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Ja negribi, lai Jēzus ir tikai garīgās labsajūtas patēriņa produkts, bet dzīves centrs, kas veido tavu identitāti un dzīves misiju, tad domāsim un meklēsim ceļu kopā. Dzimumam, vecumam un sociālajam stāvoklim nav nozīmes. Visu izsaka sirds plašums! Pievienojies!
Tev varētu būt pa ceļam ar BGI MISSIO podkāstu, ja arī tevi saista kāds no mūsu 3 stūrakmeņiem.
1. Tendences pasaulē. Mēs runājam ar zinošiem cilvēkiem par notikumiem pasaulē, to kopsakarībām un tendencēm. Par to, kā tas ietekmē evaņģēlija darbu dažādās zemēs.
2. Evaņģēlija būtība. Mēs sarunājamies ar garīgajiem līderiem par Jēzus evaņģēlija saturu un dabu. Kāpēc 21. gs. joprojām evaņģēlijs ir būtisks un ar iespaidu mūsdienu cilvēka pieredzē!
3. Mācekļa sūtība. Mēs dzīvojam patēriņa un labklājības kultūrā. Kā piedzīvot un īstenot Jēzus mācekļa sūtību, kas sevī ietver daudz lielāku fokusu uz Jēzus misiju.
Kāpēc tāds nosaukums podkāstam?
MISSIO[ lat. missio - 'sūtīt']
Kā Tēvs mani ir sūtījis, tā arī es jūs sūtu! Tie bija vieni no pirmajiem Jēzus vārdiem macekļiem pēc viņa augšāmcelšanās
Kas ir BGI?
Es, Pēteris Eisāns, esmu 2014. gadā dibinātās biedrības "Baltijas Globālā Iniciatīva" (BGI) vadītājs. Kopš 2014. gada labdarības akcijā kara bēgļu un krīzēs nonākušajiem pasaules bērniem esam sarūpējuši vairāk nekā 22 000 dāvaniņas. Esam organizējuši trīs vasaras pēc kārtas vasaras nometnes bērniem un pusaudžiem Gruzijas bēgļu nometnēs. Vairāk nekā 100 brīvprātīgos esam sūtījuši dažādos starptautiskos projektos. Mēs koordinējām kājas protēžu projektu Sīrijas pilsoņu kara bēgļiem Jordānijā. Mēs esam atbalstījuši pārtikas projektus Libānā, Indijā, Nigērā. Mēs atbalstījām ūdens projektu koptu martīru ciemos Ēģiptē. Mēs arī mobilizējām palīdzību Afganistānas kristiešiem pagrīdes draudzēs. Mēs nerunājam par plašāku dzīves un ticības apvārsni vien. Mēs rīkojamies. Mēs tajā dzīvojam. -
Imago Gei is a play on the term Imago Dei, which means made in the Image of God. Imago Gay is a gay podcast production affirming that we are all deserving of dignity. Gay church anyone? Spectrum Magazine, SDA Kinship along with Kendra Arsenault M.Div. have come together to bring you the latest on queer theology and a minority perspective on faith.
Imago Gay is the affirmation of our humanity and shared value in the eyes of God. This dignity and affirmation of human value, which is the birthright of every living and breathing human being is one that is often forgotten when affirming the dignity of LGBTQ lives. LGBTQ youth are four times as likely to commit suicide. LGBTQ youth also make up 40% of the homeless youth in America. Unfortunately, much of their suicidality and housing insecurity is caused by bad theology. Whether it’s parents who kick their children out of the home for coming out, or the depression that comes with believing that being queer means there is no future possibility of love, family and happiness and you’ve once dreamed. Bad theology is one that does not treat the other as Imago Dei, made in the image of God. So as a statement both to ourselves and to others, Imago Gei is a podcast that affirms that we are all made in the image of God, even the gays…. -
A gathering place for conversation, contemplation and activation. Come hang out with Mark Chabus, Agris Blaubuks, and friends as they explore topics such as human potential, spirituality, empowerment, healing and transcendence. This show was co-created to inspire you to take the most important journey of your life, the journey within. Learn how this journey can lead to radical and profound personal and social transformation. This is Source, is the vibrational frequency you’ve been searching for and the time to listen is now.
The Twilight Zone meets Mystery Science Theatre 3000 meets an uncomfortable Thanksgiving dinner conversation with your in-laws.
TFD is a weekly paranormal comedy podcast featuring real ghost stories, Cryptid lore discussions, and true paranormal experiences catering to the week’s theme. Fresh episodes drop every Thursday across all podcast platforms, and feature perspectives from both believer and skeptic sides of the aisle. So if you’re a fan of haunted places, terrifying paranormal activity, and true ghost stories from real people, you’re in the right place, friend.
Recorded in an undisclosed location somewhere in the beautiful woods of Wasilla, Alaska. -
Welcome to the "Back to Sinai with Rabbi Yaakov Rahimi" podcast, where we explore the timeless wisdom of the Torah with one of the most highly respected and influential rabbis of our time.
