In today's episode, I am joined by Ashley Keough. Ashley is a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and at 15 realized that having horrible periods was not normal. But it took her over 10 years to get diagnosed with Endometriosis and another few years to figure out a solution to her horrible pain that was not using the birth control pill. In this episode Ashley breaksdown her LEADS method for thriving with endo. Learn more about Ashley and her program here: .
Follow Lexie on Instagram or visit -
In today's episode, I am joined by Calli Holguin to talk all about period problems!! Calli is the founder of Innate Nutrition, where she specializes in helping women get relief from their painful periods and PMS. She uses nutrition and lifestyle changes to fulfill her mission that every woman deserves to feel at home in her body.
Follow Lexie on Instagram or check out more resources at -
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
In this episode, I am diving in to the difference between acne triggers and the true, root causes of your acne. Yes, there is a difference. Removing acne triggers like coffee, sugar and dairy might help decrease your breakouts... but if you don't address the deep causes of your chronic acne it will never heal. This episode is the MUST LISTEN TO for any woman struggling to heal her adult acne. To learn more about my acne healing program, check out Clear Skin Academy and Follow me on Instagram @wildsparrowwellness and reach out! Take my acne triggers quiz here.
Stress... I know you are feeling it’s impact now more than ever with the current global “situation”... did you know it has a HUGE impact on your hormones? Yup. Stress (emotional, physical, environmental, physiological) leads to a cascade of events that can mess with our hormones and leave us with acne breakouts, cramps, bloating, low energy, sugar and chocolate cravings, headaches, PMS symptoms and more!
I break down the HOW and WHY all this stress and anxiety is impacting your hormones and what you can realistically do about it.
Want more info on hormones? Head to for tools and resources on balancing your hormones and healing your acne naturally! -
This is a must listen to episode! Brittany Shepard, FNTP and owner of Crown Centered Wellness, helps us connect nutrition to depression, anxiety and addiction and sheds light on the very important topic of mental health support. You are going to want to take notes during this one! You can learn more about Brittany on Instagram: @crowncenteredwellness and on her Website: And as always, you can reach out to me at:
This episode is all about the power of Cycle Syncing and the Cycle Syncing Method developed by Alissa Vitti (check of FLO Living). What would it feel like to be totally in flow with your body so that you can work with your hormones, energy and super powers during each phase of your menstrual cycle? uh... it would be AMAZING, right? To work with your body, rather than against it. I break down all the basics in this episode. You can learn more by checking out Alissa Vitti & Dr. Jolene Brighton.
This is a fantastic episode for anyone struggling with horrible periods, hormonal imbalances, PCOS, and acne. My guest today is online holistic nutritionist Sam Lodge of Be Well and Wander. She helps women with PCOS and period problems balance their hormones and reverse their symptoms using food, exercise, and self care. Trust me, you'll want to take notes on this episode!! Find Sam at: Instagram: @bewellandwander Website: And to learn more about acne and nutrition visit my website at:
I am happy to introduce you to my guest today, Dr. Jordan May! Jordan is a licensed physical therapist and nutritional therapy practitioner, practicing both in person in the city of Denver, Colorado and remotely with women online. Today we are chatting all about the warning signs that you are doing too much and that your body is stressed to the max! Jordan talks us through adrenal health and the stress - mindset connection. Connect with Jordan: Instagram: @Docjmay Twitter: @Docjmay Facebook: Docjmay Website:
Today, Holistic Health and Body Image Coach Sarah Menlove of joins me to break down our diet beliefs. We discuss how our beliefs around food, dieting, and restriction are formed, what words, phrases and marketing we are seeing in today's diet culture that are tricking us in to believing we're following a healthy nutrition program and we dig deep into how damaging these diet culture mindsets can be to our bodies. To learn more from Sarah you can connect with her on Instagram And as always, you can visit for more resources! #dietculture #intuitiveeating #dietbeliefs #breakupwithdiets
In this episode, I am teaching you my top 5 tips for staying motivated to reach your wellness goals this year. These are super practical and steps that anyone can take to really fire up their internal motivation to go after their fitness, nutrition and health goals in 2020. More resources at: What are your health goals this year? I want to know how I can help support you! Email me at: [email protected] or reach out on Instagram @wildsparrowwellness #motivation #healthmotivation #goalsetting
In this episode we're having a little bit of fun with the Enneagram. Here is what I think of each type as it relates to nutrition, health and wellness and some nutrition plan strategies to keep in mind for your type. **This is definitely not scientific haha and is all in good fun. Let me know what you think by messaging me at [email protected]
Today I have my first guest on the podcast to talk all about beating the holiday stress, anxiety and overwhelm. You are definitely going to want to grab a pen to write down these awesome strategies that Peg is sharing with us. Peg is breaking down simple and effective mindset strategies for conquering your holiday season feeling productive, prepared and at ease.
