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The Save Your Sanity podcast offers episodes filled with the expert insights, validation, strategies, and support you need to recognize, manage, and recover from relationships with the relentlessly difficult, toxic--and often disturbing--people that host Dr. Rhoberta Shaler calls Hijackals®.
She offers invaluable help to stop the second-guessing, undermining, and crazy-making traits, patterns, and cycles you have encountered in relationships with folks like those. Understand the ways, whys, and hows that verbal abuse, emotional abuse, and spiritual abuse affect you over time. Whether the Hijackal is a partner, parent, ex, or colleague, what you will learn here will strengthen and empower you to step up, speak up, and stand up for yourself in healthy, assertive ways.
Many Hijackals have behaviors that are considered the same as those who are diagnosed as narcissists, borderlines, psychopaths, sociopaths, and histrionic personality disorder. These insights will help you to make the changes--and good decisions--to move from pain to power, and that's exactly what you want to do! Listen now.
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
W moich podcastach znajdziesz dużo zwykłego życia, bo takie - moim zdaniem - jest najfajniejsze.
Nazywam się Justyna Mazur i piszę blog Krótki poradnik, jak ogarnąć życie. Jestem pół ponuraczką, pół błaznem. Pół samotniczką, pół duszą towarzystwa. Pół optymistką, pół wizjonerką najgorszych scenariuszy. Pół pedantką, pół bałaganiarą. Trochę zakompleksioną i trochę pewną siebie. Po latach dołów, pechów i nieszczęść wszelakich znalazłam odpowiednią perspektywę do patrzenia na świat, żeby był fajniejszy. W dodatku postanowiłam się nią podzielić. Ślązaczka, która z miłości przeprowadziła się do Warszawy - to właśnie ja. -
The "Love Junkie" podcast is dedicated to giving hope and practical tips to those who struggle with love addiction (the persistent pursuit and fantasy of unavailable romantic partners), sex addiction, codependency, and trauma.
Every week, we will explore either a problem area and give advice on how to work through it, focus on a tool to build positivity and abundance in your life, or feature the story of someone who's been trapped in these addictive patterns and overcome.
The purpose is to help you get your best life now, today, by building a relationship with the most important person in your life, YOU! -
Whilst in the Tub, typically a place of relaxation and reflection, Cory Wharton-Malcolm explores the topic of HELP in all its forms.
Invited guests will join me in their own tub or bath and asked these simple questions.
When last did you ask for help?
When last did someone ask you for help?
How does helping others make you feel?
How do you think the act of helping others impacts your wellbeing?
Who's this podcast for? Anyone who ever asked for help...... or didn't!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
"AVOCAST - z przymrużeniem oka” to podcast prowadzony przez team Avocadoglasses, czyli polskiej firmy zajmującej się sprzedażą okularów korekcyjnych online. W naszym programie na luzie i w prostym języku porozmawiamy na tematy związane ze wzrokiem, zdrowiem i nie tylko! FB
"The Originals" to seria rozmów Tomasza Raczka z wyjątkowymi osobami. Wyjątkowymi nie ze względu na swój fach czy swoją pasję, ale ze względu na to, że to oni stali się wzorem dla innych. Byli oryginałami. Jak doszli do tego miejsca? Co sprawia, że ich nazwiska, ich osiągnięcia i ich dzieła są standardem dla innych?
[Previously Culture by Design] The leader is the #1 factor in determining organizational success. If you want to become an effective leader, you have three objectives: First, learn to lead yourself. Then, learn how to unlock the full potential of your team. Finally, build a business where culture is your competitive advantage and innovation is the status quo.
Chcesz mieć udane życie seksualne? Rozmawiaj o nim! My już rozmawiamy. Do podcastu Sex Debata zaprosiliśmy najwyższej klasy seksuologów: prof. Zbigniewa Izdebskiego, dr Agatę Loewe, Andrzeja Gryżewskiego oraz dr hab. Katarzynę Waszyńską i daliśmy im przestrzeń do dyskusji.
Jak zadbać o ogień w sypialni? Kiedy i w jaki sposób kształtują się nasze gusta seksualne? Jak poradzić sobie z problemami z erekcją? Kryzys męskości to fakt czy mit? Jakie zagadki kryje orgazm? To tylko niektóre z pytań postawionych w Sex Debacie - debacie, której wysłuchasz z rozkoszą. -
Introducing Hard Conversations, a podcast about male sexuality. Therapist Tim Norton expands the conversation about male sexuality, adds context to why we struggle as a society to have hard conversations and breaks down how in a sex-positive environment there really is no room for taboos, judgment, or shame when it comes to penises.
Welcome to the “More Than Sex” podcast with Dr. Tiffany "K.", Ed.D., Certified Holistic Sex Educator & Intimacy Consultant. This sexceptional podcast brings together enlightening topics from the fields of sexology and pleasure. From a scholar’s perspective, I’ll take you on a journey through the world of sex by examining historical, literary, and scientific contexts as well as the psychology that drives our desires. I am a firm believer in radical self-love and that pleasure has the ability to heal us from the inside out. Knowledge is power and I’m here to empower each of you to live your best life with pleasure as a driving force. So, if you are ready to drive deep into the ever-expanding library of sex ed, grab your notebook and take a seat. Class is about to begin.
The Examine Your Hedman podcast brings you true stories of real people and the courageous paths they have taken as they fight for the lives they've desired. We dive deep into the details of their journeys. We explore love, loss, and longing, but more importantly...healing, and the many paths taken to find it. Tara Hedman, owner of Hedman Wellness and Hedman Counseling Center, is your host. Come explore stories of healing with us.
Меня зовут Сергей Краснов, я практический психолог, коуч, действительный член "Русского научного сексологического общества", автор книг и подкаста Психология+.
Записаться на бесплатную диагностическую сессию - https://xn----8sbgbjb2aj2akoffj.xn--p1ai/
Вся наша жизнь густо замешана на психологии. Более того, каждый из нас вступая в коммуникацию с другими людьми становится (волей-неволей) психологом...психологом интуитивным, житейским. Поэтому тема психологии интересна всем и всегда, но в этом подкасте мы будем говорить не только о психологии, но и о философии, социологии, риторике, аргументации и многом другом.
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Mila would Love to hear from you! Send in your stories, questions, experiences etc.!
For sex workers, by sex workers! Help us destigmatize sex work in all it’s form by getting to know the sex workers as some of the most creative, engaging, interesting, funny, and hard working people on the planet. We invite listeners/viewers to join us on our social media channels to watch and participate in the discussion! We want to hear your stories! Our discussions range from personal confessions to resource education to sex worker history, to irreverent bullshitting and laughing. Above all, this is a shame free zone. Tell host Mila Seville and friends whatever you want, OtherwordsforWhxre is for sexworkers everywhere, and our allies.