
  • My guest this week is a titan in the world of British sport – Eve Muirhead, who of course won curling gold for Team GB at the last winter Olympics. Curling is that sport that absolutely grips the attention when the winter Olympics is on – and then doesn’t get quite the same level of coverage the rest of the time. This episode is really about understanding that gold medal winners – or successful people of any category for that matter – are still just normal people. Achieving success or fame or accumulating wealth does not actually change you in any deep fundamental way, although not everyone sees this clearly. I have been aware of many people who have taken their success personally and it has gone to their heads and created an inflated identity – but it’s a bit tragic when that happens, and is all really smoke and mirrors. And Eve definitely isn’t one such person. We also discuss getting over a fear of failure, and prioritising your own wellbeing – and much more besides.
    My book Champion Thinking: How To Find Success Without Losing Yourself draws on some of my favourite interviews over the last six years. In it, I seek to challenge our ideas about 'success', and where peace, joy and fulfilment are truly to be found.
    'This book captures the magic of being in flow . . . Highly recommend' RONNIE O'SULLIVAN
    'Entertaining and enlightening' MATTHEW SYED
    'This book will challenge your thinking on what success truly is and will give you tools to "succeed" in life in the truest sense of the world. This is definitely not just another book about sport and those who happen to be good at it' -- GOLDIE SAYERS
    'The intention behind this book is beautiful, and I highly recommend it' RUPERT SPIRA
    'The best guide we have to what it means to be human' AMOL RAJAN
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  • Human beings are animals, and as such we have typical mammalian impulses, like being tribal and territorial. These base impulses can get us in trouble, but in this bitesize episode Shane Parrish shares a brilliant way to embrace the power of self-imposed rules to stop you from doing or saying something you will later regret. The advice in this episode is brilliant, and references the brilliant author of Thinking, Fast and Slow Daniel Kahneman.
    Champion Thinking: How To Find Success Without Losing Yourself draws on some of my favourite interviews over the last six years. In it, I seek to challenge our ideas about 'success', and where peace, joy and fulfilment are truly to be found.
    'This book captures the magic of being in flow . . . Highly recommend' RONNIE O'SULLIVAN
    'Entertaining and enlightening' MATTHEW SYED
    'This book will challenge your thinking on what success truly is' GOLDIE SAYERS
    'The intention behind this book is beautiful, and I highly recommend it' RUPERT SPIRA
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  • Do you know what attachment style you are? Whether you are secure, anxious, avoidant or a bit of a mix – your attachment style developed in childhood as a result of your relationships with your parents and primary caregivers, which then likely shapes what type of relationships you have for the rest of your life.
    That is, unless you can become aware of an insecure attachment style, and work to heal it.
    My guest is an attachment specialist Adam Lane Smith. In this episode you will learn about the different attachment styles - particularly the anxious and avoidant types, their impact on romantic relationships and why the 'anxious-avoidant trap' can be a blessing if you are willing to do the work, the scientific aspects of bonding and relationships, the roles of vasopressin and oxytocin in creating a sense intimacy as well as practical tips for improving emotional intimacy.
    My book Champion Thinking: How To Find Success Without Losing Yourself draws on some of my favourite interviews over the last six years. In it, I seek to challenge our ideas about 'success', and where peace, joy and fulfilment are truly to be found.
    'This book captures the magic of being in flow . . . Highly recommend' RONNIE O'SULLIVAN
    'Entertaining and enlightening' MATTHEW SYED
    'This book will challenge your thinking on what success truly is and will give you tools to "succeed" in life in the truest sense of the world. This is definitely not just another book about sport and those who happen to be good at it' -- GOLDIE SAYERS
    'The intention behind this book is beautiful, and I highly recommend it' RUPERT SPIRA
    'The best guide we have to what it means to be human' AMOL RAJAN
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  • “All of humanity's problems, stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone.” - Blaise Pascal
    This bitesize episode is with Steve Magness, best-selling author of Do Hard Things. It's all about developing genuine resilience, but the beauty of this conversation is in recognising that one of the best ways of truly 'toughening up' is to sit still without distractions. To embrace simply being over continual and habitual doing.
    So, don't just do something - sit there!
