
  • 【聊了什么The What】 从2022年末ChatGPT发布至今,这不到两年时间里,以它为首的许多人工智能(语言模型/软件/生产力工具?)已经成为了许多都市人生活与工作的一大部分。本期我们邀请了两位人工智能和语言模型相关领域的朋友,以ChatGPT为引子,从情感、玄学、伦理、权力等维度闲聊一下我们每个人与人工智能之间亲密而复杂的关系。 In less than two years since ChatGPT's release at the end of 2022, many artificial intelligences—whether it is language models, software, or productivity tools—have become integral parts of the lives and work of many people. In this issue, we invite two friends from the field of artificial intelligence and language models to use ChatGPT as a starting point to chat about the intimate and complex relationship between each of us and artificial intelligence from dimensions such as emotions, mysticism, ethics, power, and more. 【时间轴 The When】 4:28 生活中,我们怎样使用AI 17:18 ChatGPT老师现场展示超高性别意识 24:39 人工智能的道德哪里来? 36:20 当玄学遇见大数据 41:31 AI或许很擅长提供情绪价值? 47:41 我们与AI的学习方式有哪些异同 1:02:13 被人工智能与大数据抹去的「人」 4:28 How do we use AI in everyday life? 17:18 ChatGPT’s gender awareness is beyond average men, obviously 24:39 Where does the morality of AI come from? 36:20 Metaphysics meet big data 41:31 AI is so good at providing emotional value? 47:41 Let’s compare and contrast human and AI’s ways of learning 1:02:13 Human forgotten by AI and big data 【拓展链接 The Links】 什么是大语言模型(LLM) 特德·姜:ChatGPT是互联网文本的一个模糊JPEG 中文房间(Chinese Room) 土耳其行棋傀儡(Mechanical Turk) 甘道夫AI解谜游戏 【我们是谁】 大波福娃是一档中文女权喜剧播客。我们希望用笑声对抗禁忌,用幽默消解规训。 这里聚集了一群长期在海外生活的女权主义者,我们通过嬉笑怒骂的方式观察世界,调侃父权。 我们想创造一个安全的空间,鼓励更多由女性和酷儿群体主导的对话,为宇宙指明发展的方向! “Dat Beauvoir” is a Chinese feminist comedy podcast. We aim to combat taboos with laughter and dissolve patriarchal norms with humor. Here gathers a group of diasporic feminists residing overseas. Together we observe the world, mocking male supremacy through playful banter. We want to create a safe space, encouraging more conversations led by women and LGBTQ+ communities, shedding light on the right path for the universe's future with laughter and satire! 本期我们的主播和嘉宾: 跑跑(they/them):工匠/小丑/人民教师/高科技亚逼(消歧义),尊重且热爱谐音梗 小苕 (it/its):一颗坡塔头,最近自我认同为姜薯豆浆里的姜薯 杜安瑞 (she/her):一个写东西的女的 居居逼 (it/its): 一颗靠AI吃饭的大红枣 Our hosts and guests: Runrun (they/them): local shop tech / clown / adjunct / computer beep boops, pun always intended. Shao (it/its): A potato with Chinese characteristics. Can’t be fried or smashed. Duane Reade (she/her): A woman who writes. Jujube (it/its): A jujube who makes a living through AI. 【支持我们】 如果喜欢这期节目并希望支持我们将节目继续做下去: 众筹平台链接: Patreon 爱发电 合作投稿邮箱:[email protected]

  • 【聊了什么The What】 前段时间,贾玲导演的《热辣滚烫》引发了全网热烈的讨论,正反双方各执一词。两位胖娃主播携手两位胖娃嘉宾,结合亲身经历来聊聊这部电影,以及我们自己的身体故事。这是一期关于胖女孩的爱与欲望、愤怒与平和、伤痛与自愈的大码播客。请带着你的小肚腩、双下巴和拜拜肉一起听哦! ***本期节目会聊到电影当中与自我伤害相关的情节,也涉及抑郁症和进食障碍等个人经历的讲述,请大家关照自己的情绪状态并选择是否继续收听 Recently, director Jia Ling's film YOLO sparked plenty of discussions on Chinese social media, with both sides holding strong opinions. Two of our plus-size hosts and two plus-size guests come together to look at this film through the lenses of our own body and stories. This is a plus-size episode about love and desire, rage and peace, pain and self-healing of plus-size girls. Please remember to bring your belly, double chin, and flabby arms while you listen! ***This episode will discuss scenes in the movie related to self-harm, as well as personal stories related to depression and eating disorders. Please decide whether to continue listening with care for yourself. 