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週三的夜晚,用一個問句來聊聊給自己一個微醺解憂時光🍾️*解憂樹洞信箱:[email protected]把煩惱留在樹洞,帶著微笑往前走:)--Hosting provided by SoundOn
Are you a lightworker or heart-centered business owner and want to integrate your spiritual and business growth? This podcast was built for you.
It's here where you step into the role of the Heart-Centered CEO, the side of you who knows how to create the most amount of reach, impact, and yes, income for your business. What sets you apart?
Each strategy is executed through the filter of love, kindness, compassion, and consciousness.
Mission: Together we can heighten the consciousness of the planet through our business success. I'll see you on the inside -
The Doing God’s Business podcast is about integrating faith and work. Our vision is to equip and empower Christians to live out their Kingdom calling in the world from Monday through Sunday. In each episode we interview a guest, hear their story, and ask them questions about the process they’ve gone through in learning how to integrate their Christian faith with their everyday work. After each interview, Dr. Paul Stevens shares his thoughts and insights as well. This podcast is a production from the Institute for Marketplace Transformation.
「有股票的地方,就有江湖。」我們是一群誓師出征的鄉民,邀集台股各山頭的「哥們」,加上半導體工程師、律師、摸股師,準備創造散戶史詩般的勝績,雋永傳頌🎉卡斯陣容👍🏾三本柱:右側價值交易律師-律哥;亞洲鐵牌王-C哥;IC小教父-B哥。上弦來賓:產業最前線-總編;期貨葉問-理查哥(理財/股市/投資/股票/期貨/產業/科技/防疫/趨勢/美股/小資/法律/財富自由) Telegram聽眾互動平台:;臉書搜尋🔍哥!急拉;聯絡信箱:[email protected];🌟哥!急拉團隊獨家贊助富士湧水 來自日本天然水官方網站:粉絲優惠碼:bro享有9折特惠 ; 理查哥課程粉絲團@qyn0649q或報名電話0901400755黃小姐 ; 獨家業配:黃肽吉薑黃飲(哥急拉團隊の專屬管家)FB搜尋🔍交擎生技
職涯發展|人際溝通|個人成長|商業管理|兩性關係姚詩豪(Bryan)與張國洋(Joe)兩位管理顧問,和你分享「成為成熟大人」的必備學問。-有什麼問題想問Joe跟Bryan嗎?提問&合作信箱:[email protected]**若需匿名,請自行提供暱稱**-➡ 大人學網站➡大人學Facebook ➡大人學Instagram provided by SoundOn
哈囉,這裡是【賺錢研究室】,我們是一對理財夫妻 S&W,有個即將出生的 Baby 叫做 Mickey。從第 25 集開始,每週大約 10~15 分鐘,我們會從生活的各個面向切入,和你聊聊投資理財相關的話題。如果你有任何想對我們說的話,歡迎透過下方這個連結留言,我們會在節目中回應你唷!讓我們一起邁向財富自由,並且打造自己喜歡的生活~ ☛想對我們說說話:【免費資源】☛下載專屬你的財富自由計畫書:☛下載你的斜槓收入指南:☛免費測驗—你適合哪一種被動收入類型:【更認識 Ms.selena】☛到 Youtube 看更多生活理財內容:☛到 Instagram 關注 Selena 的生活:☛到 Instagram 關注 理財夫妻 S&W 的生活:【合作邀約】[email protected]
📌 本節目係由2021年於台北(線上)青職特會後所發起的共同追求紀錄,活水庫藉由臺灣福音書房所發行之一年份電子暢讀版的李常受文集,再轉錄播出,顧及書量較大及版權問題,此單元不提供電子閱讀文稿,僅提供一年一遍追進度表給弟兄姊妹,盼望激勵弟兄姊妹一同進入追求今時代主恢復的真理,並鼓勵有興趣追求的弟兄姊妹可至臺灣福音書房網站訂購實體書或電子信息!感謝主! 以下附上暢讀一年電子版連結: 一人暢讀: 團購(10人)暢讀: 一年一遍追求進度表下載連結: provided by SoundOn
關於投資,也關於人生觀。投資是賺錢的工具,不是生命的全部,輕鬆做好投資,也是一種選擇。以淺顯易懂和活潑有趣的方式對談,分享真實的投資經驗、挖掘各行各業的賺錢訣竅。一起探索出最適合的投資之道!--【股市隱者|全方位操盤筆記】與您分享股市最全面的資訊,包含總經、產業分析、個股研究、操作想法等想看最新文章內容可至臉書粉專 🔍股市隱者以圖解投資相關知識及分享投資大師們的名言語錄請追蹤IG 🔍hermittaiwan provided by SoundOn