    Champion Thinking: How To Find Success Without Losing Yourself draws on some of my favourite interviews over the last six years. In it, I seek to challenge our ideas about 'success', and where peace, joy and fulfilment are truly to be found.
    'This book captures the magic of being in flow . . . Highly recommend' RONNIE O'SULLIVAN
    'Entertaining and enlightening' MATTHEW SYED
    'This book will challenge your thinking on what success truly is and will give you tools to "succeed" in life in the truest sense of the world. This is definitely not just another book about sport and those who happen to be good at it' -- GOLDIE SAYERS
    'The intention behind this book is beautiful, and I highly recommend it' RUPERT SPIRA
    'The best guide we have to what it means to be human' AMOL RAJAN
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  • Jason Fox is a former Special Forces soldier, an adventurer, TV personality and author. This is Foxy's second appearance on the show, and in this conversation he shares what he perceives as the four life cycles we all go through, including periods of chaos and calm. How can we embrace and thrive in the former, while maximising our recovery in the latter?
    Expect to find out about how to find hidden moments of calm in daily life, the importance of having 'missions' to make the most of your time, how to spot ego and rise above it, and much more besides...
    My book Champion Thinking: How To Find Success Without Losing Yourself draws on some of my favourite interviews over the last six years. In it, I seek to challenge our ideas about 'success', and where peace, joy and fulfilment are truly to be found.
    'This book captures the magic of being in flow . . . Highly recommend' RONNIE O'SULLIVAN
    'Entertaining and enlightening' MATTHEW SYED
    'This book will challenge your thinking on what success truly is and will give you tools to "succeed" in life in the truest sense of the world. This is definitely not just another book about sport and those who happen to be good at it' -- GOLDIE SAYERS
    'The intention behind this book is beautiful, and I highly recommend it' RUPERT SPIRA
    'The best guide we have to what it means to be human' AMOL RAJAN
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  • There are few skills as important to develop as acceptance. Psychological flexibility – which is described as our ability to make contact with the present moment fully and without defence, is all about acceptance. When we feel uncomfortable – our thoughts typically try and drag us away from the source of apparent discomfort. But discomfort is a part of life, particularly if we want to live life to the full, and so learning to lean in and embrace it is where the gold lies. Jenna Ashford is an elite athlete turned coach and hardcore meditator – she shares one way to develop our powers of acceptance, using the example of an irritatingly wrinkly sock...
    My book Champion Thinking: How To Find Success Without Losing Yourself draws on some of my favourite interviews over the last six years. In it, I seek to challenge our ideas about 'success', and where peace, joy and fulfilment are truly to be found.
    'This book captures the magic of being in flow . . . Highly recommend' RONNIE O'SULLIVAN
    'Entertaining and enlightening' MATTHEW SYED
    'This book will challenge your thinking on what success truly is and will give you tools to "succeed" in life in the truest sense of the world. This is definitely not just another book about sport and those who happen to be good at it' -- GOLDIE SAYERS
    'The intention behind this book is beautiful, and I highly recommend it' RUPERT SPIRA
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  • Rates of burnout are higher than ever before, and continue to head in the wrong direction. We have more inputs in a week than many people had in a lifetime 100 years ago. We have prehistoric brains in a futuristic world. So what's the answer? Professor Cal Newport argues that we need to embrace slow productivity. Instead of getting lost in busy-ness, and 'pseudo-productivity', we need to slow down and prioritise quality.
    We discuss the importance of doing fewer things to allow for deeper focus and better psychological, economic and creative outcomes. Saying yes to too many things leads to 'administrative overload'. Toiling at maximum capacity simply reduces our ability to make an impact. Cal shares tips on how to say no effectively, create time in your schedule, ways to reduce your cognitive load... and so much more.
    My book Champion Thinking: How To Find Success Without Losing Yourself draws on some of my favourite interviews over the last six years. In it, I seek to challenge our ideas about 'success', and where peace, joy and fulfilment are truly to be found.
    'This book captures the magic of being in flow . . . Highly recommend' RONNIE O'SULLIVAN
    'Entertaining and enlightening' MATTHEW SYED
    'This book will challenge your thinking on what success truly is and will give you tools to "succeed" in life in the truest sense of the world. This is definitely not just another book about sport and those who happen to be good at it' -- GOLDIE SAYERS
    'The intention behind this book is beautiful, and I highly recommend it' RUPERT SPIRA
    'The best guide we have to what it means to be human' AMOL RAJAN

