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How do I get my Yorkshire pudding to rise? This and other questions vegans were never afraid to ask, but never got an answer to. Join Jake Yapp and guests talking vegan turkey, other meat substitutes and, lots of great veg!
If you are adopting a plant-based diet, transitioning, just plain curious or want some delicious food ideas, this is the podcast for you. -
The “Highly Effective Tropical Gardening” is a weekly Podcast hosted by Anne Gachuhi (Founder: Home Gardening Support Network).
You will get weekly tropical gardening tips, strategies, and practical advice. Topics will include proper gardening techniques, controlling garden pests and plant diseases, proper pruning, lawn care, soil fertility, organic gardening, garden planning, growing vegetables and flowers, orchard management, hydroponics, aquaponics, landscaping, how to get more from your garden, how to enjoy gardening and so much more.
This podcast is for all gardeners who cares about growing food sustainably and want to learn more about environmentally inspired landscapes, food gardens or thriving and fruitful orchards. Welcome! -
Clean Cut TV presents Fash-Forward, hosted by the brilliant Jade McSorley, co-founder of circular fashion platform LOANHOOD who is also studying a PhD in Fashion Innovation and Sustainability at University for the Creative Arts. We explore tech innovation and how it's contributing to sustainable and ethical practices within the fashion industry.
Learn about the solution focused approach as it applies to every situation in every school. From classroom management, RTI and team meetings, parent conferences, student behavior or mental health concerns, this approach and process will guide every educator and counselor into a land of possibilities. In that land, students, teachers and parents generate their own solutions as educators provide a context where those solutions are discovered.
In ihrer über 500-jährigen Geschichte hat die LMU zahlreiche ebenso seltene wie prächtige Handschriften und Drucke gesammelt. Diese einmaligen Kulturschätze macht die Universitätsbibliothek in ihrem neuen Digitalisierungsprojekt „Keimelion“ zugänglich. Darunter sind so kostbare Einzelstücke wie ein Evangeliar Karls des Großen aus dem Jahr 800, die älteste erhaltene Fassung der Lex Baiuvariorum aus dem frühen 9. Jahrhundert, der Würzburg-Ebracher-Psalter aus dem Hochmittelalter und die Geschichte der LMU in kolorierten Federzeichnungen von 1856.
In a world of influencers and empty noise makers, we choose to be thought leaders and the authorities in our space.
We war against the mediocre and the mundane and instead, create impact with our powerful message.
I'm your host Marley Jaxx and I went from working as a dental hygienist to building a video marketing agency that does over 6-figures every month.
Each week I’m bringing you real conversations from myself and other experts who are striving for more than just profit - we also want impact.
If you want a revolutionary new marketing strategy that teaches you how to leverage the power of organic, omnipresent video that acts as an army of salesmen that generate leads for life, then visit... -
Odette Barry shares conversations with some of her favourite publicists, journalists, editors, presenters and producers about the often misunderstood industry of public relations.
So whether you’re a small business owner learning how to DIY your PR, a publicist looking to deepen your knowledge, or an aspiring publicist striving to gain new skills and understand the media landscape, this podcast offers personal insights and stories, practical tips to improve your pitching and step-by-step guidance to secure headline news. -
Jadi dewasa adalah channel podcast yang membahas tentang proses bertumbuh menjadi manusia dewasa yang utuh, mengenal dirinya dengan baik, sadar dengan tujuan hidupnya dan mampu mengelola hubungan sosial antar manusia. Kami fokus pada diskusi “How to”, bagaimana menyikapi sebuah masalah dan langkah-langkah dalam mengambil keputusan untuk mendapatkan solusi terbaik. Semua narasumber Podcast jadidewasa101 adalah orang yang terpercaya dan dipilih sesuai dengan bidangnya atau pernah berhasil melalui tantangan yg relevant dengan topik yg diambil. No tipu-tipu, no crazy rich instant story here.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Cara mendidik anak bersama ayah edy. Ayah Edy adalah seorang praktisi pendidikan berbasis kecerdasan majemuk (Multiple Intelligence). Membahas berbagai masalah pendidikan anak. Seperti anak yang tidak mau sekolah, anak rewel, bagaimana mengajarkan disiplin pada anak.
Audio ini adalah rekaman siaran radio smartfm Jakarta. Beliau menggalakkan Indonesia Strong From Home. Indonesia yang kuat dari rumah. Jika masih-masing keluarga menguatkan diri dengan pendidikan yang benar, maka Indonesiapun akan ikut kuat.
Selamat mendengarkan, jangan lupa bagikan kepada teman-teman anda jika bermanfaat... -
Hi, it's Jai and Mion, two Taiwanese. In our podcast, we discuss a wide range of topics to help you learn real-life Mandarin, and sometimes Tâi-gí, with native speakers in a natural and enjoyable way. We aspire to ensure our podcast is anything but boring.我們用中文聊各式各樣的主題,像是世界各地的新聞、時事、旅行、生活、文化,當然還有語言學習。我們也談政治、談名人,任何的話題都是有可能的,讓大家可以用自然有趣的方法學習中文,我們不是一個無聊的podcast喔!✉️ [email protected]🔸Transcript & Lesson:🔸Support us:🔸Instagram:@ttmctwmusic by provided by SoundOn
The last half a century of development at NTUA developed in parallel with Modern Taiwan Art History. Our institution now has the longest history of any art institution in Taiwan, as well as the most specialized fields of study.
In the early history of the school, many well-known and accomplished artists taught at NTUA, creating an entirely new environment in which the arts could develop. The masters who made up the first faculty team then produced countless new talent. A great number of famous directors have graduated from NTUA, including 78th Oscar Award Best Director Winner Ang Lee. And there have been countless musicians, artists and designers, too.
NTUA was established as the National School of Arts on October 31, 1955. Our university is made up of five colleges which include the College of Fine Arts, the College of Design, the College of Communications, the College of Performing Arts, and the College of Humanities. -
Total Skin Nerds, hosted by Skinfix CEO, Amy Gordinier, features in-depth conversations with top doctors and skin care authorities on a crusade to change how skin is cared for, treated, healed, experienced, and talked about. On each episode, Amy is joined by one mission-driven doctor to explore their medical focus comprehensively and compassionately—and to offer actionable advice about the skin care topics that affect you: from acne to eczema, from inflammation to stress. Total Skin Nerds democratizes skin care by providing access to a body of expert dermatological knowledge that would otherwise be impossible for listeners to get all in one place. Please subscribe. Stick with us, Nerds!
Halo Sobat HIHI, Selamat datang di SIRI! Siaran Bareng KOMAHI. SIRI merupakan salah satu platform dari Korps Mahasiswa Ilmu Hubungan Internasional UGM yang akan membahas seputar dunia perkuliahan maupun diluar perkuliahan utamanya di lingkungan Ilmu Hubungan Internasional Universitas Gadjah Mada. Kredit musik: Fun AShamaluev Music. (2017). Diakses dari SoundCloud AShamaluev Music.
'PhD: addicted to research' is a podcast created by PhD students funded by the Society for the Study of Addiction and is for anyone doing a PhD or thinking about doing a PhD. We are all at different stages of our studies, from starting off to writing up, and will release a podcast every 2 weeks. In the episodes, we discuss our experiences and fears about going through 3 (and more) years of study. We also interview experts to get the best tips and advice for making it to the final graduation ceremony.
We are very grateful to George Verrall for producing the music for this podcast.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.