It’s almost the end of the year and we thought it would be the best time to talk about something that is really important to 73% of the people. And that is. Learning English, and why it should be your priority number 1. It might be to become a better professional, to travel abroad and feel confident, to meet new people to know new cultures. Whatever the reason, it has to be a priority.
In this episode we'll tell you how you can learn English by just following a three-step process. Happy New Year -
Today we want to answer one of the questions we get asked the most by our students: “How can I remember more vocabulary?” The answer isn’t very simple, but in today’s podcast we’ve broken it down in just 5 steps that you can follow and learn more vocabulary.
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
In today's episode we'll be talking about one of the things that we find the hardest to do and that is staying motivated to continue towards our goals. Actually, we'll be talking about the things that prevent you from being motivated, prevent you from being thrilled to attend your next class or prevent your from completing the challenge that will land you your next job.
Learning a language is undoubtedly a huge project, and it's a never-ending process, so keeping your motivation levels high might be a daunting task. We'll tell you what you need to do to avoid falling in those pitfalls.
You'll need to keep distractive elements to the lowest, otherwise your time will be wasted on not very productive things.
And don't forget to reward yourself. That's what will surely keep you going. -
En el podcast de hoy hemos seleccionado 20 expresiones que se utilizan muy comúnmente en un montón de situaciones cotidianas. Cuantas más expresiones puedas incorporar en tu inglés, más natural va a ser tu inglés.
Las expresiones que hemos seleccionado, son expresiones muy utilizadas en un lenguaje coloquial. Pero te las podrás encontrar tanto en situaciones sociales como en las profesionales.
Expresiones para todo. :-)
Hoy os traemos las 10 frases que más se escuchan en inglés. Son frases que utilizan en países angloparlanes ALL THE TIME y queremos que las empieces a utilizar tú también.
En el trabajo, en el colegio, cuando estés haciendo una presentación. Son muy útiles en cualquier situación.
Give our podcast a listen, y quédate con las 10 frases que más están de moda en inglés.
En nuestro podcast de hoy os traemos 10 frases típicas que decimos en español para que las empecéis a utilizar en vuestro inglés. Son frases que hemos seleccionado de todas las situaciones más habituales para que también las podáis incorporar a vuestro inglés.
Muchas veces nos obsesionamos con saber toda la gramática del mundo y se nos olvida que debemos prestar atención a las cosas que de verdad dicen los que hablan inglés.
Hoy hablaremos de 10 frases que te ayudarán a mejorar tu inglés y a sonar mucho más natural. Automáticamente tu nivel sube cuando utilizas cualquiera de estas frases.
No te olvides, apúntalas y utilízalas en cuanto tengas ocasión.
It is often included in all the new years' resolution of a good deal of people here in Spain, but yet, people find it extremely difficult to actually do it. One of the reasons is simply because they haven't been able to develop a habit of it. You know what we're talking about right? It's learning English. How de we make English so natural to us that it's almost automatic? How do we make it a habit.?
In today's episode we will take a look at how you can learn English quickly, if you ironically have the patience to do it. It's actually a very important factor to learn English, in fact to learn anything.
Being patient helps, but being consistent and developing a few other tiny processes that hardly take any effort and time are the key to developing habits. It's like going to the gym, at first you don't even remember that you have a membership at the gym, but then you go a couple of times and then boom. You're lifting weights like a pro. Learning English follows a very similar path.
So to learn English quickly you need to have patience and couple more things we discuss in our podcast today.
In today's episode we'll talk about one of the questions many of my students ask me and that is "Teacher, do you think in English or in Spanish?".
Today we'll take a look at the misconceptions people have when it comes to thinking about bilinguism. These misconceptions are usually created by people's own 'excuses' to not learn and master a language. But don't worry, we'll talk about it in our podcast.
We'll also talk about the advantages bilinguals have and how it benefits them daily.
And the last thing we'd like to talk mention are the secrets to becoming bilingual.
You may not know it yet, but one of the secrets is...well, it's better if you listen to this podcast, which we created with a lot of love and care just for you.
Check out our podcast page to listen to more of our episodes of English Before Going to Bed.
Don't hesitate to drop us a line at or in a comment below.
In this episode we will go through one of the most successful TV shows of all time. We're sure you've at least watched an episode. Today we'll be talking about Friends the TV show. I'll tell you why it was successful, which were the funniest moments and why no other series has been able to replicate the success of Friends. Welcome to another episode of English Before Going to bed.
Many English learners feel frustrated when they see that they have been learning English for a long time and have made very little progress. The next thing they think about is that they can't learn a foreign language while living in their own country and feel the urge to go abroad and take some English lessons. Today I'll be telling you a little bit about what you can do to learn English effectively wherever you live.
I usually tend to be a very positive and optimistic person, but that doesn’t mean that nothing can bother me. Of course, I have a really long list of things that literally drive me nuts. Do you also have a list of things that annoy you? Find out if we are on the same boat in this week’s podcast.
Many students of mine seem to be looking for a magic potion that they can drink and automatically make them proficient in English. No, that's not the way it works logically. You need time and effort. Just with these two things you will be fine. So, listen to our podcast and see what you can do to start improving your English today.
I couldn't help making a podcast on Halloween this time because every year I keep seeing more and more people embracing a tradition that is more than 800 years old and I love the fact that here in Spain it's become a kids favourite. We hope you enjoy our wonderful episode on one of my favourite festivities of the year, Halloween.
In Spanish there's a saying that goes more or less like this: "Those who have a friend, have a treasure", which could be translated to another expression in English that says "A friend in need, is a friend indeed."
Throughout our lives we end up with friends who simply make us better people. I have been able to identify 7 types of friends we all need. I hope you have them all in your group of friends. Listen to our podcast and see how many of them you have and which type of friend you are.
Sometimes it's really hard for some of us to forget the good old days. In this podcast we will be talking about the two things that really make me feel nostalgic.
Your host Rohit will surely make you feel nostalgic too.