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Dive into the world of Product Lifecycle Management with PLM Evolution, formerly The PLM Quick 30. Explore the latest in digital transformation and digital thread as host Patrick Sullivan engages with industry leaders redefining product innovation. Get insights, trends, and compelling conversations from the nexus of technology and business. Your essential guide to the modern PLM landscape. Tune in and stay ahead of the curve!
مرحبًا بك في بودكاست تكنولوجيا وتعليم مع وليد البداد
في هذا البودكاست، سنتحدث بطريقة بسيطة وممتعة عن تقنيات التعليم وأثرها في حياتنا. قد نعتقد أحيانًا أن التعليم والتكنولوجيا ليسا متلازمين، وأن التعليم هو قطاع تقليدي وصعب التجديد. وربما تكون لدينا تجارب غير إيجابية في التعلم عن بُعد أو استخدام منصات التعلم الإلكتروني.
ولكن في الواقع، قطاع التعليم هو واحد من أكثر القطاعات ابتكارًا وتأثرًا بالتكنولوجيا. دعونا نفكر في أدوات الذكاء الاصطناعي وتأثيرها على التعليم، وفي أدوات الواقع المعزز والواقع الافتراضي. بغض النظر عن التحديات التي يواجهها قطاع التعليم، الا إنه قطاع شيق ويؤثر في حياة الجميع، سواء كنا طلابًا في المدارس أو متعلمين يسعون لتطوير أنفسهم أو باحثين عن المعرفة عبر محركات البحث أو وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي.
في هذا البودكاست، سنلقي نظرة على التعليم والتكنولوجيا من زوايا جديدة خارج الصفوف الدراسية التقليدية. سنناقش أحدث الابتكارات التقنية وتأثيرها على عملية التعلم. سنتعرف على تجارب تصميم المعلومات والتصميم التعليمي المبتكرة. سنستضيف أيضًا خبراء ومتخصصين في مجالات مختلفة ليشاركونا تجاربهم كمدرسين أو متعلمين أو خبراء في التكنولوجيا التي تؤثر على قطاع التعليم.
هذا البودكاست مخصص لجميع الأشخاص الذين يرغبون في فهم عملية التعلم واكتساب المهارات الجديدة، بالإضافة إلى الأشخاص المهتمين بالتكنولوجيا والتعليم.
Email: [email protected]
Mirgün Cabas ve Can Kozanoğlu önceki podcast serileri İlk Sayfası'nda yazarlarla bir "sözlü yazı atölyesi" yapmıştı. Şimdi de bir kurs/seminer dizisine başlıyorlar. Farklı disiplinlerin uzmanlarıyla yaptıkları söyleşilerde bu alanların temel kavramlarını, meselelerini konuşuyorlar. Daha fazla derinlesmek isteyenler için konuklarından okuma önerileri alıyorlar.
My K9 Coach Podcast aims to educate and empower dog owners, giving them the tools and knowledge to build their ideal lifestyle with and for their dogs. Episodes will provide actionable dog training protocols, explore current dog training trends and feature guests within the canine industry.
Join the conversation in the Facebook Group, just search My K9 Coach Podcast.
The No Fluff Just Stuff (NFJS) Software Symposium Tour has delivered over 400 events with over 65,000 attendees. NFJS speakers are well-known developers, authors, and project leaders from the software development community. Join us for news and discussion around software development. Current topics include: Java, JavaScript, Scala, Groovy, Clojure, Cloud, Docker, Software Architecture, HTML 5, CSS, NoSQL, Spring, and other development technologies.
Welcome to Therapists Corner, where we explore the world of therapy, mental health, and the inner workings of the mind. Join me, Sarah, a Therapist with over 20 years of experience who delivers a range of therapy and runs a successful private practice; Sarah opens the door to the therapy room. Whether you're a therapist, curious about therapy, or simply interested in understanding the complexities of the mind, this podcast is for you. Get ready for conversations with experts in the field, insights into therapy practices, and a glimpse behind the scenes of private practice. Grab a cup of tea, cosy up, and join us for enlightening discussions that will leave you feeling empowered and informed.
Community Signal is a podcast for experienced online community professionals, including those working in audience engagement, association management, developer relations, moderation, trust and safety, and more. It's released every two weeks and hosted by industry veteran Patrick O’Keefe.
This is a very community-focused program. There are plenty of social media and marketing podcasts out there. That’s not what this is. Social media is a set of tools. Community is a strategy you apply to those tools. Marketing brings new customers. Community helps you keep them. -
The 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen presents a new focus for international debate and decisions about energy and its use. What are the countries of Western Europe and Scandinavia doing to promote sustainable energy production? Just how different will the future energy map of Europe look? And is energy policy principally a scientific issue or a political one? This album contains a series of films exploring energy policy in various countries around Europe in 2006, framed by audio pieces recorded by Open University academic Godfrey Boyle in the run up to the Copenhagen Conference. He highlights the central issues that the conference aims to address, and gives an update on how European energy policies have changed since the films were made. This material forms part of The Open University course T206 Energy for a sustainable future.
When you switch on a light or turn the heating on in your home, do you think about where that power has come from? In most of the world, we’re still burning harmful fossil fuels to create energy. However, throughout Europe a growing number of householders have decided to put the environment first, by switching to a “green tariff” with energy suppliers who can guarantee renewable, fossil fuel-free energy. This album explores the various ways in which innovative technologies - such as wind-farms, heat exchangers, photovoltaic panels and combined heat and power plants - provide the opportunity to revolutionise energy markets and turn whole communities and districts green. One town in Holland is a good example of a “suburban energy island”, where the solar-panelled buildings act as energy providers back to the main grid when they generate extra to spare. Altogether the tracks in the album inspire a new way of looking at designing modern living using a mix of technologies to ensure a socially, economically and environmentally sustainable future. You can find out more about innovation in design by exploring the albums "Design and Sustainability" and "Sustainable Communities". This material is taken from The Open University course T307 Innovation: designing for a sustainable future.