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  • If you want to get along with other people, and therefore be able to get ahead, being able to communicate clearly is a fundamental skill. In this age of chatbots and remote work, one thing that cannot be outsourced to machines are decent communication skills. And yet, so many people in so many industries speak in a language and jargom that makes it difficult to actually understand what they are saying. And that is a big mistake. Simplicity is key, as the BBCs master communicator Ros Atkins can explain
    My book Champion Thinking: How To Find Success Without Losing Yourself draws on some of my favourite interviews over the last six years. In it, I seek to challenge our ideas about 'success', and where peace, joy and fulfilment are truly to be found.
    'This book captures the magic of being in flow . . . Highly recommend' RONNIE O'SULLIVAN
    'Entertaining and enlightening' MATTHEW SYED
    'This book will challenge your thinking on what success truly is and will give you tools to "succeed" in life in the truest sense of the world. This is definitely not just another book about sport and those who happen to be good at it' -- GOLDIE SAYERS
    'The intention behind this book is beautiful, and I highly recommend it' RUPERT SPIRA
    'The best guide we have to what it means to be human' AMOL RAJAN

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  • Enough is an underrated word. If more people recognised we are all innately 'enough', then the world would likely look very different.
    Becky Hall is the author of 'The Art of Enough', and she explains the relationship between being enough, having enough and doing enough. The sense of not being enough is so prevalent and drives so many fear-based behaviours we see in the world. In reconnecting with our innate 'enough-ness' we move into a state of ease and flow.
    My book Champion Thinking: How To Find Success Without Losing Yourself draws on some of my favourite interviews over the last six years. In it, I seek to challenge our ideas about 'success', and where peace, joy and fulfilment are truly to be found.
    'This book captures the magic of being in flow . . . Highly recommend' RONNIE O'SULLIVAN
    'Entertaining and enlightening' MATTHEW SYED
    'This book will challenge your thinking on what success truly is and will give you tools to "succeed" in life in the truest sense of the world. This is definitely not just another book about sport and those who happen to be good at it' -- GOLDIE SAYERS
    'The intention behind this book is beautiful, and I highly recommend it' RUPERT SPIRA
    'The best guide we have to what it means to be human' AMOL RAJAN

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  • A New Way of Being is about recognising that we are all innately enough. Most of us don’t always feel that way, but it’s an illusion largely created by identifying with the outdated voice in our heads.
    And so much stuff out there, including much of the so-called high performance culture, comes from a place of inadequacy. If we are not enough as we are, of course we will expand vast amount of energy trying to BECOME enough in the future. But that’s a trap. We cannot become what we already are, and the search obscures this recognition.
    Does this mean we become passive, lazy, indifferent and don’t look to do big and important things in the world? Of course not. But crucially the intention is different. We are not seeking to prove our worth. We are choosing to express it. It’s a whole different energy and way of being.
    So, I have decided to bring all my platforms under one banner - A New Way of Being. So that’s my podcast, YouTube and Substack newsletter. The final chapter of an epic trilogy of rebrands! The podcast started out as Don’t Tell Me The Score on the BBC, using sport to explore life’s bigger questions. Those episodes are still in the back catalogue, so tuck in. Then onto Life Lessons – broadening the scope from just sport.
    Time for a new way of being, don’t you think?
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  • "If your emotional abilities aren't in hand, if you don't have self-awareness, if you are not able to manage your distressing emotions, if you can't have empathy and have effective relationships - then no matter how smart you are, you are not going to get very far."
    That is one of Daniel Goleman’s quotes about emotional intelligence, which was also the title of his best-selling book – which outlined a compelling argument as to why EQ matters more than IQ. In this bitesize episode, Daniel breaks down what emotional intelligence is, and then shares some ways to develop your EQ – including by using mindfulness meditation.

