
  • Welcome to Episode 27 of "Educating Kids and Connecting Families," hosted by Christine Furman. As we celebrate the 4th of July, Christine shares valuable insights on how parents can turn everyday summer experiences into educational opportunities for their kids. From discussing pool safety to the science behind fireworks, she emphasizes the importance of finding teachable moments in our daily lives.

    Christine shares her personal experiences, notably her sourdough baking journey, illustrating how hobbies can be conducive to imparting critical thinking and problem-solving skills to children. She highlights various topics, such as exploring nature, gardening, and even understanding carbon monoxide poisoning from boats, showcasing how educational experiences can be woven into family activities. Christine also sheds light on the significance of empowering children through tech skills and entrepreneurship, providing a holistic view of integrating learning into fun and engaging activities.

    Quotes from today’s episode:

    "How can we take something that we're interested in and make it something that the kids are excited to learn about?" "It really lights me up to be able to take one topic and really just dive so deep into that topic." “I've given you now the skill to know how to do it." "Always look for those teaching moments and they are going to be excited to share what they've learned from you.” “Give them the skills to be able to be content creators. Give them the skills to be coders.”


    Incorporate Daily Activities into Learning: Utilize everyday experiences and hobbies, like baking or gardening, to teach kids critical life skills. Engage with Nature: Promote curiosity and learning by exploring the outdoors, observing wildlife, and discussing environmental science. Teach Safety and Preparedness: Use real-life scenarios, such as pool safety and boat carbon monoxide risks, to educate and protect children. Empower Through Technology: Introduce children to tech skills like content creation and graphic design to prepare them for the future. Holistic Learning Approach: Combine traditional education with practical experiences to foster a love of lifelong learning.

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  • In this episode, Christine provides a wealth of information for parents grappling with the decision between public school and homeschooling. Drawing from her experience as both a public school teacher and a homeschool mom, she offers a balanced perspective, emphasizing support, love, and community. She details her journey from creating educational playdates and virtual preschools to developing a multi-sensory curriculum, all while being a mompreneur. Through her platform, Eduplay Learning, Christine ensures families have the resources and support needed to make informed decisions about their children's education and foster meaningful family connections.

    She discusses the transition from public school to homeschooling, the evolution of her educational platform EduPlay Learning, and the importance of community and support for all families. Christine also highlights the resources, curriculum, and guidance available for parents aiming for intentional educational experiences with their children, regardless of the schooling path chosen. Tune in for insights that promise to enhance family connections and children's learning journeys.

    Quotes from today’s episode:

    "Public school or homeschool... it's never my stance to push one versus the other but rather to inform and share my experiences." "If homeschooling is on your heart and it's been a desire for you and your family, I'm here to provide you with resources, insight on the curriculum, engagement, support." "I love building up the family unit. And I guess if you look at it, the root of everything that I do, that’s really what it’s about." "It’s all about educating kids and meeting them right where they are and connecting families in any capacity that is." "I want to provide you with a community that will be there to support you. I want to link arms with you and encourage you every step of the way." "If you feel something is not right, if you feel their needs are not being met in some way, you need to speak up." "My goal is to give my kids the best education possible. And if I can't do that anymore, then I have to look at other resources."


    Balancing Summer Fun and Education: Christine shares her summer plans and emphasizes the importance of enjoying family moments while maintaining educational engagement. Public School vs. Homeschooling: Christine discusses her experiences in both settings, offering a non-judgmental, supportive stance for families making this critical decision. The Evolution of eduplay learning: From educational playdates to subscription boxes and academies, Christine has developed comprehensive resources to support family education. Community and Support for All Families: Although her focus is on homeschooling, Christine values every family’s unique situation, offering resources and support regardless of their educational choices. Being an Advocate: Christine highlights the importance of being an advocate for your child's education and well-being, irrespective of whether they are in public school or homeschooled, and offers to provide guidance and resources to families in need

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  • Episode 25 of "Educating Kids and Connecting Families," Christine Furman shares about the joys and challenges of managing summer activities for kids without succumbing to overstimulation and exhaustion. Christine discusses how the lack of routine during summer can lead to tantrums, outbursts, and general frustration for both parents and children. She shares valuable insights on how to balance fun outdoor activities with the need for rest and recuperation.

    Throughout the episode, Christine emphasizes the importance of understanding the root causes of overstimulation, such as excessive sun exposure, disrupted sleep patterns, and imbalanced diets. She provides practical tips on maintaining hydration, incorporating nutritious snacks, and ensuring sufficient rest to help manage the increased energy demands of summer fun. Christine also touches on how breaking the school-year routine can impact children's behavior and offers strategies for creating a balanced summer schedule that includes both engaging activities and downtime.

    Quotes from today’s episode:

    “I love summer and I enjoy the sun... but it can also lead to tantrums, outbursts, frustration, and irritation." "Sometimes we just need to take a step back and say, why are these behaviors happening?" "Making sure that our kids have water bottles... so important to be hydrated, especially when we're outside in the sun." "Sometimes we just need a moment to step back and say, what is not going the way that it should and how can we make it so we can move forward successfully?" "Remember to communicate, monitor sleep, focus on nutrition and hydration, and create a balanced schedule."