【时间轴 The When】 03:14 热辣滚烫:女性主创的宝贵之处 16:28 肥胖等于懒惰和弱小吗? 22:01 拳击:肉身疼痛作为精神压力的出口 28:18 聊聊贾玲一路走来 38:04 每位胖娃的身体独白 51:35 生活中胖娃才懂的时刻 01:02:29 「害怕变胖」算不算一种肥胖羞辱 01:05:40 脑海深处自己瘦下来的想象 01:09:18 减肥的疼痛与运动的快乐 01:23:26 胖娃的爱与欲望,有直有弯 01:42:02 肉肉胳膊也可以美美纹身 01:47:52 给身材焦虑的朋友来点胖娃力量 03:14 YOLO: Highlights of a women-led blockbuster production 16:28 Does obesity equal laziness and weakness? 22:01 Boxing: Physical pain as an outlet for stress 28:18 Jia Ling's journey 38:04 Monologues of each plus-size hosts 51:35 Relatable moments only plus-size girls understand 01:02:29 Is ‘fear of getting fat' a form of fat-shaming? 01:05:40 Imaginations of a thinner self 01:09:18 The pain of cutting weight and the joy of working out 01:23:26 Love and desire of plus-size girls, straight and queer 01:42:02 Chubby arms also deserve pretty tattoos 01:47:52 A dose of plus-size power for friends struggling with body anxiety 【拓展链接 The Links】 罗克珊·盖伊:《饥饿:一部身体的回忆录》 【我们是谁】 大波福娃是一档中文女权喜剧播客。我们希望用笑声对抗禁忌,用幽默消解规训。 这里聚集了一群长期在海外生活的女权主义者,我们通过嬉笑怒骂的方式观察世界,调侃父权。 我们想创造一个安全的空间,鼓励更多由女性和酷儿群体主导的对话,为宇宙指明发展的方向! Who We Are “Dat Beauvoir” is a Chinese feminist comedy podcast. We aim to combat taboos with laughter and dissolve patriarchal norms with humor. Here gathers a group of diasporic feminists residing overseas. Together we observe the world, mocking male supremacy through playful banter. We want to create a safe space, encouraging more conversations led by women and LGBTQ+ communities, shedding light on the right path for the universe's future with laughter and satire! 本期我们的主播和嘉宾: 张波儿 (she/her):一位擅长制造快乐的工业设计大波巫师 小苕 (it/its):一颗坡塔头,最近的自我认同为番薯糖水里的地瓜 白鱼 (she/her):艰苦努力毕业的人类学研究生,也是一名创作歌手。 趴趴亚 (she/her):毕业后成功步入稳定职业轨道:全职小胖丫,兼职大码纹身师 Our hosts and guests: Boobor (she/her): One busty witch designer with a masters in the arts of manufacturing happiness! Shao (it/its): A potato with Chinese characteristics. Can’t be fried or smashed. Baiyu (she/her): Graduate student of anthropology trying hard to graduate. Also a singer-songwriter. Papaya (she/her): In a steady career path of full-time fat girlie and part-time plus-size tattoo artist. 本期节目由小苕制作,Hazel Tang进行音频编辑。Ruby 设计封面,跑跑制作音乐。 大波福娃是一档由百花传媒出品的播客。 This episode was produced by Shao, edited by Hazel Tang. Logo design by Ruby. Music produced by Runrun. Dat Beauvoir is a podcast produced by Baihua Media. 【支持我们】 如果喜欢这期节目并希望支持我们将节目继续做下去: 众筹平台链接: Patreon 爱发电 合作投稿邮箱:[email protected]

