
  • It's so hard.... to say goodbye... to yesterday.....

    Dry your eye, we are just taking a little recess and we will be back! It's been 119 amazing episodes and we want to take a little hiatus to regroup and refresh!

    Also, we are going to Costa Rica to celebrate Kelly's birthday and then she's going to Florida... again.

    Lindsey is engaged and needs to spend her time having an anxiety attack thinking about the idea of having a wedding and wondering why her partner "Did this to me" and Martha (is that her name?) left in the middle of the night one night and we haven't hear from her in months. I guess we should have told you that sooner.

    So, while we find a replacement for Marsha (That's her name!) and while Kelly hangs out with all the Florida men, we are going to leave you with some of our favorite FYIS memories and games.

    See you later, skater.


    If you miss us, you have 119 episodes to peruse AND you can look at our beautiful faces on Youtube Live.

    Follow us on Instagram for more content from your favorite idiots.

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  • This week's special episode is from a super fun Twitch Livestream that we did a few weeks back with Lindsey's sister and return guest Jubilee and her rockstar boyfriend NIGELTHREETIMES.

    AND for the first time in FYIS history, Kelly and Lindsey messed up and both wrote a game on the same subject thinking that Lindsey was supposed to write a Hello Kitty game and Kelly was supposed to write a Hello Kitty episode and THEY BOTH WROTE A HELLO KITTY EPISODE. HELLLLLOOOO KITTTTTTTYYYYYY.

    Confusion creeps in, mistakes are made, hilarity ensues and now we both know more about Hello Kitty than Jubilee, Nigel and everyone else in the world.

    Enjoy the episode you pretty kitties!

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  • We are starting this year off with a BANG of a good time with this week's guest Billy Francesca!!! Known as an "over-the-top drag queen without a wig", this performer proves to be as smart as he is funny... unless it has anything to do with math.

    Speaking of math, we start our school day off with a painful math class thanks to Miss Lindsey. Known as someone who has never legally passed math, will Billy blow it? Only Billy knows if he will blow it or not. Our guess is that he blew it.

    Then, because Billy went to Catholic school for much of his life, Miss Kelly brings us to religion class where we go spread eagle for Christ and learn all about female saints. Do you know which female saint was known to be the saint who never did poppers? The Patron Saint of The Abstinence of Poppers, of course.

    During recess we play a good old fashioned game of MASH where we find out that Billy does not end up living in a shack which would be a surprise to many of the nuns who taught him.

    In honor of a childhood game Billy used to play with the neighborhood kids, we play Billy the Bobcat where we learn that bobcats aren't super fast but boy they are cute, just like Billy!

    Then Kelly takes us to Italy because Billy spent some time there when he was younger and Billy proves that he doesn't really remember much of the language except for some weird Italian noises and mumbles and things.

    Will Lindsey blow it? Will Kelly blow it? Will Billy blow it? Someone's gotta blow it. Listen to the episode to find out who blows it.

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  • SPECIAL CROSSOVER EPISODE ALERT! WOOOO HOOOOO!!! This week we want to play for you a super fun episode we recorded with younger-than-Kelly-and-Lindsey besties, Carly and Kelsey of the super great podcast 'Brought to You by the Letter Pod'. Enjoy!

    ***Carly and Kelsey welcome their first-ever guests on the show, Kelly and Lindsey from the hilarious podcast F*ck You, I'm Smarter! In this week's episode, we talk about how Carly is very much in love with Ben Franklin. The BTYBTL & FYIS gals dive into all of Ben's inventions like bifocals, flippers, and the glass harmonica (WTF is that?). We play a game called, "Did Ben Say That?" and learn about young Ben and how his older brother, James, was a bit of a dick...OH, and we also discuss Ben's dick. Get ready to fall in love all over again with Philadelphia's sweetheart and mascot: Benjamin Franklin.

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    Hi. How are you? We are okay. Are you? We promise this New Years episode is a fun one even though things are really crazy right now. Are we there yet?

    If you need a laugh and need to escape, we are your girls. We got you! Listen to this week's episode, breathe, take care of yourself, buy an N95 and try to breathe. Did we mention that you should try to breathe? JUST BREATHE DAMMIT!

