
  • Steve Austin is BACK! Many of you loved his testimony in his first episode about witnessing healing miracles, his first book God Heals, and have been blessed with his prayers. He is back on the podcast today to share more miracles and insight and his new BE HEALED, a 40 day devotional to support you as you pray for healing. A Recap of Steve's testimony: Steve Austin was a churchgoing attorney who did not believe in supernatural healing miracles. His life was transformed when, out of a skeptical curiosity, he participated in a mission trip to India and witnessed undeniable, verifiable supernatural healing miracles. His faith was ignited! Ultimately this would be the catalyst to lead him into full time ministry. Steve has ministered to thousands of patients and their families for 25 years in the largest medical center in the world - Houston's Texas Medical Center. He is the Founder of Living Hope Chaplaincy and is a pastor at Lakewood Church. He has taken his years of experience and revelation and written a beautiful book, God Heals, which explains eight powerful keys to defeat sickness and receive divine healing. In this episode Steve shares: His wife's miraculous healing of rheumatoid arthritis when they were dating -Recap of his amazing testimony of the mission trip that changed everything The soul - what it is, what role it plays in healing 3 beautiful messages from the new journal that will inspire you A miracle testimony of a boy who was born without ears who was never expected to hear or speak His new BE HEALED 40 day devotional "I just want you to know, God loves you. God has you in the palm of his hand. You may be fighting a battle right now, but don't believe those 'never' lies. Don't believe the never lies that I'm never going to get well. I'm never going to overcome this. Just keep persevering, keep trusting God, keep doing everything that you know to keep your head up. Keep your head up looking at God and trusting in Him and exercising your faith and feeding your faith every day. And you are going to get your breakthrough miracle in Jesus name. God doesn't want to withhold it from you. He wants to give it to you, but sometimes he's doing a work in us before he does a work for us. And that's why God didn't do everything instantly because sometimes he's trying to grow our spiritual muscles and, and develop us and grow us up." - Steve Austin "I am the Lord who heals you." -Exodus 15:26 "These signs will follow those who believe: In my name...they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover." -Mark 16:17-18 (Words of Jesus) Steve's website for new devotional BE HEALED with pre-order perks!: Where to find more on the Living Hope Chaplaincy: Steve's email: [email protected] Steve's wonderful book GOD HEALS with declarations, prayers, and so much more: Ramiro's American Idol miracle share and singing Amazing Grace:

  • Trigger Warning: This episode includes a share of a traumatic accident with details of severe blood loss and crushing injuries. Bruce Van Natta was a skilled diesel mechanic. In 2006, he nearly died when a jack slipped and a Peterbilt logging truck nearly crushed him in half. While his journey included an unimaginable healing process, there were undeniable miracles of God that began at the injury site. In this episode Bruce shares: A brief history of his faith walk prior to the accident Leaving his body after the injury and feeling unattached to the body under the truck Seeing 2 large identical angels working on the man under the truck Observing events that transpired and being able to verify those after the accident How God worked through a baby Christian on the scene who never stopped praying Being airlifted and the response of the trauma surgeon The creative and documented miracle of his intestines growing back supernaturally Being called to ministry and is witnessing healing miracles A prayer for those struggling to remember God is REAL, He hears our prayers! Bruce's ministry (testimonies, books, contact): The living God is able to come to you, wherever you are, and meet and fulfill all your greatest needs when you make Him the Lord and Savior of your life! Make no mistake, the greatest miracle He offers is an intimate relationship that leads to eternal salvation. Jesus declared, “I am the Bread of Life.” He also said, “I am the Living Bread.” - Bruce Van Natta (website)

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  • Lynne was a fitness instructor and in the best shape of her life when she was given 3-6 months to live. She was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer in 2015. The prognosis was dire, but Lynne held on to hope and she cried out to God. In her full surrender to God's will, she heard Him tell her it was not yet her time to go.

    In this episode Lynne shares:

    The shock of being diagnosed Realizing the blessings around her in the midst of her trial (husband, family) Her path to healing through the medical system The importance of staying positive and anchored in hope How integrative oncology helped her in her healing The joy of seeing the healing Words for those who are in the battle A prayer of blessing over listeners

    Miraculously it has been 8 years since the diagnosis! Lynne has been cancer free for 4 years! After her health returned, Lynne volunteered at the local cancer center. She is very loved in our community and is an inspiration to all who cross her path!