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  • 【聊了什么】 作为中国长大的女同性恋是种怎样的生命体验?本期节目我们请到了三位国产拉拉,她们来自不同的年龄分层,有着不同的外形,和独特的恋爱经历。虽说这个世界上充斥着各式各样的刻板印象,在海外生活的中国拉拉更不例外。但我们就是有这个本事化腐朽为神奇。和女友同居父母却要来探望?姐妹教你挑床垫。基督教高中同学恐同?我们一起搞深柜。践行女权,世界大同,没有什么难得倒我们中国拉拉。 Growing up as a lesbian in China - what's that like? In this episode, we've invited three Chinese lesbians, each from a different age group, sporting diverse looks, and boasting unique love stories. Sure, the world is full of stereotypes, and Chinese lesbians living abroad are no exception. But hey, we've got the knack for turning the mundane into magic. From navigating parental visits while cohabiting with our girlfriends to expert tips on choosing mattresses, and standing up against homophobia even in our Christian high school circles – we're all about smashing stereotypes, promoting feminism, and fostering unity in diversity. Nothing can faze the fearless Chinese lesbians! 【时间轴】 01: 46 女同刻板印象大集合 09:45 小学女同学放学前不亲到我就不回家? 14: 08 震惊!东北产铁更产铁T 17: 13 男生不喊楼就不会表白吗? 21:33 高下立判:一个吻比不上陌生姐姐的笑容 25:48 异性恋只是一个阶段,会过去的 32: 38 放学了,你老公会来接你吗? 37: 13 公开的秘密——我的室友其实是我女朋友 41: 29 结过,离了,别问了 44:42 同性恋群体内化了哪些异性恋行为模板? 51: 06 拒绝心累自证,我的头发长短只与我的洗发水用量挂钩 01: 46 Compilation of Stereotypes about Chinese Lesbians 09: 45 Refuse to go home until my classmate kisses me goodbye? 14:08 Intriguing connections between Dongbei and butch 17: 13 Do guys only know one way to show their affection? 21:33 Not even a competition: A kiss can't compare to the smile of a stranger girl 25: 48 Heterosexuality is just a phase, this well shall pass 32: 38 School's out, will your husband come pick you up? 37: 13 Public secret — My roommate is actually my girlfriend 41: 29 Have married, already divorced, stop crossing my boundaries and gossiping about my private life! 44:42 Which heterosexual behavior templates are internalized within the homosexual community? 51: 06 No more self-proves! The length of my hair has nothing to say about me as a person 【我们是谁】 大波福娃是一档中文女权喜剧播客。我们希望用笑声对抗禁忌,用幽默消解规训。 这里聚集了一群长期在海外生活的女权主义者,我们通过嬉笑怒骂的方式观察世界,调侃父权。 我们想创造一个安全的空间,鼓励更多由女性和酷儿群体主导的对话,为宇宙指明发展的方向! “Dat Beauvoir” is a Chinese feminist comedy podcast. We aim to combat taboos with laughter and dissolve patriarchal norms with humor. Here gathers a group of diasporic feminists residing overseas. Together we observe the world, mocking male supremacy through playful banter. We want to create a safe space, encouraging more conversations led by women and LGBTQ+ communities, shedding light on the right path for the universe's future with laughter and satire! 本期主播和嘉宾: 桃子(She/her):一个还没出道就隐退了的业余脱口秀演员,精通捆粽子和翻花绳 小齐(She/her):爱发言不爱偷乐的小同志。东张西望,一无所长的快乐冠军。 无所长的快乐冠军。哩鸭(She/her):白天坐班夜晚起舞持续发疯 River(She/they):一个学生 Our hosts and guests: Sis Peach (She/her): I have a Golden retriever, a plush dog with an imaginary ESA vest. Xiao Qi (She/her): Queer diplomat, bad-ass comedian, crowned the champion of happiness. Lia (She/her): Daytime corporate slave, nighttime slay, all time all over the place. River(She/they): A dreamer. 本期节目由桃子制作,Ruby Yang设计封面,Hazel进行音频编辑。 大波福娃是一档由百花传媒出品的播客。 This episode was produced by Sis Peach, Ruby Yang designed the logo. Hazel Tang edited the episode. Dat Beauvoir is a podcast produced by Baihua Media. 【支持我们】 如果喜欢这期节目并希望支持我们将节目继续做下去: 众筹平台链接: Patreon: 爱发电: 合作投稿邮箱:[email protected]

