I am recording this episode at the time of what I call the PREGAME of a cyclone that is about to come through my town.
Never been in a cyclone proper before and no idea what is about to happen.
In today's episode I share the words that my dear friend Kate left with me before she passed away.
This is not a sad story or a story of loss. She was ready and wanting to leave this world and she did so with a chuckle and some words of wisdom for me as she left.
These words have neen sitting with me and how relevant they are to us all - ESPECIALLY NOW.
From me:
Please don't let the world harded yuor heart
Please don't allow the fear to keep your voice hidden
Please don't succumb
Please lean into your heart
Please trust that you are here at this time for a reason
Please build transparency into your life so you can discern what is happening around you.
Please choose your infuence and impact
M xx
If you are like me, the era of AI is leaving me ASKING more questions.
Most of these questions that I have are not being answered.
My body is also showing me that I need to pay attention.
I have wanting to be having this conversation so a while, so I reached out to someone who is in the world of online business and marketing because I knew that they would have the tea that we needed to spill.
Introducing Tahryn Bolt! Tahryn is the Biz Wizard behind The Social Bolt.
She's a marketing + messaging wizard (aka Marketing + Messaging Strategist for the muggles)
As a raging introvert, she knows the secret to business success is to embrace your unique blend of magic and do business in a way that works for YOU.
She supports her clients to grow in-demand businesses and call in Beyonce-level clients on repeat using the magic of a simplified strategy, magical marketing & micro-messaging.
She's built a 6-figure business based around the things she loves and being authentic in the process.
Tahryn works alongside her Barketing Intern Maggie the Menace (1 year old Border Collie) and they love to curl up on the couch, with a glass of red wine in hand, watching Harry Potter. She also thinks pineapple on pizza should be illegal. In this episode I get to ask the questions with someone who is in the online world. Tahryn and I tag in this episode from marketing, content, business and leadership. What really are the decisons you need to make as a LEADER in this era of AI. We answer this and more. If you have more questions let me know and Tahryn and I will be happy to answer them. Also, if you want your messaging to stand out and be you in this era then I suggest you check out Tahryn's upcoming masterclass HOW TO TELL AND SELL IN THE AGE OF AI. You can register for this FREE masterclass on Tahryn's Instagram @thesocialbolt If you enjoyed this episode I would love it if you left a five star review so that more people can find this content. As always if you have any questions and would like to connect you can find me on Instagram @mareeeddings -
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
I think we may have all been here at some point.
I know I have.
What started out as a way to connect, learn, grow and be happy, now feels like a place that at times you struggle to breath.
Not sure how to shift it the overwhelming feeling of it being way too much is lerking.
Am I allowed to shift or stop this when I'm not fully done?
Is it okay that I didn't fully heal?
And if I am honest this is quite a comfy space even though I feel like crap more times than I want to admit.
Welcome to the HEALING LOOP.
With great intention and love and gusto you have incredibly embarked on a commitment to self enquiry and development. You have learned so much about yourself and even been able to shift your perspective on some old age baggage.
It's real and it's giving.
And now what do you do?
In this episode I dance with the energetic spaces that see you held in the healing loop and when you know it is time to commit to that transformation you have been talking about.
Deep Breaths and enjoy
M xx
Every time I work on a shift regardless if its with me or with a client this one thing is always at the heart of it.
It was actually one of the first models of self development I was taught and at the time totally misunderstood!
I have seen that time and time again.
It has been glossed over and I think even glorified as a path that has not quite ever lived up to the hype. Personally this was when I started to ignore it.
NOW, on reflection I can see I have always been working this model and it has been so successful because I intutively connected with it in what I can now see was just an out of context moment in my life.
Building trust and belief do not occur when you miss this and that big dream becomes wayyyyyyyy harder than it needs to be.
You need to take a listen and it will all make sense.
This episode was always planned to be the FIRST episode of this season.
Season 9!
