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En El Deshielo, viajamos a través de la historia en busca de voces para descongelar, exploramos lugares en los que vidas de largo recorrido cuentan su particular mensaje.
Caminamos por escenarios épicos y cotidianos, espacios para el misterio, la leyenda, los grandes acontecimientos y los pequeños detalles.
Hablamos de libros, a través del mapa, hacia el territorio, donde siempre hay algo interesante por encontrar. -
The writings listed here represent books about Soren Kierkegaard. A fragment of his work, On the Dedication to "That Single Individual", has made it to the public domain. Who was Soren Kierkegaard? He was a Danish philosopher and religious author; b. Copenhagen May 6, 1813; d. there Nov. 11, 1855. His father, Michael, a clothing merchant, once cursed God when he was young. This one incident caused him so much distress that it affected him with a deep melancholy, which he transferred to poor Soren. Michael was an evil man. He tricked Soren into thinking that the whole world existed in his own living room by taking him for imaginary walks about the neighborhood, or anywhere Soren wanted to go, as long as it existed in his imagination only. Later in life, when Soren was on his own, he rarely left Copenhagen, but he did walk about the streets and greet passersby, discussing events of the day. After 6 years of “splendid inactivity” he obtained his degree in Theology from the University of Copenhagen with the submission of his thesis paper in 1841, On the Concept of Irony with Continual Reference to Socrates. Just before graduation he fell in love with Regine Olsen and proposed that they marry. She accepted, but Soren was unable to live up to the requirements of marriage and broke off the engagement after a short period. He lived a life of despair afterward. His father, Regine, and Socrates were the major influences in his life. So say all the authors in the following readings, but I disagree. Soren considered a variety of callings, he could be philosopher, a scientist, or a preacher, but he ultimately decided that Christianity was his interest. He wondered if J. P. Mynster, bishop of Zealand and head of the National Church of Denmark, was preaching true Christianity or not. He decided at this point that his “task is a Socratic task, to revise the conception of what it means to be a Christian”. He was interested only in the “How” of Christianity, not the “What” of Christianity. He became an author, an author who was always “in the process of becoming” what he would be. He became many authors, Victor Eremita, Johannes de Silentio, Johannes Climacus, Vigilius Haufniensis, Nicolaus Notabene, Hilarius Bookbinder, Frater Taciturnus, and Soren Kierkegaard. All of them wrote books between the years 1843 and 1855. He used his imagination to create each author as an existing individual Human being, one who exists, “between the esthetic and the ethical” where “the esthetic is existing; the ethicist is struggling against the religious”, as one “aware of the religious-and the leap” of faith, one “who ordinarily despairs of nothing, despairs of repetition”, one who has “used a love affair in relation to what it means to exist”, one who believed “that in relation to God we are always in the wrong,” one who cries to God “I cannot understand you, but I will love you” one who as "the ethicist, in despair, has chosen himself out of terror of having himself" and finally as one who said “that truth is objectively a paradox shows precisely that subjectivity is truth” so “Only truth that builds up is truth for you”. The authors are all in agreement that Soren's father, Regine, and Socrates were influential in his life. None of them were able to state that Jesus Christ had any influence upon him at all. Soren Kierkegaard said, "God is not like a king in a predicament, who says to the highly trusted Minister of the Interior, “You must do everything, you must create the atmosphere for our proposal and win public opinion to our side.” "But in relation to God, there are no secret instruction for a human being any more than there are any backstairs. Even the most eminent genius who comes to give a report had best come in fear and trembling, for God is not hard pressed for geniuses. He can create a few legion of them if needed." God wants each individual to examine to judge and to decide. Here is a link to to some of his works one to a biography - and a link to Kierkegaard reorganized (systemetized?) -
Aprende a leer, aprende de literatura escuchando. Un programa para contar un libro en una hora. Grandes clásicos de la literatura que te entran por el oído. Dirigido por Antonio Martínez Asensio, crítico literario, productor, escritor y guionista. En directo los domingos a las 05:00 y a cualquier hora si te suscribes. En Podimo, ¿Y ahora qué leo? nuestro spin off con los imprescindibles de la temporada
Sometimes it takes a village to make a daddy.
IVF Daddies started with one man's pursuit of fatherhood through IVF, egg donation, and
surrogacy. Richard Westoby's journey brought him into an incredible community of fertility
experts, aspiring parents, and beautifully unique families. A decade after the birth of his children,
Richard introduced his partner Julio Gaggia to the wonderful world of family-building—and he
has a lot of questions.
IVF Daddies is where we explore those big questions. What makes a family? Can you do IVF
without losing your sanity or your savings? How do we shatter the s -
Capítulos nuevos todos los lunes
Hola! Soy Nacho Vega, amante del doblaje y la locución. Aquí podrás escuchar mi voz leyendo los libros de Harry Potter desde mi casa y sin ningún tipo de pretensión.
Como me estoy formando como actor de doblaje utilizaré esto como lugar de práctica y disfrute, ya que la lectura en voz alta es un ejercicio fundamental para trabajar todo el tema de la dicción.
Espero que disfrutéis de los capítulos tanto como yo disfruto grabándolos.
Muchisimas gracias por vuestro tiempo ;) -
Qué estás leyendo es el podcast de libros de El País, un lugar donde los únicos algoritmos somos nosotras. En cada episodio, Berna González Harbour charla con un autor o autora para abordar el tema de su nueva obra y conocer los libros que aconseja a los oyentes. Además, Jordi Amat y Guillermo Altares aportarán sus recomendaciones. Qué estás leyendo es un podcast para encontrar próximas lecturas, conocer aún más a autores consagrados y descubrir a nuevos talentos. Cada quince días, un nuevo episodio.
Aquí tenéis cabida todos los amantes de la literatura de Terror, Misterio y Suspense. Vuestros escritores favoritos os esperan. Lovercraft, Briece, Blackwood, Poe, Twin, etc. No te quedes sin descubrir relatos escritos por tus escritores favoritos. Seguro que con alguno te sorprendo. ¡Te espero!
El podcast de los clásicos de la Ciencia Ficción. De Luciano de Samosata a la Batalla de 𝖸̶𝖺̶𝗏̶𝗂̶𝗇̶ Naboo.Contáctanos en nuestra página de Facebook, en Twitter @losretronautas, en Telegram o en nuestro correo [email protected]
L'illa de Maians és el podcast de literatura i pensament de la llibreria Ona, que dirigeix i presenta el filòsof i músic Bernat Dedéu. S'emet cada dijous i està disponible a les principals plataformes de Podcast. Cada capítol de L'illa de Maians té com a protagonista un llibre o un autor al voltant del qual gira la conversa, es debat i es comparteixen idees.
Un podcast de PlanetadeLibros en colaboración con El Terrat, presentado por Bárbara Goenaga y Esti Gabilondo.
Porque “¿te quedas a leer?” es el nuevo “¿te subes a tomar la última copa?"
Cada segundo lunes de mes un episodio.
Con entrevistas a los autores y autoras del momento, salseo literario y mucho, mucho humor.
¡Y esta segunda temporada, nos vamos de ruta por las librerías!
Una experiencia única más allá de los libros.
¿Te quedas a leer? -
Life is too short for shit books! The Book Alchemist celebrates the magic of reading and the joy of great storytelling.
Our guests are from all walks of life and each one shares the books which have shaped their lives or the ones which they have penned.
Some are authors, and well known names, some are people who love reading. They all have a story or two to share about the books they love. And why...