Peg Wedig, NTP, is a certified nutritional therapy practitioner. She coaches people one-on-one and through her online group membership, Simply Real. She teaches her signature step-by-step method, The PEGS Process, that helps people make lasting mindset and lifestyle changes in a simple, strategic and effective way. Peg’s work emphasizes the power of mindset, nutrition, sleep, stress reduction, movement and detoxification strategies in order to help her clients live a full, healthy and vibrant life.
You can connect with Peg on the web at and at Wedig Wellness on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.
Ok friends, time for some tough love. In this episode, I'm highlighting some of the bad habits you're probably still doing that are causing your acne to keep coming back. No, the super actionable advice in this episode will not be the one magical piece to healing your acne, BUT it will definitely get you on to the right track of creating less inflammation and less chances for breakouts. IF you've been struggling with your acne for a while, I recommend hitting me up for a free Connection Call, so I can tell you about the 6-step prove process I used to heal my cystic acne and that has worked for my clients too. Book a free consult here or visit
In this episode, I am taking you behind the scenes of my nutrition membership called The Fuel Lab, and letting you in on our lesson all about how to reduce holiday stress. The holidays should be fun and joyful, not full of anxiety, stress and over-eating or restricting foods! Listen for my top tips on how to make the holidays less stressful and more enjoyable this year! Things I mention in this episode: The Fuel Lab and My Email Community.
This is a BONUS episode. It's a totally open and honest, real and raw, unedited chat with me on why your should list needs to be ditched and how we can prioritize the things that are right for us going into 2020. more at
This episode is a fun little chat about one of my current obsessions, the Enneagram Personality system. The enneagram has played a big part in self-development for me over the last year and in helping me understand my relationships with my friends and loved ones even better. I highly recommend diving in to this episode to learn about the 9 personality types, their fears, desires, motivations and some fun banter on the Enneagram System. Not sure what your Enneagram type is? I recommend this test. You can go here to learn more about each type. I love these Instagram account: Enneagram and Coffee and Gina Gomez. Reach out and tell me what YOUR type is and if any thing about it surprised you? email me: [email protected] or DM on Instagram @wildsparrowwellness
In this episode, we are diving into it you guys! Why you are still struggling with acne, why what you've been told to do for years is probably making your skin issues worse and the three big root causes of cystic, adult acne. Of course, I will also offer up the best way to get started with healing your acne naturally.
Contact me: @wildsparrowwellness on Instagram or learn more at -
#selfcaresunday can seem pretty "un-do-able" for a lot of us who are busy and on the go all week long. But it is so important to schedule time to fill up our own cup and tune in with your body's needs! In this episode, I'm sharing my top 5 tips and simple tricks to implementing self care into your busy schedule.
Contact me at | @wildsparrowwellness on Instagram
Check out these blog posts: 5 Foods For More Energy | | 3 Inexpensive Ways To Boost Your Energy Naturally -
This episode is Part 2 of Adrenal Fatigue / HPA Axis Dysregulation. If you haven't already, go back to episode 7 and listen to Part 1 first. In this episode, I break down the top 5 ways you can support your body during chronic stress and how you can boost your energy naturally! I talk about specific diets that cause us stress, caffeine, self-care strategies for reducing stress, exercise and stress, and of course herbs, supplements and health products you can implement into your routine to support healing! Learn more at www.
Today's episode is PART 1 of my chat on HPA axis dysfunction (commonly thought of as adrenal fatigue). We're breaking down what it feels like when your body can't keep up with your chronic stress, why this occurs and other reasons why your body is stressed out (that you may not even think of!). Listen for Part 2 next week!
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