Yes I have been recording for 9 seasons and the reason why I planned for this to be the first episode of 2025 was this was my underlying theme of the year. To be FULLY EXPRESSED.
However, the year started in a different way and I delayed this recording. I am so glad I did.
Expressing is the most intimate thing we can do. It reveals our hopes and dreams and our fears and beliefs. If you are listening you can learn all you need to know about someone by listening to what they express.
This is one of the reasons why I think it can feel daunting to speak about what we really want and to share our needs and desires.
In a world that is getting noisier I believe that being fully expressed is an intimate act of love for self.
It is not about being right or clever or the best. It is about creating a life that is fully aligned with your own desires and that happens when you can express who you are.
In sharing my podcast journey I have been able to see where my own expression blocks have been (I was a nervous wreck full of hope and enthusiasm) and then had all the bells and whistles to now just me.
I would love to know what are the things you want to express but think you can't or shouldn't.
If one of the reasons is fear of being misunderstood then tune into this podcast as I debunk that for you.
Thank you for being in my audience and I am looking forward to season 9 being the most fun and connecting for you and for me.
DM on Instagram @mareeeddings with your insights and your questions.
Focussing on your happy when there is this amount of chaos can seem wrong.
Is your happy even relevant right now?
Should you dial it all down until this all gets better?
Perhaps you should reconsider all of it and just slip back behind the curtains and let the chaos run its course.
The answer to all of this is NO.
Here is why.
Chaos is not a leader. It is an enabler.
Chaos is a cry for help.
Chaos is the ending not a beginning.
This does not mean that we don't support and help. It does mean that this is also the time when you double down on your path.
A time to focus on you and your frequency.
A time to focus on your power and your impact,
A time to dive into your dreams and your desires
The shifts and the way you want to live your life.
In this episode I share why it's important to:
Bring your empathic nature back into your heart. Remember your energy practices - I share some favs Triple down on your belief about you and your impact and work.I am finding these are really supporting me and my clients right now.
Leading is who you are and your impact is needed in the world. Go get those dreams of yours cause your timeframe is yours and no one elses.
M xx
PS Its final call for RESET YOUR LIFE. If you have been watching and wanting and waiting, now is the time to jump before they are closed out. DM on instagram @mareeeddings
The UNICORN has kicked and things fell into place!
This January energy has me in a reflective mood.
Curious, magical, heartbreakinhg, prosperous and I suppose it depends on where you are looking as to what you see.
There has been this 'thing' that I have been sitting with for months that hasn't felt quite ready to share.
This morning as i watched my dog Sunshine play one of her games in the park the one where she sits and waits for me to walk away and then sit down so she can bolt after me. It is PURE joy. She loves it and eminates this feels so good I wanna do it again and again and again.
That is when it hit me. Why this thing has been irrating me for months.
I have been hearing this phrase for a while and my insides churn when it hits my ears.
HIGH VIBE. I'm just gonna be high vibe and that will be my contribution to the world.
In this episode I share the vibrational reality of high vibe ( feel free to be irritated)
What is a good vibe and why does it matter?
You have access to more light and that means that means more capacity for you and your vibrational reasonance.
This is a FUN and playful episode that has potent insight into the power the impact of your BOLD MAGIC.
If you want to share your GOOD VIBE insights please DM on Instagram.
PS: The Energy Academy is offically open and I have a gorgeous bonus:
BONUS: for PIF enrolment by 10 January you will be invited to a group VIP with me (valued at $1500) - if you are ready for TEA then DM me and let's connect.
Touted to be a big year of change in so far in recorded history - 2025 is here.
The year of momentum where the spiritual and physical combine.
Hello 25! I see you and raise you a UNICORN.
This to me is really what the energy feels like and is on offer.
The magic and prosperity, the love and breathtaking presence and the FUN and adventure. OOHHHH it is time.
All my unicorn beliefs are here on display.