    Happy New Year, you beautiful, filthy animals.

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  • Jesus is the reason for the season - and good news! This episode is all about Jesus! Not really. It actually has very little to do with Jesus at all. In fact, this episode has nothing to do with Jesus and has everything to do with gift giving (or lack there of if you're Kelly) and holiday foods because sometimes stuffing your face is the only way to get through it. We are all in this together.

    Lindsey starts our school day off with a gift giving quiz where we learn that Kelly REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY wants a plastic cat tongue to bond with her cats because she feels like she hasn't bonded with them enough. We spoke to the cats and they feel like enough is enough. Who wants to tell her?

    Then, for recess, Kelly gives us some tips to help keep us sane this holiday season. Here's a tip or two! Bring a friend, get a bottle of whiskey, drink it and let them all have it! Especially Grandma because she's the oldest and this all trickled down from her.

    Then Kelly takes us home with a quiz about holiday foods because instead of spiraling, she is leaning into the holiday season this year and she's doing it through food and we have to support it because this is healthy for her.

    Happy Holidays! Be safe. Eat lots of goodies and don't forget to breathe through it. It's going to be okay. 'Tis the season to have a nervous breakdown anyway so if you need to, have at it. What would Jesus do? Support that breakdown, baby!

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  • Surprise! 'Tis the season for a Special Bonus Ep Day! This special bonus episode is from a few weeks back when Kelly and Lindsey were guests on the hilarious podcast- 'Wild Nights With Rocky Powell'. Rocky wanted to hear about our wildest night as a comedy duo and BFFs and after 15 years together as a couple, Kelly and Lindsey have had their fair share of wild nights together.

    Warning: This episode contains talk of incredibly strong pot brownies, horrendous covers of songs that should have been left alone and making out with open-micers. ENJOY!

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  • Holy Moly! It's another double whammy! This week cohosts of the very funny 'The Weather's Crazy Podcast', Greg and Jack, go head to head and try to outsmart one another in games about everything BUT the weather.

    Kelly starts our school day in English class with a throwback game of 'Shakespeare Shananigans'. Does anyone have else have a three-piled piece on their pizzle or is it just me?

    Then we head on over to Psychology class where Lindsey tries to write a game about how the weather affects your mood and it's kind of boring and doesn't really work but it's okay because next is RECESS!!

    During Recess the boys charm us with a fun game where we learn that Hitler ran a massive campaign against smoking. Wouldn't it have been nice if he just stopped it there?

    After Recess Kelly takes us to Study Hall because these slackers were never the studying type and they STILL got good grades. Jealous? Us too.

    Lindsey then redeems herself with a game originally called 'Bird Migration Station' that becomes 'Bird Up', which you would only understand if you listened to 'The Weather's Crazy Podcast'. Listen up, ya hear?

    Will Greg and Jack's 20-year friendship make it past this episode of FYIS or will these games tear them apart once and for all? You'll have to listen to find out!

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  • It's a special duo day on F*ck You, I'm Smarter! This week we have Kelsey and Carly, cohosts of the super fun podcast 'Brought To You By The Letter'. K&C are two besties that have way too much in common with K&L that it is actually possible that they are them, but 10 years younger, living in the present day like this is some sort of multiverse, matrix, alternative universe life thingie. So basically, the four of us together are Karly and Larndsey.

    We start our school day with Miss Kelly in Track and Field where our two guests met many moons ago in high school, sweaty and struggling and contemplating their life choices when it comes to running far distances. Bye!

    Then Lindsey takes us to Meteorology class where we play "Who Are You Calling A Weather Girl?' because Carly's got a mad crush on the weather, yo.

    During Recess the girls teach a Sex Ed adjacent class where we learn the phrase "Knobs Out" made up by Kelsey. It's so fun to say we had to add it to our chalkboard.

    After Recess we head on over to foraging class where we learn all about mushrooms, freeganism and all the do's and don't of the world of foraging. Don't over forage, ya'll. And DO NOT take mushrooms from strangers.