    My book Champion Thinking: How To Find Success Without Losing Yourself is now on general release. Drawing on some of my favourite interviews over the last five years, including with Daniel Goleman, I want to challenge our ideas about 'success', and where peace, joy and fulfilment are truly to be found.

    'This book captures the magic of being in flow . . . Highly recommend' RONNIE O'SULLIVAN
    'Entertaining and enlightening' MATTHEW SYED
    'This book will challenge your thinking on what success truly is and will give you tools to "succeed" in life in the truest sense of the world. This is definitely not just another book about sport and those who happen to be good at it' -- GOLDIE SAYERS
    'The intention behind this book is beautiful, and I highly recommend it' RUPERT SPIRA
    'The best guide we have to what it means to be human' AMOL RAJAN

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  • "Letting go is one of the most efficacious tools by which to reach spiritual goals." - David Hawkins
    This conversation is about the power of letting go of outcomes, identity and attachments. It is paradoxically incredibly hard, and easy, at the same time. Letting go allows us to free ourselves from the burdens of the past and live fully in the present moment. This is a re-released episode with the delightful Kevin Clifton while I take a short break, but we will be back with some big plans and new episodes in a couple of weeks.

    My book Champion Thinking: How To Find Success Without Losing Yourself is now on general release. Drawing on some of my favourite interviews over the last five years, I want to challenge our ideas about 'success', and where peace, joy and fulfilment are truly to be found.

    'This book captures the magic of being in flow . . . Highly recommend' RONNIE O'SULLIVAN
    'Entertaining and enlightening' MATTHEW SYED
    'This book will challenge your thinking on what success truly is and will give you tools to "succeed" in life in the truest sense of the world. This is definitely not just another book about sport and those who happen to be good at it' -- GOLDIE SAYERS
    'The intention behind this book is beautiful, and I highly recommend it' RUPERT SPIRA
    'The best guide we have to what it means to be human' AMOL RAJAN

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  • "One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation." - Arthur Ashe
    So many of the elite performers I have spoken to over the last six years have exuded confidence. But what makes them so confident in their abilities?
    The answer — preparation! Once the building blocks are in place, you can let go and surrender to what happens. That's when magic happens.
    Hours of meticulous preparation allows top performers like Wales rugby legend Sam Warburton to walk into any situation with confidence. This he applied from a very young age, at school as well as on the pitch, and it has served him well throughout life.

    My book Champion Thinking: How To Find Success Without Losing Yourself - is now on general release. Drawing on some of my favourite interviews over the last five years, I want to challenge our ideas about 'success', and where peace, joy and fulfilment are truly to be found.

    'This book captures the magic of being in flow . . . Highly recommend' RONNIE O'SULLIVAN
    'Entertaining and enlightening' MATTHEW SYED
    'This book will challenge your thinking on what success truly is and will give you tools to "succeed" in life in the truest sense of the world. This is definitely not just another book about sport and those who happen to be good at it' -- GOLDIE SAYERS
    'The intention behind this book is beautiful, and I highly recommend it' RUPERT SPIRA
    'The best guide we have to what it means to be human' AMOL RAJAN

