An overview of the Shiva Sutras, one of the great lineages of the Himalayas. Steven's experience with Swami Lakamana Joo the last the Kashmire Shivite gurus, plus a Thiryateeth meditation.
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Each phase of our life provides us opportunities to learn more and get more out of life, but we need to know how. Let's explore how our spirit blossoms as we age.
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Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
It's time to get actively involved in bringing about the awakening of humanity. From how we live to what are are bringing into this world. Let's take the lead. Let us come into the light, and bring it into this world through what we think, feel, say and do. Let's do it together now.
To join in the live course on Thursdays CLICK HERE
Click to purchase Steven's book Money & Power, the Secret History.
There is a life force energy and innate intelligence that animates our existence. Energy is conducted through us, between us and the sun, it and every other star. There is a web of energy being conducted throughout the universe. We are going to connect with it. Plasma, sacred geometry, self organizing patterns. Come join us.
To join live go to Enlightenment Television
To read Steven's book The Theory of Existence click here
There is a spiritual Kung Fu, where you can take conscious control over your mind and live in the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. We do an energy exercise and meditation. Experience it for yourself.
To join this class live, and take advantage of this new special just CLICK HERE
Let's develop even greater control over our minds, and especially our mind's ability to be controlled by others through propaganda, public relations and technology. Social media is analyzing your mind more than most people analyze their own mind. Here we develop the means of overcoming State/Media Mind Control.
To purchase Steven's book click MONEY&POWER.]
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Here we look at the manifestation created to control and mislead people, and the institutions that support them. The Bank of International settlements (BIS), World Bank, IMF, Federal Reserve, UN, Bilderberg, Bohemian Grove, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, World Economic Forum and others.
Read Steven's Book Money & Power, the Secret History
In this meditation we go deeper into the nature of energy and consciousness, observing how nature creates order out of chaos, creating patterns of energy, creating character, interactions and organizing energy into systems which create forms. The universe is a web of energy and consciousness: Galaxies are like neurons in your mind, all connect and conducting energy, which in turn create forms and actions. We also begin talking about the Great Awakening and how people are beginning to see through the media and politics, it's all coming to light.
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This meditation goes into who the material world is created from apparent nothing. From latent potential to patent expression. We follow the Golden Ratio to see live unfolding within us and around us.
For more on this read Steven's book The Theory of Existence
In this class we discuss the nature of the spirit body, innate intelligence and the subtle energies that are guiding us to learn more about ourselves, the Divine and our purpose.
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How we are being tested in real time right now, and how to rise above this state of consciousness and into heavenly realms. You ARE spirit, let Steven show you have to get there.
To read Theory of Existence
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We will connect with the life force energy within you, that is you. Learn how energy runs your body and mind, and how your body and mind run your energy. We will do a meditation to show you.
Theory of Existence book on Amazon.
Spiritual training to develop higher states of consciousness, self realization and enlightenment.
Learn more at Enlightenment Television
Merry Christmas: Here we share what's in the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, The Gospel of Thomas and The Book of Thomas, The Gospel of Philip and the Gospel of James. These are some of the greatest spiritual teachings the world has to offer.
From Steven's book Christ Enlightened, the Lost Teachings of Jesus Unveiled.
the Aramaic Gospel, Gospel of the Ebionites, Gospels of Nazzarine, Egyptians, James, Philip, Mary and Thomas. Plus Dialog of the Savior and Thunder Perfect Mind. Jeshoua ben Joseph, ben Yahweh, is showing us The Way to find the Kingdom of Heaven that lies within us.
From Steven's book Christ Enlightened, the Lost Teachings of Jesus Unveiled.
Now we go back to the first century and look at the Essene sect of Jews, John the Baptist and the Kabbalah. We explore the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Serot, the Zohar and the inner teachings of the Bible.
Based on Steven's book Christ Enlightened, the Lost Teachings of Jesus Unveiled.
How the name of God and our understanding of God - the Biblical God - has evolved over time. The history that very few people know. Enjoy the ride.
Looking for God
Christ Enlightened
History of Humanity
This Sermon is on how what is happening in the world today appears to be fulfilling biblical prophesy. We look at the Jewish and Christian perspectives and then what is actually happening in Israel and around the world. From the One World Government, the Anti-Christ and Rapture to World Peace. More good news.
You can get Steven's book Christ Enlightened, the Lost Teachings of Jesus Unveiled on Amazon by CLICKING HERE
This class provides a series of meditations and self-reflective exercises to help you develop higher awareness. Just sit back and watch yourself evolve.
Reading from Steven's book The Calling, a Journey Within Your Own Being
We are discussing what is happening in the world, what the proposed changes are to our nation and world, and what opportunities are being presented to create a better world. We also apply these principals to our own lives and circumstances to help realize our own potential through the power of visualization and self reflection. Thank you for sharing.
If you can make a donation or want to join our live classes on Thursday evenings just CLICK HERE.
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