    We end our school day in Plant Class where we learn all about defensive plants. That's right. Plants may look cute and make you and your home feel all warm and fuzzy but they are savage if you cross them.

    Will Kelsey forage her way to the top? Will Carly prove she's a real life weather girl? Will Kelsey and Carly and Kelly and Lindsey be forever besties! YOU KNOW IT!

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  • POP QUIZ, BABIES! That's right! This episode is for all of our infant listeners because Kelly's sister had a BABY!!!!! KELLY IS OFFICIALLY AN AUNTIE!!! COOL AUNT ALERT! WE REPEAT, COOL AUNT ALERT!!!!

    Because we want to make sure Kelly is baby ready, we go back to an old quiz that we did with Kara Klenk many moons ago called 'Oh Baby, Baby' to check her knowledge on all things newborns.

    Then, because Kelly's sister is officially the 8th wonder of the world... (Let's break this down. Kelly was with Lindsey when her sister had the baby and Lindsey was like, "Oh my god. Your sister made a baby in her body. What a miracle! She is one of the wonders of the world! Something like that.) Kelly does a quiz where she tests Lindsey on all the Wonders of the World and Lindsey does surprisingly well. Who knew!

    Will Kelly remember what Meconium is? No. Will Lindsey know who built the Taj Mahal and why? Kinda. Will Kelly be the best auntie in the world??? Of course she will!!!!

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  • BOY OH BOY OH BOY did we have a wild time with the host of 'Wild Nights With Rocky', Rocky Powell?! We did!

    Rocky joins us from the east coast to chat about science fairs, being the class treasurer, social studies and squirrels.

    We start our school day in Student Government because Rocky was the class treasurer. Money, money, money, moneyyyyyyy, MONEY!!!! You're welcome for getting that stuck in your head for the rest of the day.

    Then Kelly takes us on over to Social Studies/Improv AKA Humanities class where we play a game called 'Fake It Til You Make It'. During this class we learn that butt implants are never a good idea. Ever. Just trust us, will ya?

    Then we hit Recess hard where we find out how distracting Rocky was in school when she started a "count down chart" club. She also convinced everyone is school that they could dig a hole to China so they could visit Disney World China and spoiler: it didn't work.

    After Recess, Lindsey holds a science fair for the ladies and they prove to be future scientists of the world. Seriously, in conclusion they do a really good job and it's super impressive.

    Then Kelly brings it on home with a game all about Squirrels in honor of Rocky's old Improv team The Pin-Up Squirrels. Did Rocky know that all chipmunks are squirrels but not all squirrels are chipmunks? Did Lindsey know what part of the squirrel never stops growing? Did Kelly know under what color light do plants grow best? You'll have to listen to find out.

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  • Veteran's Day is this week and nothing says Veteran's Day like a quiz about Ancient Greeks. They were the OG Veteran's weren't they? Kind of? Whatever.

    More importantly, do you know the difference between Sophocles and Socrates? Do you know which Golden Girl was a veteran? Do you know which ancient Greek was featured in 'Bill And Ted's Excellent Adventure'? Do you know what day it is? If you listen to this week's episode you will find out the answers to most of those questions.

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  • Writer, actor and comedian Ever Mainard is on the show this week and it's a real fun one so get ready! It's also officially November, which is Native American History month so Lindsey starts our school day off in American History Class where we learn about some kickass Native Americans that made this country what it is today. What do you know about Buffalo Calf Road Woman? If you don't know, now you know. Well, after you listen to the episode you'll know.

    Then, because Ever was the mascot in high school, the bee (Honeybee? Bumblebee? We don't remember), Kelly takes us to Bee Class. Can you name two diseases or conditions that bee stings may have some health benefits for? Can you?

    Then, at recess, Ever tells us a story that we've named "Shoeless in Texas". You'll have to listen to the story to find out what happens to their feet and why they will never got barefoot again. Actually, they probably will. IT'S TEXAS!

