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Welcome to Crypto News Today, your daily podcast for all the latest news and insights from the world of cryptocurrency.
Crypto News Today is your one-stop shop for all the latest news and information from the crypto world. We'll cover everything from breaking news stories to in-depth analysis of the latest trends and developments.
We'll also interview industry experts and thought leaders to get their insights on the future of crypto.
On each episode of Crypto News Today, we'll cover the top crypto news stories of the day, as well as provide analysis and insights from our hosts and industry experts.
We'll also interview industry guests to get their take on the latest news and trends.
And we'll always keep our episodes concise and to the point, so you can get the latest crypto news without having to spend hours listening to a podcast.
Subscribe to Crypto News Today on your favorite podcast platform, and be sure to leave us a review.
We look forward to launching Crypto News Today soon, and we hope you'll join us for the ride. -
"Netflix News Daily" is your go-to podcast for the latest updates on Netflix and its stock (NFLX). Stay informed with daily news, in-depth analysis, and expert insights into Netflix's market performance, content releases, and industry trends. Perfect for investors, Netflix enthusiasts, and anyone interested in the streaming giant's impact on entertainment and finance. Tune in each day to stay ahead of the curve with "Netflix News Daily."
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Ez a Partizán podcastjainek külön csatornája. Politika, nő- és klímaügyek, kultúra, sport, és sok minden más. Csatornánk folyamatosan bővül, iratkozz fel, hogy ne maradj le a legújabb adásokról!
Kíváncsi, kritikus, közösségi. Csatlakozz te is adód 1%-ának felajánlásával!
Ez a Della, a gazdasági podcastja, ahol minden a pénz körül forog. Arra fókuszálunk, ami mindenkit foglalkoztat: merre tart a koronavírus-járvány és az orosz-ukrán háború tépázta magyar és világgazdaság, mi lesz a megtakarításainkkal, a munkahelyünkkel, a környezetünkkel? Azok véleményét kérjük a legfrissebb és legfontosabb eseményekről, akik a legközelebb ülnek a tűzhöz, az adott terület kiemelkedő szakértői, cégvezetői, gazdaságpolitikusai. A műsorvezető Baka F. Zoltán.
Hosted by CNBC's Brian Sullivan, "Last Call" is a fast-paced, entertaining business show that explores the intersection of money, culture and policy. Through panels, debates and newsmakers, the "Last Call" podcast delivers fresh takes on the biggest business topics of the day while also shining a light on the other important stories that listeners may have missed.
Ahol az üzleti élet a közélettel találkozik, ott csípjük nyakon és hozzuk el műsorunkba: a Mérlegen podcast házigazdái, Galicza Dorina és Dzindzisz Sztefan híreken, történeteken és interjúkon keresztül mutatják be mindazt, ami a cégek világában történik, vendégeik pedig vállalkozásokról, trendekről, üzleti aktualitásokról mesélnek. De a hardcore business-rajongóknak sem érdemes elkapcsolniuk!
M&A Science, hosted by Kison Patel (Founder & CEO of DealRoom), is your go-to podcast for mastering the art of mergers and acquisitions. Each week, Kison and his expert guests from leading brands like Xerox, FastLap, and Cisco dig deep into real-world M&A strategies, offering actionable insights to optimize your M&A practice.
Whether you're an experienced practitioner or new to the field, M&A Science provides practical advice on key topics like sourcing, due diligence, integration, divestitures, and more. With over 300 episodes, this podcast is the premier thought leadership resource designed to streamline your deal-making process.
Start listening today and visit to access over 300 episodes. Brought to you by DealRoom, the leading M&A optimization platform used by the best M&A teams around the world -
My Name is Sarah Barnes-Humphrey and this is Let's Talk Supply Chain where I interview the top Supply Chain professionals in the industry. You will learn about best practices, changes in the industry and Hot Topics surrounding Supply Chain.
Have a specific question you want answered? E-mail us at [email protected] -
The Treasury Update Podcast is your source for interesting treasury news, in your car, at the gym, or wherever you decide to tune in!
Strategic Treasurer was formed in 2004 to provide corporate, educational, and government entities direct access to comprehensive and current assistance with their treasury and financial technology, control and process efficiency requirements.
Strategic Treasurer publishes content via newsletters, white-papers, blogs, videos, e-books, infographics, and analyst reports. -
Hosted by our award-winning journalists, and featuring trailblazers and leading thinkers from across the continent, the African Business Podcast is an essential listen for anyone with an interest in Africa. If you are looking for serious thinking but with the twist of humour and humanity that makes Africa so endearing, you've come to the right place.
A CoinCash Hodler Magazin úgy épül fel, hogy megkapj minden hasznos információt, amit egy kripto piacon jártas befektetőnek kell. A bitcoin árfolyamot, macro elemzést, az elmúlt időszak legfontosabb projektjeit és témáit, a magyar kriptoközösség legismertebb szakértőivel hozzuk el neked. 📈