In this episode I share:
The momentum of energy and where it is coming from
The true meaning of this moment
Why your magic is a movement (it's okay I've got you)
The truth about the chaos and how your body is communicating with you
I also offer a FREE GIFT if you are ready to receive and an INVITATION that I know will make your heart expand.
Sit back, tune in and relax and let your inner unicorn lead the way!M xxxxxxxxxxxx
PS to connect with questions you can DM on Instagram @mareeeddings
Here we are the end of 2024.......more over the end of a cycle. Perhaps you have a big over arching cycle or maybe its a number of smaller consistent cycles that you have been ending over the last few years.
2024 does not exist in a vaccum and I rem way back to 12/12/12 and feeling like a seismic change in my being. I could't show you what it was but I felt it. It made me feel hopeful and excited and it gave me the energy to keep going.
Endings of cycles have their own energy and needs. They come with grief and regret and also elation and relief.
In this episode I share the big ending that started it all and how I messed it all up!
The parts of me that were so excited and ready for change and the parts of me that held on for dear life.
New Beginnings have a different energy than an ending and we really need to honour them both.
In this episode I share:
why I sat on a beach in Perth for 10 days, 15 years ago (yes that is where the hot life guard was) why moving away is not a strong start for a new beginning the biggest mistakes I made and what I would do differently today honour your own cycles albeit their ending or their beginningAND
how to tap into the manifesting chain to elevate your new beginnings what does the Solar Plexus have to do with itAND
an invitation to RECALIBRATE out of the old so that you can embrace the NEWThe end of a calender is not the end of a cycle. Only you get to activate that and open a new one.
All power to you and your cycles.
M xx
Some might say Quantum Leaping is a having a moment in the sun.
Others might say about bloody time.
For the most part of 2024 I have been 'tap dancing' with this world with the desire of understanding at my core, what the relevance of QL is epsecially at this time.
In this episode I share my views and 'findings' about this enquiry and why the DIVINE MASCULINE is at the core of all of it.
If you are curious about the what the why and the how this is an episode of YOU.
Some questions to consider:
what would your life be like if you trusted your wisdom? who would you be if you were embodied in the version of you that you dream about? what would you need to believe for your reality to shift in the direction of your desires and actually live it and be it?As a leader of change living in your divine nature is the quantum heart of it all.
I also share the details of a new workshop that I teaching where we will be:
releasing the vibration of 2024 working through the solar plexus as a gateway to the divine masculine activating the right flow of energy so that 2025 is in your quantum field.If you want in DM on Instagram @mareeeddings
Can't wait to see you there.
M xx
This episode has been recorded for the NEW MOON in Saggitarius 2024.
The energy of Saggitarius is one of PLAY, PROSPERITY, BIG THINKING, INEVITABLILTY and BEING.
It is like this has been set aside specifically for the BOLD MAGIC MAKERS - AKA YOU
In this episode I share:
the magic of this new moon and why it is so opening and supportive for you now. how to cultivate your big dreams what to do with the past energy that has gotten you to where you are now how Saggitarius is the BOLD MOVERS biggest ally and how to join forcesAND
new moon practices to support you in working with this energy this week.Your Bold Magic is inevitable when you breathe life into it.
Expecting it to all work out even better than you could ever have imagined - that can feel too big and too much for you to handle with everything else you have going on - YES because you are not it yet. Take a breath. You are not meant to have it while you are in your current 'reality'.
Your Bold Magic is inviting you in.
It is asking you to release the past and believe and be the inevitable.
In this episode I invite you to work with me. In a mentoring capacity or as part of a group.
It is exciting times.
If you are curious and ready DM me and lets play your inevitable card.
M xx
This is a connected episode to Reflections and Spiritual Bypassing.
Thank you for your comments on that episode and the 'thinking' that you said this has created for you.
In today's episode the conversation reverts to the excitement and energetic tingles around focusing and commiting to conscious entangelment.
