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The Mobile Workforce Podcast is centered around conversations with experts who have been where you are and have made it to the other side. Each week, our trailblazing guests share their experiences to inspire change, challenge the status quo and share what it takes to travel the road to profitability while managing a remote workforce. If you are looking to improve your operational efficiency and champion processes that maximize profit, these conversations will lead you and your team to the cutting edge. Brought to you by Foundation Software
Being a people manager is kind of the best. But it's kind of the worst too, right? I mean between questions like, “how do I know what to talk about in a 1:1 meeting?” to “how do I give difficult feedback without being awkward?” to “how do I avoid becoming a micromanager?” – managing teams can be really overwhelming.
Not anymore.
The Managing Made Simple Podcast is your roadmap and compass to help you navigate life as a people manager. Chock full of fun stories from the trenches, concrete tools and strategies, and thought provoking interviews, the Managing Made Simple Podcast will make sure you have everything you need to be a great people manager so that together we can make the workplace somewhere everyone can thrive.
If you’re looking for answers to questions like these, then this is the podcast has all of the manager tips you need:
- How do I give feedback without the conversation being awkward?
- How do I motivate my when I can't pay them more?
- How do I oversee a remote team without micromanaging?
- How do I improve my team’s productivity and output without burning people out?
- How do I help my team prioritize their time?
- How do I delegate and get out of the weeds?
- How do I set priorities when everything is important?
Subscribe today and tune in every Tuesday where no topic is too big or too small to dive into.
** About your host:
Lia Garvin, the “Team Whisperer” provides team leaders and business owners with simple strategies and tools to communicate better with their teams, reduce overwhelm as managers, and turn their employees into profit-generating machines. She is a 3x bestselling author, TEDx speaker, host of the top podcast Managing Made Simple, and team operations consultant with experience leading team operations within Google, Microsoft, Apple, and Bank of America.
She is a sought-after expert in the media, featured across Harvard Business Review, Inc, FastCompany, ABC News, CNN Business, Fortune, The Wall Street Journal, and more.
Learn more about Lia's programs, workshops, and speaking at: -
In 10 exklusiven Folgen sprechen wir mit unseren Beratern, UMA-Kunden oder Expert*innen aus der Hotellerie und Gastronomie über die Entwicklungen in unserer Lieblingsbranche und beleuchten dabei die neusten Trends, Herausforderungen und Geschehnisse.
Dieser Jubiläumstalk liefert Ihnen neue Denkanstöße und Ideen, macht Antworten auf komplexe Themen aus der Hotellerie und Gastronomie übersichtlicher und vermittelt dem Zuhörer Eindrücke aus dem nicht allzu typischen Alltag einer Unternehmensberatung für Hotellerie und Gastronomie. -
(LT) „Ant Agile Sofos“ tai pirmasis Lietuviškas Podcast įrašų ciklas nagrinėjantis Agile metodiką. Jo sumanytojai bei laidų vedėjai tai trys Agile Coach‘ais dirbantys ir ilgametę patirtį šioje srityje sukaupę Agile metodikos entuziastai.
Ant Agile Sofos komanda taip pat teikia konsultavimo ir mokymų paslaugas įvairiomis su asmeniniu, komandų ar organizacijų efektyvumu susijusiomis temomis. Padedame tiek pradedantiesiems, tiek ir labiau pažengusiems pagilinti savo žinias, efektyvinti darbo principus ir pasiekti geresnių rezultatų. Mūsų tikslas – jog Agile mąstymas atneštų kuo daugiau naudos kuo didesniam ratui įmonių Lietuvoje.
Kviečiame susisiekti su mumis, klausytis tinklalaidžių, užduoti klausimus ir dalintis savo komentarais Agile temose bei įkvėpti vis daugiau žmonių pabandyti šį veiklos organizavimo būdą.
(EN) "Ant Agile Sofos (On the Agile Couch)" is the first Agile themed lithuanian podcast diving deeper into agility and methodology of agile. Co-founders of this podcast are 3 Agile Coaches practitioners with extensive experience from this workfields.
On the Agile Couch team also provides agile trainings and consulting in various, personal, team or organizational efficiency related topics. We can help everyone - ones that are just starting their journey or more experienced individuals and companies. We strive to make your working environment more efficient and to reach better results by applying Agile principles. Our goal - to help agility adoption bring as much as possible benefits for organisations in Lithuania.
We do invite you to contact us, listen to our podcasts, raise questions and share your own experience or insights about agility adoption and inspire more and more people to try this mindset - AGILE. -
5AM - podkastas, kurio tikslas padėti nors vienam žmogui žengti žingsnį į priekį link geresnio gyvenimo.
Esminė mūsų pokalbių vertybė - atvirumas, nes tik taip galėsime sukurti reikšmingus pokalbius, kurie kam nors padės gyvenime.
Kalbinam žmones, kuriais tikim ir kurie tikrai gali padėti kitiems! -
Industrial Talk is about celebrating the women and men of industry and manufacturing. We celebrate these innovative leaders and companies because they make our lives better and are changing the world for the better! These passionate leaders collaborate, innovate and educate with speed and purpose to positively impact people and communities around the world. Industrial Talk in collaboration with industry and manufacturing leaders address topics that include: Digital Transformation, Big Data, Industry 4.0, IoT, IIoT, AI, ML, Optimization, Edge, Cloud, Asset Reliability, Maintenance, 5G, Sales, Marketing and Branding and strategies for success. This is a podcast that is focused on Getting Stuff Done and learning from individuals and companies that have been there and have a track record of success. We celebrate a bright future in industry and manufacturing from with women and men dedicated to making our communities and world a better place.
„Tiek daug knygų, taip mažai laiko“ – Frank Zappa buvo teisus. Tačiau šiais laikais laiko knygoms mes turime kur kas daugiau, nes mes turime savo išmaniuosius telefonus ir... audioknygas! O klausyti knygų galime ir vairuodami, ir sportuodami, ir čiučiuodami mažuosius, ir gamindami, ir net miegodami. Žinių Radijo laidoje „Savaitgalio skaitiniai“ kviečiame susipažinti su naujausiomis lietuviškomis audioknygomis, o susipažinus – atsisiųsti Audioteka programėlę ir išbandyti jas savo kailiu. Laidą rengia – lietuviškos audioknygos tavo telefone.
„PIN kodas“ – paprasta ir smagi LRT RADIJO laida apie pinigus, ekonomiką ir verslą.
Laidos vedėjai kiekvieną savaitę šalies miestuose ir miesteliuose klaus žmonių – kas jiems labiausiai rūpi ir ko jie visiškai nesupranta. Nuo mokesčių reformos iki brangstančių batų. Nuo valstybės biudžeto iki išlaidų Kalėdoms. Čia neišgirsite sudėtingų terminų ir nesuprantamų atsakymų.
Laidos tikslas – parodyti, jog ekonominiai procesai ar asmeniniai finansai nėra neįkandami. Vedėjai įsitikinę, kad kai žinai kur pasidomėti, viskas tampa ypač elementaru. Todėl laidoje bus pristatytos ir trumpos rubrikos. „Įdomioji ekonomika“ žaismingai ir trumpai vedžios sudėtingiausių įvykių labirintais. O ,,Už kadro" pasiūlys atsukti ausį į reiškinius, apie kuriuos iš viso nesusimąstome. Pavyzdžiui, kur iš tiesų slypi prabangaus ir paprasto laikrodžių kainų skirtumas.
Penktadienio popietę niekam nesinori rimtų temų ir sudėtingų analizių, todėl riedėdami iš darbo, laukdami jo pabaigos ar jau namie gamindami vakarienę, įsijunkite LRT RADIJĄ. Čia lauks pusvalandis lengvų, bet labai naudingų pokalbių apie didelius ir mažus pinigus. Ekonomiką suprasti labai paprasta, jei žinai, ko klausytis. -
Puikias kompanijas kuria ne genialūs vadovai, o talentingų žmonių komandos. Todėl šiame podkaste kalbiname daug pasiekusių organizacijų vadovus, personalo vadovus ir jų konsultantus - siekdami geriau suprasti ko jaunos ir dar mažos įmonės, kur dauguma užduočių galbūt dar gula ant vadovo pečių, gali pasimokyti apie darbą su didžiausiu kompanijos turtu - žmonėmis. Kaip pritraukti top talentus? Kaip juos motyvuoti? Kaip įgalinti? Ką turi daryti (ir ko nedaryti!) vadovas, kad sukurtų tinkamą atmosferą tokiai komandai klestėti? Kaip tapti kompanija, kuri kaip magnetas trauktų talentingus žmones? Apie visa tai ir dar daugiau – podkaste „Žmogiškieji iššūkiai“. Podkastą veda Valerija Buzėnienė — talentų pritraukimo, darbuotojų paieškos ir atrankos praktikė, turinti 15 metų vadovavimo patirties, knygų "Misija Talentai" ir "Boso Valanda" bendraautorė, konsultuojanti įmones, vedanti mokymus, vadovaujanti tarptautinės įmonės personalo skyriui. Pirmojo laidos sezono vedėjas, Aurimas Mikalauskas, yra nedidelės įmonės vadovas, pats kasdien susiduriantis su įvairiausiais žmogiškaisiais iššūkiais. Verslą Aurimas kūrė siekdamas padėti užimtiems žmonėms tobulėti – intelektualiai, profesiškai, asmeniškai, dvasiškai – net jeigu jie tam visiškai neturi laiko. Ir šis podkastas, tikimės, taip pat padės įgyvendinti šią misiją, nes podkastų, kaip ir audioknygų, klausyti galima įvairiausiose kasdienėse situacijose, kuomet rankos, kojos ir akys užimtis, bet ausys puikiausiai viską girdi: pakeliui į darbą, susitikimą, sportuojant, tvarkantis, vedžiojant šunį ar, galiausiai, atliekant įvairiausius buities darbus. Malonaus klausymo!
The Truth About Estate Planning (TAEP) podcast is an ongoing discussion about all things “estate planning.” Most think estate planning is just about assets-who gets what when. TAEP will explore much more than that. In fact, TAEP is designed to expand your thinking—it’s the home of the 24 Hour Thinker™!
Presented in the familiar “radio show” format, TAEP is hosted by Rick Randall, Chairman and CEO of the National Network of Estate Planning Attorneys and founder of the Indianapolis law firm of Randall, Gentry & Pike. TAEP will feature segments on new planning approaches, planning pitfalls and what you’d expect--legal technical developments and strategies.
TAEP will address broader “estate planning” topics from NextGen Estate Planning® to PROActive Elder Law™. We’ll investigate building and leaving your legacy, assisting loved ones from aging parents to parenting young toddlers through discussion of strategies and available resources most never know about. Topics will include controlling your own health care, grieving, promoting family values, how to maximize your inheritance and more.
Featuring guest presenters who’ve invested their lives and careers in putting together effective ways to address these issues, TAEP will connect you with their often little known, and in many cases quite contrarian, approaches.
The goal is to help you learn everything you need to create, maintain and implement your plan, an Empowered Estate Plan® designed to work throughout the “Lifespan Circle”. From industry leaders to practitioners in the trenches to the popular “Randall’s Rants” segments, TAEP helps you think yourself “rich!” -
Olyasha Novozhylova is a model, blogger, and Influencer. The founder and creator of NotBasicBlonde, a fashion and lifestyle blog dedicated to inspiring young women to create an extraordinary style.
On the NotBasicBlonde Podcast, Olyasha will share the latest breaking news about fashion, beauty, wellness, travel, her lifestyle, and not basic tips and tricks on how to become a successful an Influencer. -
CATALYST is about pivotal moments that shape business and the global economy. We tap into the expertise of Temple University’s Fox School of Business faculty and business community to dig deep into today’s most pressing questions, like: What is the future of work? Will the WTO stop working? Who is winning the global AI race? We decode topics from philosophical and practical standpoints so you, the workforce, can spark change in your field.
If you want to compete in the coaching industry, you need to be GOOD at coaching.
But there are some things you simply couldn’t know when you were training to be a coach - and while it’s tempting to keep studying, take another course, or dive into a certification program, you really need to build the practical skills and confidence to handle whatever your clients throw at you.
Each week life coach Lindsay Dotzlaf shares stories, tips and advice to continually develop your skills as a coach. She knows what it’s like to feel overwhelmed and anxious about coaching in the moment, and will teach you why shifting your mindset around your own abilities as a coach will make all the difference.
If you’ve got clients but want to become the absolute best coach you can be, you’ll find answers, advice and support here. Learn more at! -
This podcast explores the relationship between data strategy and business strategy. A fireside chat between the host Samir Sharma and executives from across industries. We will wax lyrically about all things to do with Data Strategy and how it drives business growth. Join Samir Sharma and his guests to gain insights into how organisations drive their strategic growth objectives using data.
“Follow the Money” with Kevin Sullivan, CAMS, CCI retired State & Federal Money Laundering Investigator. C-Notes podcasts provide listeners with Anti Money Laundering (AML) / Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) training & advisory tips. Topics span the fundamentals of the 5 pillars of a quality AML program through to best practices for AML compliance, risk mitigation, terrorist activity prevention, and financial crime investigation methods & tools available within various industries and to law enforcement. Tune in for tips on understanding the monitoring and reporting processes of suspicious activity and pointers on transaction monitoring and analysis. We’ll discuss steps to improving and building more effective interagency communication, internal information sharing solutions, and the benefits of AML resource sharing. We’ll provide insight into regulatory scrutiny including proactive measures to help identify regulatory risks and the advantages and disadvantages of self assessment tools. Receive guidance on risk management recommendations. How to prepare for regulatory reviews. How to respond to government enforcement actions. Identifying areas of vulnerability and reducing violations.
C-Notes includes interviews with leading industry experts to provide pointers on developing a culture of compliance. Discussions on new AML technologies that aid AML efforts and monitoring the use of those technologies. Guidelines for balancing risk assessment and regulatory compliance. Conversations will include efforts to increase awareness of the consequences of regulatory actions and remind listeners of the accountability of companies and individuals.
Kevin, who’s been on the front lines of AML for more than 30 years will provide commentary on current financial crime news events including new AML mandates and reform, emerging threats, and new technologies. Kevin will critique current events and offer insight into case studies informed by his more than 30 years experience on the front lines of AML going back to his time working as a passionate member of the team that helped to define and implement much of today's global AML policies and procedures following the events of 9/11. Upon retirement from law enforcement as New York State Police Money Laundering Investigation Coordinator Kevin continues his commitment to AML through his company The Anti Money Laundering (AML) Training Academy, We hope you join him on this “Financial Crimes Ride Along”. -