This podcast series puts spotlight on knovledge about sexism as a way to contribute to the fight against sexism and sexist abuse in the university world.
Listeners are introduced to researchers and other leading sexism experts. They discuss awareness of sexism, boosting the work to prevent it and other sexist violations in working life – both within the academic workspace and outside.
The podcast is built on the e-book “Sexism in Danish Higher Education and Research” publised in 2020 by a group of researchers from Roskilde University (RUC), University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Aarhus University (AU) and Copenhagen University (KU.
Listening to this podcast, you will learn about sexism. You will gain insight into the reasons why sexism can thrive in academic organizations and knowledge of how sexism affects the individual as well as the workplace.
You will be presented with examples on how managers can prevent sexism and deal with it when it occurs.
The podcast is sponsored by Roskilde University (RUC), University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Aarhus University (AU) and Copenhagen University (KU).
Producer and host: Trine Askholm
Editor and producer: Freia Dam
Link to the book: https://sexismedu.dk/