    Understanding Overstimulation: Recognize how too much sun, heat, and activity, combined with a lack of routine, can lead to summer overstimulation. Hydration and Nutrition: Ensure adequate water intake and incorporate nutritious snacks to maintain energy levels and reduce irritability. Maintaining a Routine: Establish a flexible yet consistent summer schedule to provide structure, reduce boredom, and manage expectations. Dealing with Changes: Communicate effectively with your family about changes in routine and set clear expectations for the day. Grace and Adjustments: Give yourself and your kids grace, making necessary adjustments to routines and activities to keep everyone happy and engaged.

    Thanks for listening! Let’s get connected!

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  • In episode 24 of "Educating Kids and Connecting Families," host Christine Furman dives into the often debated topic of homeschooling and socialization. Christine addresses common concerns such as, "How do homeschooled children socialize?" and "Will homeschooling make kids socially awkward?" Through her own personal anecdotes and expert knowledge, she debunks myths surrounding socialization in homeschooling and emphasizes the various opportunities homeschoolers have to interact and engage with their peers.

    Christine shares how her own initial concerns about homeschooling shifted over time. Reflecting on her journey, she narrates an encounter from seven years ago when she met a polite homeschooled boy, making her question preconceived notions about socialization. Throughout the episode, she underscores how socialization is a continuous, lifelong process that begins at birth. Christine provides numerous examples of how homeschool children interact with diverse groups of people in various settings such as parks, libraries, and community events. The episode also highlights the importance of fostering respectful interactions and building confidence in children to communicate effectively with others.

    Quotes from today’s episode:

    "Socialization happens all the time, all around us. Just how I believe learning is all around us, so is socialization.” “It's really about talking to everyone and becoming friends with everyone, regardless of age, ability, background.” "I want to debunk some of these homeschool socialization myths and share some socialization opportunities and benefits, not only helpful for the homeschool community, but for anyone." "So many great ways to help our kids with socialization, interaction, and communication.”


    Socialization Begins Early: Socialization is a natural, ongoing process that starts at birth and continues throughout life. Homeschool Opportunities: Homeschooled children have ample opportunities to socialize through parks, playgrounds, libraries, community events, and errands. Family Time and Interaction: Homeschooling allows more time for children to spend with their parents and close relatives, providing deeper family connections and learning experiences. Building Confidence: Encouraging children to interact in various social settings helps build their confidence and communication skills. Debunking Myths: The commonly held belief that homeschoolers lack social skills is inaccurate, as they often have more diverse social interactions compared to their traditionally schooled peers. Thanks for listening! Let’s get connected!

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  • Host Christine Furman delves into the rewarding, yet often daunting journey of homeschooling, in this week’s episode of "Educating Kids and Connecting Families." With a clear passion for education and an empathetic understanding of parental concerns, Christine dispels common myths and encourages parents considering the homeschool path. She offers reassurance and motivational insights, emphasizing that the capability to teach one's children is inherent in all parents.

    Christine Furman addresses the common misconceptions and fears associated with homeschooling, such as doubts about personal teaching abilities and maintaining pace with the curriculum. Emphasizing the power of community, resources, and the natural teaching instincts of parents, she reassures listeners that homeschooling is a viable option for those who wish to be more involved in their children's learning experience. With anecdotes and practical tips, the episode serves as an inspiring guide for embarking on a homeschooling adventure with confidence and joy.

    Quotes from today’s episode:

    “You are building yourself up one day at a time, and I'm building you up right here alongside you." "Think about your kids from the time they were babies. Did you teach them how to walk? Did you teach them how to talk? What about potty training? All of these skills that they have to learn for life? You are the one that taught them those things." "What if we stop following what everyone else does and follow what our children need, what they need the most?" "I firmly believe in my decision to homeschool my kids and if this is the desire on your heart, I urge you to dig deep. Believe in yourself and the ability to teach your kids well."


    Homeschooling is a deeply personal choice driven by the desire to spend more time with one's children and tailor the education experience to fit individual needs. Parents are inherently equipped to teach their children fundamental skills, with or without a formal teaching background. Education should focus on practical, real-life applications beyond the curriculum, encouraging children to develop a lifelong love of learning. Taking homeschooling one year at a hand allows parents to adapt to their child's learning needs and make adjustments without long-term pressure. Christine offers specific resources, like Eduplay Learning, to aid parents in their homeschooling journey and build a supportive community. Thanks for listening! Let’s get connected!

    Join the Exclusive Facebook group - Educating Kids & Connecting Families to connect with Christine, access valuable resources, and connect with moms from all over the world.