    Let's Win: is Chuck Keels' living cancer foundation where he offers lots of info to fight cancer. He was also guest on my podcast who is passionate about empowering others in their healing journey.

    Many have been interested in what type of medications were used in Lynne's treatment. She had chemo: 8 months of fulfirinox, 8 months of gemcitabine (Gemzar). The clinical trial of immunotherapy was a combination of nivolumab, ipilimumab, and cobimetinib.

    A few of Lynne's favorite verses for her fight:

    2 Thessalonians 3:3 "But the Lord is faithful and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one."

    Lamentations 3:22-23 "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. God loves you. He pours out extravagant grace to you every single day."

    God created you in His own image. You are His beloved child and He has incredible plans in store for your future. God wants the very best for you and His vision for your life will always be immeasurably more than you could ever ask, dream, or imagine. Jesus makes life meaningful, but He also makes death meaningful. He saves us from life vanity and gives us a hope beyond the grave! (Lynne's notes)

    More scriptures for your reference:
    Ephesians 3:14-19
    James 5:13-16
    Philippians 4:6
    Psalm 91:14-16
    Romans 8:18
    Romans 8:35-39
    Ephesians 1:17-19
    Isaiah 43:18-19
    James 1:2-5
    Philippians 4:5-6
    Job 14:27
    Psalm 94:18-19
    Ephesians 4:29
    Luke 6:45
    Isaiah 55:9

    Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building up others according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

    The purpose of Everyday Miracles Podcast is to share the love of Jesus. The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed on behalf of guests do not necessarily represent the thoughts of the host. This podcast does not constitute services or medical advice. Please pray and thoroughly research options for medical needs. Listeners and viewers consume this content on a voluntary basis and assume all responsibility for the resulting consequences and impact.

    For more testimonies, to apply, to reach Julie: Facebook:
    To email Julie directly: [email protected]

  • He was known as Diamond Jim. Never a religious man, Jim was a successful airline pilot and businessman who enjoyed all the finest things the world can offer. Although he loved traveling the world, there was always a hunger for something more. The day he died would prove to be an unexpected journey that would quench his deep hunger and leave him radically transformed. In this episode Jim shares: Growing up in Canada and becoming an airline pilot at the young age of 18 Onset of symptoms leading up to the diagnosis of Guillain Barre Unintentional overdose of medication to manage his pain and an out of body experience Three critical words he said just before he lost consciousness Experiencing heaven and streets of transparent gold Witnessing a dark crevasse and encountering an evil being Being rescued by three angels Flowers in heaven and the appearance a Holy city, a nursery for children lost Encountering Jesus, liquid light and seeing his book of life, being given an assignment Coming to consciousness in the ICU and his first words to his wife A powerful takeaway message from his experience Today Jim is healed and shares that he lives an exchanged life. He is a man that has been transformed by the love of God. It has changed how he sees God, himself, others and life in general. He is passionate about traveling and ministering to others about the wonders he has witnessed and turning to Christ. He feels a joy and a peace that he never knew was possible. "I saw the dead, both great and small, standing before God’s throne. And the books were opened, including the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to what they had done, as recorded in the books." - Revelation 20:12 NIV Jim's book: Heaven an Unexpected Journey Jim's website is not functioning at this time but you can reach him by email: [email protected] Jim's appearance on Sid Roth:

  • Mike didn't believe in near death testimonies until he experienced one. Sepsis (massive systemic infection) after a ruptured appendix nearly took his life. Events that transpired during the trial would have a life changing impact. In this episode Mike shares: Discovering the severity of his illness during his son's wedding celebration Moving to the operating room table alert and seeing Jesus extending his hand, "I want to answer your prayer." A supernatural experience he had with Jesus, the landscape of heaven, the colors, the sensations A sight that was so overwhelming it brought him to his knees Regaining consciousness and seeing the crash cart and defibrillator Processing his experience and the difficulty in sharing the account in the beginning Recalling the prayer of his childhood that Jesus wanted to answer How this experience impacted his faith The desire to write down what he saw and share the message Walking with Jesus daily and seeing His hand in even the smallest things A specific time that Mike heard the audible voice of God and how God was faithful An encouraging take away message and invitation to seek Jesus "It's more than just faith now. I held the hand of Jesus. It was a physical thing, and I just know there is life after death. There's life during this life, too. I mean, Jesus is with me all the time, answering all these prayers, tiny miracles every day. I see his presence every day. You just have to be aware of it, you know, I think you just have to seek him out and he'll reveal himself to you." - Mike McKinsey "It's more than just faith now. I held the hand of Jesus. It was a physical thing, and I just know there is life after death. There's life during this life, too. I mean, Jesus is with me all the time, answering all these prayers, tiny miracles every day. I see his presence every day. You just have to be aware of it, you know, I think you just have to seek him out and he'll reveal himself to you." - Mike McKinsey “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened." Matthew 7:7-12 To follow Mike on Facebook: Mike's first book: Guidepost Book with Mike's Testimony:

  • Pastor Matt Brown has witnessed miracles of many types personally and in his congregation. In his new book, Matt takes a deep dive into the subject and invites the reader to discover Jesus as not only Savior, but as a Healer. In this episode Matt shares: What led him to write a book on miracles His own personal miracle healing The "soul cry" and how God is moving through these times A powerful resurrection miracle of a young boy in Communist Vietnam How to pray for a miracle (in the name of Jesus) Jesus wants to do a miracle through you! Healing of the soul, emotions and spirit When you are in the waiting for the miracle (keep praying!) Prayers don't expire! They outlive us! The power of his mother's prayer when he lost his faith The complex nature of healing and looking at how Jesus modeled this A Blessing over those listening that are experiencing hardship John 14:12-14 "Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it." -Jesus "God is doing miracles. He is changing lives. I don't know what God will do in your life, but we don't believe in what He will do, we believe in what He can do, and that's where our faith has to lie. Miracles draw attention. I believe the more we pray, the more miracles we see. There's a direct correlation. It's so important for us to pray out loud in Jesus' name. There's no other name under heaven by which man can be saved." -Pastor Matt Brown, Sandals Church Matthew Stephen Brown is the founding and Senior Pastor at Sandals Church in Riverside, CA. From a small 8-person church plant in 1997, Sandals Church now has 14 physical campuses throughout California, a growing online campus with more than 50 countries tuning in, and a digital presence reaching 110,000 people weekly. Matt's new book Everyday a Miracle: Matt's website for the new book: Senior Pastor Matt Brown's Sandals Church in Riverside, CA:

  • Sheila's tragic near-death accident (9/2011) turns triumphant and even joy-filled as the God of grace appears on the scene and miracles abound! In this episode Sheila shares: Details of the accident scene as she is hit while riding her motorcycle Jesus appearing to her at the crash site A shift of the atmosphere with the presence of Jesus and Holy Spirit The message Jesus gave her and the miracle that followed The medic who heeded, "the voice" that directed him in a way that would save Sheila's life The wonderful surgeon who worked so diligently to try to save her amputated leg The hardships and the blessings along the road of recovery Her lowest point and how she rebounded A message of hope for anyone who is facing tragedy A beautiful prayer and blessing over listeners Sheila Preston Fitzgerald is alive today only by the Grace of God. A near-death motorcycle accident that should have taken her life, instead, filled this Godly woman with a passion larger than life itself. Sheila’s love of people, love of life, and most importantly her love for Jesus, radiates in all she does. Her miraculous testimony of redemptive healing, from the inside out, will have you laughing and crying with joy. In spite of multiple horrific losses and countless “one step forward - two steps back” do-overs, Sheila has learned to, literally, walk out her incredible journey of faith and recovery. Sheila Preston Fitzgerald's website: Audible, Print, Ebook of “One Foot in Heaven”: Finding Hope in the Hopeless available:

    Sheila's gift to you:
    The first 2 chapters of “One Foot In Heaven” FREE at

  • Rick Bell’s life began with his mother giving him up at birth and refusing to ever meet him, causing life-long feelings of rejection that he medicated by overachieving in everything he did. A powerful supernatural encounter with Jesus forever changes his life and calling.

