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Asalaamu alaykum Beautiful Soul! My name is Ahlam Riyashy. I am a certified Spiritual Life Coach empowering Muslim empaths to break free from codependency so they can build a healthier and happier sense of self.
If you are a soul that is seeking to find holistic healing and becoming a better version of yourself, this is the podcast for you. We will be exploring topics on mental health combined with Islamic spirituality as well as incorporating tips on self-love, healing, empowerment, positive mindset and more.
I’d love to stay connected with you on my Instagram page: @CoachingwithAhlam
Visit my website for details on my one to one coaching programme.
New episodes released every other week on Friday 7pm GMT.
Music credit: Mishary Rashid Al-Afasy -
Dé podcast van Vlaanderen over Geluk, Persoonlijke ontwikkeling en Succes.
- 1% groei, 99% fun! -
Er is niet één weg naar geluk en succes, iedereen heeft z’n eigen route. Wij in(fo)spireren je bij jouw zoektocht naar meer geluk en succes in je leven.
Tof dat je luistert, wij zijn Timothy en Tom. Wekelijks spreken wij een inspirerende gast. Op onze eigen(wijze) manier voelen we die aan tand over zelfontwikkeling.
Met de nodige humor om het ijs te breken, met tijd en ruimte voor een diepgaand gesprek. Sappige levensverhalen vol praktische tips voor het ontwikkelen van je persoonlijke groei.
Welcome to the Badass Babe Manifest Podcast, where science meets magic to help you rewire yourself sustainably rich in life and business.
With your host Kelly Pender, Neuroscience Manifestation Coach, helping you get your brain, body, and DNA on board with your desires using the Money Multiplier Method—so you can access limitless wealth, abundance, and success.
This is a fluff + BS free zone. We’re backed by science, but we don’t lose the magic.
It’s time to shift out of Basic Broke B*tch Energy - no more playing small or dimming your power - and into your Big F*cking Deal Wealth Identity - where money responds to YOU.
Let’s go manifest that sh!t!
🎧 Subscribe now & dive in! -
Bienvenue dans le Podcast - Good Vibes!
Le but de ce podcast, c'est avant tout de vous faire du bien et de vous aider à libérer vos résistances (inconscientes ou pas). A chaque écoute, une libération s'opère!
Clairvoyante depuis l'enfance, diplômée de la School of Intuition and Healing depuis 2012, je suis également membre de la BAHA (British Alliance of Healing Associations) et de l'IPHM (International Practioners of Holistic Medicine).
Si ma vision des choses vous parle, vous pouvez retrouver mon programme sur mon site (
Et inscrivez-vous à ma newsletter pour mes prévisions énergétiques mensuelles.
La Newsletter mensuelle (
Retrouvez-moi également sur:
Instagram - frederique.bourgeois (
Instagram - Good Vibes Community (
Facebook - Frédérique Bourgeois (
Si vous aimez ce podcast, la meilleure façon de le soutenir est de lui mettre une note de 5 étoiles sur votre plateforme de podcast favorite. Vous permettrez ainsi à d'autres personnes de le découvrir plus facilement.
Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations. -
My name is Whitney Walker, welcome to Women Waken! I am a Licensed Mental Health Therapist specialising in substance abuse, addiction, eating disorders, trauma, and Spirituality. Over 10 years ago I walked into a therapist office for the first time because I realised that I felt incapable of handling life. I abused drugs and alcohol, had rock bottom self esteem, often felt suicidal, was very self destructive, and had no idea how to resolve what felt like a complete mess inside my mind and emotions.
After years of therapy, getting sober, and choosing to begin the journey of unconditional self love for myself, things started to change. My self esteem rose along with my self regard and kindness towards myself. I knew there was only one thing I wanted to do with the rest of my life; help others out of the place that I was in and start figuring out how we can end these cycles for good, for all of us.
Women Waken is building community and offering a platform for Women to come together who share a vision of creating a new way of life where insecurity, low self esteem, and self- destruction are no longer the norm. Where we are able to rebalance the dynamic between the inner and outer Worlds so that our ability to love and accept ourselves is no longer dependent on externals.
On this show, we speak to Women who are seeking to heal from traumas/habits/addictions that are keeping them in a place of disempowerment who are ready to begin aligning with their true self and are ready to let their light shine
I release two episodes a week, an interview and solo episode,
If you feel ready to reclaim your power and stand in your Divine light I hope this show finds you! -
Beyond the Booze Podcast - Quit Drinking & Start Living a Life You Love
Are you absolutely SICK of wallowing in shame after another night of binge drinking? Can’t imagine a life without alcohol? But Afraid what will happen if you don’t quit? Are you ready to finally break free from alcohol?
In this podcast you will find faith-based solutions to set you free from the lies, the fears, and the habits keeping you stuck in a fruitless relationship with alcohol. My mission is to help you create a fun and fulfilling alcohol free life through personal & spiritual growth, Healthy lifestyle habits, and recovery education. If you’re ready to break up with alcohol and experience the FULLNESS OF LIFE that God has to offer, you are in the right place!
HI! I’m Victoria. A daughter of the most high, wife, boy Mom, and a multi-passionate entrepreneur. My life was a blur for many of my early twenties as most days I would drink until I blacked out and have no recollection of what I did or how I got home. After being convicted of DWI, I was sentenced to 18 months of probation, 40 hours of Community Service, and had to install an interlock device to start my car.