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  • How to ensure you are getting the right nutrition to fuel yourself for performance, health, mood and overall wellbeing. James Collins is recognised as a leading Sport & Exercise Nutritionist. In elite sport he has worked with Team GB Olympic teams and athletes over three Olympic Games. He joined Arsenal Football Club in 2010, where he spent seven seasons as the club’s first performance nutritionist.
    He has worked as a consultant with England Football, France Football (2018 World Cup winners), and is currently a consultant with Chelsea FC. He was a project lead of an international team of 31 authors to produce the ‘UEFA Expert Group Statement on Nutrition in Elite Football‘, the best practice guidelines within the sport, published in The British Journal of Sports Medicine (BJSM).
    James is Managing Director of INTRA performance Group working with talent from elite sport and entertainment from their Harley Street clinic. He was previously elected President of The Royal Society of Medicine’s Food and Health Forum and is author of the acclaimed book 'The Energy Plan'.

    James' website:

    My book Champion Thinking: How To Find Success Without Losing Yourself is now on general release. Drawing on some of my favourite interviews over the last six years, I want to challenge our ideas about 'success', and where peace, joy and fulfilment are truly to be found. Reviews below.

    'This book captures the magic of being in flow . . . Highly recommend' RONNIE O'SULLIVAN
    'Entertaining and enlightening' MATTHEW SYED
    'This book will challenge your thinking on what success truly is and will give you tools to "succeed" in life in the truest sense of the world. This is definitely not just another book about sport and those who happen to be good at it' -- GOLDIE SAYERS
    'The intention behind this book is beautiful, and I highly recommend it' RUPERT SPIRA
    'The best guide we have to what it means to be human' AMOL RAJAN

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  • You cannot fill an inner void with accomplishments and approval. The reality is, many 'high performers' are driven by a desire to compensate for emotional wounds. This isn’t to cast judgement on so called "successful" people – it is just to suggest that putting them on a pedestal is simplistic and frequently overlooks deeper truths. This week's bitesize guest is Caitlyn Jenner - who won Olympic Decathlon Gold in 1976 as Bruce Jenner - and whose house in LA I visited to record the full length episode.

    My book Champion Thinking: How To Find Success Without Losing Yourself - is now on general release. Drawing on some of my favourite interviews over the last five years, I want to challenge our ideas about 'success', and where peace, joy and fulfilment are truly to be found.

    'This book captures the magic of being in flow . . . Highly recommend' RONNIE O'SULLIVAN
    'Entertaining and enlightening' MATTHEW SYED
    'This book will challenge your thinking on what success truly is and will give you tools to "succeed" in life in the truest sense of the world. This is definitely not just another book about sport and those who happen to be good at it' -- GOLDIE SAYERS
    'The intention behind this book is beautiful, and I highly recommend it' RUPERT SPIRA
    'The best guide we have to what it means to be human' AMOL RAJAN

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    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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  • To evolve is to survive. Former England cricketer turned TMS pundit Ebony Rainford-Brent suffered a huge personal tragedy when she was just five, her oldest brother died after being a victim of knife crime. Ebony also grew up without much material wealth, and aged 19, she suffered a serious back injury which meant she could barely walk and faced never playing sport again. Despite sinking into a deep depression, those experiences eventually shaped her future.

    My book Champion Thinking: How To Find Success Without Losing Yourself - is now on general release. Drawing on some of my favourite interviews over the last five years, I want to challenge our ideas about 'success', and where peace, joy and fulfilment are truly to be found.

    'This book captures the magic of being in flow . . . Highly recommend' RONNIE O'SULLIVAN
    'Entertaining and enlightening' MATTHEW SYED
    'This book will challenge your thinking on what success truly is and will give you tools to "succeed" in life in the truest sense of the world. This is definitely not just another book about sport and those who happen to be good at it' -- GOLDIE SAYERS
    'The intention behind this book is beautiful, and I highly recommend it' RUPERT SPIRA
    'The best guide we have to what it means to be human' AMOL RAJAN

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    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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  • You’re always going to be you, therefore it’s better to accept yourself as you are than to try to be something you’re not.
    In this episode, which was recorded live at the Hay festival, Nigel Owens shares the vital lessons he learnt about self-acceptance, after coming close to taking his own life because of an inability to accept his sexuality.