What is your BOLD MOVE?
What do you know you are ready to commit to?
What does it feel like to discern the energy of the old sytem?
What opens up for you and what is your BOLD MAGIC saying to you?
Your energy influences the room regardless if you are consciously aware of it or not. So what would happen if you became conscious of it?
How would your life change?
What would you be leading?
These questions and more in this episode.
I share my own BOLD MOVES and how my MAGIC has been impacted and how I am responding to it all.
It is time for MAGIC gorgeous human.
Connect with me on instagram @mareeeddings and share with me what your bold move is going to be.
M xx
Imagine if the world was full of grounded people?
Would you be able to tell the difference?
What exactly would change?
From my perspective - you betcha life you would be able to tell the difference and in short EVERYTHING would change.
I have been working in the energy and grounding space for close to 17 years and while the term grounding and the art of grounding is now in the light and more people are hearing about it and connecting with it - there are some aspects - some really important aspects of grounding that are not being spoken about or shared.
My intention of this epsiode is to share the things are that are not being spoken about:
are the grounding technologies worth it? what is the real purpose of grounding? why is this the key for conscious leadership? how do you develop a grounding relationship with your most potent asset? getting started.You will be able to tell that this is a topic I can talk about FOREVER because I love and know it so well and mainoy because I see the benefits it brings to peoples lives. Their mental health, physical health and the clarity of living as a consiously entangled being.
Sit back and see where this takes you
If you are ready to get your grounded self going or if you here to reactivate jump over to my instagram @mareeeddings and connect.
M xx
How long do you hold onto your dreams?
What is that keeps the passion, curiosity and focus alive?
In this episode I share my recent experiences in the USA supporting a friend realise a dream she has held for 10 years.
Why is now the time for your bold moves and what exactly would they be?
This is not an episode for the faint of heart.
Speaking directly about:
White male priviledge
Spiritual bypassing
Collapsing the system of oppression
so that you can:
Commit to your dreams
Expand your embodiment
Discern without exception
Bring alive your BOLD MAGIC
There is definitely an invitation for us who are here to lead a new era to do just that.
This is not for everyone as I share my experience of being in the USA at the time of the election and why now is not the time to spiritually bypass and settle into apathy.
Would love to know your thoughts and comments. I will identify bypassing and any commitment (conscious or not) to the old systems.
Enjoy and I salute your BOLD MOVES
Have you been experiencing physical symptoms you are challenged to explain?
Increased stomach pain? Indigestion? Lethargy? Emotional responses that last for days? Overall milaze? Anger and frustration at not being able to come back into your light?
So let's cut to the chase.
Your physical body is the last of the manifesting chain and it is where you release the old and embody the new.
Now that the universal energy has also shifted in a significant way (bye bye Piscean energy) your physcial body is now an upgrading position.
That means in 2024 your have been breaking through the old ceiling that has been set collectively and personally by you.
It is painful as your body detoxifies what was so it can become what it meant to be.
In this episode I share the role and power that the Solar Plexus has in your life and what its automated detoxying means for you and your power.
Call it embodiment or call it an upgrade it doesn't matter. What does matter is what will you do now?
As always please DM me on instagram if you have any questions or comments.
M xx
Death and Rebirth are words I have said more in 2024 that any other.
Not sure about you but part of me is like NO MORE!
Then I sat back and looked at the Macro of these deaths (collective and universal deaths) as well as the micro - my own, and then more of it made sense.
In this episode I walk through the collective death and rebirth we are all participating in and how it marrys with the micro. I share my personal multiple deaths of 2024 and why we need to focus on the JAZZ.
If you have been in an intituitve, personal development, healer, coach or any of the energy arts then you are in the leading edge of humanity and your work and sould connections are about to expand at a rapid rate and that my friend is all that jazz.
