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These talks and sermons were given by Priestmonk Kosmas of the Orthodox Monastery of the Archangel Michael, Sydney, Australia. The Monstery is under the Australian and New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR).
Topics include: basics in Orthodoxy, Ecumenism and Covidism, reading the lives of the saints, married life, the upbringing of children, death and the afterlife, spiritual life in the world, advice on prayer, saints and elders, magic and sorcery, and miracles and deception.
For more details, go to -
Keep Your Family Catholic is a monthly podcast in which Devin Schadt, founder of The Fathers of St. Joseph, and Catholic convert Judah Kennedy, discuss in depth major contemporary challenges posed to Catholics, their faith and religion. Devin and Judah drill down and give you convincing and sometimes convicting answers that will not only keep your family Catholic but inspire you to living fully the faith of Jesus Christ.
We’re all going through an enormous change right now - both personally and globally. New energy is affecting our relationships, our productivity, our emotions, our self-confidence, and so on. In every area you can imagine, you are growing and changing… whether you asked for it or not.
And while personal growth is fantastic, it can also be confusing and quite troubling if you don’t know what’s happening to you. This mini-podcast can help!
In each little episode (3-7min), Jeffrey Allen brings new insights and light to the important changes we're all feeling right now. In his gentle unassuming manner, Jeffrey makes even our darkest growth seem worthwhile and full of possibilities.
You'll hear Jeffrey's personal stories and tips for adapting & thriving (or simply laughing & surviving) during this fantastic time of change.
This podcast is suitable for all audiences, especially those with a sense of humor about how messed up personal growth can feel at times.
More about Jeffrey:
Welcome to the Go-to Podcast for Christian Midlife Women Business Owners who are ready to go from being a struggling BUSY-ness Owner to fruitful C.E.O.
Here you'll find UN- Time Management Strategies using CEO Scheduling, Systems & Strategies combined with CEO Belief in the Lord Jesus Christ to increase your Impact + Income in Less Time for His Glory!
You're juggling A LOT as an Over 40 Woman in Midlife- from supporting launching kids to aging parents to everything in between like...
* Growing your Faith-walk * Nurturing your Marriage * Building your Friendships * Serving in your Business * Stewarding your Resources * Maintaining your Wellness * Developing your Passions * Keeping your Home...
Ever feel like there's never enough TIME (or of YOU) to fit it all in?
Do you wish you could stop…
> Wasting precious time on less important things that take you away from your priorities?
> Questioning what matters most and wavering in indecision or worry beyond the present?
> Saying YES to demands or requests on your time when you’re already filled to capacity?
> Being half-present with the people around you while thinking about all you should do?
Good…cuz that’s NOT the Life + Business He intends for you.
There’s a way to simplify and balance midlife + business so you can serve the Lord, nurture your family, make a difference…AND take care of yourself too!
Hey, I’m Lissa, Christian Time Management Expert and Recovering BUSY-ness Owner. I’ve been teaching, leading and coaching Christian women for over 25 years.
Once upon a time, my Life + Bizwas TOO BUSY– I was working REALLY HARD, filling up my calendar and my checklists, but NOT seeing much FRUIT in my bank account.
I was a BUSY-ness Owner...and I was exhausted.
Something had to change. I asked the Lord where He wanted me to focus… and He led me to manage my time with FAITH at the center.
Wanna learn how I make time for…spending quiet time with God, enjoying date night with my hubby, pouring into friendships, serving through my business, stewarding my resources, organizing my home, pursuing my passions– and actually fit in SELF-CARE?
Wanna see the exact systems I use to create my WITH-God Business Vision and set intentional goals with the right kind of accountability to actually follow through on?
On this podcast I’ll teach you how to be confident, consistent and fully connected in the 8 key areas of your life + business by:
> Redefining your God-given life + business plan to guide where you focus your time & attention.
> Implementing a simple time management system to create regular rhythms and routines.
> Overcoming the distractions that keep you from being effective and intentional.