    My book Champion Thinking: How To Find Success Without Losing Yourself - is now on general release. Drawing on some of my favourite interviews over the last five years, I want to challenge our ideas about 'success', and where peace, joy and fulfilment are truly to be found.

    'This book captures the magic of being in flow . . . Highly recommend' RONNIE O'SULLIVAN
    'Entertaining and enlightening' MATTHEW SYED
    'This book will challenge your thinking on what success truly is and will give you tools to "succeed" in life in the truest sense of the world. This is definitely not just another book about sport and those who happen to be good at it' -- GOLDIE SAYERS
    'The intention behind this book is beautiful, and I highly recommend it' RUPERT SPIRA
    'The best guide we have to what it means to be human' AMOL RAJAN

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    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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  • It can be so easy to let resentments build and sweep things under the carpet, to avoid having the difficult conversation because you know it will be uncomfortable. But – sweeping issues under the carpet is not a recipe for harmony, whether in business, families, relationships of teams. Issues and feelings need to be faced and processed. Two people who are well aware of this are Kate and Helen Richardson-Walsh who were part of the team that made history by becoming the first British women's side to win Olympic hockey gold at Rio 2016.

    My book Champion Thinking: How To Find Success Without Losing Yourself is now on general release. Drawing on some of my favourite interviews over the last five years, I want to challenge our ideas about 'success', and where peace, joy and fulfilment are truly to be found.

    'This book captures the magic of being in flow . . . Highly recommend' RONNIE O'SULLIVAN
    'Entertaining and enlightening' MATTHEW SYED
    'Using high achieving individuals, teams and sporting stories Simon has looked into something we actually all know or at least once did - the ability to live life more in the now' JASON FOX
    'The intention behind this book is beautiful, and I highly recommend it' RUPERT SPIRA
    'The best guide we have to what it means to be human' AMOL RAJAN

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    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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  • Best-selling author James Kerr goes deep into the heart of the world's most successful sporting team, the legendary All Blacks of New Zealand, to reveal 15 powerful and practical lessons for leadership and business. The 15 lessons are Character, Adapt, Purpose, Responsibility, Learn, Whanau, Expectations, Preparation, Pressure, Authenticity, Sacrifice, Language, Ritual, Whakapapa, and Legacy.
    My book Champion Thinking: How To Find Success Without Losing Yourself - is now on general release. Drawing on some of my favourite interviews over the last five years, I want to challenge our ideas about 'success', and where peace, joy and fulfilment are truly to be found.
    'This book captures the magic of being in flow . . . Highly recommend' RONNIE O'SULLIVAN
    'Entertaining and enlightening' MATTHEW SYED
    'This book will challenge your thinking on what success truly is and will give you tools to "succeed" in life in the truest sense of the world. This is definitely not just another book about sport and those who happen to be good at it' -- GOLDIE SAYERS
    'The intention behind this book is beautiful, and I highly recommend it' RUPERT SPIRA
    'The best guide we have to what it means to be human' AMOL RAJAN
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  • I was fortunate enough to be invited onto the Healing Place podcast recently with MIta Mistry - author, therapist and columnist - to talk about my book Champion Thinking: How To Find Success Without Losing Yourself. I really enjoyed speaking with Mita - and so am sharing our conversation here.

    The Healing Place Podcast:

    Champion Thinking: How To Find Success Without Losing Yourself is now on general release. Drawing on some of my favourite interviews over the last five years, I want to challenge our ideas about 'success', and where peace, joy and fulfilment are truly to be found.

    'This book captures the magic of being in flow . . . Highly recommend' RONNIE O'SULLIVAN
    'Entertaining and enlightening' MATTHEW SYED
    'Using high achieving individuals, teams and sporting stories Simon has looked into something we actually all know or at least once did - the ability to live life more in the now' JASON FOX
    'The intention behind this book is beautiful, and I highly recommend it' RUPERT SPIRA
    'The best guide we have to what it means to be human' AMOL RAJAN

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    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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