Rabbi Yaakov Rahimi is a graduate of Deal Yeshiva and a prominent scholar of the Lakewood Yeshiva, with deep ties to some of the most revered figures in the Jewish community.
He has played a crucial role in the Mishna Berura Tiferet project, a collection of Sephardic commentary on the Mishna Berura.
In addition to his scholarly pursuits, Rabbi Rahimi is actively involved in organizations such as Chazaq, Torah Anytime, NCSY, BJX, and Partners in Torah, where he shares his insights and guidance with people from all walks of life.
Join us on the "Back to Sinai with Rabbi Yaakov Rahimi" podcast as we delve into the rich teachings of the Torah and seek guidance and inspiration from one of the most respected and learned voices in the Jewish community.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We investigate all things ritual through conversations with some of the most interesting individuals engaging with ritual today. Join host Tova Leibovic-Douglas on her mission to demystify ritual for the everyday person. Life moves fast. Ritual slows us down. You'll learn how this practice can help you mark moments in your life, big and small, while allowing you to connect more deeply to answers buried within us as human beings. Let's bring ritual into our lives for the way we live and work now. Together we can keep this meaningful practice alive.
Welcome to "Finding Your Heart," a podcast designed exclusively for the Christian woman seeking guidance on faith, love, life, and purpose. Join us as we explore the dynamic spectrum of experiences—whether you're single, married, engaged in ministry, or on a quest to uncover your deepest purpose.
Our discussions delve into the intricacies of cultivating Godly relationships and empower you to become the best version of yourself. Tune in for candid conversations that span the spectrum of life's seasons, offering insights and inspiration for your unique journey. -
Мари Новосад говорит о сексе, отношениях и жизненных историях, которые делают их веселее.18+
Для вопросов недели: [email protected]
Инстаграм: @marienovosad -
Подкаст о том, каким разным бывает нон-фикшн. Его ведущие Лиза Каменская (соиздательница литературного журнала «Незнание») и Саша Баженова-Сорокина (филолог, преподавательница и переводчица) очень любят читать и почти так же сильно любят обсуждать прочитанное.
Каждый эпизод посвящен одной книге из нехудожественной литературы. Раз в неделю Лиза и Саша будут делиться впечатлениями, объяснять, почему это стоит читать, рекомендовать похожие книги и очень много шутить. -
"Empty Inside" is a podcast where host Jennette McCurdy talks with a different guest each episode, doing a deep dive into a specific topic. General topic areas are comedy, eating disorders, filmmaking, jealousy, therapy, and the crippling sense of doom we all face as we desperately try to fill the void within.
Привет, интернет! Меня зовут Маруся.
Здесь я читаю страшные истории своих подписчиков
Свои истории отправляйте сюда: -
PREDATORS I'VE CAUGHT is a deep dive into the most shocking cases from the infamous TO CATCH A PREDATOR series, hosted by award-winning journalist Chris Hansen. Chris revisits unforgettable investigations in each episode, revealing new insights, behind-the-scenes details, and “Where are they now?” updates on some of the most notorious predators.
Have a question or case suggestion? Email Chris directly at [email protected].
For advertising or sponsorship-related questions, visit
For more on To Catch a Predator, visit the official fan Wiki. -
Leah Remini and Mike Rinder's podcast, Fair Game will take you behind the facade and expose the terrible truth about scientology's Fair Game doctrine. It's been used for 5 decades to destroy anyone they label an enemy -- former scientologists, media, government officials -- anyone they think is impeding their objectives. Leah and Mike are covering new ground, digging deeper than ever into the shocking documents, facts and stories that will make you wonder how any of this is going on in America today.
Подкаст банка «Точка» и студии Либо/Либо о самых захватывающих историях из мира корпоративных противостояний. Что делали компании, чтобы выиграть в конкурентной борьбе? Какие стратегии полетели, а какие привели к падению? Что было гениальной находкой, а что обернулось полным провалом?
Взрослому бизнесу нужны не маленькие лайфхаки, а большие истории. В этом подкасте мы ищем реальные факты и делаем из них полезные предпринимателям выводы. -
Carrie Jade Does Not Exist is the story of how one woman, who took on over six different identities, infiltrated the lives of vulnerable people, and lied her way into gaining their trust. This series hosted by Sue Perkins and journalist Katherine Denkinson tells the story of how Carrie built up a picture-perfect persona and scammed her way into the literary world until she finally got tangled up in her very own web of lies.
But, it doesn’t end there. Bonus episodes are released as new information from the current case emerges.
Find us on other platforms here -
If you're interested in sponsorship and advertising in Carrie Jade Does Not Exist, then we'd love to hear from you. Just email [email protected] and we'll tell you more!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome to Raising Heights with Zach and Tori Roloff, where we invite you to join us on an unfiltered journey into our real lives. We explore the facets of parenting, relationships and the unique challenges that have made us who we are today—diving far deeper than you’ve ever seen. Join us every week on our newest adventure for some laughs, love, and stories never before shared.