Enjoy the episode and I would love you to connect with me on Instagram @mareeeddings
M xx
PS In this episode I mention two things Bold Magic Mastermind and The Great Grounding Palooza. The Palooza now has instant access and if after listening to this episode you want to enroll you can go here for instant access as well as access to my Upcoming All that Jazz Masterclass.
The Great Grounding Palooza
I am currently roadtipping along the east coast of Australia and that means I am visiting lots of beach spots. While it is only just turned spring this week, where I live it is already shorts and t shirt season. It is also WHALE season.
What do WHALES, the ECLIPSE and your BOLD MAGIC have in common?
Tune in to find out.
All I will say is recording this episode gave me full body chills and I ackowledge the whales for all of it.
If you loved this epiosde please share it with a friend and I would appreciate you dropping a review for me so more people can activate their BOLD MAGIC.
DM for any comments @mareeeddings on insta.
M xx
In the last few years the game changed and the light in you opened up and said come on in.
It said, it's time to see and let go of the ridiculous nature of the systems you have been wedded to and it is time for you to marry your soul and your heart and bring your whole self and their big ideas to life.
In this episode I share the transformational energy of 2024 and the conversation of INTUITION vs INSTINCTS (the divine feminine and divine masculine) and why the marrying of you with your souls guidance is the transformation of 2024.
These foundations are deeply connected to the shifts that I know you want in your life and world. They are not something that only live in your dream space and meditations. They are the reality that you are being asked to NOW bring forward into the world.
The time to birth has opened.
The work I have creating is BOLD MAGIC. Your Bold Magic. My Bold Magic. The way we reorientate this world towards the ever expanding light of transformation.
What an epic time to be alive.
Take a listen and let me know how you receive this.
DM me on instagram @mareeeddings if you want to chat or ask questions.
Big Love and BOLD MAGIC for everyone.
M xx
Now is not the time to be TIMID.
Now is not the time to ignore your intuiton and your wisdom
Now is not the time to wait for external validation before you speak
The ways you have done things in the past is not how you will do them now.
The first time I said that was in 2019.
You feel this. I know you do.
So what do you do instead?
Commit to day 15.
In this episode, I share what day 15 means and why you Divine Leader of Change this day is how you make your next big move.
Its you and me, no script.
Please connect with me on Instagram @mareeeddings and let me know what your day 15 is going to be.
M xx
What do you think of when you hear the word AUTHENTIC?
Or Spiritual?
New Era Leader?
Any of these words and phrases can be used to describe this weeks guest.
Kerri Hummingbird returns to the podcast to explore her new book "Inner Medicine:
Becoming One with Mother Earth for the Survival of Humanity".Kerri and I connected a few years ago on line over our mutual love of leadership, change and spirituality. In today's episode the conversation flows and at one stage I wasn't able to hold back the tears as we chat about how challenging a change vision and mission can be.
We have definitely turned a corner when it comes to the shift in humanity and Kerri shares her wisdom and insights like no other when it comes to the role we are all here to play.
Pull up a chair and shut out the distractions as you soak in Kerri's wisdom.
M xx
Kerri Hummingbird, Medicine Woman, Mother and Mentor, is the Founder of Inner Medicine Training, a Mystery School that shares potent ancient traditions from the Andes and Himalayas for owning your wisdom and living your purpose. She is the #1 international best-selling author of "Inner Medicine: Becoming One with Mother Earth for the Survival of Humanity" (on the int'l bestseller charts for over 17 weeks!), "Love Is Fierce: Healing the Mother Wound", “The Second Wave: Transcending the Human Drama” (on the int'l bestseller charts for over 211 weeks!) and the award-winning best-selling book “Awakening To Me: One Woman’s Journey To Self Love” which describes the early years of her spiritual awakening. As the host of Soul Nectar Show, Ms. Hummingbird inspires people to lead their lives wide awake with an authenticity, passion and purpose that positively impacts others. As a healer and mentor, she catalyzes mind-shifts that
transform life challenges into gifts of wisdom. - Laat meer zien