an easy-to-understand process for strengthening intuition. Connect with @ChristieTurley on YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook and on her website
Each week on Good Story, speaker and teacher, Kirsten King will connect with her listeners as she shares a true story and gospel truth. Listen and be inspired by a woman who has a passion for God’s Word and its transforming power. By the end of each episode, you’ll be saying, “good story”.
Join me as I explore the healing journey through psychology, personal development, mythology, and transcendent experiences at the crossroads of modern life and the deeper world. Claim, and keep, your unique keys. Devoted to the ancient goddess Hekate as World Soul.
About me:
Cyndi Brannen is an author, herbalist, psychologist, and teacher, merging her years of experience studying health and relationships with the traditional wisdom of the goddess.
Learn more about Cyndi's work at -
Í leiðinni að sjálfinu ferðast þær Kamilla Ingibergsdóttir og Sólbjört Guðmundsdóttir í gegnum andlegar víddir, velta hlutunum fyrir sér og skoða þau verkefni sem hver einasta sál kýs sér á lífsleiðinni. Þetta er opið, andlegt og húmorinn aldrei langt undan. Leiðin að sjálfinu er einlæg og persónuleg nálgun á stóra verkefnið, lífið sjálft!
My goal with this podcast is to introduce you to the people and ideas that will help you actually achieve your goals.
You will learn how to level up your mindset, develop leadership skills in business and in your personal life, and learn how to live to your full potential.
Hosted By Eldin Hasa, 🌟 Neuroscientist | Mind Architect | #1 Expert on Human Behaviour | Corporate Training | 🎙 SPEAKER | Workshops | Retreats | 18 years Experience | Entrepreneur| Finance | Realestate | E-Learning | Author | 🎙 Podcaster -
Að gefa sér tíma í að læra grundvallaratriði um fjármál getur verið ein besta fjárfesting á tíma sem getur skilað sér margfalt til baka. Af hverju tekst sumu fólki alltaf að finna peninga meðan sumir týna þeim oftast hratt? Í þessum hlaðvarpsþáttum er talað við fólk sem náð hefur árangri í fjármálum og reynt verður að átta sig á því hvernig við öðlumst fjárhagslegt sjálfstæði og finnum peningana. Nýr þáttur hvern þriðjudag. Þættirnir eru framleiddir af umboðsmanni skuldara með stuðningi frá félagsmálaráðuneytinu. Umsjón hefur Gunnar Dofri Ólafsson.
Welcome to “Let’s Talk Attachments”, a podcast all about ATTACHMENT THEORY! My name is Jessica Da Silva and I’m a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist & Attachment Coach helping you transform the way you experience love by teaching you the ins and outs of your attachment style in a practical and relatable way.Website: @thejessicadasilvaTiktok: @jessicadasilvacoachingEmail: [email protected]
If you have ever felt like you care too much, listen to this podcast hosted by Ashley Corbo. Throughout Ashley’s life, she has been criticized for being “too sensitive” or “too much.” In this show, Ashley shares all her thoughts and experiences with friendship breakups, bad relationships, navigating your 20s, quitting your job, following your dreams and more. Tune in every Monday for a quick therapy session with your new bestie.
Follow Ashley on Instagram and TikTok
Instagram: @ashleycorbo ( @tryingnottocarepodcast (
TikTok: @ashleyccorbo ( @tryingnottocarepodcast ( -