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These interview style episodes are all about the way we as people view life, the things we love and the things that cause us pain, the way we think, hope, and fear.
We each hold a unique place in this world, complete with our own dreams, culture, and perspective. It is the individual stories of those I meet along my journey that shape the way I see the world.
I’m excited to share these stories with you and hope they allow you to fall in love with humanity as they have for me. -
It’s not everyday that you see two exes have a podcast together but Sophia Jain and Hank Plummer are here to make relatable content on dating, relationships, and life in your 20s from the male and female perspectives while sharing what they’ve learned and experienced to educate their listeners on the things they wish they had known. Join Hank and Sophia every Tuesday at 5 pm EST to crack open a new topic and get involved by emailing [email protected] or dming @ykmswpodcast on instagram!
Bienvenue sur Nour, le podcast qui donne la parole aux femmes marocaines et qui met en lumière les témoignages intimes de ces héroïnes du quotidien.
A l'écoute de ce podcast, je vous emmène avec moi à la rencontre de ces femmes, qui incarnent la société marocaine d'hier, d'aujourd'hui et de demain et qui, avec émotion et courage, vous dévoilent leur portrait et font entendre leur voix.
Certains épisodes seront le récit d'expériences vécues par des marocaines dans leur diversité, alors que d'autres épisodes feront intervenir des professionnelles du sujet qui oeuvrent pour l'émancipation de la femme marocaine.
Je vous souhaite une bonne écoute, et à très bientôt, sur Nour.
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Have you ever put together an outfit that was just right, making you feel amazing from head to toe? It takes thought, planning and effort to create that perfect look. In life and in our relationships it's the same. It's like a unique puzzle with individual pieces that we must pay attention to in order for everything to work together. If something is missing it's like walking out of the house with no pants on. Are you ready to piece together your puzzle of life? Let's go...
Parce que la vie est trop belle pour ne pas en parler, voici " il était une fois "
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Each episode we will be getting into various topics which focus on positive building using the faults and complaints as stepping stools for a better foundation between the man and the woman. Guests, solos, panels and more! Content that hits which is positive and not the toxicity for numbers!
الحياة دروس و عبر، ليس عيبا أن نفشل في بعضها لأننا نتعلم منها كل يوم. Support this podcast:
c’est l’histoire d’un mec de 21 ans qui fait des vlogs et qui se lance du jour au lendemain dans la création d’un podcast alors qu’il en a écouté 3 dans sa vie. c’est l’histoire d’un mec de 21 ans qui parle de ses expériences, ses peurs, ses interrogations, ses petites victoires… c’est l’histoire d’un mec qui parle de sa vie finalement… vous parler de ma vie… vous dire un peu d’où je viens… je suis une femmmme de couleurs ok j’arrête wesh
ps: je n’ai jamais fait les scouts malgré ce que mon sweat en dit, ni de guitare d’ailleurs.
on se retrouve sur mes réseaux @cocowww_ :)
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
In a society where the demands of professional life often clash with the responsibilities of motherhood, Empowering the Working Mom (EWM) Podcast emerges as a beacon of hope and support. Rooted in faith and driven by a passion for uplifting narratives, EWM Podcast represents a bold commitment to serving working mothers with integrity, compassion, and authenticity. Through candid conversations with leaders and fellow working moms, we aim to cultivate a supportive network that encourages working moms to pursue their dreams with unwavering confidence and grace. Support this podcast:
Exploring Horror & Hedonistic pursuits of the inner psyche of mankind. The Violence and the sex. The Libido and Thanos. The ego and the ID versus the super ego. Journeys through chaos and the asinine and egregious...All is explored explicitly. Support this podcast:
أنا بطة. وهذا بيتي، بودكاست فصفص.
هنا اسولف، اناقش ويجف حلقي بدون ما اسكت.
محطتك لو كنت طفشان، عندك مشوار، أو حتى قاعد ما عندك شغلة!
*تنبيه وتحذير: هذهِ منطقة خطرة، قابلة للإدمان، نرجو منك توخي الحذر.
توصل بالسلامة!
Twitter: @2021f9f9
Email: [email protected] -
—خواطر منً الروح✍️ —
اشارك معكمً كل مايخطر في بالي ، كلام و احاسيس من وحي اللحضه لعلني ارتاح و لعل خواطري تحدثك ما تنتتضر….
حلقه كل يوم سبت و خميس الساعه الثامنه بتوقيت غرينتش
الساعه التاسعه بتوقيت تونس 🌹
مرحبا بكم 🌹
—-Amani chebbi—-
⬇️⬇️Follow Me⬇️⬇️
كل الراوبط للتواصل معي هنا👇 -
Gaming, pop culture, relationships, horror stories, questionable recommendations and a whole lot of queer people! Whether it's Reddit AITA, weird confessions sent in by you, stories about our lives, or even movies and music reviews, we've got something for everyone and we'd love for you to come on this chaotic ride with us!
Welcome to This Week with Bea (hosted by Beatrice Elizabeth, aka BeaPlays and her Friends!), where we literally talk about anything and everything, all while being our extremely strange and quirky selves! -
Reef explores the many topics, questions, ideas and conversations that come with the human experience. Led with vulnerability, curiosity and critical thinking, Reef aims to create a safe space for free thought and open discussion around the thing that connect us all -- life. Episodes 2x week: Thursday & Sundays
بصفته مغتربًا مغربيًا، يعيش بعيدًا عن وطنه، خطرت لمهدي فكرة إطلاق بودكاست "الهربة و الغربة" في أواخر عام 2021. كانت بعض الأسباب هي البقاء على اتصال مع وطنه واكتشاف الثقافات الأخرى من خلال عدسات مغاربة مغتربين. لكن هدفه الرئيسي كان ولا يزال إلهام الشباب المغربي وإظهار أن كل الأحلام ممكنة مهما كانت كبيرة، لا يتطلب الأمر سوى الشجاعة والعمل المتسق والصبر وبالطبع الاستماع إلى بودكاست الهربة و الغربة
As a Moroccan expat himself, living far away from home, Mehdi had the idea to launch Lharba w Lghorba Podcast in late 2021. Some of the reasons were to stay in touch with his home country and also discover other cultures through the lenses of other Moroccan expats like him. But his main goal was and still to inspire and show to the Moroccan youth that all dreams are feasible no matter how big they are, it only takes courage, consistent work, patience and of course listening to Lharba w Lghorba Podcast 🤓.