
  • Bonus Episode Unit 01 was the first in a series of bonus episodes. Something went wrong with the original post however and it has not been in the feed this whole time! I am publishing it now so that new listeners can enjoy something that was previously published. Something old, something new if you will.

    Topics for this Episode:

    A brief introduction to this first bonus episode, which offers some character insight while also recognizing more of series composer Shiro Sagisu's themes An in depth analysis of Shinji and why he is the sullen boy he grew to be A short foray into Rei Ayanami and her mysterious origins and characteristics A look into what makes Dr. Ritsuko Akagi such an integral part of the series A glorious foray into the unexpectedly deep character, Misato Katsuragi All of it set to Shiro Sagisu's amazing score for the series.

    Thank you for downloading and listening. Feel free to reach out on twitter and instagram @intheseaofdirac. You can email the show at and you can find the show on Facebook at

    #evangelion #psychology #anime #podcast

  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: A Commentary is a commentary style podcast examining the 1995 anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion.

    Bonus Episode Unit 04 is the fourth in a series of bonus episodes for the podcast. In this installment, Jacob sits down with a kindred spirit so to speak. Chris, on twitter as @jappert_chris, is another fan of the series and recently found the podcast through a couple of mutual friends who are big fans of Godzilla.

    Topics for this Episode:

    A brief history of Chris's experience with Anime and Evangelion A short Q and A session so another's perspective can find an audience A musical highlight that is most befitting for the guest, Shiro Sagisu's music from Shin Godzilla.

    Thank you for downloading and listening. Feel free to reach out on twitter and instagram @intheseaofdirac. You can email the show at and you can find the show on Facebook at

    #evangelion #psychology #anime #podcast

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  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: A Commentary is a commentary style podcast examining the 1995 anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion.

    Bonus Episode Unit 03 features a commentary on the officially licensed short film Evangelion: Another Impact. Featuring the strange Unit Null, this short film features a mix of CG imagery and live action elements to create a completely new take on Evangelion.

    Topics for this Episode:

    A brief commentary for the short film itself, providing a description of the action on screen and my own thoughts on the story.\ A look at the Japan Animator Expo, a collaboration between Studio Khara and Dwango that aimed to provide lesser known animators an opportunity to reach a worldwide audience

    Thank you for downloading and listening. Feel free to reach out on twitter and instagram @intheseaofdirac. You can email the show at and you can find the show on Facebook at

    #evangelion #psychology #anime #podcast

  • Episode 25 is the first in a two part episode that serves as a finale for the main series. Regarded as fans with very polarized feelings, some people straight up reject these final episodes in favor of the feature film End of Evangelion. However, this Eva fan is going to try to give these episodes the justice that they deserve.

    Topics for this episode:

    A rundown on the episode that features a final decision from Shinji that determines the fate of the world A lengthy wrapup of the final episode of the series A final Evangelion news update from crunchyroll about an Evangelion themed fitness video A musical spotlight on Shiro Sagisu's Introjection as an accompaniment for a look at one of the more subtle psychological themes present in the series

    Thank you for downloading and listening. Feel free to reach out on twitter and instagram @intheseaofdirac. You can email the show at and you can find the show on Facebook at

    #evangelion #psychology #anime #podcast #podernfamily

  • Episode 25 is the first in a two part episode that serves as a finale for the main series. Regarded as fans with very polarized feelings, some people straight up reject these final episodes in favor of the feature film End of Evangelion. However, this Eva fan is going to try to give these episodes the justice that they deserve.

    Topics for this episode:

    A rundown on the episode that features an introspective look at Human Instrumentality A scene by scene analysis of each characters plight as they face the reality of his or her actions A much appreciated Evangelion news update A musical spotlight on Shiro Sagisu's Separation Anxiety as an accompaniment for a look at some of the more overtly psychological terminology used throughout the series

    Thank you for downloading and listening. Feel free to reach out on twitter and instagram @intheseaofdirac. You can email the show at and you can find the show on Facebook at

    #evangelion #psychology #anime #podcast #podernfamily

  • Episode 24 is what many consider to be the finale of the series, the crescendo of the series. Kaworu Nagisa arrives as the Seele appointed pilot of Evangelion Unit 02. There is something strange about this boy though. AS the final Angel attacks, Shinji faces his most challenging dilemma yet.