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  • In this enlightening episode of "Educating Kids and Connecting Families," Christine Furman delves into the challenges and solutions around crafting summer schedules and mitigating mom guilt – common themes that resonate with many families as the school year concludes. Christine approaches these topics with the understanding that summer should be a time of fun and relaxation, yet the reality of ongoing responsibilities and work commitments still looms.

    Christine outlines strategic methods for maintaining educational continuity for children during the summer, from setting up a structured daily routine to incorporating educational games and activities into leisure time. She emphasizes the importance of establishing expectations, solid communication with family members, and balancing work with quality family engagement. Through personal anecdotes and practical advice, this episode serves as a guide for parents navigating the summer season while juggling various roles and responsibilities.

    Quotes from today’s episode:

    "We have decided that we are going to set aside at least 1 hour a day where they're going to focus on their skills, they're going to read and practice their math facts." "Of course I want to get outside and pretend like I don't have any responsibilities and lay by the pool all day and just have a great time." "Maybe some quiet time, after lunchtime or whatever time you are able to work the best.” "So enjoy the moments. Enjoy the time. You are amazing. Your kids are amazing. They love you. Your spouse loves you. Tell them once in a while, too how much you appreciate them for all that they do." "Why did I start a business? Because I wanted to be home with them. Because I wanted to teach them. I wanted to be their teacher. I wanted to connect with moms around the world and let them know that they're not alone."


    Establishing a summer schedule within the family can help balance work, education, and leisure, keeping children's skills sharp while also allowing for necessary relaxation and playtime. Allocating specific times for essential daily activities, such as piano practice and reading, can provide structure and encourage ongoing learning throughout the summer months. Seeking help, such as a mother's helper or coordinating with neighbors for playdates, can alleviate the workload on parents and create opportunities for focused work time. Setting boundaries with family schedules and discussing summer goals leads to a more harmonious and fulfilling season for both parents and children. Self-care for parents is crucial – taking time to recharge and expressing gratitude for one's family can mitigate feelings of guilt and improve overall well-being.

    Thanks for listening! Let’s get connected!

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  • In this captivating episode of "Educating Kids and Connecting Families," host Christine Furman delves into the world of family road trips and the art of traveling with children. As a seasoned traveler herself, Christine shares a treasure trove of tips and tricks that have turned their lengthy family road trips into enjoyable and memorable adventures. The episode creates an inviting atmosphere for parents looking for guidance on how to best prepare for long car journeys with kids in tow.

    Christine takes us through the evolution of road trips from her carefree twenties to the meticulously planned twelve-hour drives from Georgia to Pennsylvania with a car full of kids, snacks, and entertainment. Her anecdotes serve as a relatable backdrop for the practical advice she offers, expertly interspersed with memories and personal experiences. Insightful and engaging, the episode delivers advice that ranges from food choices to car activities and homeschooling on the go.

    Quotes from today’s episode:

    "My number one job is to keep you safe. So I want you to think about that. Is it okay to distract mommy while she's driving?" "I've realized that more healthy snacks are better for us because it keeps us energized, it keeps us focused." "How can we turn all of this into teaching moments?" "They are completing their activities and their lessons for the day. So we didn't even lose a day of school because we're traveling, which I absolutely love."


    Family Road Trip Planning: Successful road trips with kids rely on a mix of healthy snacks, engaging activities, and planning for contingencies such as extra clothes and essential toiletries. In-Car Entertainment: Creative games and activities, including 'What Am I?', road trip bingo, and trivia, can keep children occupied and make the time pass more quickly. Traveling and Homeschooling: Combining travel with education, Christine shares tips on integrating homeschool lessons into travel time, turning the journey into an opportunity for learning. Safety First: The significance of safe driving and creating an awareness of in-car behavior in children to ensure a smooth and secure journey. Making Memories: Viewing road trips not as a chore but as a chance to bond, create lasting family memories, and instill a love for travel in children.

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    EduPlay Learning: Offers homeschooling support and learning resources. EduPlay Learning Summer Activity Kit: A kit specifically mentioned for kids aged two to seven, inclusive of activities and supplies. Educating Kids & Connecting Families Facebook Group: a community space for sharing additional tips and resources. Freebie for Listeners: A road trip bingo pack mentioned to be available in the Facebook group for those who join.

    Ensure you tune in to this and future episodes of "Educating Kids and Connecting Families" for more insightful discussions and invaluable tips to enrich your family's educational journey. Whether you're a seasoned road tripper or planning your first family adventure, Christine's guidance is sure to pave the way for a smoother and more enjoyable experience.

    Join the Exclusive Facebook group - Educating Kids & Connecting Families to connect with Christine, access valuable resources, and connect with moms from all over the world.

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  • In this engaging episode of "Educating Kids and Connecting Families," host Christine Furman shares a variety of fun and educational activities to keep children entertained and intellectually stimulated during the summer months. From outdoor sports to classic games and family bonding, Christine's advice strikes the perfect balance between playtime and learning. She emphasizes the importance of enjoying the journey of raising children, making the most of each day, whether it's packed with excitement or proves to be a bit overwhelming.

    Christine's heartfelt recommendations resonate with listeners, as she combines her expertise in education with her personal experiences to offer practical tips for every family setup. Whether it's managing screen time, fostering creativity, or introducing kids to various sports, Christine's approach is all about enriching children's lives through engaging, diverse, and rewarding activities. This episode serves as a valuable guide for parents seeking to craft a memorable and productive summer for their children.

    Quotes from today’s episode:

    "I encourage you to really enjoy each moment because it truly does go by so fast." "How do we want them to remember these moments? Full of fun, laughter, enjoyment, memories that are going to last forever." "They love us and look up to us every moment.” "Sometimes it's just a jumpstart. We need to help them think outside of the box and be creative and use their imagination because it's so important." "I do also know that I have seen in my own personal experience that when my kids aren't watching the screens, they have to be more creative with their time, and they start to use their imagination so much more."


    Embrace each moment: Life with children is fleeting, so it's crucial to treasure the time spent with them and make lasting memories. Find balance in activities: Combine physical activities like sports or outdoor play with educational pursuits to keep kids' skills sharp during summer. Limit screen time: Encourage children to use their imagination and creativity through play rather than relying on digital entertainment. Be Intentional: Dedicate focused and uninterrupted time with kids to make them feel appreciated and deepen family bonds. Incorporate learning in fun ways: Use games and everyday activities as opportunities to teach and reinforce educational concepts outside traditional settings.

    Thanks for listening! Let’s get connected!

    😎 Are you looking for easy ways to keep your kiddos entertained and engaged this summer? Check out the EduPlay Learning Summer Activity Kit! It includes over 70 activities and ideas, engaging videos with Ms. Christine, all supplies and materials delivered to your door, community and endless moments to make memories that will last a lifetime.

    Join the Exclusive Facebook group - Educating Kids & Connecting Families to connect with Christine, access valuable resources, and connect with moms from all over the world.

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  • Welcome to an empowering and reflective journey with Christine Furman in episode 19 of "Educating Kids and Connecting Families." As Mother's Day nears, this episode stands as a heartfelt appreciation post for moms everywhere, addressing the efforts, struggles, and unseen battles they face. From the daily routines of managing family life to the emotional struggles that go unnoticed, Christine opens a window into the life of a mom, offering solidarity and encouragement.

    Christine delves into the world of motherhood, acknowledging the variety of roles moms play, no matter whether they stay at home, work, homeschool, run a business or uphold a family while their partner serves in the military. She emphasizes the power of community in uplifting each other amidst challenges. Christine also highlights appreciating the mundane tasks by viewing them as blessings, and advocates for transparent communication between moms and their partners or family members to seek help and appreciation effectively.

    Quotes from today’s episode:

    "You're doing hard things and you're doing them well." "We just lift each other up. We just continue to support each other, encourage each other, and say, "I see you." "I have been in many walks of these stages of life as a mom." "Let's change all of those negatives into positives and just really make it an uplifting situation." "We're here to highlight those strengths and the positives and recognize you for all the challenges that you face day in and day out." "We are a team and we're going to work together to ensure that everything runs smoothly."


    Moms of all walks of life experience unseen struggles and deserve recognition and support for their hard work. Changing the mindset about daily chores from burdensome tasks to blessings can positively impact mental well-being. Communication with spouses about tasks and emotions is crucial for teamwork and reducing the feeling of doing everything alone. Asking for help and scheduling self-care are essential for maintaining balance and positive mental health. Structured communication with the whole family, including setting expectations and schedules, can help distribute responsibilities.

    Thanks for listening! Let’s get connected!

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  • In this engaging episode of "Educating Kids and Connecting Families," host Christine Furman interviews a special guest — Erika Maddamma, Declutter Coach and owner of Sunny Spaces Organizing. They dive deep into the art of decluttering, discussing practical strategies for families to reduce the overload of possessions and streamline their living environments. Erika shares her journey into the decluttering profession and the importance of living an intentional life. She walks us through her insights on the psychological benefits of minimalism and the freeing sensation it offers. As well as emphasizing the need to set boundaries and be mindful of what comes into our homes. Erika also provides tips for organizing toys and explains the concept of toy rotation. She encourages listeners to take small steps and be consistent in maintaining an organized space.

    Quotes from today’s episode:

    "Pay it forward. Let somebody else use it [unwanted items]. Let somebody else have the joy of that item, and don't hold it all for yourself." — Erica Madama reinforcing the benefits of donating items. "We all have the ones way high up that, you know, you need a stepstool to get to. If your daily item requires a stepstool, it's not getting put back, right?" — Erica Madama discussing the importance of having practical and accessible storage solutions. "The other thing is our things were invented and created for people to use them, not to sit in your basement and collect dust." — Erica Madama on the purpose of possessions and using them meaningfully. "Your home should reflect what you want to feel. And most of the people that I meet do not want to feel chaos and stress." — Erica Madama on aligning your home environment with your desired emotional state.