  • 【聊了什么The What】 2024 年伊始,三位接受唯物主义教育的福娃聚在一起聊聊星座、迷思、现代巫术,以及玄学实践对于女性和性少数社群的重要性。我们聊了聊女巫的历史——从中世纪的迫害,到现代流行文化之中的演绎,最后落回那些发生在我们自己身上的奇妙时刻。 At the beginning of 2024, three atheist feminists gathered to chat about astrology, myths, modern witchcraft, and the significance of occult practices for women and queer communities. We delved into the history of witchcraft, from the persecution in the Middle Ages to their reinterpretation in contemporary popular culture, finally landing on the magical moments that have occurred in our own lives. 【时间轴 The When】 01:00 从中年女性崛起开始聊聊玄学 03:23 哈利波特的女巫世界对我们的影响 13:18 迪士尼公主还是折翼的女巫? 19:15 中国巫师——自由职业者的巅峰? 26:27 聊聊欧美的猎巫历史与计划生育 44:03 日常玄学实践:星座、八字、MBTI 57:58 现代巫术的不同模样:做梦、泡澡、跳舞、煲汤 1:07:31 我们的月经故事 1:21:36 重新想象月经APP:身体的阴晴圆缺 1:25:39 科学法术之现代女巫会编程 01:00 Let’s about metaphysics through the rise of middle-aged women 03:23 Lasting cultural influences of Harry Potter 13:18 Disney princesses or queer witches? 19:15 Chinese wizards have the best freelance gigs? 26:27 Europe's witch-hunting history and family planning laws 44:03 Everyday occult practices: Astrology, fortune-telling, MBTI 57:58 Modern witchcraft is amongst us: Dreaming, bathing, dancing, soup-making 1:07:31 Our period stories 1:21:36 Reimagining period apps: keeping time with the moon 1:25:39 Scientific witchcraft: Programmers as witches (...yes) 【拓展链接 The Links】 女巫之槌 舞踏 【我们是谁】 大波福娃是一档中文女权喜剧播客。我们希望用笑声对抗禁忌,用幽默消解规训。 这里聚集了一群长期在海外生活的女权主义者,我们通过嬉笑怒骂的方式观察世界,调侃父权。 我们想创造一个安全的空间,鼓励更多由女性和酷儿群体主导的对话,为宇宙指明发展的方向! “Dat Beauvoir” is a Chinese feminist comedy podcast. We aim to combat taboos with laughter and dissolve patriarchal norms with humor. Here gathers a group of diasporic feminists residing overseas. Together we observe the world, mocking male supremacy through playful banter. We want to create a safe space, encouraging more conversations led by women and LGBTQ+ communities, shedding light on the right path for the universe's future with laughter and satire! 本期我们的主播和嘉宾: 张波儿 (she/her):一位擅长制造快乐的工业设计大波巫师 跑跑(they/them):工匠/小丑/人民教师/高科技亚逼(消歧义),尊重且热爱谐音梗 小苕 (it/its):一颗坡塔头,咖喱牛腩里的薯仔,地三鲜里的土豆 Our hosts and guests: Boobor (she/her): One busty witch designer with a masters in the arts of manufacturing happiness! Runrun (they/them): local shop tech / clown / adjunct / computer beep boops, pun always intended. Shao (it/its): A potato with Chinese characteristics. Can’t be fried or smashed. 本期节目由张波儿制作,Valerie 进行音频编辑。Ruby 设计封面,跑跑制作音乐。 大波福娃是一档由百花传媒出品的播客。 This episode was produced by Boobor, edited by Valerie. Logo design by Ruby. Music produced by Runrun. Dat Beauvoir is a podcast produced by Baihua Media. 【支持我们】 如果喜欢这期节目并希望支持我们将节目继续做下去: 众筹平台链接: Patreon 爱发电 合作投稿邮箱:[email protected]

  • 【聊了什么The What】 有人说Bottoms 垫底俱乐部是一部高校性转版的《搏击俱乐部》,但其实远远不止如此。它荒诞离奇,充满暴力和一些隐藏的不算太深的讽刺和哲思,是适合我们这个时代的美国高校喜剧电影。 故事围绕着Josie和PJ这一对好友展开,她们是这所美国高中食物链的底层,不只是因为她们是拉拉,而是用她们自己的话来说:“gay,ugly and untalented”。在高三毕业前的最后一年这对好友决心突破自己,互为僚机泡到全校最受欢迎的拉拉队队员,而她们达成目标的方式就是阴差阳错组建了这个高中第一个女子搏击俱乐部。 