    Topics for this episode:

    A rundown on the episode that features an invasion from within A scene by scene breakdown of Nerv's greatest threat so far, the Seventeenth Angel Kowaru A more in depth look at a very misunderstood individual, Kaworu Nagisa A musical spotlight on Ludwig von Beethoven's Symphony Number 9 4th movement with a further analysis of religious iconogrtaphy used in the series

    Thank you for downloading and listening. Feel free to reach out on twitter and instagram @intheseaofdirac. You can email the show at and you can find the show on Facebook at

    #evangelion #psychology #anime #podcast #podernfamily

  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: A Commentary is a commentary style podcast examining the 1995 anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion.

    Episode 23 is the second part of a one two punch directly to those heart strings. The sixteenth angel, Armisael, attempts to make physical contact with Unit 00 and Rei. This is a rough one folks. However, we also get some answers to some of those burning questions.

    Topics for this episode:

    A rundown on the episode that features a physical assault on Rei and Unit 00 in the most grotesque manner and cruelest of fates A scene that features body horror in a way that rivals any horror film A more in depth look at two scenes from the episode A musical spotlight on Shiro Sagisu's Thanatos accompanies a discussion on Rei and all that she is.

    Thank you for downloading and listening. Feel free to reach out on twitter and instagram @intheseaofdirac. You can email the show at and you can find the show on Facebook at

    #evangelion #psychology #anime #podcast #podernfamily

  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: A Commentary is a commentary style podcast examining the 1995 anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion.

    Episode 22 is the first of a two-part coordinated assault to those heart strings. This week, the 15th angel, Arael, attempts to communicate with one of the pilots. As Asuka's mind is invaded and her mental anguish reaches the breaking point, Unit 00 retrieves the Lance of Longinus and uses it to defeat the enemy.

    Topics for this episode:

    A rundown on the episode that features a mental assault in the form of an angel pressence within Asuka's mind An amazing sequence that features Unit 00 utilizing the Lance of Longinus against the angel A listener question about the origin of the Eva units themselves A musical spotlight on Shiro Sagis... wait, something different this week to accompany a brief analysis of the mythological elements of the series

    Thank you for downloading and listening. Feel free to reach out on twitter and instagram @intheseaofdirac. You can email the show at and you can find the show on Facebook at

    #evangelion #psychology #anime #podcast #podernfamily

  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: A Commentary is a commentary style podcast examining the 1995 anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion.

    Episode 21 is a history lesson, providing backgorund for the organization that has become known as Nerv. Told through a series of flash backs from the most secretive cast members, the story of Seele and the man who defied them for someone he loved becomes clear.

    Topics for this episode:

    A rundown on the episode that features a complete history of Nerv and Seele, shedding light on Yui and Gendo Ikari, Naoko and ritsuko Akagi, and Misato A whole lot of information about Gendo's right hand man, Vice Commander Fuyutsuki A summary of responses collected from a poll on those social medias. A musical spotlight on Shiro Sagisu's Hostility Restrained with a character spotlight on Kozou Fuyutsuki

    Thank you for downloading and listening. Feel free to reach out on twitter and instagram @intheseaofdirac. You can email the show at and you can find the show on Facebook at

    #evangelion #psychology #anime #podcast #podernfamily

  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: A Commentary is a commentary style podcast examining the 1995 anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion.

    Episode 20 is a veritable playground for metaphor and allegory. There is so much more depth to the meanderings of Shinji Ikari's mind as Misato and Ritsuko struggle to pull him from the depths of Unit 01's soul.

    Topics for this episode:

    A rundown on the episode that spends a whole lot of time inside Shinji's mind, not that there is anything new about that A major break through in terms of Yui Ikari's potential intentions A brief news article regarding a litigious battle between Studio Khara and Gainax A musical spotlight on Shiro Sagisu's Infantile Dependence, Adult Dependence with a character spotlight on Toji inspired by a listener email

    Thank you for downloading and listening. Feel free to reach out on twitter and instagram @intheseaofdirac. You can email the show at and you can find the show on Facebook at

    #evangelion #psychology #anime #podcast #podernfamily

  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: A Commentary is a commentary style podcast examining the 1995 anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion.

    Episode 19 is the pivotal episode in which the series finally reaches its exciting peak before the freefall that is coming. This episode is a masterpiece in animation and serves as the beginning of the end.

