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我哋覺得性除咗係好嚴肅的話題,也可以係一個好有趣的現象,值得我哋探討我地會揾一D有趣同得意的性趣聞同大家分享...希望一齊了解性更多,了解自己更多!#廣東話podcast#支持我們探討性文化:轉數快FPS FPS ID:9513011 , 收款人:「HONG KONG SEX CULTURE SOCIETY LIMITED」。完成後,請保留「成功過數頁面截 圖」,連同捐款者姓名、電郵、電話及地址,電郵[email protected]#其他捐款方法可Whatsapp(52001161) 查詢#或致電31651858--Hosting provided by SoundOn
我們是淡江大傳35屆畢業製作廣播組「開麥悄悄話Whisper on air」
其他相關合作信箱:[email protected] -
The podcast where Caitlin & Carly Ann talk all about love, dating, relationships, attachment styles, and everything in between. You will learn how to find & keep healthy, happy relationships and deepen your connections with yourself and others.
Your hosts are two experienced love & relationship coaches who specialise in attachment work, self-esteem, & dating. Between them they have worked with hundreds of people on their own healing journey.
Each episode shares their personal insights, experience, and practical tips to help you create the secure (& lasting) relationship you deserve.
Anita & Wei 都是從飯店業出身,認識十幾年後因為緣分到了便合作產出了"人中小姐很有事"餐酒館。
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☆任何活動邀約或課程需求請善用我們的e-mail 喔!
[email protected]
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或搜尋Line ID:@046hfehi
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Are you a giver and a doer? Are you someone who has shown your grit and powered through, and now you're ready for the other side? Now you re looking for the conversations that remind you about self care, that bring to mind grace and understanding, and give you space to reflect on purpose. Do you want more room to breathe and to live life with a little more ease? Each week, we discover tools and ways of thinking that support alignment, build stronger connections, help us find better questions, and live our best life. Most weeks we laugh, some weeks the topics touch close to home, but ultimately; this is where we grow together as seekers and thrivers. The Grit Show - growth on purpose.
Are you fed up with feeling like life is controlling you instead of the other way around? Are you stuck in relationships that no longer serve you or living a life of quiet desperation? Perhaps you find yourself living to please others, rather than following your own values.
Life was never meant to be overly complicated. It's time to have a raw conversation with yourself and increase your self-worth to take on any challenge that comes your way. By being more self-aware, you can break free from the constraints that hold you back and start living life on your own terms. Together, let's explore the possibilities of a fulfilling life filled with purpose and happiness. -
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Have you always known you could change the world - if only you could find your car keys on the regular?
Clutter Free Academy is for you. If you want to live clutter free, organized and prepared for anything, this is to podcast you must listen to.
With practical ideas and tons of hope, humor and how-tos, host Kathi Lipp with teach you to live with Less Cutter, More Life. -
The Family Team at Pump Court Chambers present this weekly podcast featuring discussion of a variety of topics from across the spectrum of family law, joined by regular expert guests.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
我們還有個小名叫「寫作不藏私」——希望能從「在場 · 非虛構寫作獎學金」開始,談中文非虛構寫作生態,分享在場小組從報名後台看見的觀察與發現,跟隨我們的獲獎者、編輯、評委與發佈會嘉賓們,一起聊田野,聊寫作,聊在時代的現場,聊以書寫為行動。
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Have you ever felt that life was just passing you by, spending day in and day out checking boxes but not truly happy? Tyler and Todd did too, until they sold everything to move into an RV in search of a simpler life. From interviews with inspiring guests who dared to take risks, to conversations on topics ranging from home renovations to the LGBTQ+ experience, this weekly podcast isn’t afraid to take a few tangents in search of life’s biggest questions…with more than a few laughs along the way.
Spill the tea HERE:
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Liebe – aber unkonventionell. Ein Podcast über das Leben in einer polyamoren Beziehung. Anfang 2020 haben Saskia und Lui Michalski sich mit ihrer unkonventionellen Liebe geoutet und entschlossen, das Thema „Liebe außerhalb der Norm“ zu enttabuisieren. Innerhalb der letzten Jahre haben sie xx-Millionen Aufrufe generiert, zu diversen Diskussionen in den Medien angeregt und sich eine Community aufgebaut, die mit ihnen das Ziel verfolgt, mehr Transparenz und Akzeptanz in der Gesellschaft zu schaffen. In diesem Podcast lernst du die beiden, sowie ihre Beziehung(en), hautnah kennen. Ehrlich und ungeschönt beleuchten die Michalskis ihr eigenes Leben, Themen, wie die Liebe, LGBTQAI+, ihren Blick auf die Gesellschaft, Social Media, das Influencerdasein und was Glück für sie bedeutet.
Ab sofort gibt es jeden Mittwoch wieder eine neue Folge von „Die Michalskis".
Hosts: Saskia Michalskis ( Lui Michalski (
„Die Michalskis” ist ein Podcast von Podimo. Wenn du den Podcast hören möchtest, findest du jede Woche Mittwoch eine neue Folge in der Podimo App. Du kannst diesen Podcast und viele ähnlich Inhalte 30 Tage lang kostenlos testen. Geh einfach auf
Du kannst das Probeabo jederzeit kündigen. Du wirst auf der Seite deine Bezahldaten hinterlegen müssen, um deine Anmeldung abzuschließen, aber keine Angst, wenn du innerhalb der 30 Tage kündigst, zahlst du natürlich keinen Cent.Nur wenn du nach deinem Probeabo bei Podimo bleiben willst, zahlst du im Monat 4,99 € und bekommst weiterhin Zugriff auf alle exklusiven Podcasts und Hörbücher der App. -
♦︎ 追蹤「周慕姿放心說」臉書:
♦︎ 追蹤「周慕姿放心說」IG:
♦︎ 廣告、合作邀約請來信:[email protected]
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The Happy Dog Podcast is designed to bring you ideas and uplifting information to help you live a meaningful and fulfilled life with your dog from a holistic perspective. Let's explore the world of a happy dog! For more information on the show's host and her business visit,
I asked my female and non-binary guests the same four questions, and together, we followed the intriguing threads of story and curiosity as they unspooled.
1 - Where are you and whose traditional (Indigenous) territory are you on?
2 - What’s your favourite fairytale/ancient tale?
3 - What’s your relationship with your body like?
4 - And what’s your connection to your creativity?
These potent conversations are created by mixing creativity + the body + fairy tales + conversation with wild abandon. -
Marriage and Martinis is an attempt to present a real, authentic marriage at its core: the love, hate, teamwork, struggles, laughter, humiliation, and ever-changing dynamics that comprise spousal relationships. Join Danielle and Adam as they explore every hilarious, heartfelt, shocking, embarrassing, and completely inappropriate facet of marriage and parenting. It’s a bumpy ride, but it’s worth it.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.