    After recess Lindsey brings us to AG class where we play "You Look Like A Farmer In Those Clothes" and learn all things farming. Do you know what kind of milk brown cows produce? We seriously hope you say the right answer but just know that 7% of the adult population in the United States thought the answer was chocolate milk. Sigh.

    Kelly ends our school day with a Mascot quiz where we find out what mascot is the oldest, what mascot died in 2020 and what was up with the real Captain Morgan.

    Will Lindsey crawl her way back to the middle? Will Kelly prove she's got the smarts? Will Ever outwit us all? You'll just have to listen to find out.

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  • Happy Halloweeeeeennnnie! Because this week is our final Halloween episode and spooky season is coming to an end, we bring in Halloween expert and horror movie enthusiast Mike Malandra to talk all things spooky with us!

    Mike is so obsessed with Halloween, he joined us from a car while on vacation. Now that's some creepy commitment!

    Lindsey leads the game 'Happy Halloweenie, You Weenie' where she quizzes Kelly and Mike about popular Halloween costumes, candies and the truth about candy corn. Love or hate it? We need to know.

    Kelly then quizzes Mike and Lindsey about some classic horror movies. Will Lindsey prove she knows nothing about any kind of movie that isn't a dumb comedy because she was raised that way, or will she pull some very specific Troll 2 trivia out of her nipple belt (IYKYK) at the last moment for the win?! Probably both!

    Happy Halloween Kiddos! Be safe, eats lots of candy, have some cider and enjoy the last bit of this spooky season, will ya?

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  • What a pleasure it is to have this week's guest, the one and only, Jackie Brubaker. She's an activist, she's a baker, she's a musical theatre actress, she's a podcaster.... she's now she's a LADY DOCTOR!!! Listen to find out how she becomes one.

    We start our episode throwing it back to Jackie's high school days where she shares a #metoo story that is so moving and so important you'll be shocked that it's on a silly little podcast like FYIS.

    Because Jackie wanted to be a doctor but her lack of math skills got in the way, we start our school day off in Doctor class (Yeah, I said it) where we learn about famous lady doctors, or just doctors who happen to be ladies. However you want to put it.

    Then Kelly attempts to teach us about science and Jackie blows us all away with her knowledge of the Bonobos. IYKYK.

    Then at recess, thanks to a game of MASH, we learn about Jackie's future, marrying Roger Rabbit, living in a mansion and living her best life.

    Then Lindsey leads an as-painless-as-possible Math class because Jackie may or may not have hired someone to take Statistics for her in college. Cannot deny or confirm, sorry.

    Then Kelly takes us home with a Halloween quiz because DID YOU GUYS KNOW IT'S SPOOKY SEASON AND WE WON'T STOP UNTIL NOVEMBER. K, thanks.

    Will Jackie win this game because she pulled some serious knowledge out of her butt and impressed us all? YUP. That happens.

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    For resources, support, and to find out how you can help survivors of sexual assault:

  • Goodbye Christopher Columbus and HELLLLLLLOOOOOOOOO Native Americans! Do you know what state was the first state to recognize Indigenous Peoples' Day instead of Columbus Day? We will give you a hint. It's long and liberal and rhymes with Palifornia.

    After Kelly leads us in a History quiz all about Indigenous Peoples' Day, Lindsey continues our Spooky Season celebration with a quiz all about ghosts. Here's a ghost riddle just for fun. What kind of roads do ghosts like to drive on? Answer this riddle in a comment and don't forget to give us five stars while you're at it.

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    If you want to support the Native American community this Indigenous Peoples' Day, check out the links below!

    Association on American Indian Affairs (AAIA)

    Native American Capital (NAC)

    Women Empowering Women for Indigenous Nations (WEWIN)

    Native American Rights Fund (NARF)

  • Happy Spooky Season you little critters! It's time to bust out your sweaters, carve some pumpkins and snack on some circus peanuts.

    And because nothing is more fall than pumpkin spice everything, Lindsey does a pumpkin spice quiz to get your palate ready. Did you know that Starbucks' Pumpkin Spice Latte has 90,000 Twitter followers? Don't hate. But also isn't that dumb.