    Topics for this episode:

    A rundown on the episode that features the struggle against the most dangerous angel faces thusfar, Zeruel A major break through for Shinji in terms of his acceptance of his role as a pilot for Evangelion Unit 01 A brief mention of an upcoming concern in Japan in which Evangelion and Godzilla will face off through Shiro Sagisu's amazing music A musical spotlight on Shiro Sagisu's The Beast II, which accompanies one of the most jarring sequences of the series

    Thank you for downloading and listening. Feel free to reach out on twitter and instagram @intheseaofdirac. You can email the show at and you can find the show on Facebook at

    #evangelion #psychology #anime #podcast #podernfamily

  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: A Commentary is a commentary style podcast examining the 1995 anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion.

    Episode 18 is one of the most popular episodes of the entire series. Titled Ambivalence, this week's episode is intense and violent unlike the rest of the series to this point. This episode is the last push over the mountain. From this point forward, the series accelerates until.. on more final.

    Topics for this episode:

    A rundown on the episode that features the bloodiest massacre of the series to date, the fight against the 13th Angel Bardiel A breaking point for Shinji as Gendo employs the dummy plug system Some news about the final entry in the evangelion series found at Crunchyroll News A discussion on Evangelion and Pokemon united A musical spotlight on Shiro Sagisu's Normal Blood for one of the bloodiest battles of the entire series

    Thank you for downloading and listening. Feel free to reach out on twitter and instagram @intheseaofdirac. You can email the show at and you can find the show on Facebook at

    #evangelion #psychology #anime #podcast #podernfamily

  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: A Commentary is a commentary style podcast examining the 1995 anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion.

    Episode 17 features a whole lot of shots of faces. That's right, another "Calm before the storm" episode in which the identity of the fourth child is alluded to without so much subtelty. Toji and Hikari strike up a bit of a romance and Kaji reveals his melons to Shinji.

    Topics for this episode:

    A rundown on the episode that features a whole lot of silence, devoid of music and focused on the silence as a character all its own A candid moment between Shinji and Kaji in which Kaji reveals his secret garden Some background about the first and second branches of Nerv A long overdue response to a listener email A discussion about fruit, with information drawn from A musical spotlight on Shiro Sagisu's Waking in the Morning with a short biography on Hideaki Anno's school experience found on the Studio Khara website

    Thank you for downloading and listening. Feel free to reach out on twitter and instagram @intheseaofdirac. You can email the show at and you can find the show on Facebook at

    #evangelion #psychology #anime #podcast #podernfamily

  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: A Commentary is a commentary style podcast examining the 1995 anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion.

    Episode 16 contains some of the most intense and frightening scenes of the entire series. Shinji and Unit 01 are absorbed into the Dirac Sea body of Leliel, the 12th Angel. As Misato and NERV consider how to rescue him, Shinji has an encouter with.... something.

    Topics for this episode:

    A rundown on the episode that features a living shadow, so much blood, and the horrific revation of what dwells within the Evanglions A breakdown of what Shinji experiences while trapped within the Sea of Dirac A look into the possible motivations for the Angels Some appreciation from Jacob for the response from listeners A musical spotlight on Shiro Sagisu's Angel Attack III A bonus musical spotlight on Shiro Sagisu's Mother is the First Other

    Thank you for downloading and listening. Feel free to reach out on twitter and instagram @intheseaofdirac. You can email the show at and you can find the show on Facebook at

    #evangelion #psychology #anime #podcast #podernfamily

  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: A Commentary is a commentary style podcast examining the 1995 anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion.

    Bonus Episode Unit 02 is the second in a series of bonus episodes for podcast. In this installment, Jacob gets some analysis in while also providing some much needed shout outs for the listeners. Also, the exciting conclusion to the Review Contest!

    Topics for this Episode:

    A brief introduction to this second bonus episode, which offers some character insight while also recognizing more of series composer Shiro Sagisu's themes An in depth analysis of Asuka through her relationship with Shinji A short foray into Rei Ayanami and what she really means to Gendo Ikari A look into what makes Misato and Kaji's relationship so powerful A thank you to some of the listeners of the show The announcement of the winner of the Review Contest

    Thank you for downloading and listening. Feel free to reach out on twitter and instagram @intheseaofdirac. You can email the show at and you can find the show on Facebook at

    #evangelion #psychology #anime #podcast

  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: A Commentary is a commentary style podcast examining the 1995 anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion.

    Episode 15 is a real thinker with some serious pathos appeal. This episode features a battle with inner motives rather than the Angels. Shinji and Asuka find something to do to entertain themselves while Misato, Kaji, and Ritsuko attend a wedding. There are some serious revelations in this episode folks!

    Topics for this episode:

    A rundown on the episode that features more character development and plot points than any episode thusfar A major revelation as to what dwells beneath Nerv HQ in Central Dogma and Terminal Dogma A few internet items including a fan made human sized Lilith statue ( and The New York Gospel Choir's take on Cruel Angel's Thesis ( Some appreciation from Jacob for the response from listeners A musical spotlight on Shiro Sagisu's Those Women Longed for the Touch of Others' Lips and Thus Invited their Kisses.

    Thank you for downloading and listening. Feel free to reach out on twitter and instagram @intheseaofdirac. You can email the show at and you can find the show on Facebook at

    #evangelion #psychology #anime #podcast #podernfamily

  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: A Commentary is a commentary style podcast examining the 1995 anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion.

    Episode 14 may be a recap episode, but there is also a wealth of clues and some serious insight into Unit 00 and Rei. There is a rundown of each fight with the Angels, some Human Instrumentality talk, and Rei descends into the depths with the Lance of Longinus. It is a great episode.

    Topics for this episode:

    A rundown on the episode that features a recap of all the previous fights with the Angels and a whole lot of Human Instrumentality business A test to see how well the pilots fare in each other's Evangelions An Evangelion ride at Universal Studios Japan and an exhibition by Studio Khara! Some listener emails and a question for Jacob A musical spotlight on Shiro Sagisu's Rei I, which is as mysterious and haunting as the character who shares the name

    Thank you for downloading and listening. Feel free to reach out on twitter and instagram @intheseaofdirac. You can email the show at and you can find the show on Facebook at

    #evangelion #psychology #anime #podcast #podernfamily

  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: A Commentary is a commentary style podcast examining the 1995 anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion.

    Episode 13 is just bursting with technological babble and scientific theory regarding bio-technology. The three Magi are compromised as the eleventh Angel Iruel attempts to break into the supercomputer and self-destruct. However, Dr. Akagi is there to save the day and in the end, we find out a little bit about her mother, Naoko Akagi.

    Topics for this episode:

    A rundown on the episode that features some background on Ritsuko and her battle against the smallest Angel, Iruel A super scary jounrey into the inner workings of the Magi supercomputer A pitiful attempt to analyze the series' use of biological nomenclature A musical spotlight on Shiro Sagisu's Harbinger of Tragedy, a piece that is more of a cacophonous assault than a musical selection

    Thank you for downloading and listening. Feel free to reach out on twitter and instagram @intheseaofdirac. You can email the show at and you can find the show on Facebook at

    #evangelion #psychology #anime #podcast #podernfamily

  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: A Commentary is a commentary style podcast examining the 1995 anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion.

    Episode 12 really gets into Misato's head and provides a wealth of background about her and what drives her to work for NERV. Additionally, the massive 10th Angel, Sahaquiel, attacks from orbit.

    Topics for this episode:

    A rundown on the episode that features not only a bit of background on Misato, but also an amazing fight against the largest angel yet A brief foray into the internets for some Evangelion news updates A contest offer, so to speak A musical spotlight on Shiro Sagisu's She said, "Don't Make Others Suffer For Your Personal Hatred with a full on fanboy attack on the battle sequence featured in this episode

    Thank you for downloading and listening. Feel free to reach out on twitter and instagram @intheseaofdirac. You can email the show at and you can find the show on Facebook at

    #evangelion #psychology #anime #podcast #podernfamily

  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: A Commentary is a commentary style podcast examining the 1995 anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion.

    Episode 11 provides us a snapshot into the daily lives of the cast and puts them in an unexpected situation as the power supply for the entire city is cut off, just in time for the ninth Angel to attack.

    Topics for this episode:

    A rundown on the episode that features on of the most terrifying Angels that the pilots have encountered thusfar A little bit of subtle humor A brief discussion on the dynamics between Asuka, Rei and Shinji A listener email that sparks a much too lengthy discussion on the anime trope of tsundere A musical spotlight on Shiro Sagisu's The Day Tokyo-3 Stood Still with a discussion about the jazzy feels that come from listening to such a piece

    Thank you for downloading and listening. Feel free to reach out on twitter and instagram @intheseaofdirac. You can email the show at and you can find the show on Facebook at

    #evangelion #psychology #anime #podcast #podernfamily