During a divine encounter while doing community service, I realized that the void I was trying to fill with alcohol was God missing from my life. I also started realizing alcohol was destroying my life and my relationships. But I still couldn’t quit binge drinking. As a result, I started attending mandatory AA and Substance abuse counseling. Eventually I joined a church where I started to grow in my faith.
After gaining some momentum in my sobriety I started getting into fitness. I ended up quitting my job and becoming a personal trainer. I started traveling and finding ways to have fun that didn’t involve alcohol! My journey hasn’t been a straight line, and I still struggle sometimes, but I’m happy to say that I’ve been alcohol free since 1/1/2020. NO REGRETS!
If you are ready to take your power back, grow in your faith, and live a more purposeful life free from alcohol - this is the podcast for you! Whip up your favorite mocktail, it’s time to grow girl!
Connect -> [email protected]
Community -> Beyond the Booze: Christian Sobriety Community on FACEBOOK
Instagram-> @Victoriaaplummer -
Bienvenue Déesse,
Ce podcast, ce sont des conversations par message vocal entre copines : sans chichis et sans tabou mais surtout spontanées et pleines de surprises.Enchantée de faire ta connaissance, moi c'est Pauline. Je suis maman au foyer mais aussi auteure, conférencière, praticienne bain vapeur, mentore en bien-être intime holistique, thérapeute énergétique et co-fondatrice d'un centre de gynécologie holistique.
Je parle de bien-être intime holistique, de cycle menstruel, intimité et sexualité mais aussi de spiritualité et de développement personnel. En bref, de tout ce qui te permettra te reconnecter à ta déesse intérieure.
Alors installe-toi confortablement et enjoy :
Rituels et sororité,
Cycle menstruel et spiritualité,
Je te révèle les secrets de ta divinité,
Pour que tu te rappelles et puisses affirmer :
Je suis une déesse et mon pouvoir est illimité !
Pauline 💜🤍
Аудиокнига «Коран. Перевод смыслов». Сура 19 «МАРЬЯМ» («МАРИЯ»)
Книга шейха Абд ар-Рахмана бин Насира ас-Саади (да помилует его Аллах) «Облегчение от Великодушного и Милосердного» является одним из глубоко научных, широко распространенных и признанных исламской уммой толкований Священного Корана. Этот труд написан простым языком и потому доступен для самого широкого круга читателей. Истолковывая аяты, автор опирался в первую очередь на сам Священный Коран, затем на достоверные хадисы Пророка Мухаммада, да благословит его Аллах и приветствует, и, наконец, на высказывания его сподвижников, да будет доволен ими Всевышний Аллах. -
Boss Witches is a podcast all about being a modern day witch and a boss bitch all in one. Each week, we’ll share a topic we’re learning about as beginner witches in a way that is easy to understand. We’ll also incorporate everyday life tips and lessons for you to draw out your boss-side, especially in practice.Podcast Website: www.bosswitches.comPodcast Social Media:Instagram: @bosswitchespodcastTwitter: @bosswitchespodFor Business Inquiries, please email us at:[email protected] Patreon:
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The James Xander Trip is a podcast that dives into the minds of spiritual seekers, psychonauts, and consciousness explorers to bring you the most actionable ideas around spirituality, psychedelics, plant medicine, manifestation, mindset, and self-improvement.
New episode every Monday. Follow the podcast on YouTube for the video episodes at
Each episode is designed to connect you deeper with your soul, and to inspire and connect you with the magic and destiny of life.
Connect with me at I would love to hear from you, how you found this podcast, and what your spiritual journey has been like. ❖
Here are epic resources to help your spiritual journey:
• YouTube –
• Mushroom Trip Playlist -
• Mushroom Trip Checklist -
• Unlock God Mode -
• Telegram –
• Instagram –
• Twitter –
• Newsletter –
Have a blessed, epic day! 🤍 -
Durant le mois de février, les romains s’échangèrent des mots doux que l’on nomma plus tard des valentins. Et c’est pourquoi le 14 février, en sa mémoire, les amoureux s’échangent romance et Valentins. Aujourd’hui cette coutume est restée dans les mœurs de l’occident et tend à se répandre dans le monde. Les musulmans peuvent-ils donc suivre cette coutume païenne ?! Ce bon sermon renferme des informations précieuses sur la question et surtout montre comment l’amour est vécu et compris en Islam. L’amour en Islam n’est pas un mot creux sans véritable sens ou renfermant de la perversité, mais ce mot est plutôt vécu chez les musulmans de manière pure et juste chez l’homme comme chez la femme. A écouter !
Les épreuves sont souvent amères et pénibles, le Créateur (qu’Il soit exalté) y a mis des sagesses et beaucoup de bénéfices que certains perçoivent et d’autres pas. D’où la parole suivante du messager d’Allah : « L’affaire du croyant est étonnante, tout ce qui lui arrive est un bien pour lui. S’il lui arrive une chose qui le réjouit et qu’il remercie, c’est un bien pour lui ; Et s’il lui arrive un mal et qu’il patiente, c’est un bien pour lui. Et ceci n’est possible que pour le croyant » [ Rapporté par Mouslim.]