    Highlights Rick shares in this episode: A dramatic encounter with Jesus while he is on the job How his life changed from atheist to being filled with the Holy Spirit Revelation of the spirit of rejection at work in his life from birth and the effect Learning to fight in the spirit realm and being called to the ministry of deliverance A word and warning from God (2015) about a time that is coming where warfare will be like nothing we have yet seen How we often open the doors for demonic spirits to get access and a brief word on how we can stop this to find healing and freedom “Rockin” Rick Bell has been a public speaker, author, and performer for over three decades. He earned his nickname, ‘Rock,’ as a professional Kickboxer and decorated Police Officer in his twenties. That nickname became ‘Rockin’ Rick’ when his natural talent for music led him to a long career as an award-winning vocalist, guitarist, and entertainer. Rick's book on Amazon: Rick's website: Rick's spiritual warfare podcast:
  • Trigger Warning: loss, suicidal ideation Jennifer is a wife, mother of four, and an educator who is passionate about helping struggling students. One evening on a routine run to pick up her child, she collides with a motorcyclist. Despite her desperate prayers and efforts made, he passes away. Everything begins to unravel and life as she knew it was falling apart, her identity, faith and mental health. She battles the voices of guilt and whispers of shame and countless questions without hope of answers on this side of heaven. In this episode Jennifer shares: A bit of her faith walk The night of the accident and praying for a miracle The unimaginable loss, shock and facing the possibility of prison Her rock solid faith being shaken for the first time How God moved through people and circumstances A vision in a church service God gave her of David in heaven and a word from God Fully surrendering her fate and trusting it to God before her court decision Learning about "cities of refuge" found in the Bible Being called to share her testimony for the first time and its effect Being led to serve in a ministry to help others who are seeking hope after causing accidental death or injury "I will tell you, in those darkest, scariest places, have hope for the day because God has a plan. The work done on the cross was meant for you too. That there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that can separate you from the love of God that he is in complete control. He will give you perfect peace and if you trust him, he will make those things work out for good." -Jen Eikenhorst In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God. And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:26-28 NIV Jennifer's ministry, podcast, resources, and contact info on the Accidental Hope website: Jennifer's book Left Turn, Life Unimagined: Support Group and safe place for anyone who has caused accidental death or injury: Jennifer's episode on Red Table Talk: New Yorker Article referenced in this episode: I found this on cities of refuge in the Bible:

  • Steve Austin was a churchgoing attorney who did not believe in supernatural healing miracles. His life was transformed when, out of curiosity, he participated in a mission trip to India and witnessed undeniable, verifiable supernatural healing miracles. His faith was ignited! Ultimately this would be the catalyst to lead him into full time ministry. Steve has ministered to thousands of patients and their families for 25 years in the largest medical center in the world - Houston's Texas Medical Center. He is the Founder of Living Hope Chaplaincy and is a pastor at Lakewood Church. He has taken his years of experience and revelation and written a beautiful book, God Heals, which explains eight powerful keys to defeat sickness and receive divine healing. In this episode Steve shares: His amazing testimony of the mission trip that changed everything Experiencing the glory of God and being baptized in the Holy Spirit His revelation of who God is as a healer and the importance of knowing what the Bible says and how it equips us to fight our health battles Importance of the faith cocoon and an atmosphere of faith when facing a crisis and applicable Biblical context Common blocks to healing including erroneous beliefs about God, speaking negatively, ineffective prayers Healing of the soul and God being a holistic healer Specific soul wounds (unforgiveness, disappointment, bitterness) and how they can open us up to illness Spiritual warfare "I just want you to know, God loves you. God has you in the palm of his hand. You may be fighting a battle right now, but don't believe those never lies. Don't believe the never lies that I'm never going to get well. I'm never going to overcome this. Just keep persevering, keep trusting God, keep doing everything that you know to keep your head up. Keep your head up looking at God and trusting in Him and exercising your faith and feeding your faith every day. And you are going to get your breakthrough miracle in Jesus name. God doesn't want to withhold it from you. He wants to give it to you, but sometimes he's doing a work in us before he does a work for us. And that's why God didn't do everything instantly because sometimes he's trying to grow our spiritual muscles and, and develop us and grow us up." - Steve Austin I am the Lord who heals you. -Exodus 15:26 "These signs will follow those who believe: In my name...they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover." -Mark 16:17-18 (Words of Jesus) Steve's website: Where to find more on the Living Hope Chaplaincy: Steve's email: [email protected] Steve's wonderful book with declarations, prayers, and so much more:

  • When James Harrison left the comforts of his home to join relief efforts in East Africa, his eyes were opened. James’ heart was moved by the dedication of local pastors to take the Good News of the Gospel to their own people — sometimes traveling days on foot to reach those in need.