Some say "Bottoms" is a high-school-themed, gender-flipped version of "Fight Club," but it's far more than that. It's a bizarre and whimsical journey, filled with violence and some blazen satire and not-so-subtle philosophical musings— a perfect update of the high school comedy genre fit for our times. The story revolves around Josie and PJ, a dynamic duo situated at the bottom rung of the American high school social ladder. Their struggles extend beyond being lesbians; in their own words, they're "gay, ugly, and untalented." In their final year before graduating high school, this determined pair sets out to break free from their constraints to date the two most popular cheerleaders in the school. Their unconventional method? Accidentally forming the first all-female fight club in the high school. 【时间轴 The When】 00:00 对电影的初印象:高校性转版的《搏击俱乐部》? 10:46 电影里的主要女性角色 33:51 时空错乱美学:Y2K的视觉叠加在2023年的观念上 43:30 美国高校电影和我们的酷儿启蒙 54:48 为什么这部电影里的暴力如此令人心旷神怡(?) 01:15:54 这个电影吃了几个性别研究博士生? 01:32:58 今夏其他破破烂烂间歇发疯但是歌颂暖心女性友谊的喜剧电影 00:00 Initial Impressions of the Movie: A Gender-Swap High School Version of "Fight Club"? 10:46 Deep dive on our favorite characters 33:51 Aesthetic of Temporal Disarray: Y2K Visuals Superimposed on 2023 Concepts 43:30 American High School Movies and Our Queer Enlightenment 54:48 Why the Violence in This Movie is So Delightfully Liberating (?) 01:15:54 This Film is a Gender Studies Love Fest 01:32:58 Other Ragged, Intermittently Insane, Yet Heartwarming Comedies Celebrating Female Friendship This Summer 【拓展链接 The Links】 ‘Bottoms’ Review: Physical Education Getting So High That You Think You’re Going to Die - Ayo Edebiri - Taking the Stage Sabrina Wu - Hot Girl Impression 【我们是谁】 大波福娃是一档中文女权喜剧播客。我们希望用笑声对抗禁忌,用幽默消解规训。 这里聚集了一群长期在海外生活的女权主义者,我们通过嬉笑怒骂的方式观察世界,调侃父权。 我们想创造一个安全的空间,鼓励更多由女性和酷儿群体主导的对话,为宇宙指明发展的方向! Who We Are “Dat Beauvoir” is a Chinese feminist comedy podcast. We aim to combat taboos with laughter and dissolve patriarchal norms with humor. Here gathers a group of diasporic feminists residing overseas. Together we observe the world, mocking male supremacy through playful banter. We want to create a safe space, encouraging more conversations led by women and LGBTQ+ communities, shedding light on the right path for the universe's future with laughter and satire! 本期我们的主播和嘉宾: 桃子(she/her):一个还没出道就隐退了的业余脱口秀演员,精通捆粽子和翻花绳 跑跑(they/them):工匠/小丑/人民教师/高科技亚逼(消歧义),尊重且热爱谐音梗,老龄 Z 世代。 小苕 (it/its):一颗零零后坡塔头,咖喱牛腩里的薯仔,地三鲜里的土豆 Nancy (she/her):惨惨的博士僧,是一个older millennial中年人 小蓝 (she/her):来自隔壁疲惫娇娃的另一个older millennial Our hosts and guests: Sis Peach (she/her): I have a Golden retriever, a plush dog with an imaginary ESA vest. Runrun (they/them): local shop tech / clown / adjunct / computer beep boops, pun always intended. Shao (it/its): A potato with Chinese characteristics. Can’t be fried or smashed. Nancy (she/her): a struggling PhD, older millennial Lil Blu (she/her):another older millennial from a podcast nextdoor 本期节目由小蓝制作,Ruby Yang设计封面,Valere Chen进行音频编辑。 大波福娃是一档由百花传媒出品的播客。 This episode was produced by Xiao Lan, Ruby Yang designed the logo. Valere Chen edited the episode. Dat Beauvoir is a podcast produced by Baihua Media. 【支持我们】 如果喜欢这期节目并希望支持我们将节目继续做下去: 众筹平台链接: Patreon 爱发电 合作投稿邮箱:[email protected]

  • 【聊了什么】 这期节目,我们想聊聊世界十大未解之谜的第十一个问题:为什么潘一同学作为一个女权主义者,在性中却总是希望被别人夺走一点自主权?擅长在性中夺走别人自主权的桃子和杂食动物小苕对此有话要说。 In this episode, we are about to unpack a juicy unresolved mystery: Why does Pan Yi, as a feminist, gets turned on by having some of her agency taken away? Taozi, a girl with a special set of skills, and Xiao Shao, a girl with a special set of kinks, have something to say about this. 【时间轴】 00:58 震惊,女权主义者也玩BDSM? 4:21 性启蒙的动画片:主角被欺负的越惨我们越兴奋? 16:35 我们对自己XP的矛盾感 19:22 暗黑系XP一览 22:30 女权主义者的强奸幻想 31:07 BDSM世界中的权力交换 38:51 外界标准塑造我们对性的认知和自我定义 41:38 我的怀孕幻想与我选择不生育的现实 46:48 先天还是后天——性癖的社会化与政治化 50:38 强奸性幻想中VS真实的强奸 56:41 和解不了的性癖怎么办 00:58 Can a Feminist enjoy BDSM? 4:21 Childhood sexual awakening in Cartoons 16:35 Our Contradictory feelings about our own kinks 19:22 A Glimpse into “darker” sexual fetishes 22:30 Feminists’ rape fantasies 31:07 Power exchange in the world of BDSM 38:51 How external standards shape our perception and sexuality 41:38 My pregnancy fantasies vs. My choice to remain childfree 46:48 Nature or Nurture – The socialization and politicization of sexual fetishes 50:38 Rape Fantasies vs. The Reality of Actual Rape 56:41 What to Do with Irreconcilable Sexual Fetishes 【拓展链接】 The Nature of Women’s Rape Fantasies: An Analysis of Prevalence, Frequency, and Contents Why Feminists Enjoy Rape Fantasies We’re Shaped by Our Sexual Desires. Can We Shape Them? 【我们是谁】 大波福娃是一档中文女权喜剧播客。我们希望用笑声对抗禁忌,用幽默消解规训。 这里聚集了一群长期在海外生活的女权主义者,我们通过嬉笑怒骂的方式观察世界,调侃父权。 我们想创造一个安全的空间,鼓励更多由女性和酷儿群体主导的对话,为宇宙指明发展的方向! Who We Are “Dat Beauvoir” is a Chinese feminist comedy podcast. We aim to combat taboos with laughter and dissolve patriarchal norms with humor. Here gathers a group of diasporic feminists residing overseas. Together we observe the world, mocking male supremacy through playful banter. We want to create a safe space, encouraging more conversations led by women and LGBTQ+ communities, shedding light on the right path for the universe's future with laughter and satire! 本期我们的主播和嘉宾: 潘一(she/her):新闻与纪录片工作者,东北话十级 桃子(she/her):一个还没出道就隐退了的业余脱口秀演员,精通捆粽子和翻花绳 小苕 (it/its):一颗坡塔头,咖喱牛腩里的薯仔,地三鲜里的土豆 Our hosts and guests: Pan Yi (she/her): Fake-news producer by day. Doc filmmaker by night. Full-time granola person. Sis Peach (She/her): I have a Golden retriever, a plush dog with an imaginary ESA vest. Shao (it/its): A potato with Chinese characteristics. Can’t be fried or smashed. 本期节目由小杨制作,Ruby Yang设计封面,Hazel进行音频编辑。 大波福娃是一档由百花传媒出品的播客。 This episode was produced by Xiao Yang, Ruby Yang designed the logo. Hazel Tang edited the episode. Dat Beauvoir is a podcast produced by Baihua Media. 【支持我们】 如果喜欢这期节目并希望支持我们将节目继续做下去: 众筹平台链接: Patreon 爱发电 合作投稿邮箱:[email protected]

  • 【我们是谁】 大波福娃是一档中文女权喜剧播客。我们希望用笑声对抗禁忌,用幽默消解规训。 这里聚集了一群长期在海外生活的女权主义者,我们通过嬉笑怒骂的方式观察世界,调侃父权。 我们想创造一个安全的空间,鼓励更多由女性和酷儿群体主导的对话,为宇宙指明发展的方向! “Dat Beauvoir” is a Chinese feminist comedy podcast. We aim to combat taboos with laughter and dissolve patriarchal norms with humor. Here gathers a group of diasporic feminists residing overseas. Together we observe the world, mocking male supremacy through playful banter. We want to create a safe space, encouraging more conversations led by women and LGBTQ+ communities, shedding light on the right path for the universe's future with laughter and satire! 本期我们的主播和嘉宾: 潘一(she/her):新闻与纪录片工作者,东北话十级 桃子(she/her):一个还没出道就隐退了的业余脱口秀演员,精通捆粽子和翻花绳 跑跑(they/them):工匠/小丑/人民教师/高科技亚逼(消歧义),尊重且热爱谐音梗 小苕 (it/its):一颗坡塔头,咖喱牛腩里的薯仔,地三鲜里的土豆 张波儿 (she/her):一位擅长制造快乐的工业设计大波巫师 Our hosts and guests: Pan Yi (she/her): Fake-news producer by day. Doc filmmaker by night. Full-time granola person. Sis Peach (She/her): I have a Golden retriever, a plush dog with an imaginary ESA vest. Runrun (they/them): local shop tech / clown / adjunct / computer beep boops, pun always intended. Shao (it/its): A potato with Chinese characteristics. Can’t be fried or smashed. Boobor (she/her): One busty witch designer with a masters in the arts of manufacturing happiness! 【聊了什么The What】 一群女的/酷儿凑在一起会发生怎样的化学反应? 磨了三个月的大波福娃终于和大家见面了!我们是一群热爱喜剧的女权主义者。本期我们讨论了女权主义和喜剧表演形式的交叉性,我们分析了现有公众视野中出现的女性喜剧表演者,以及她们的作品。我们通过分享自己的经历和思考,鼓励更多的女性及性少数群体勇敢发声,挑战由男性构建起的语言框架。 When a group of women and queers come together, what kind of chemical reaction takes place? After three months of grinding, the Dat Beauvoir finally made our debut! We are a bunch of feminist comedy enthusiasts. In this episode, we delve into the intersectionality of feminism and comedic performance, analyzing existing female comedians in the public eye and their works. By sharing our own experiences and thoughts, we encourage more women and sexual minorities to bravely voice their opinions, challenging the language frameworks constructed by men. 【时间轴 The When】 0:55 大波福娃是谁? 2:32 幽默是一种力量,也是我们对抗世界的武器 7:30 饭局上的男人霸麦一整晚,我们却只能陪笑? 10:05 反弹!只要有幽默护体,你就伤不了我 13:45 女权意识大觉醒——人之初,女本权 24:22 什么?女权主义者竟在我身边!什么?女权主义者竟是我自己! 28:00 男人是我们的灵感慕斯,又好吃又好玩 33:56 骂男人带动公共讨论,大骂带动小骂,先骂带动后骂 36:38 主流喜剧行业中,女性从业者的边缘化与样板化 42:02 女性做喜剧远不是只有“搞笑女”这一条路 48:10 喜剧是做女权的媒介——良性侵犯 52:12 用喜剧消化和理解自己的伤痛经历 55:35 女的搞喜剧的宗旨:不要内耗自己,要去外耗他人 57:06 大波福娃与你同在 1:01:56 女的时间! 0:55 Who are we? 2:32 Humor is our weapon against the world 7:30 Men dominate conversations at dinner parties; do we have to just smile along? 10:05 Bounce back! Humor as armor 13:45 The awakening of feminist ideas — Humans are born feminists 24:22 What? Feminists are around me! What? Feminist is myself! 28:00 Men are our inspirational “mousse” —delicious and fun. 33:56 Criticizing men sparks public discourse 36:38 The marginalization and tokenization of female comedians in the mainstream comedy industry 42:02 Women in comedy can do more than giggling 48:10 Comedy as a medium for feminism — a benign violation 52:12 Using comedy to digest and understand personal trauma 55:35 Rule #1 for female comedians: don't internalize our stress, “externalize” to others 57:06 Dat Beauvoir is with you 1:01:56 “Women of the hour!” 【拓展链接 The Links】 Hannah Gadsby: Nanette | Official Trailer | Netflix Mae Martin: SAP | Official Trailer | Netflix An existentialist account of the role of humor against oppression What makes things funny 本期节目由潘一制作,Ruby设计封面,潘一进行音频编辑。 大波福娃是一档由百花传媒出品的播客。 This episode was produced by Pan Yi, Ruby designed the logo. Pan Yi edited the episode. Dat Beauvoir is a podcast produced by Baihua Media. 【支持我们】 如果喜欢这期节目并希望支持我们将节目继续做下去: 众筹平台链接: Patreon 爱发电 合作投稿邮箱:[email protected]