    Decluttering and organizing a space is an ongoing process that significantly impacts one's well-being and life satisfaction. Minimalism isn't about living with the bare minimum; it's about being intentional with what possessions you choose to keep. Setting clear boundaries for spaces, like using bins as a limit for toy storage, helps control the amount of clutter and teaches children how to manage their belongings. Toy rotation is a beneficial strategy to keep children engaged and ensure play areas are not overwhelmed with too many choices. Selling or donating items that are no longer needed can be gratifying and creates space for items currently in use.

    About the Guest:

    Erika Maddamma is a professional declutter coach and the enterprising owner of Sunny Spaces Organizing. Known for her Type A personality, she has a lifelong passion for organization and efficiency, which she has cultivated since childhood. Erika holds a history of organizing everything within reach right down to her own closet spaces. After college, her zest for organization led her to write a business plan for 'Erika organizes'. Post-college, Erika stepped into the corporate world, and her journey there included traveling the nation, selling baby car seats and strollers. However, it was her venture into motherhood that prompted her to take the entrepreneurial leap, starting her own business after feeling a pull to be more present in her child's life. Her business is now four years old and focuses on transforming cluttered homes into tidy spaces that promote more efficient and joyous living.

    Ways to get connected with Erika:

    Sunny Spaces Organizing:

    Email: [email protected]

    Instagram and Facebook handles: @sunnyspacesorganizing

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  • In this episode of "Educating Kids and Connecting Families," host Christine Furman discusses cleaning schedules, decluttering tips, and natural cleaning products. She offers a behind-the-scenes peek into her methods and inspires listeners with her own experiences and practical advice on decluttering and organizing. Christine shares a relatable perspective on the challenges and triumphs of keeping a clean household amidst the chaos of raising young children. She also provides tips for decluttering one item at a time and highlights the benefits of using natural cleaning products like vinegar and baking soda. From establishing a cleaning schedule that fits the unique rhythm of her family's life to embracing the process of decluttering, Christine delivers pearls of wisdom that resonate with parents everywhere.

    Quotes from today’s episode:

    "It served me. It's time to pass it on and share it with someone else and allow someone else to be able to experience it and use it, or it's time to just get rid of it." "But when I get to it, it really does not take me that long to actually accomplish that task.” "And then you get to the toddler stage, and they are just into everything. So cleaning is like, oh, my gosh. Like, as soon as I clean one mess over here, they've got five messes in the other room, or it could be in the same room, you know?" "Just because it works for one family does not mean it's going to work for another family... just figuring out what is the best way to break up all of these cleaning tasks because they're never going to go away."


    A well-structured cleaning schedule can make maintaining a clean home more manageable, even with young children. Decluttering can be a daunting task, but starting small with one item a day can lead to significant progress over time. Including children in household cleaning and decluttering tasks teaches them essential life skills and lightens the load for parents. Natural cleaning products, such as white vinegar and baking soda, provide a safe alternative for cleaning around the family and can be just as effective as commercial products. Christine encourages listeners to share their cleaning and decluttering journeys in the dedicated Facebook group for further community engagement and support.

    Thanks for listening! Let’s get connected!

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  • In episode 16 of "Educating Kids and Connecting Families," host Christine Furman discusses how to get kids involved in household tasks and teach them important life skills. She shares her own experiences of teaching her children to do laundry, empty the dishwasher, and clean up their toys. Christine emphasizes the importance of teaching these skills in phases and providing clear instructions. She also offers tips for spring cleaning with kids and finding a balance between decluttering and preserving sentimental items. Tune in to learn how to make chores a part of your child's routine and foster independence and responsibility.

    Quotes from today’s episode:

    "And we can actually have our kids help out with these tasks and teach them at a very young age." "Think about it. When we learn how to read, we learn the abcs first... Same thing with math... So why can't we teach our kids life skills in phases?" "They never were in the way. They were part of my day... they are part of my day, never in my way." "It's all about the time. It's about the moments with you and talking with them, conversating with them." "We may just want a break, right? We may just want to go zone out and do the laundry ourselves or just do the dishes ourselves. But sometimes it's a perfect teaching moment to be able to show our kids some of the life skills that we do throughout the day." "My kids now can do their own laundry. They are nine and seven. And they can go in, put a load of laundry in, add the soap, take the laundry out of the washer after it's washed, put it in the dryer, run it through the dryer, pull it out, fold most of their clothes."


    Involving kids in household chores can teach them valuable life skills, promote independence, and contribute to their overall development. Children as young as two years old can participate in simple tasks around the home, growing more capable with age and practice. Parents should adopt a phase-by-phase approach to teaching chores, mirroring the way children learn academic skills like reading and counting. Direct communication and positive reinforcement are key when instructing children on their tasks. It's beneficial for children to be part of the decluttering process, learning to release toys and items they no longer use or need.

    Thanks for listening! Let’s get connected!

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  • In this episode of "Educating Kids and Connecting Families," host Christine Fuhrman shares tips and tricks for creating a more organized home to promote clarity. She discusses decluttering curriculum, art supplies, and projects, as well as organizing toys and resources. Christine emphasizes the importance of having a designated space for everything and involving children in the organization process. She also suggests rotating toys based on season or interest and shares the benefits of a clean and organized environment for productivity and mental clarity. Tune in for practical strategies to clear the clutter and create a more organized home.

    Quotes from today’s episode:

    It takes time to be able to declutter and find our rhythm and find our flow." "So this is something that did not happen overnight. This is something that I have been teaching them since they were babies." "If it's organized, they know where it goes. If it's not organized, they are just going to place it wherever they want." "I am definitely the most productive when I have things planned out and organized for the day." "Whatever works best for your family, I encourage you. But if you are looking for some ways to clear the clutter and be able to enjoy that mental clarity, be more productive and just overall, just like that aw kind of feeling..." "I really hope that these were some good organizational tips for you for in your classroom, for in your home, for in your office space, your playroom, wherever it may be."


    Decluttering can offer renewed mental clarity and productivity in both educational and living spaces. Creating designated spaces for books, games, and supplies aids in keeping the area tidy and functional. Rotating educational toys and resources seasonally or by the child's interests can keep engagement high. Incorporating the family into decluttering processes provides a sense of ownership and responsibility in children. Digitizing or artistically repurposing children’s artwork is a unique way to preserve memories while minimizing physical clutter.

    Thanks for listening! Let’s get connected!

    Join the Exclusive Facebook group - Educating Kids & Connecting Families to connect with Christine, access valuable resources, and connect with moms from all over the world.

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  • In Episode 14 of "Educating Kids and Connecting Families," Christine Furman explores the theme of decluttering for spring cleaning. She begins by empathizing with the overwhelming nature of cleaning tasks amidst busy lives and offers decluttering strategies to create a sense of freedom by parting with items that no longer serve a purpose.

    Christine shares a personal anecdote about her master bedroom closet becoming so cluttered that it was difficult to access clothes. This leads to a broader discussion on the emotional aspects of decluttering, including a poignant insight from a personal stylist about letting go of items tied to past versions of oneself. Christine reflects on her own wardrobe, recognizing that many items no longer fit her current lifestyle as a homeschooling mompreneur.

    The episode emphasizes the importance of not only clearing physical clutter but also digital clutter and negativity from one's life. Christine encourages listeners to let go of items, relationships, and media that do not contribute positively to their current situation. She shares the liberating feeling of donating, selling, or giving away unneeded items and the positive impact of creating a decluttered space.

    Christine also touches on the benefits of tackling decluttering tasks with others, whether it's a spouse or a friend, to make the process more manageable and enjoyable. She concludes by inviting listeners to join the conversation in the Facebook group, share their decluttering plans, and tune in for future episodes with more decluttering strategies and tips.

    Quotes from today’s episode:

    "Even though you have these things that belong to you, they may have belonged to the past version of you." "This served its purpose. You just needed to let it go." "It is only adding clutter to our lives, right? It is taking up space." "We want to be the best that we can be. We want to have the best space that we can have for our current situation, for our current self, for our families." "You get to control what comes into your bubble, what comes into your life, your family's life."


    Decluttering is essential for physical, digital, and mental spaces, and can lead to a more freeing and refreshing state of being. Have a systematic approach to tackling clutter, by scheduling it into your life and creating organized approaches to disposing of unwanted items. It's important to let go of items that belong to past versions of ourselves and that no longer serve our present needs or lifestyle. Cleaning out digital clutter, such as photos or social media contacts that do not contribute positively to our lives, is just as important as physical decluttering. The act of decluttering can also extend to social circles, encouraging us to surround ourselves with positive influences that align with our current journey and life goals.

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  • In episode 13 of "Educating Kids and Connecting Families," host Christine Furman interviews Keesia Janes. Keesia is an inspiring homeschool mompreneur who has been with the EduPlay® Learning Academy for over a year. She manages her own cleaning business while homeschooling her three children aged seven, five, and three. Known for her passionate management skills and love for her family, Keesia embodies the spirit of educational innovation and parental dedication. Keesia shares her homeschool journey and the challenges and joys she has experienced along the way. She discusses her initial mindset about homeschooling, the importance of planning, creating routines, and the flexibility homeschooling offers for travel and rest. Keesia also praises Christine's guidance and support in navigating homeschooling and shares the value she found in the learning strategies provided in the EduPlay® Learning Academy. Listeners will be inspired by Keesia's passion for homeschooling and her appreciation for Christine's expertise.

    Quotes from today’s episode:

    "The thing that made me crazy about Christine in the beginning was that she would say her introduction, but it was like the tip of an iceberg... there's so much more that Christine actually offers." - Keesia "I decided to homeschool back when I was 25 years old... I personally struggled in school... and I wanted to be able to be my kid's first teacher." - Keesia "Christine has really been able to empower me. I'm not a natural teacher and she is absolutely incredible because she actually has the accolades." - Keesia "What I love about working with Christine is that there was no pressure... she was coming at my need and being like, let me know what you need." - Keesia "Christine actually cares... she really is very creative... there has not been one problem that we have had with homeschool because there's going to be problems... she's got a solution for it." - Keesia


    Keesia identified her passion for homeschooling long before having children, driven by the desire for her kids to learn in a compassionate environment. The transition to homeschooling was supported by individualized education plans from the EduPlay® Learning Academy, which encourages learning through play. Keesia highlights the significance of routines and planning, revealing how these strategies form the backbone of an effective and balanced homeschool schedule. The ability to incorporate learning into everyday activities, even during work or travel, is both possible and beneficial, showcasing the philosophy that every moment has the potential for education. Keesia's journey shares the importance of giving oneself grace and embracing change within the homeschooling process, delivering a message of optimism and empowerment to all homeschooling parents.

    Thanks for listening! Let’s get connected!

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  • Christine examines the critical need for parents, especially homeschooling moms and entrepreneurs, to find moments of rest despite their jam-packed schedules. This conversation delves into practical strategies for inserting breaks into your daily routine, aimed at rejuvenating your energies and widening your patience for the multitude of tasks at hand. Listeners will find solace in Christine's relatable struggle and her intentional approach to carving out personal time amidst the chaos of motherhood and work demands.

    Christine provides insightful discussions on the psychological impacts of rest—or a lack thereof—on personal well-being and familial relationships. By sharing her morning routine and how it sets the tone for her entire day, she emphasizes the importance of structure and self-care. She also touches upon the benefits of deep breathing, yoga, and strategic planning to alleviate stress. Engaging with the community, Christine advocates for shared experiences in the Facebook group, 'Educating Kids and Connecting Families,' making this episode a must-hear for anyone yearning for balance in their family dynamics.

    Quotes from today’s episode:

    "We have to build in that rest and that time for us. So then that way we can accomplish the things that we need to get accomplished for the day." "If we just continuously go, go, we are not taking a moment to take a break and take a moment for ourselves." "Sometimes it's figuring out how we are calming our kids down, which then some of those techniques we need to remember to use on ourselves." "Communicate these things with your spouse. And maybe there is a time and a place that they could take the kids to the park or take them to the grocery store and pick up a few things or the post office or run some errands for you, really focusing on that communication." "Because I know for me that if I don't have that time, if I don't have those moments, I am not able to be as patient. I am not able to be as calm. I start feeling stress, overwhelm, anxiety." "Something as simple as breathing, just taking some good, deep breaths can really help to reduce some of that overwhelm, reduce some of that stress, and really help to calm our nervous system." "I encourage you to start looking for those little moments throughout the day that you could take a break."


    Establishing a morning routine that includes personal time can drastically improve patience and productivity throughout the day. Simple techniques like deep breathing and forward folds can calm the nervous system and reduce stress. Finding opportunities to delegate tasks, such as having someone else run errands or take kids to activities, can offer precious moments of rest. Discussing schedules and responsibilities with your spouse can help in allocating breaks and reducing the load on one parent. Creating kid-friendly independent activities, like quiet reading time, can give parents short breaks to recharge during the day.

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  • In this engaging episode of "Educating Kids and Connecting Families," host Christine Furman delves into the vital topic of establishing routines and expectations that cater to individual family needs, whether for homeschooling or general household management. Christine discusses the significance of creating a structured yet flexible environment that promotes children's independence and academic growth, emphasizing that routines and clear expectations are the foundation for a harmonious and productive home life.

    Christine provides a wealth of practical advice for both newbie and veteran homeschooling parents looking to enhance their daily schedules. With a focus on the benefits of high expectations and consistent routines, she shares her personal insights and actionable strategies, including the organization of homeschool spaces and the integration of learning into all aspects of daily life. Christine's recommendations are driven by the conviction that students thrive when they know what to expect and when they're challenged to reach their highest potential.

    Quotes from today’s episode:

    "Well, believe it or not, kids actually thrive off of routines." "By setting up a routine and an expectation that's a little bit higher for them to reach for the stars just a little bit, it's allowing them to be able to show that they are able to do amazing things and to make you proud." "Lean into that and really know your family and the dynamics of your family." "Knowing that we have these routines in place, so then things can get done and be checked off the box." "You definitely get to decide what that looks like and what works best for your family and for your kids."


    Routines and expectations are crucial in creating a stable and supportive environment for children, aiding in their development and academic growth. Setting high expectations can inspire children to strive for excellence and give them a clear understanding of what is required of them. Homeschooling routines can be flexible and tailored to accommodate different learning styles and family dynamics, ranging from more structured to relaxed approaches. Incorporating learning into everyday activities reinforces educational concepts and helps children see that education is a natural, continuous part of life. Community involvement, like homeschooling groups or co-ops, can enhance the homeschooling experience by providing socialization and shared educational activities.

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  • In this insightful episode of "Educating Kids and Connecting Families," host Christine Furman explores the multifaceted journey of homeschooling. The show begins with Christine expressing her gratitude to the supportive listener base and announcing her brand's recent revamp. She emphasizes the importance of community and finding the right support system, whether in parenting, homeschooling, or entrepreneurship. The episode dives deep into the essentials of homeschooling, discussing starting points, curriculum choices, and strategies to educate children effectively at home.

    Christine leverages her experience as a former teacher to guide families towards homeschooling confidence. Specific attention is paid to incorporating education into daily routines, the significance of reading, and involving children in household responsibilities. By embodying learning as a natural part of their daily life, she suggests that children can develop independence, responsibility, and collaborative skills. The episode highlights how homeschooling can be a flexible, enriching, and cohesive educational journey tailored to each family's unique dynamics and values.

    Quotes from today’s episode:

    "You are the perfect teacher for your child." "It's about how can I set my child up for success? How can I really be sure that I'm giving them the skills that they need?" "Read to your kids. Ask them questions." "You're not alone. And I want you to know that I am here with you." "Our kids are socializing all the time... They are socializing with you all the time."


    Start homeschooling by integrating education into children's daily routines and play. Reading to children is essential and can happen anywhere, fostering a love for learning and imagination. Involve children in daily tasks to teach responsibility and practical skills like cooking, cleaning, and problem-solving. You are your child's best educator; utilize communities and educational resources for support, and share your homeschooling vision with others. Homeschool socialization is a myth to be debunked; homeschoolers actively socialize through family interaction and community activities. Thanks for listening! Let’s get connected!

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  • In this invigorating episode of "Educating Kids and Connecting Families," host Christine Furman dives into the world of brain breaks and their significance for both children and adults.

    Christine's passion for education and family connection shines through as she explores the necessity of incorporating movement into our daily routines—a theme particularly fitting for Leap day. She shares tips for getting up and moving throughout the day, including stretches and exercises to combat the negative effects of sitting for extended periods. Christine also provides fun movement ideas for kids, such as playing leapfrog and going for walks. Discover the benefits of brain breaks and learn how to prioritize self-care and physical activity in your daily life. Check out the exclusive Educating Kids & Connecting Families Facebook group for more movement ideas and activities. Let’s jump right into this conversation that promises practical tips intertwined with heartfelt stories and personal experiences.

    Quotes from today’s episode:

    "I believe that our bodies were meant to move." "I'm always aware and focused on giving the kids a brain break." "Let’s help our brain focus by giving it some brain breaks!" “Incorporating stretches, good posture, and regular breaks can make a huge difference.” “Getting outside and going for a walk is a fantastic way to revitalize and recharge.”


    The importance of taking regular brain breaks throughout the day to maintain physical and mental health. The benefits of incorporating simple stretches and eye-relief exercises into your work routine to prevent stiffness and eye strain. Ideas for engaging children in physical activity, like playing leapfrog or creating an obstacle course, to help them expend energy constructively. The role of a healthy diet, proper hydration, and grounding in enhancing productivity and overall well-being. Encouragement to practice gratitude daily, using leap day as an occasion to leap for joy and appreciate life's blessings.

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  • Discover the power of integrating financial literacy into your child's life in this episode of "Educating Kids and Connecting Families." Host Christine Furman shares practical tips for teaching children about money and valuable insights that will serve as building blocks for your children's financial future.She discusses the importance of instilling a positive outlook on money and introduces the three jars method for teaching kids about saving, spending, and giving. Christine also emphasizes the value of incorporating money lessons into everyday activities and offers ideas for teaching kids about counting, rounding, and the value of different coins. Tune in to learn how to set your children up for financial success and build a healthy relationship with money. Don't miss out on the wealth of knowledge shared in every episode of "Educating Kids and Connecting Families." Keep an eye out for new episodes and transformative content that awaits you and your family.

    Quotes from today’s episode:

    "I wanted them to be able to have a very positive outlook on money and a good relationship with money." "I'm going to share with you how I have taught my kids about money, how they earn money, how they spend their money." "We started this three jars method… one jar for spending, one jar for giving, and one jar for saving." "They would earn money for emptying the dishwasher or giving Daisy food or putting their clothes in the laundry basket." "I really try to put a positive spin on the way that we're talking about money, too." "Really just giving them that opportunity to be able to count, to be able to talk about change, to show them how much things cost."


    Foundation of financial literacy: Introduce children to money through everyday activities and ensure they associate financial conversations with positivity. Three Jars Method: Instill the practice of dividing earnings into jars for spending, giving, and saving to boost financial planning skills from a young age. Earning Money: Teach children the value of earning through simple tasks around the home, helping them understand the correlation between work and money. Educational purchases: Encourage children to use their saved money for meaningful purchases, which teaches them to value and manage their financial resources. Vision Boards: Utilize vision boards for children to visualize and work towards their desired purchases, instill a sense of ambition and planning.

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