    Though James left us too soon, his legacy lives on through Open Eyes’ Mobile Messengers™, who accelerate the message of Jesus Christ to the underserved peoples of the world. Over the last decade, Open Eyes has connected donors to the world’s most difficult places, where Open Eyes Mobile Messengers™ are delivering the Gospel to unreached and underserved people every day. (Open Eyes website)

    Denny Matthews, the President of Open Eyes ministry, shares: His personal experience growing up as a missionary kid in India An undeniable healing miracle that he witnessed in his family The testimony of James Harrison and how his compassion has been turned into action through Open Eyes Ministry The impact of the ministry around the world (baptisms, churches in network, mobile messengers) How this work has personally been full circle in his life Thank you Denny, for taking time to share with us how God is moving through the legacy of James Harrison and so many like yourself that have partnered to further the Gospel of Jesus Christ! I am expectant for what God is doing through the hearts of this group! For more information about Open Eyes Ministry: To see the 9 minute video the James Harrison Story (so powerful): To see more videos from Open Eyes Ministry on youtube: To learn more about the Matthews' family's journey in ministry, check out a book that Denny's brother wrote: "My Father's Business —making the most out of His MUST" is an account of Bennie Matthew's earthly father's journey - the personal tests, tragedies, and triumphs he endured when his father was called to pioneer mission field where less than one percent are Christian. Jan Harrison (James' mother) wrote a powerful book about life after the storm of loss: To follow Open Eyes Ministry on social media: A special thank you to Daniel Zapata for the beautiful images used in this testimony! Thank you for capturing these moments!
  • Authors David Chotka and Maxie Dunnam share their unexpected journeys of discovering that healing prayer is God's idea, not a human concept! Each share a miracle they have personally witnessed within their families, and priceless insights they have learned in their many years in ministry and study that will equip and inspire!

    In this episode David and Maxie share:

    Maxie's grandson's miracle, a gradual but undeniable healing from optic nerve hypoplasia and nystagmus (told he would never see normally, no cure) A man with terminal cancer's supernatural healing experience David's wife's healing after 20 years with a progressive muscular dystrophy (facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy) How medicine, miracle and mystery often co-mingle Some of the misconceptions around healing prayer Maxie shares 5 miracles of healing that Jesus wants to give YOU

    Where to find David and Maxie's beautiful book Amazon link:

    Dr. David Chotka is the founder and director of Spirit-Equip Ministries—an organization designed to help you grow your spiritual disciplines one small step at a time ( He serves as the co-chair of the Alliance Pray! Team (APT—the prayer mobilization team of C&MA Canada) and for more than 25 years, has taught prayer principles and equipping both nationally and internationally. In his role with APT, Chotka is the principal author of the Transform Prayer! Course—a resource which has been translated into French, Mandarin and Cantonese ( In addition, Dr. David has been a Lead Pastor for 30+ years, has preached in 17 countries to crowds large and small, teaching on such topics as Healing Prayer, Prayerful Discernment, Spiritual Gifts and their use, and Unearthing the Depths of the Lord’s Prayer. He has four earned degrees, including a Masters degree in Biblical Studies from Regent College in Vancouver and a Doctoral degree from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. His latest book, Healing Prayer is God’s Idea (co-written with Rev. Dr. Maxie Dunnam) became a #1 best-selling Amazon title.
    David's website:

    Dr. Maxie Dunnam is minister at large of Christ United Methodist Church in Memphis, Tennessee. During more than sixty years of ministry, he has served as pastor of rural, suburban and urban congregations. Apart from pastoral assignments, he has served as world editor of the Upper Room and president of Asbury Theological Seminary. During his tenure on staff of the Upper Room, the Walk to Emmaus and the Academy of Spiritual Formation were begun. For the ten years he served as president of Asbury, the school pioneered the use of technology establishing a virtual campus and a second geographical campus in Orlando, Florida. In his role as minister at large at Christ Church, he co-hosts a weekly television program; represents and champions the expansive missional outreach of the congregation, including his commitment to public education which he believes is the civil rights issue of this century. Maxie has a passion for assisting ministers in their spiritual growth and especially those that are planting faith communities among the underserved. He is a prolific writer, having authored more than forty books, including The Workbook of Living Prayer which has sold more than a million copies and is printed in six languages.
    Maxie's website:

  • At the young age of 12, Joan dedicated her heart to the Lord and has faithfully served him from that day. She has uncompromising faith and dedication to the call of God on her life. She exhibits a sincere desire to see the body of Christ set free in their body, mind, soul, spirit and finances. Joan Hunter is a compassionate minister, dynamic teacher, an accomplished author, and an anointed healing evangelist. Her focus is to train and equip believers to take the healing power of God beyond the 4 walls of the church and into the 4 corners of the earth! (from website In this episode Joan shares: -How the enemy tried to destroy her after conception -The path that led her mother and father to a global healing ministry -Personal relationship and health related heartaches and how God led her to find complete healing from cancer and broken heart syndrome -The first time that God healed through her and her response (this is so great) -Some of the miracles she has witness, and one of the oddest she has witnessed -Strategies for how to pray and believe for miracles -Understanding what the Bible says about healing and the authority that all believers carry -Miracles she has witnessed through her blanket ministry and the scripture that supports this -A powerful prayer of healing for every listener Mark 16:15-18 NIV He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues;18 they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.” John 14:12 NIV Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it. Joan's website (books, training, contact, events): Joan Hunter's YouTube channel:

  • Dean Braxton died. Hospitalized for a kidney stone, he contracted an infection that led to sepsis. His condition deteriorated to multisystem organ failure and cardiac arrest. His medical records show that he was dead for 1 hour and 45 minutes. During this time, he shares that he experienced meeting Jesus and seeing the glory of heaven. In this interview Dean shares: -Details that led up to his cardiac arrest -How his wife Marilyn battled in prayer and with faith during his illness -Meeting Jesus and the revelation he had about His love -Experiencing the glory of heaven -Seeing the prayers in heaven -Seeing family in heaven -Seeing Jesus meeting with angels and divinely orchestrating plans for those on Earth -Animals entering into the Kingdom and scriptures which support this -A word from Jesus about the church -What it was like to return to his body and the passion he had to share what he witnessed "There's a Jesus! You don't have to hope there's a Jesus. You don't have to wish there's a Jesus. There is a JESUS!" - Dean Braxton's first words after his cardiac arrest Philippians 2:9-11
    Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

    For more about Dean Braxton and his ministry:

  • Millions of people across six continents have reported a personal near death experience. Do these accounts prove the existence of a loving God?

    John Burke was an engineer and an agnostic. As his dad was dying of cancer someone gifted his family with Raymond Moody's book "Life After Life." John read it in one sitting at his father's bedside. It sparked the thought, "Could this be real? Could there be an after life? A God?" This led him to read the Bible, where he found undeniable evidence in the scriptures and Bible prophecy about the existence of a real and loving God. He left his career to become a pastor and dedicated his life to ministry.

    Over the last 35 plus years John has grown in his faith and also studied over 1,000 near death experiences. His award winning book Imagine Heaven was written in hopes of highlighting scripture that is correlating to what experiencers collectively and around the globe are reporting in their testimonies.

    Imagine Heaven is now available in over 22 languages and the global response to it has been more than John could have ever anticipated. God has led him to write a new book, but this time John is writing about what these experiences, when evaluated through the lens of scripture, say about GOD. In this interview John shares: What led him from agnosticism to the Bible, Jesus, faith and ministry The overwhelming response to his book Imagine Heaven and God's call to write Imagine the God of Heaven A note around discernment as we listen to near death testimonies and anchoring our theology in scripture A Hindu man's experience with heaven, hell, a narrow gate, and his conversion to Christianity Three of the ten points of evidence for life after death How we reconcile different reports of Jesus's eye color and appearance Reports of experiencers SEEING prayers in heaven and realizing the power of our prayers A beautiful account of a former agnostic who dies and encounters Jesus and experiences a joy he has never known His hope for every reader (per my closing note) "Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'" -John 14:6 NIV "All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, Lord; they will bring glory to your name." -Psalm 86:9 NIV Imagine the God of Heaven: Near-Death Experiences, God’s Revelation and the Love You’ve Always Wanted arrives November 7, 2023. This all-new book shares even more NDE accounts and biblical insight than John’s blockbuster New York Times bestseller, Imagine Heaven. John Burke explains how NDE accounts of a God of love and light vividly illustrate the God described in the Bible.

    ª New York Times bestselling author - over one million books sold
    ª One of the world’s foremost NDE experts; has studied more than 1,000 NDEs for over 30 years
    ª Featured on Fox & Friends, The Kelly Files, Guideposts Magazine, CBN News, Focus on the Family, and many other national programs, to discuss the spiritual implications of NDEs
    ª Began his research into NDEs as an engineer and skeptical agnostic, yet eyewitness accounts forced him to ask, “Could this be real evidence – even possible proof – of God’s existence?”
    ª Senior pastor of Gateway church in Austin, TX – has spoken to audiences across 30 countries
    ª John’s new book, Imagine the God of Heaven, reveals how NDEs vividly illustrate the God of light and love described in the Bible

    The purpose of Everyday Miracles Podcast is to share the love of Jesus. The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed on behalf of guests do not necessarily represent the thoughts of the host. This podcast does not constitute services or medical advice. Please pray and thoroughly research options for medical needs. Listeners and viewers consume this content on a voluntary basis and assume all responsibility for the resulting consequences and impact.

  • Dr. Michelle Bengtson has been a board-certified clinical neuropsychologist for almost 30 years. She is also a strong woman of faith who has personally walked through some very challenging times. God has given her powerful revelation that has equipped her to minister to and equip those facing multiple types of pain and overwhelm.

    In this episode Dr. Bengtson shares:

    What exactly does a neuropsychologist do? Her personal testimony and facing life threatening health crises and dealing with anxiety and chronic pain. A powerful revelation she received from God about the root of pain. Overwhelm and the different types of pain and what happens when they are compounded. Things to do and not to do when we are facing compounded pain. A powerful moment when God whispered to her and how it led her to relate to Him in her pain. Her encouragement for a person who is in a state of overwhelm or despair and feels God doesn't hear their prayers. Her favorite verse and song that has given her strength in her struggles. Her message for those listening who have loved ones dealing with overwhelm

    Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

    For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

    Song by Plumb, "Need You Now"

    More about Dr. Bengtson and her books and website:

    Dr. Michelle Bengtson has been a board-certified clinical neuropsychologist for almost 30 years, whose mission it is to restore hope, renew minds, and empower others to live in their God-given identity. She is a multi-award winning author of Hope Prevails: Insights From a Doctor’s Personal Journey Through Depression (, the Hope Prevails Bible Study (, Breaking Anxiety’s Grip: How to Reclaim the Peace God Promises (, Today Is Going to be a Good Day: 90 Promises From God to Start Your Day Off Right ( and The Hem of His Garment: Reaching Out to God When Pain Overwhelms .She is an international speaker, national and international media resource on mental health, coach, podcast host ( of the award-winning podcast, Your Hope Filled Perspective Podcast with Dr. Michelle Bengtson that ranks in the top 2% of podcasts globally. Yet her most fulfilling rolls are as wife of 35 years, and mom to two young adult friends.

    This doctor knows pain and despair firsthand and combines her professional expertise and personal experience with her faith to help others be all God created them to be. Using sound practical tools, she affirms worth and encourages faith. Dr. Bengtson offers hope as a key to unlock joy and relief—even in the middle of the storm. Throughout her career as a clinical neuropsychologist, and now as a speaker, author, podcast host, and coach, she encourages others to focus less on their self-esteem and more on how God esteems them by knowing His truths offered in Scripture. She loves offering practical resources to help you grow in your walk with the Lord
  • Melissa was attracted to all things spiritual at a young age. Her curiosity led her down a dark path where she was given a vivid vision of what the demons were going to do to her in hell.

    In this episode Melissa shares:

    Early life saving miracles as a baby and child Seeing auras and experiencing the supernatural at a young age Believing she was helping people through tarot cards and communicating with spirits as a medium Alcohol and drugs that led her deeper into darkness The devil telling her mother that he had her daughter Her mother praying powerful scriptural prayers over Melissa Seeing in the spirit, seeing beings, automatic hand writing Vision of what demons were going to do to her in hell Spiritual storm and snake bites manifesting physically Her mother's specific prayer being answered (to the day!) Learning about salvation, accepting Jesus and immediate deliverance How we know as believers to discern the spirits and voices we hear What to do if your child is deceived in the new age How to pray if you have participated in the occult unknowingly

    Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. 2 This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, 3 but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world. ~ 1 John 4:1-3 NIV

    Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, 11 or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. 12 Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord; because of these same detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you. ~ Deuteronomy 18:10-12 NIV

    A resource for a more scriptures around the occult and the dangers:

    Special thanks to Shelley with LifeSetLC Ministries for this testimony!

    The purpose of Everyday Miracles Podcast is to share the love of Jesus. The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed on behalf of guests do not necessarily represent the thoughts of the host. This podcast does not constitute services or medical advice. Please pray and thoroughly research options for medical needs. Listeners and viewers consume this content on a voluntary basis and assume all responsibility for the resulting consequences and impact.

  • A mother's powerful prayers rescue her son as he attempts to take his life. Louie remembers his first thoughts of suicide at age 5. As he faced hardships into his teens, he hits a low moment, secures a gun and makes a plan. In this episode Louie shares: His mother hearing the voice of the enemy, "He's mine," and the spiritual battle she fought in prayer for her son
    Struggles that led to a low moment How God moved in a critical moment and the revelation that came God unfolding the plan for Louie in the entertainment world Meeting the woman his mother prayed for that would be a great blessing The way God is working through Louie in ministry A word of prayer for those who are fighting suicide and for those who have lost loved one to suicide. "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." John 10:10 ESV Louie's website: Never Suicide link: If you are fighting thoughts of suicide, there is HELP available! SUICIDE LIFELINE: Call/Text: 988 FOR VETERANS: Dial 988 then press 1 or Text 838-255 FOR SPANISH SPEAKERS: Para Español, llame al 988 y oprima 2, o visite la página web Ayuda En Español: Lifeline DEAF/HARD OF HEARING: Use your preferred relay service or dial 711 then 988 The purpose of Everyday Miracles Podcast is to share the love of Jesus. The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed on behalf of guests do not necessarily represent the thoughts of the host. This podcast does not constitute services or medical advice. Please pray and thoroughly research options for medical needs. Listeners and viewers consume this content on a voluntary basis and assume all responsibility for the resulting consequences and impact. For more testimonies, to apply, to reach Julie: Facebook: Instagram: To email Julie directly: [email protected]

  • Ashley developed complications in her second trimester of pregnancy. As her mother prepared to visit her in the hospital, she was led by the Holy Spirit to crochet a small cradle (hoping it would not be needed). Little did she know how God was going to use this gift to inspire comfort and healing not just for Ashley, but for thousands of bereaved parents in fifty states.

    In this episode Ashley shares:

    The excitement of being pregnant with Bridget, her first child

    Experiencing the heartache of grief and loss and choosing to trust God

    The practical and emotional comfort of a small but powerful divine gift

    Feeling the presence of Jesus during loss

    Being led to an unexpected ministry and the impact it would have for thousands around the country

    Upcoming events and how to get involved, online support groups

    Speaking at the upcoming Christian Spark Media conference

    "The cradle is really a 24 hour comfort, but the Gospel is eternal. We really felt the peace of God, knowing that Bridget was in heaven, that we were going to get to see her again. Death was separating us for now, but it is just a temporary separation. We choose to rely on our faith to move forward in our grief and know that we get to see her again."
    -Ashley Opliger, Bridget's Cradles

    “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.”
    2 Corinthians 1:3-4

    How to contact Ashley:

    To get involved, events:
    Cradled In Hope Podcast available on website above and most podcast platforms and also on social media:



    Spark Media (Christian podcast group):

    The purpose of Everyday Miracles Podcast is to share the love of Jesus. The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed on behalf of guests do not necessarily represent the thoughts of the host. This podcast does not constitute services or medical advice. Please pray and thoroughly research options for medical needs. Listeners and viewers consume this content on a voluntary basis and assume all responsibility for the resulting consequences and impact.

    For more testimonies, to apply as a guest, or to reach Julie:



    To email Julie directly: [email protected]
  • Lindsay arrived home to find 2 police officers with news that her 7 year old son Mason was involved in a plane crash. (Louisiana, May 31, 2020)

    In this episode Lindsay shares:
    How God prepared her for this news before she had any idea what was coming The journey with Mason's critical injuries and the peace God provided How God provided comfort during the heartbreaking moment where she had to tell Mason about the loss of his father and relatives An angelic moment experienced by a loved one A prophetic word Lindsay was given that will stir your faith How Mason is doing today
    On facing a crisis moment:
    "The immediate thing that comes to my mind is to know that you have your creator, the one that made you, and He is your comforter. He is your peacemaker. He is everything. Nothing is going to help you the way that digging into the Word and surrendering to the Holy Spirit. Those are the main tools that you've got to cling to. He is the main one, really the only one that's going to give you all your answers and all your comfort and all the tools that you need to get through that situation." - Lindsay Jeter

    Psalm 91:11 "For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways."

    Lindsay's interview 700 Club (6 min version):