I can’t wait to help you go from BUSYNESS to FRUITFULNESS and discover you really do have all the time you need for what you're called to.
Grab something to sip, open up your heart & calendar…I’m about to show you how to make the best use of your time… with God at the center of it all.
Let’s get started.
L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis),
1. Grab the REDEEM Her Time Balance Assessment
2. Schedule a free 20 Min CEO TIME AUDIT
3. Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community
Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website:
Email Me: [email protected] -
Welcome to MEGA Podcast! MEGA means Multi-Ethnic Gospel Approach. This is a podcast led by the leadership team of 3Circle Church Midtown. This campus, which is a multi-ethnic, multi-class, multi-generational campus of 3Circle Church, is focused on life transformation and community revitalization in Mobile, Alabama.
💫 This spiritual growth & mindfulness podcast has a simple mission: EMPOWER you to take control of your drinking habit so you FEEL great, LIVE your purpose and ENJOY your life to the fullest.
💫 Is your drinking habit holding you back from living your happiest, healthiest life? Are you curious about what life might be like without alcohol? Want to cutback or quit drinking alcohol without willpower or AA? Ready to awaken to a life of peace, joy, love and fulfillment?
💫 There's a reason you found this podcast. It's called synchronicity (the Universe giving you exactly what you need, when you need it), so please give it a listen.
💫 Topics we'll cover: how to lose your desire for alcohol so you stop drinking, mindfulness, happiness, consciousness, spiritual awakening, living your purpose and meditations.
💫 Picture yourself without any desire to drink alcohol, feeling happy, healthy and fulfilled. Let's make that vision a reality! Pick an episode and give it a listen.
💫 Hi, I’m Lise (sounds like ‘lease’). I accidentally quit drinking at age 47. I'm 51 now. It was never my goal to stop drinking, I just wanted to cut back. I was a habitual wine drinker after work and binge drinker on the weekends for 26 years. I've been alcohol-free since 11-1-2020 and caffeine-free since 11-6-2021. What's crazy is that I don't think about drinking alcohol anymore and I don't miss it at all.
💫 When I quit drinking, everything in my life improved: my health, happiness, relationships, finances...everything. And I want this for you too!
👉 You can also watch this podcast on my YouTube channel: Lise Lively. 👈.
💫 Mindfulness is like MAGIC! Mindfulness strategies and spiritual solutions CHANGED my life and it can change yours too. I’m spilling the tea on how I did it and how you can too. I spent 20 years working in corporate finance for multi-million and billion dollar companies. My chronic stress and drinking habit was silently and slowly wrecking my health, relationships, professional life and my happiness. My habits included over-drinking, binge-drinking, people-pleasing, perfectionism, over-working, over-thinking and procrastinating. But not any more. If I can do it so can you.
If this sounds good to you, please consider following the podcast.
I'm so glad we found each other.
Love, Lise (sounds like 'lease')
Mindfulness Teacher dedicated to helping you FEEL darn good, LIVE your purpose and ENJOY your life to the fullest.
YouTube👉 Lise Lively.
Instagram👉 @liselively. Starting in May 2024, I'll be active on instagram. So follow me now.
X (formerly twitter)👉 @lise_lively. -
Mezinárodní škola Zlatého Kříže s Růží, Lectorium Rosicrucianum je gnostická duchovní škola. Jejím cílem je uskutečnit stezku původního křesťanského zasvěcení, stezku transfigurace.
Na duchovní stezce Kříže s Růží prochází kandidát mnohými dveřmi. Nad prvními je napsáno: Poznej sám sebe! Kdo otevře své srdce světlu Ducha, zahajuje dynamickou stezku, která vede od sebepoznání k úplnému obnovení života.
Lectorium Rosicrucianum má žáky a členy ve třiceti šesti zemích, včetně mnoha zemí Evropy, v Jižní Americe, Severní Americe, Africe, Austrálii a na Novém Zélandu. Ústředí mezinárodní organizace se nachází v Haarlemu, v Nizozemí.