    And because it wouldn't be October with Oktoberfest, we end this episode with an Oktoberfest game where we chat about german beer, pretzels and lederhosen. We also find out that Oktoberfest isn't even in October but actually in September and this is why everything is horrible and everything is a lie.

    Happy Spooky Season you girls and ghouls.

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    Also!!!! Abortion Funds and Beyond: Here are the ways you can help Texans.

    And if you can, please donate to the Afghan Women's Mission:

  • Light up a doobie cause this one is a fun little doozy. We have actor, comedian, cabaret star and former Susan Miller fan....Scout Durwood aka Lady Scountington!!!!!! Hey girl, hey!

    Because Scout is living that #vanlife she joins us from a van pulled over on the side of the road on her way to Palm Springs! That's California traffic and that's commitment!

    Because Scout is originally from Kansas City, Kansas, Kelly starts our school day off in Geometry class where we learn a lot about tornados because apparently that's a thing there.

    Then, because Scout starred in the MTV show Mary + Jane we go to D.A.R.E and learn all about drugs, man. You’ve played a game on FYIS but have you played a game on FYIS on Weeeeeeeed?

    Kelly then takes us to Student Government, although her class doesn't really have anything to do with Student Government and is more about strange awards shows in honor of Scout being nominated for a Streamy Award. Just go with it.

    Then Lindsey ends our day in Fashion class where we learn all about Coco Chanel? Why, you ask? Well, because miss Chanel was responsible for the famous quote, "Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take one thing off." And why is this significant? Because Scout's visual album (that you should WATCH NOW) is called 'Take one thing off' and it's AMAZING! Link below.

    Will Scout school us from a van parked in the middle of no where? Will Kelly want to join the pool rats? Will Lindsey know anything about tornados? No. She's more of a hurricane aficianado.

    Ps. Special shout out to Susan Miller. We hope the stars have aligned and you're eating lots of non-anemic omelets these days.

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    Also!!!! Abortion Funds and Beyond: Here are the ways you can help Texans.

    And if you can, please donate to the Afghan Women's Mission:

  • Goodbye summer and helllllllllo fall. This week we are falling out of love with summer and falling into bed with fall. We are saying "so long" to summer and "farewell no longer" to fall! Summer is a sucker and fall is fierce, baby! What we are trying to say is that it is no longer summer and now it's time for fall, okay!? Got it?

    This week we do a deep dive into calendars, Julius Caesar and watermelon. Fruit or vegetable? You tell us! This episode is inspired, riveting and promises to make you think differently about the leap year. WE PROMISE.

    Happy fall, ya'll.

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    Also!!!! Abortion Funds and Beyond: Here are the ways you can help Texans.

    And if you can, please donate to the Afghan Women's Mission:

  • Oh boy, oh boy! Do we have a treat for you! This week we sit down with comedian, writer and Twitter extraordinaire MYKA FOX!!

    When we asked Myka what her favorite subjects were she stumped us with her thirst for statistics, linguistics and physics. Clearly Myka hasn't listened to the show or she would have known that we aren't smart enough to write such quizzes. HELP!

    "Irregardless", Lindsey starts the school day with a Statistics quiz called, "Survey Says" where she asks two real statistics questions and then switches to some of the weirdest statistics of all time because she isn't really smart enough to teach an entire class on numbers and things.

    Then Kelly takes us to Marching Band class because Myka used to be a whizz on the french horn? Timbales? MARIMBAS! Get it girl!

    At recess we talk about all the times Myka got kicked out of her friend group. Kids can be so cruel! LEAVE LITTLE MYKA ALONE OR ELSE!

    Then Lindsey makes an attempt at teaching the class Linguistics with a game called "First Statistics, Now Linguistics". Spoiler: Kelly's edible kicks in during this quiz and things get realllll hairy.

    Then Kelly ends our school day with a Theatre History class where we play a game called "What A Bunch Of Thespians" where we get all Greek and shit. Question: Who came first? Jesus or Thespis? Asking for a couple of dumb dumbs.

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    Also!!!! Abortion Funds and Beyond: Here are the ways you can help Texans.

    And if you can, please donate to the Afghan Women's Mission: